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January 21, 1970 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1970-01-21

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Robertson and Willis Reed each
scored 21 points last night as the
East beat the West 142-135 in the
20th annual National Basketball.
Association All-Star game.
The East, after breaking a 4-4
tie, led all the way for its 14th
victory against six defeats in the
All-Star series.
Robertson's 21 points broke the'
All-Star game career record for
points scored. The Cincinnati
star now has 230 points in 10 All-
Star games, breaking the old
mark of 224 set by Bob Pettit of
the old St. Louis Hawks in 11
Reed of the New York Knicks
scored 15 of his total as the East
built a 72-59 halftime lead.
The. East led 36-21 as they
scored -11 points in the last 2:15
of the first period.:
Seven points by Philadelphia's
Hal Greer on three long jump
shots and a free throw, all in the
last 58 seconds, keyed the 11-point
The West, led by Elvis Hayes'
26 points and Jerry West's 19,
sliced the margin 'to six points
with 4:30 to go in the third period.
Seven consecutive points by
Boston's John Havlicek restored
. the East advantage to 13 points.
The East led 120-96 with 7:40
remaining in "the final period, but
the West rallied towithin seven
points at 133-126 on a free throw
by West of the Lakers with 1:34
to go in the game..
Havlicek again scored a clutch
basket as he took a pass from.
Greer and layed it in.
Lo Hudson of Atlanta made
two free throws to make it 135-

128 with 1:10 left. Philadelphia's;
Billy Cunningham drove for a
basket and Greer stole an in-
bounds pass to break the West's1
The closest the West got after
that was six points at 139-133.
Reed, who came here after
learning recent stomach pains
were not due to an ulcer, was
voted the game's most valuable+
Towering Lew Alcindor, the

million dollar rookie of the Mil-
waukee Bucks, playing in his first
All-Star game, scored 10 points.
The 7-foot-1 star didn't have too
much playing time as he got into
early foul trouble.
Reed earned his MVP prize with
9 for 18 from the field and 3-for-
3 from the foul line along with 11
The star center of the Knicks
played 30 of the 48 minutes be-
fore fouling out late in the final
Robertson hit on 9 of 11 field
goal attempts and handed out 4
assists, while Alcindor played only
18 minutes before fouling out.
West, who was No. 1 in the
voting for the West squad, hit 7
of 12 from the field and was 8 for
12 from the foul line as he and
San Diego's Hayes along with Joe
Caldwell and Hudson of Atlanta
led the West's futile last period

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Howe, Hull combine
to smash West, 4-1


ST. LOUIS (') -- Superstars
Gordie Howe and Bobby Hull each
scored a goal and the East Divi-
sion battered the West 4-1 in the
National Hockey League's record-
breaking 23rd annual All-Star
Game last night.
Howe, of Detroit, the NHL's all-
time scoring champion, got his
10th career all-star goal on a feed



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Sweet noth

Bill Cusumano_
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from Chicago's Hull, who 1 a t e r
scored his third All-Star tally.
Those goals and two others by
Montreal's Jacques Laperriere
and New York's Walt Tkaczuk all
came in the first half of the game
against. Philadelphia's B e r n 1 e
Parent, the West's starting goalie.
After Tkaczuk's goal, Jacques
Plante of the St. Louis Blues took
over in the West nets and dis-
played some sensational g o a 1
tending, holding off the powerful
East squad the rest of the way.
The All-Stars shattered t h r e e
scoring records in the first half-
minute of the game when first La-
perriere for the East, at 203 se-
conds, and then Dean Prentice of
Pittsburgh for the West, at 37
seconds, traded goals.
Laperriere scored an unassisted
goal on a slap shot from the left
points and then Prentice tied the
score, lobibng a soft 60 footer
that skipped into the East net.
The two goals were the fastest
in All-Star history as well as the
fastest from the start of a game
and fastest from the start of a
The East broke a 1-1 tie at 7:20
of the first period on Howe's
power tally set up on a perfect pass
by Hull. Parent never had a
chance as the two East superstars;
threw the puck around in front;
of his net.
Hull struck again early in the
second period, whipping a patent-,
el, 35-foot slap shot that whistled
past parent. The shot had so
much velocity that it bounded,
right out of the net, but the red
light went on and the East had a
3-1 lead.

-Associated Press
THE WEST'S Connie Hawkins (42) battles with the East's Billy
Cunningham for a loose ball in the first period of last night's
NBA All-Star game in the Philadelphia Spectrum. Hawkins
finished the night with 10 points while Cunningham had 19 as
the East beat the West, 142-135.
Pro basketball to expand

This is the year of the great experiment in Michigan
basketball. This is the year that saw the arrival of girl
cheerleaders on the court for the first time in history..
Being, at heart, a male chauvinist I was ecstatic about the
idea when Fred Snowden first informed me. After all, what could
be better than adding a little sex appeal to the game? Besides,
from my own experience, chick cheerleaders usually get a better
response from the crowd. The result is more yelling and better
Atmosphere was something that Michigan basketball needed
too. Events Building crowd are easily the deadest in the whole,
Big Ten. Sterile is the best word to use when describing typical
crowd reaction in the big barn.
Now I don't know about anyone else, but I think that takes
some of the fun out of the game. Fans are part of the action
and make the whole spectacle even more worthwhile when they
are really' roaring. Also, it must be remembered that a raucous
home crowd can help to lift a team.
So I was all set to see the girls change the complexion
of Michigan basketball. Things didn't start off too well,
though, as the Detroit crowd and cheerleaders clearly out-
yelled their Michigan counterparts in the opening game.
However, being the fair-minded guy that I am I decided
that I would wait to pass final judgment. -
With the season more than half over now, the time for a
decision on the cheerleaders is ripe. The verdict, unfortunately,
is that the girls are duds. I don't mean anything personally,
girls, but I'm sorry, you just don't have it.
There are a few things that have to be fixed before the
girl cheerleaders will be effective. The first thing that is needed
is a change of personnel. I think that our current crop is a
really cute group of girls and, of course, I love them all but,
damn it, they are just not sexy. And that friends is what you
need in a cheerleader. All of you who attended the Duke game
and saw those sweet little Blue Devils will know what I mean.
Even a mute would've tried to yell when they led the cheers.
Now that we have established that a little visiual appeal is
needed we must approach the second problem; cheers them-
selves. At the moment Michigan has only one cheer that is worth
anything, namely Let's Go Blue. If you can find another one I'll
let you have this column for a day. What the Wolverines need
is a bunch of riotous, insulting cheers, the kind that appeal to a
typical fan's savage instincts.
Obviously, at the moment, we have no such cheers. But
I have the solution. The Athletic Department should send
the cheerleaders down to Detroit some afternoon and have
them watch Northwestern, Pershing, Kettering or one of the
other top city schools play. There they can learn what good,.
old hate cheers are all about. There's nothing like a good
chorus of Kill, Kill, Kill to get the fans' blood running.
The cheerleaders could also jot down a few notes on when
to cheer. It seems that someone neglected to inform the girls
that time-outs are the places for truly effective cheerleading.
In the Events Building time-outs have become nap period. Things
got so bad last Saturday that two little old ladies in the stands
had to start singing The Victors in attempt to stir things up.
However, to give credit where it's due, I will admit that the
cheerleaders joined in after the little, old ladies had set the
But joining in after the yelling has started seems to be
our girls' trademark anyway. Once the crowd starts cheering
spontaneously the girls are very good at encouraging them. Un-
less I am misinformed, though, it is the cheerleaders who are
supposed to get the crowd to join them. It could be that Michi-
gan's cheerleaders are actually developing a totally new concept
in the arts of cheerleading.
Personally, I think they can stick the new concept in a
garbage can and get back to trying to make the crowd part
of the game. A cheerleader should be some chick who gets
out there and screams her lungs off, who exhorts the loyal
fans from the moment they enter the building until the
moment the game is over.
What a girl cheerleader shouldn't be (at least at Michigan)
is a duplicate of her male counterpart. If you dig watching cheer-
leaders do backflips I guess you'll disagree with me but as far
as I'm concerned, if we're going to .be subjected to a gymnastics

By The Associated Press
tional Bas ketballyAssociation
owners voted yesterday to expand,
possibly into four cities, for the
1970-71 season.
A league spokesman said the
owners would reconvene at a spe-
cial meeting within the next two
weeks to announce the details of
their expansion decision. New
franchise applicants are Buffalo,
Cleveland, Houston and Portland,
Carl Scheer, NBA administra-
tive assistant to commissioner
Walter Kennedy, made the an-
nouncement after a two-session
meeting of the 14 club owners.
Those who favored expansion
muscled the move through by dis-
missing one expansion committee'
Monday and appointing a new:
The new expansion committee
apparently convinced enougi of
the holdouts against increasing
the league to get the 11 votes ne-
cessary for passage.
Meanwhile, the Players Associa-
tion of the National Basketball
Association met for some three:
otre Dame

hours in a discussion of pensions,
schedules, player benefits and the
reserve clause.
Oscar Robertson of the Cin-
cinnati Royals, president of the
association, said the NBA team
player representatives hope Curt
Flood is successful in\ his bid to
upset baseball's reserve clause.
"We hope he makes it illegal," he
Judge delays
Flood civ il suit
for two w eeks
NEW YORK (A')-Federal Judge
Dudley B. Bonsal postponed yes-
terday until Feb. 3 arguments on
outfielder Curt Flood's civil suit
challenging baseball's r e s e r v e
The $90,000-a-year former star
of the St. Louis Cardinals, traded
last October to the Philadelphia
Phillies, is asking the major
leagues to show cause why he
should not be permitted to nego-
tiate as a free agent.
He contends the reserve clause,
which twice has been upheld in the
Supreme Court, puts a player in
"a state of involuntary servitude."
The reserve clause binds a player
to the club which owns him for
life or until sold, traded or re-
The baseball hierarchy contends
that erasure of the reserve clause
would kill the game.
"The wealthier clubs could sign
unbeaten teams of all stars, total-
ly destroying league competition,"
the presidents of the two major
leagues-Joe Cronin of the Amer-
ican League and Charles Feeney of
the National League-said in a
joint statement last Saturday.


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as Spartans grab upset

Sophomore \ Ralph Simpson was
back in top form last night and
he scored 35 points to lead Michi-
gan State to an 85-82 upset bas-
ketball victory over 20th ranked
Notre Dame.
Simpson had his worst night of
the season Saturday when he
fouled out mid-way through the
second half. But his hot shooting
yesterday allowed the Spartans to
Rugby Club
selects slate;
naxmes of ficials
The Michigan Rugby Club held
its annual meeting last night with
the reelection of officers and the
naming of the 1970 spring sched-
ule among the important items
One of the highlights of the
1970 schedule is an invitation to
the Virginia Commonwealth Invi-
tational 'tournment held the week
of May 9.
The tournament, sponsored by
Sports Illustrated- and Look Maga-
zine, is aurather prestigious one.
"This one determines the best in
America," explains Hank Lukaski,
new president of the club.
Two teams invited along with
the ruggers are the Chicago Lions
and the Missouri Tigers, both of
which the ruggers defeated in
the fall. Other squads invited are
eastern teams Brown, Princeton,
Virginia, the Toronto Old Boys,
and a west coast team yet to be
Other highlights of the spring
schedule are the Big Ten tourna-
ment April 10-11 at Champaign
and the midwestern tour after
exams. Another possibility is a
Chicago Sevens tournament May
23 where there are seven men on
a squad instead of the customary
15. t

go ahead to stay early in the sec-
and half.
Michigan State led 40-36 at the
half, but the Irish came back with
six straight points-four of them
by John Pleick-to forge ahead
The. Spartans tied it up and
Simpson drove in and sank a jump
shot with 16:30 remaining in
the game giving Michigan State
a 44-42 lead, it never lost.
Simpson fouled out just before
the final buzzer..
The Irish closed to within two
points with just under 10 min-
utes left, but Michigan State then
opened the game wide open and
at one point led by 13.
Notre Dame's Austin Carr led
all scorers in the game with 39
The defeat left Notre Dame
with an 11- season mark. Mich-
igan State is now 6-7.
Michigan State 85, Notre Dame 82
Cincinnati 79, Bradley 64
Davidson 79, Furman 71'
Texas Tech 9U, SMU 6
SGeorgia Southern 72, Mercer 64

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