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January 21, 1970 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1970-01-21

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Wednesday, JonuQry Z1, 1970

THE MICHIGAN DAiLY Wednesday, January 21, 1970




a~ .>....."....".
)SCHES & VOLKSWGEN Plaing o e slped
Dave Perrin decide what he'd
like to do with his life. Ob-
REPA REDviously, he'd like to play or coach
bne it with teachinga in hg
W AGON W ERKE sHoever, playing hockey has
also shown him that he doesn't
45 Rosewood 662-2576 have the talent to become a
Between Industrial Hwy. and Packard carpne.He r1el1ates wh,
p....... to cut down my sticks. I've
''"' been doing it for 10 years but
I still have trouble sawing it
<<h alo hor ight athegu esssnot
cribe to The Mvichln aoly ima ,7
Even with his uneven stick
inc am e Ims ml )
No computer stamps out pirogram bugs like RCAs Octoputer
It boosts programming efficiency up to 40%.

Perrin has managed to use his
other talents well. For the past
two years the current Wolver-
ne captain has led the team in
goals and last season led in
total points.
The picture of Perrin streak-
ng down the ice carrying t h e
puck past defenders is a fre-
quent one at the coliseum. His
size, speed, and stick-handling
ability prompted last year's
trainer, Gus Crouch to nick-
name him "Flying Squirrel". His
teammates have picked this up
and have added their own,
"Leaping Larry" because Per-
rin is always jumping around
when on the ice. "When t h e
guys are in a kidding mood they
sometimes call my son (seven-
month old Jeffrey David)
Leaping L :rry, Jr.' "
Jeffrey is already an a v i d
fan and he goes to all the
games with his mother, Liz. She
its right behind the bench and
the team considers her their
biggest fan. As Perrin describes
t, "We can always hear her
elling the team to get going and
elling the guys on the bench to
yell some encouragement."
IF JEFFREY follows in his
father's footsteps (or i c e
racks), he'll be playing hockey
n about three and a half years.
Perrin started when he was four
and has been playing organized
hockey in some form ever since
He feels the biggest opportun-
ty hockey has given him is the
chance to get a good education
at a school "with a high aca-
demic and athletic standing."
"I think there's a changing
trend in athletes today, espec-
ially the younger ones, where
the emphasis is on getting the
education the scholarship of-
fers rather than just going out
and playing their sport."
THE TOUGHEST part of play-
ing his position (forward) as
far as he is concerned is play-
ing a defensive game. "I'm not
the greatest backchecker and on
both offense and defense I some-
times have trouble staying with
my man."
He views his job as captain
as helping to bring the t e a m
together as a unit and getting
them up for a game. "My job
is pretty easy because they're a
great bunch of guys. They're
easy to motivate because they're
concerned. In previous y ea r s
there seemed to be little groups,
but this year it's all one team."
During the summer, Perrin,
Paul Gamsby, Brian Slack, and
Merle Falk worked together at
the GM-Willow Run plant. Dur-
ing their rides to and from
work they participated in the
'Willow Run 500." Thanks to
the speed of his crew at pit
stops, "Parnelli" Perrin always
managed to win this race.
After their victories on the




road, this same team went on a
rather infamous fishing trip in
which Perrin caught the "re-
cord-breaking" f is h his team-
mates kid him about.
This year's Wolverines, he
feels, have the potential to be
a great team. The team calls it
"The Big Machine" and some-
times they have trouble putting
everything together into t h e
No one aspect of the team is
the strength. One night o n e
unit is up and the next they're
terrible. However, Perrin adds,
"We're fortunate to score a lot;
even the defense is scoring a
lot. The whole offensive game is
our strength."
ONE PROBLEM he feels the
game has is that the refereeing
is inconsistent. "You don't know
how you can play the game. A
check similar to one you gave
the night before is a penalty the
Perrin wishes that hockey
were pushed more at Michigan.
"Hockey's the type of game that
you go to once and you want to
go to again. It's getting to be
a glamor sport with the NHL
going national and with a lit-
tle publicity and a little more
aggressiveness and a new rink,
it could draw a lot more people
and become a money sport."



-Daily-Thomas ft. Copi
An exultant Perrin scores

'Lewless' UCLA remains first

Programming is already one-third
of computer costs, and going up
faster than any other cost in
the industry.
A lot of that money is eaten up
by bugs-mistakes in programs..
With usual methods, programmers
don't know of mistakes until
long after a program is written.
They may have to wait days for a
test run.
RCA's Spectra 70/46, the
Octoputer, takes a whole new
approach based on time.,
It substitutes a computer ,
terminal for pencil and paper
and talks to the programmer
as he writes the program,
pointing out mistakes as they
are made.
The Octoputer is the only
computer available today: that
has this capability. lt's as
much as 40% faster. And it
works onIBM 360 and other
computer programs as well as
our own.
Costs go down.Programs get
done faster. And you need fewer
programmers-who are scarce
and getting scarcer.
Of course, Octoputer does
more than just slay bugs.
It's a completely new kind of
creature that does time
sharing and regular computing

The Octoputer concentrates
on remote computing because
that's where the industry is going.
We got there first, because
communications is what RCA

is famous for. It puts Octoputer
a generation ahead of its major
can put youR
ahead of yours. COMPUTERS


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Tickets are available
at Travel Bureaus or
the Michigan Union.
32 Trips/Day

By The Associated Press
UCLA's Bruins, accelerating like
a shocked gazelle, held onto top
billing yesterday as the nation's
No. 1 college basketball team.
The unerring Bruins, winners of
12 straight this year, drew 26
first-place votes and 592 points
from the Associated Press' nation-
wide panel of sports writers a n d
Charging Kentucky stayed close
in second with four first place bal-
lots and 546 points as the first
six teams remained intact.
South Carolina, St. Bonaventure,
New Mexico State and Jackson-
ville trailed UCLA and the Wild-
cats, maintaining the same order
behind the leaders as they d i d
last week.
Houston jumped two spots to
seventh, and Marquette climbed
two spots to eighth. North Caro-
The top Twenty with first-place
votes in parentheses, season record and
total points. Points awarded for first
15 places based on 20-18-16-14-12-10-9-8-
1. UCLA (26) 12-0 592
2. Kentucky (4) 13-0 546
3. South Carolina 12-1 468
4. St. Bonaventure 10-0 402
5. New Mexico St. 15-1 343
6. Jacksonville 13-0 331
7. Houston 12-1 245
. Marquette 12-1 217
9. North Carolina 12-2 144
10. North Carolina St. 12-1 134
11. Davidson 11-2 119
12. Illinois 12-2 112
13. Ohio U. 11-2 81
14. Penn 12-1 60
15. Southern Caif. 10-3 34
16. Duke 9-2 18
Kansas State 12-3 18
18. Louisville 8-3 16
Iowa 7-4 6
r20. Notre Dame 11-4 15
Other teams receiving votes in al-
phabetical order: Baylor, Columbia,
Georgetown, Florida State, Niagara,
Ohio State, Oklahoma, Utah State, Vi-
lanova, Washington.
Lou Boudreau
elected to
Hall of Fame
NEW YORK (.P)-Lou Boudreau,
former .shortstop and playing
manager of the Cleveland Indians,
was elected to Baseball's Hall of
Fame yesterday by the narrow
margin of seven votes.
Boudreau, now a 52-year-old
sportscaster in Chicago and the
father-in-law of Detroit's unpre-
dictable Denny McLain, received
232 votes of the 300 votes cast by
the Baseball Writers Association of
America. That gave him seven
more than the requiredn225.
And it made him the only player
among the 48 on the ballot to
amass the rejuired votes for elec-
In order to be eligible for elec-
tion a player must be retired from
baseball for five years and must
receive 75 per cent of the ballots
Finishing a distant second was
Ralph Kiner, the slugging Pitts-
burgh outfielder, with 167 votes,
followed by Gil Hodges, currently
the manager of the world cham-
pion New York Mets, with 145.
"I've waited 12 years for this,"
Boudreau admitted, referring to
the fact he has been eligible that
long. "It's a dream. It's something
you keep within yourself. You just
kep hoping, but you never really
say it to anyone."
Boudreau finished third in the
voting last year when Stan Musial
and Roy Campanella were elected
and was considered one of the
three leading candidates, along
with Kiner and Early Wynn, the
Cleveland pitcher who was the

line fell two places to No.=9 with
North Carolina State edging into
the 10th spot, up from 11th.
Davidson was the only Top 10
dropout, falling to 11th.
Three teams were Top, Twen-
ty dropouts after poor showings
-- Columbia, Niagara and Wash-
ington.Thethree new clubs wire,
Kansas State, tied with D u k e
for 16th; Iowa, tied with Louis-
ville for No. 18 and No. 20 Notre
Dame, a former member of the
blue-blooded group.
Among the Second Ten, Illinois
showed the most improvement by
leaping five places to 12th after
a pair of victories.

Northwestern drops cagers;
Cuozzo stays with Vikings
By The Associated Press
* EVANSTON, Ill. - Two Northwestern senior basketball play-
ers, Mike Reeves and Jim Bradof, were dropped from the squad, it
was announced yesterday.
They left the team following a meeting with coach Brad Sny-
der during which he told them they did not figure in his plans
for the remainder of the season because he intends to go with
younger players.
Reeves, a part time starter from Glenview, Ill., was the team's
third leading scorer with , an 11.2 average. Bradof, from Franklin
Park, Ill., tallest man on the roster at 6-9, had played in four
games and scored eight points.
* ST. PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS - The Minnesota Vikings will re-
tain quarterback Gary Cuozzo, general manager Jim Finks announced
Finks said the retention pf their 28-year-old backup quarterback
voids any return option of their National Football League agreement
with the New Orleans Saints.
Cuozzo, a seven-year veteran from the University of Virginia, .was
acquired in a trade by the Vikings from the Saints prior to the 1968
season. The Vikings gave up first round draft choices in 1968 and
1968 for Cuozzo.
A condition of the trade was that Minnesota would have the op-
tion, after two playing seasons, of returning Cuozzo to New Orleans
for the Saints' No. 1 choice in the 1970 draft.
*NEW YORK - Bob Scheffing, a baseball man +since 1935
as a catcher, manager, coach and talent scout, has succeeded the
late John Murphy as general manager and vice-president of the world
champion New York Mets.
Scheffing is a formel' manager of the Detroit Tigers.

The Second Ten also included
No. 11 Davidson, No. 13 Ohio
U., No. 14 Penn and No. 15 South-
ern California.
UCLA dropped Bradley 61-56
and Loyola of Chicago 94-72 last
week for its 16th straight victory
since losing to Southern Cal last
Kentucky beat Georgia 72-71
and Tennessee 68-52 for the all- ~
winning Wildcats 13th victory this
year. Ketucky held the No. 1
spot for several weeks before the
Bruins, powered by their sharp-
shooting guards, grabbed t h e

For-career information visit your College Placement Office.

" DETROIT -The Detroit News said that Bill Gadsby would
be named coach of the new Vancouver team in the National Hockey
League with Bud Poile to be the club's general manager.
The report drew a denial .from Gadsby who said, "that is not
right . . . I don't know where they get that stuff. I haven't talked
with anyone."
There was no immediate comment from Poile, a veteran hockey
Gadsby was fired as coach of the Detroit Red Red Wings Oct. 16,
shortly after the NHL season began. He was named director of pro
scouting for the Wings 12 days later.
* LONDON - Anti-Apartheid groups took part in a nationwide
planned operation yesterday and damaged the grass and painted
slogans at 10 of England's county cricket grounds - apparently
in protest against this summer's scheduled tour by the S o u t h
The Marylebone Cricket Club, ruling body of the game, has re-
fused to call off the South African team's tour despite heavy pres-
sure by anti-apartheid groups.
* LONDON - In other action concerning South Africa, Basil
Reay, secretary of the Davis Cup tennis tournament, said yesterday
the United States has called for an emergency meeting to consider
South Africa's participation in the Davis Cup.
"The United States, as defending champion, has asked me to
call a meeting of the DaVis Cup nations," Reay said. "It will be in
London and I hope we can announcethe date later this week."
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New York

Professional Standings

East Division
w L
24 21

Eastern Division
W L Pet. GB


58 143 98

New York

38 11
33 16


S .


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