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February 05, 1970 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-02-05

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Al bee's


page three



NEWS PHIONE: 764-0552

Thursday, February 5, 1970

Ann Arbor, Michigan

page Three

Trueblood Theatre

now thru Sat.

New activist librarians to man the stacks

Box office open-1O:O-8:OO P.M.
Phone 764-5387


Kiwanis Activities Center
Corner W. Washington and 1st Sts.
Furniture, Clothing, Shoes, Books,
Hardware, Toys, and so forth
HOURS: Thurs. 9-6; Fri. 9-8; Sat. 9-2

The "quiet, please" lady with her hair
pulled neatly in a bun and feet secure-
ly tied into orthopedic shoes may be a
vanishing sight in modern libraries.
Library science professors and stu-
dents say the role of the librarian is
changing, and in the future the stereo-
typed little lady will most likely be
replaced by a computer specialist or a
systems analysis expert. In the interim,
libraries will be staffed by a new ac-
tivist breed of librarians who hang peace
posters in reading rooms and bring
books to ghetto children.
"The information explosion has made'
the need for librarianship very import-
ant, says library science Prof. Thomas
Slavens. "Making this information avail-
able in a speedy and efficient manner
is a tremendous vocation."

"There are blue sky predictions of
total automation for libraries," Slavens
admits. Currently only a few wealthy
libraries in government and industry
have been able to experiment with the
most elaborate automation techniques.
However, nearly every library has at
least been able to automate the rou-
tine jobs such as circulation, ordering
books and cataloguing, Slavens adds.
"By releasing the librarian f r o m
these things, she has more time f o r
planning, supervision and co-ordinat-
ing," he says. "It gives her more time
to spend with the patrons."
To meet the new innovations in lib-
rary work, the library science school cur-
rently is offering a course in the dif-
ferent methods of documentation and
information retrieval, and a course in
data processing for libraries.

Library science grad student, M a r y
Beth Laurell says courses in library ad-
ministration and data processing are
particularly relevant.
"I was really afraid of computers,"
she admits, "but if you're going to live
in this society you have to know how
to work with them."
She suggests, however, that a work-
study program could be more profit-
able. "When you're in a college atmos-
phere for so long you lose sight of what
the working world is like," she says.
Russel Bidlack, Dean of the school
of Library Science, believes the future
will bring "an increasing distinction
made in most libraries between profes-
sional and non-professional duties.
"This would probably mean there will
be a greater number of library technic-
ians who won't be considered profes-

sional librarians but will perform most
of the duties that are currently, unhap-
pily, being performed by well trained
librarians," he explains.
Library science students who will staff
these automated libraries believe the
image of the librarian should change
just as the library is.
"We want people to see the librar-
ian not as the grumpy old lady but as a
human being who knows something be-
sides how to check out books," s a y s
grad student Debbie Ness.
And Miss Laurell maintains that "So
many people have the impression of the
librarian as an old lady wearing wedgy
shoes, grumpy clothes and glasses and
going around telling people to be quiet.
That's not the way it should be. It
makes people afraid to come into the

"The library is a public facility and
it should be used as such-it's potential
is tremendous," she adds.
Library science Prof. Robert H. Mul-
ler agrees. "The role of the librarian
will change from one who is passively
making books available to one who will
increasingly go out and make certain in-
fluences in the community," he says.
"They will want to provide what's cur-
rent to the information needs of the
people regardless of the form in which
this information comes," he adds.
"The older librarians are going to be
more inflexible because they are older,"
Miss Laurell says. "It's the job of the
young people to make them realize they
must maintain their flexibility in order
to be effective in the system and in so-
ciety." -



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by T he Associated Press and College Press Service
PRESIDENT NIXON said yesterday he is giving federal
agencies three years and $359 million to stop polluting the air and
Nixon issued an executive order requiring all federal facilities-
including "buildings, installations, structures, public works, equip-
ment, aircraft, vessels, and other vehicles and property" - to com-
plete or at least begin necessary pollution abatement actions by
Dec. 31, 1972, at the latest.
Nixon is asking his riew Council on Environmental Quality to
maintain a continuing review. The orders call for compliance with
air and water quality standards already set by state and federal
The order regarding aircraft and other military facilities, how-
ever, provides that certain exemptions may be made where national
security or extraordinary cases of national interest are involved.
quit after serving less than two weeks.
Mayor Carl Stokes called Ellenburg a "victim of unproven ac-
cusations." Stokes returned Tuesday from Detroit, wherfe he made
a personal investigation into allegations that Ellenberg shared in
bribes averaging $1,000 a month for several years with two other
officers while on the Detroit police force.
The charges, made by lawyer Lawrence Burns and published in
the Detroit Free Press, said that the bribes aimed at protecting a
Detroit abortion clinic.
Ellenberg's second-in-command officer Thomas Cochill, also a
retired Detroit police officer, also submitted his resignation. The third
accused officer, Deputy Chief of Detectives George Bloomfield, has
been relieved at his own request of those units of the detective divi-
sion which might become involved in an investigation of the allega-
Stokes appointed Inspector Louis Coffey to succeed Ellenburg,
yesterday over scheduling voting on the Supreme Court nomina-
tion of Judge G. Harrold Carswell.
President Nixon's nomination of the 50-year-old Tallahassee,
Fla., circuit court judge, opposed by civil rights groups, has become
tangled up with . a proposed constitutional amendment providing
for the election of the president by direct, popular vote.
Sen. Birch Bayh, D-Ind., demanded that before acting on Cars-
well's nomination the committee agree on a date for voting on the
direct election amendment, which was approvedI by the House last
The move was opposed by Republican committee members who
saw it as an attempt to prevent action on the nomination by liberal
AMERICAN SAVERS, beset by inflation and promised higher
interest elsewhere, have cashed in more savings bonds than they've
bought for the last 14 months.
The Treasury Department reported yesterday a $122 million
deficit, the highest of a slide that began in Dec., 1968.
Thomas Hughes, deputy national director of the Treasury's Sav-
ings Bonds Division, conceded in an interview that "we are concerned
about the increase in redemptions." But, he added, "We feel they
are going to level off" as a result of the increase in interest rates
authorized by Congress late last year."

a ° s
aw °,

rj __

pj g " A udience


Thursdoy, February 5
7: "PARK ROW" (Dedicated to Armenian
oLurnal ism)
9:."THE STEEL HELMET" (Watch war
break men )
'Some of my films don't mean anything to anybody,
except I like them."
-Samuel Fuller
Program information 75c Come at 7, see the
662-8871 7c9free. Good News

-Associated Press
SEN. KENNEDY expresses reservations about President Nixon's draft reform law at a news con-
ference yesterday.
, ee
Kenned dobtful aut Nixon

U.S. not to
Says Nixon plans
to take forces
out of Vietnam.
WASHINGTON (2 - Senate
Republican L e a d e r Hugh
Scott said yesterday he doubts
President Nixon would re-
spond to new enemy attacks
in Vietnam by re-escalating
U.S. troop strength.
Testifying before t h e Senate
Foar e ign Relations Committee,
Scott s a i d renewedassaults
"might lengthen" the process' of
U.S. withdrawal but that the Nix-
on administration is determined
to bring a complete end to the
U.S. presence in Vietnam.
He added, however, that "it is
possible" some U.S. troops will
remain after the bulk of American
forces are withdrawn.
He noted during an appearance'
on the second of three days L
hearingsthat the American pe-
ple have accepted the presence of
50,004 U.S. troops in South Ko-
If American troops in Vietnam
are necessary to keep the peace,'
Scott said, the good judgment of
the American people will be able:,.
to "surmount the hysteria of a
limited number of critics."
Scott urged the committee to
approve the proposal by himself,
Democratic Leader M ik e Mans-
field and 44 others backing Pres-
ident Nixon's peace efforts but.
urging a mutual cease-fire.
Any new attacks during th e'
withdrawal process, he said, would'
prompt Nixon to carry out his
threat to "resort to the use o1
such American power as neces-
sary to protect the withdrawal
process and the Vietnamization of
the war. '
Scott t o 1 d reporters later, "I
would not anticipate - barring
some catastrophic occurrence -
the entry of outide nations -
that the reaction of the President
would be in terms of escalating
the troop involvement in the war,"
adding that he did not want' to
guess publicly what t h e Presi-
dent's reaction to renewed enemy
attacks would be.
Asked to explain a statement
that U.S. withdrawal is an "ir-
reversible process," Scott said "it
is the intention of the govern-
ment of the United States to con-
tinue the process of withdrawal
until situations arise which will
permit the withdrawal of the en;
tire American presence in Viet-
The Michigan Daily, edited and man-
aged by students at the University of
Michigan. News phone: 764-0552. Sennd
Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan, 420 Maynard St., Anl Arb,
Michigan 48104. Published daily Tue-s
day thrcugh Sunday morning Univer-
sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by
carrier, $10 by mail.
Summer Session publshed Tuesday
through Saturday mrning. 8Sbscip-
tion rates: $3.00 by carrier, $3.00 by

WASHINGTON (/P) - Sen. Ed-
ward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) said
yesterday he has "serious reser-
vations" about the administra-
tion's intent on draft reform.
At the same time Kennedy ex-
pressed hope his subcommittee's
recommendations for changes in
Selective Service "will serve as a
blueprint for action by the ad-
The subcommittee recommen-
dations, released Tuesday, called
for broad changes in a proclaimed
effort to achieve fairer treatment
of all draft registrants.
The report contended that the
present system "favors registrants
from wealthier families."
Prepared by the Judiciary Com-
mittee's subcommittee on admin-
istrative practice and procedure,
the report called for elimination
of occupational deferments im-
mediately and banning of college
deferments during time of con-
Other changes sought by ex-
ecutive action included random
selection of birthdates for the lot-
tery by computer, substituting a
national manpower arrangement
instead of local boards, abolish-

ing state and local draft quotas,l
uniform national policy a n d a
completely revised appeals pro-
Kennedy said tie recommenda-
tions w e r e given to the White
House and the Defense Depart-
ment in advance of their public
release but he had received no
reaction from either.
"I'm presently distressed," Ken-
nedy told a news conference, "be-
cause the Armed Services Com-
mittee deferred hearings on draft
reform at the request of the ad-
ministration and placed the mili-
tary procurement bill ahead."
He said this will delay hearings
for six or eight weeks. "There is
increasing question and doubt

where we are going on this issue,"
Kennedy said. He said that about
a year ago two or three proposals
had been sent to the Defense De-
partment for analysis and have
not been returned.
"I have serious reservations
about the intent of the adminis-
tration on this issue," he added.
Kennedy, in reply to a ques-
tion, said it would be better for
Congress to make the changes but
"there is need for immediate ac-
tion" and the President can act
Kennedy said the congressional
hearings will delve into the pro-
posals of a volunteer army, con-
tinuation of the draft and broad
basic problems and policy.

Program Information

SHOWS AT: 1:00, 3:05, 5:10,
7:15, and 9:20

Government i licensing
of reporters proposed

What is TOPAZ?
is TOPAZ a person.
A code name? A mystery?
It's all of these and more.
TOPAZ is Leon Uris' best.
smler about the most incred-
ible spy scandal for years.


SUNDAY, FEB. 8-8:30 P.M.-Hill Aud.

WASHINGTON toP) - A mem-
ber of the national violence com-
mission suggested Wednesday that
reporters for newspapers, televis-
ion and radio be licensed by a gov-
ernment agency similar to boards
which license lawyers.
Dr. W. Walter Menninger, t h e
only psychiatrist on the 13-mem-
ber National Commisison on the
Causes and Prevention of V io-
lence, said licensing boards in
other professions have helped to
weed out "individuals who are to-
tally inept."
Contending reporters and news

commentators may lack the basic
understanding of such, issues as
minority frustrations, and may be
inaccessible to the man on the
street, Menninger suggested a sys-
tem of certification, much as
teachers are certified by a state
Such a board would be estab-
lished under state law, but certifi-
cation would be approved or dis-
approved by peers or members of
the news profession.
"This would not necessarily be a
threat to a free press," he said.


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