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February 05, 1970 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1970-02-05

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Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

'Happiness is





Flemings double jeopardy

"UP AGAINST the wall," a favorite SDS
slogan in past years, has suddenly
become something very real for the local
chapter of the group. It happened Tues-
day when President Robben Fleming
calmly instituted his triple punch, aim-
ed at the repression of the Ann Arbor
Fleming apparently feels that he is un-
der no pressure to exercise restraint and,
in fact, he has the support of much of
the University community. However, in
seeking action through the civil courts,
CSJ and the literary college, he is raising
two issues with broader implications than
the immediate disturbances.
First, there is the question of double
jeopardy. Yesterday in a press confer-
ence, Fleming cited legal support for his
position, saying the present situation pos-
ed no problems.
Such a statement hardly sounds like
the same Robben Fleming who last sum-
mer criticized a Senate bill to cut off
aid to demonstrators. "Ordinary citizens
who are convicted suffer one penalty,"
Fleming said. "Students suffer a double
penalty - one imposed by the law upon
conviction and the other by withdrawal
of financial aid. However great our dif-
ficulties, I do not believe we want to
widen the generation gap in this fashion."
Now, by prosecuting students b o t h
through the courts and LSA, Fleming is
posing the same problem which last sum-
mer he said he wanted to avoid.
THE SECOND issue which Fleming's
action, raises is an even more basic
one, that of student control of non-aca-
demic affairs. Fleming claims that the in-
cidents were academic violations 'as well
as civil ones. It is hard to see, though,
how dumping a can of paint on a Navy
recruiter or smashing glass at N o r t h
Hall relates to the academic integrity of
those involved.

Since the action basically falls out-
side the academic realm, University ac-
tion, if any, should be left to the stu-
dents. This is precisely how the whole
bylaws debate got started.
If, as seems likely, the case in the lit-
erary college goes to the Administrative
Board of the college, all the previous
theoretical discussion about student con-
trol of non-academic affairs will sud-
denly take on a very real and immediate
FLEMING CLAIMS to be seeking peace
on the campus. But through his ac-
tions Tuesday and by ignoring the causes
for those actions, Fleming is only further
undermining the tranquility he claims tox
In his press conference yesterday,
Fleming also said that SDS has never en-
joyed substantial support from faculty.
and students; he is right. However, mak-
ing martyrs out of the group by prosecut-
ing them with every means at his dis-
posal runs the risk of confusing the issues
and raising SDS to an unearned position
of importance.
In one sence, this, in fact, may be his
intention. By using a popular action,
Fleming may be hoping to win a prece-
dent in the battle over the bylaws. Such
a roundabout victory must not be allowed
to happen.
THE STUDENTS have already indicated
that they are . ready to resist. SGC
postponed a confrontation with the Re-
gents on the bylaws issue in favor of the
black students. But if Tuesday's repres-
sive tactics are continued or increased,
it is all but certain that some kind of
blow-up will result.
As with his statement on double jeo-
pardy, Fleming is contradicting himself..
His statements ask for peace, but his ac-
tions are a clear invitation for increas-
ing conflict.

(EDlITOR'S NOTE: The following
is a guest feature by Chiet Kuis
who is the President of the Baits
Local of the Ann Arbor Tenants
IN THE EARLY days of the rent
strike against private landlords
in Ann Arbor, a popular button
had as its slogan, "Happiness Is
University Housing,"
Times have changed, and so
have buttons and attitudes. The
red and white Baits Tenant Union
button represents the focusing of
the struggle for student power on-
to the domain of University hous-
ing. What began last semester as
a residents' demand for rent re-
duction has mushroomed into the
formation of a Baits local for thie
Ann Arbor Tenants Unionr the
first AATU local to be established
in University housing.
A week before the Jan. 30 pay-
ment for housing, the BTU voted
to endorse a rent strike against
Baits. So far, $2,000 has flowed
from Baits into the AATU escrow
fund. The Baits precedent has
motivated other dorms to begin
organizing into tenant union lo-
cals to demand their rights as
student tenants.
MOST BAITS residents, as well
as residents in other University
housing, sought refuge from the
high cost of living in Ann Arbor
by retreating to University hous-
ing. Since the University is the
number-one employer, landowner,
and landlord in Ann Arbor, isn't
the high cost of living here more
the fault of the University than
any other party?
In the bookstore controversy,
the University assumed the stance
of not wishing to compete with
private bookstores. Is the failure
of the University to provide low
cost, adequate housing for stu-
dents another example of the un-
holy alliance between the Univer-
sity and private interests in Ann
Since the University housing
pays no taxes, is financed through
3 per cent loans and other aid
under the federal College Housing
Act, and supposedly operates on a
non-profit basis, would it not be
reasonable to assume that stu-
dents generally get a better buy
in University housing than from
the robber-baron landlords in Ann
Arbor? However, such is not the
ture received from the Office of
University Housing described the
complex as a "new concept in
graduate housing." Approximately
1'200 students live in the ten-
building complex on North Cam-
Since Baits only includes 'room,'
graduate students wishing to sat-
isfy a mundane appetite have
three choices: high-priced and
cold Servomation sandwiches; food
from the snackbar which serves
the ten-building complex; op-

tional meal contracts at Bursley,
three blocks away.
Baits lacks the dining facilities
found in undergraduate dorms and
the kitchen facilities found in
apartments. Since nearly half of
Baits residents live in "doubles,"
the focus will turn to this gem of
University planning.
BASICALLY a 12 by 12 foot
room shared by two residents, the
double has no cooking facilities;
and washroom facilities are shared
with another double. Students in
doubles lack privacy and living
space. The ten-building complex
has only four lounges, which are
not decorated, lack curtains, and
are totally depressing. Each man
in the double pays $61.25 a month
-a total of over $122 a month for
one skimpy room.
Since the Baits double shares
washroom facilities with another
double, an enlightening compari-
son can be made by considering
two doubles together.Four men
thus share two. 12 by 12 foot
rooms, with one washroom. Still
they have no cooking facilities, no
privacy, no living space. Total
rent: $240 per month!
Even the robber-baron landlords
of Ann Arbor are more generous
than that. For that rent, it would
not be uncommon to have a four
room apartment, with kitchen fa-
cilities and air-conditioning,all of
which Baits does not offer.
THE OFFICE of University
Housing claims that "the high
cost of living in Ann Arbor," plus
unionization of workers, skyrockets
the rent.
Private landlords are subject to
the same high cost of living and
labor costs, in addition to paying
taxes and higher interest on their
buildings; yet they make a profit,
while University housing sup-
posedly operates at cost. Whereas
in the private sector studentspay
for landlord profiteering, in Uni-
versity housing they pay for Uni-
versity management.
In both sectors students tradi-
tionally have been forced to accept
prefabricated policy decisions in
which they had no say and which
are against their interests.
Mr. Feldkamp claims that Baits
rents reflect the high quality con-
struction which private. apart-
ments admittedly often lack. Four
examples can readily be cited to
illustrate incompetent planning
and mismanagement which event-
ually costs students dearly: leaky
basements, malfunctioning show-
ers, stairwell enclosures, and land-
WHEN BAITS opened, base-
ment rooms were flooded every-
time it rained. No small construc-
tion blunder was involved, since
Baits is located on the highest hill
in town! Several students in Lee
House were again mopping up last
week during the weather thaw.
Scalding showers which fluctuate

in water pressure resulted from
the contractor not putting in a
third pipe to compensate for
toilet use.
In order to correct this over-
sight (more appropriately, under-
sight), the University will install
a water reserve tank and shower
regulators on each shower, at a
cost of $80 per shower!
Stairwells at Baits were for some
reason constructed as open. The
resulting safety hazard, due to
ice and snow, plus the corrosion
of electrical wiring under the
stairwells, made the University
enclose them at a cost of several
thousand dollars.
LAST SUMMER the University
hired a landscape firm which did
not water the lawn or do any suf-
ficient weeding all summer. In-
stead of compelling the contrac-
tor to live up to his contract, the
University did nothing. Although
the showers, the stairwells, and
the basements are "fixed" with
general reserve funds in the hous-
ing budget (not Baits funds only).
Baitsresidents and other student-
tenants must eventually pay for
poor University planning and mis-
Students also pay for policy
decisions in which they have nc
or little say. North Campus Csm-
mons was built with University
funds, and whatever loss the pri-
vate concessionaire experienced
are to be reimbursed by Univer-
sity housing. To insure against
that eventuality, the concession-
aire charges prices which few
N o r t h Campus residents can
Thus residents built, under the
guiding hand of John Feldkamp's
Office of University Housing, a
white elephant which does not
cater its service at all to student-
NORTHWOOD Apartments of-
fer married students low-cost,
adequate University housing. How-
ever, applications are not accepted
from single students. While sym-
pathetic to the plight of married
students, especially those with
families, I would question the
right of University housing to
make such an arbitrary decision.
Single students often may be in
worse financial straits than mar-
ried students, since one spouse
may have a fellowship while the
other spouse has a full-time job.
More importantly, if University
housing can provide low-cost
housing for married students, why
can't it do the same for all stu-
Office of University Housing, Mr.
Feldkamp attempts to channel our
attention to the budget. Being de-
pendent on figures supplied by the
University, we cannot undertake
the thorough criticism warranted.
As tenants, we only can compare
the end product: what we get in

University housing compared to
what private landlords offer.
The Office of University Hous-
ing will exhibit the phenomenon
of bureaurcratic spiral-spending:
their demands for more revenue
will be matched only by their mis-
appropriation of whatever revenue
they receive.
MAINTENANCE at Baits poses
a peculiar puzzle. Since Bursley
has hall washrooms, more recre-
ational facilities, and more hall-
ways (plus undergraduates who.
tend to be a little tougher on fa-
cilities than graduate students ,
one would expect biulding main-
tenance at Bursley to be higher.
Yet maintenance per resident in
Baits I is $63: in Baits II, $61;
and in Bursley, $30!
While Baits I residents pay $9
for laundry, Baits II pays $16.

evident, especially if the Univer-
sity should attempt to invoke
academic reprisals against rent
strikers. A c a d e m i c discipline
should not be invoked in none
academic matters.
If such an attempt is made, the
BTU would appeal to other stu-
dent groups to support us in re-
sisting this abuse of academic
AS A LAST resort, the AATU is
prepared to assist us in taking our
case to the courts.
Hopefully that type of confron-
tation need not arise. While in-
sistent that the Office of Univer-
sity Housing recognizes the Ann
Arbor Tenants Union as the bar-
gaining agent for student-tenants
at Baits, we will not be inflexible
in s our demands.
Basically residents at Baits (as

wow:. . ..%%t'f v;.}":.;.,;.; v . . . . . . . . ... .., t ": W f
The Baits Tenant Union has broken down the
door for tenant unions in University housing.
University housing could be a really great place
to live, provided that it becomes more people-
.. . r .. . .... ... : l: P. 1 ... .. ''.

Special services (garbage removal,
snow removal, etc.) also fluctuate
greatly. Baits I residents pay $39,
Baits II residents pay $57, and
Bursley 'pay's $13 ! Such discrep-
ancies illustrate the nonsense of
talking about the budget while
ignoring the end product.
administrators were assumed to
be on the side of the students.
The bookstore confrontation has
shattered that myth. When the
BTU complained to Mr. Feldkamp
of the deteriorating Servomation
service in the complex, he lectured
us on how Servomation was los-
ing mroney at Baits. .
Seemingly University housing
exhibits the Midas touch in re-
verse-everything it touches loses
money !
The Office of University Hous-
ing needs a thorough house clean-
ing to rid itself of inefficiency
and incompetence. For this task
John Feldkamp gets paid. How-
ever, students must look after
their own self-interest. To further
their rights as student-tenants
many students are forming tenant
union locals. Hopefully the trend
will continue this year and expand
even more next year.
THE BAITS rent strike was un-
dertaken only after other avenues
had come to an impasse. Concern-
ing rent schedules, cooking facili-
ties, lounge improvements and a
host 'of other matters, Mr. Feld-
kamp expressed concern but no
The possibility of ,a major con-
frontation with the University is

elsewhere) demand a better deal
for the rent we pay. The proposal
to increase Baits rents by $29,
without providing cooking facili-
ties. or improving facilities and.
services, is totally unacceptable.
Student Government Council will
meet in Baits Stanley lounge to
discuss University housing in gen-
eral and the Baits situation in
particular. In addition to taking
a firm stand against the Univer-
sity invoking academic reprisals
against strikers, I would urge SCGO
to discuss the three demands given
to John Feldkamp in a BTU po-
sition paper last semester:
That the University recog-
nize the right of student ten-
ants to collectiYely bargain with
the University concerning rent
and living conditions in Uni-
versity housing.
That the Office of Univer-
sity Housing negotiate with the
Baits Tenant Union equitable
rent -reductions.
That the University negotiate
with student tenant unions
broad questions of policy.
THE BAITS Tenant Union has
broken the door down for tenant
unions in University housing.
University housing could be really
a great place to live, provided
that it becomes more people-
oriented. People - oriented means
power to the 'people, which in
University housing means tenant
power. The struggle had just

The. quota, the state, and the 'U'

troversy over boosting minority ad-
missions is the problem of instituting a
quota system.
Although the need is clear for admitting
minority group students who would not
qualify under current standards, t h e
question of a quota system is sensitive-
even if it is only introduced temporarily.
The quota, while it insures the admission
of a certain percentage of students from
target-groups, also excludes other "qual-
ified" students for reasons over wlhich
they have, no control.
According to administrators, the Uni-
versity has .reached the saturation point
in terms of student body size. The ad-
mission standards, steadily rising, are
also reaching a limit, some say. In this
context, the quota offers the only effec-
tive method of increasing minority ad-
BUT THE PROBLEM isn't solved with
the quota alone. Once admitted,
minority-group students must be assisted
in their adjustment. It is absurd to con-
template the admission of additional stu-
dents who will then be forced to drop out
when caught in a scholastic squeeze for'
which they have not been adequately pre-
pared. Special financial and counseling
aids, study programs oriented to minority
cultures, and accelerated recruitment of

minority faculty, must also be adopted.
On paper, at least, the University h a s
already committed itself to these goals.
On the other hand, the University must
guard against converting its minority
programs into educationally-inferior
courses of study. The goal is to increase
minority admissions into this University,
not into a hastily-constructed. Ann Ar-
bor based junior college.
Beyond this, we are faced with t h e
broader question of where the buck is to
stop. Is it really the responsibility of one
University to rectify the inequalities of
the whole state's educational system?
The onus, it seems, ought to be on the
legislature - where the funds are. And
the problem is complicated by the ab-
sence in Michigan of the kind of central
higher educational system such as exists
presently in New York, Florida and Cali-
NEVERTHELESS, IT is too easy to allow
these complications to obscure the
immediate question. While it is true that
thorough-going reform can only take
place state-wide, there are still import-
ant measures short of such a complete
overhaul which the University can and
must take. The affluence-education-af-
fluence chain must be broken now.


To the Editor: attemptir
THE EDITORIAL in Tuesday's guy" ima
a whole.
Daily by Henry Grix (A Clarifica- This is
tion, an Apology") regarding LSA sit-i
Philip Block's article in Saturday's to invok
Daily ("Fleming: Witness for the against t
Persecution") was a blatant ex- in, in a
am..le of manipulation and misuse Fleming
of power. Block's article systems- a nonste
tically and accurately exposed (In realil
Robben Fleming for the liar that such proc
he is but Grix, having attended the sit-ir
not a single LSA sit-in trial, re- operate a
fused to believe that the great have ano
liberal Robben Fleming, would hinm.) H
resort to such base tactics in an who ward
attempt to repress future dissent others wJ
on this campus. the trials
Many people believe we are very Fleming-
fortunate to have a man of Flem- under oa
ing's integrity and 'cool-headed- "troublem
ness as our President instead of
an overt fascist like S. I. Haya- BUT I'
kawa, for example. Cool-headed- ing's stra
ness, I must admit, Fleming usual- 200-300 p
ly has; integrity, he has not. In- Fleming
stead of resorting to overt repres- pressive,
sion as Hayakawa does, Fleming, scrupulou
in a cool and calculating manner, I have y
reveals his true, repressive nature lying und
to as few people as possible while rid of his

Hout on Flemings integrity

ng to maintain his "good-
age with the campus as
n blatantly obvious in the
.n cases. By choosing not
ke University discipline
hose involved in the sit-
ddition to civil actions,
does not come across as
r to most of the campus.
iy, he attempted to begin
.eedings but gave up when
n people refused to co-
and he realized he might
ther confrontation facing
However, the 107 people
e busted, along with any
xo have attended any of
, are exposed to the real
-a man who will lie
.th in order to put his
nakers" in jail.
T APPEARS that Flem-
tegy is working. For while
people know that Robben
is perhaps even more re-
and certainly more un-
s, than Hayakawa (for
et to hear of Hayakawa
der oath in order to get
rebellious students), the

majority of campus, still seeing
the Fleming of 1968, continue to
regard him as a true liberal,
And it is people like Grix who
perpetuate this myth. I doo not
know whether Grix actuallydknows
what is going on down at court
and wants to keep this from the-
campus so the students will not
lose complete faith in Fleming, or
whether, in his editorial, he spoke
from utter ignorance.
Grix says that Block's article
was "only the interpretation of
evidence of the writer" but if he
had bothered to come down to
court before writing his little
piece, he would have realized that
it was the out and out truth.
Grix states that the article "was
not intended to impugn the in-
tegraity of the President." I again
suggest that if Grix had bothered
to observe a trial beforehand, he
would havesrealized that Robben
Fleming has very little integrity
left to impugn.
Daily regrets any embarrassment
caused to the President by pub-
lication of the editorial."
In pretending to speak for The
Daily, Grix deliberately mis-used
his position as Editor of The Daily
for his own personal benefit for
he did not want to see President
Fleming discredited in the eyes of
the student body.
I sincerely hope that neither,
Grix, nor any other Daily Editor
attempts to misuse his power in
this manner again. As for his
doubt as to the truth of Blocks'
accusation, I invite Grix to attend
my trial on Tuesday, Feb. 17 and
see for himself that Robben Flem-
ing really does lies under oath.
However, the courtroom is not
the only place where Fleming's
dishonesty and hyprocrisy is ex-
posed. Students busted for the sit-
in that are receiving State or fed-
eral scholarships are in serious
danger of losing these scholarships
unless Fleming does something
about it. Fleming spoke out
against the passage of both of
these bills last year but when it


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These new uniforms a
occasions... like spe
more than the rich, he should re-
fuse to turn in any names and
take a stand on this issue-rather
than hide behind meaningless
To say one thing and do another
is the act of a hypocrite and so
far Fleming has revealed himself
to be just that. He has the power
personally to continue .or discon-
tinue the education of 20' people
arrested for protesting over the
establishment oF a bookstore.
The responsibility for their fu-
ture lies directly upon his should-
ers. Students will be picketing
Fleming's home from noon to 2:00
p.m. on Friday and all those who
wish to preserve the right to dis-
sent on this campus should be
there. People will meet at the SAB
before 12:00. Robben Fleming
must be made to answer for his

',.. .
are only for ceremonial
eches against the media
titles written by Bill Cusumano.
My first complaint has to! dc
with a column of his appearing
last week dealing with a pick
up basketball game .Mr. Cusu-
mano participated in. I have ye
to discover of dvhat possible inter
est to the Daily audience a datail-
ed description of such a para-
mount athletic contest might be.
Second, I take exception to your
coverage of the Purdue-Michigan
basketball game. I'm as devout a
Blue fan as the next guy, but I at-
tributed Michigan's loss to- ths
facts that Purdue is a better re-
bounding team and that they
have one of the game's great
shooters in Rick Mount.
IDO NOT attribute the loss to
poor or one-sided officiating, Mr.



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