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November 28, 1967 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-11-28

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Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

The 200,000,000th Baby
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Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Frederick House Protest:
'Let the Students, Decide'

THE PROTEST in Frederick house in
support of a continuous 24-hour female
visitation policy apparently died last
Residents of Frederick house had in-
vited women irto their rooms on two
consecutive nights to reinforce the two-
week old visitation policy passed by the
members of Frederick house in accord-
ance with Student Government Coun-
cil's revised rules and regulations.
The Office of University Housing, how-
ever, has - treated this mass 'protest as
individual violations, threatening each
student with severe penalties and possible
expulsion from the residence halls.
It is no wonder that the protest has
ended as the University has, in effect,
stifled, a student's right to protest an
existing policy by hanging this 'Sword
'of Damocles' over his head.
The University must recognize the right
of students to freely voice their views
as the protesting members of Frederick
house were attempting to do. By treating
a formally organized protest as an enor-
mous coincidence, in which members of
Frederick house were caught "sneaking"

women into their rooms, the University
has disregarded both the protest, and the
sentiment of the students.
The effect of these decisions has been
to force a breakdown of communication
between students and University staff
coupled with a misunderstanding of in-
tentions on both sides.
JF THE UNIVERSITY closes all channels
of effective protest and then fails to
deal immediately with the issues con-
cerned-The Board of Governors of the
Residence Halls has not made a decision
concerning continuous 24-hour visitation
-then it cannot claim to be acting in
the best interests of the students.
Students must be able to effect policy
that pertains to their own private lives
without the threat of punishment lurking
in their consciences. Residence Hall regu-
lations and policies must represent the
views of students and unless these views
can be freely expressed and initiated
,then residents in University housing are
being denied their own individual free-

THE MOST AUSPICIOUS event of a propitious week
was the arrival on Nov. 20 of the United States'
200,000,000th citizen. America thus passed an historic
milestone with a bulging population that boasts more
Americans now alive than have died throughout the
history of the country.
Though on my Thanksgiving vacation, I felt this pre-
sented a valuable opportunity which should not be over-
looked-to discuss the state of the nation and the world
with the 200,000,000th baby. For here was a mind as yet
untouched by the biases of society, a virtual tabula razae
as old John Locke predicted. And in modern America, it
has become increasingly difficult to calmly and dispas-
sionately discuss the problems of today.
I INTERVIEWED the 200,000,000th baby in his hos-
pital crib, just moments after his entrance onto the Amer-
ican scene.
"Hello, baby, how are you feeling this morning?"
"Miserable," gurgled the infant, a forlorn look in his
two-minute old eyes. "I'm already upset at the growing
amount of violence in our society."
"Violence? How could you possibly know of the violent
streak in American society?"
"Oh my God," cried the babe, "no more than a few
seconds after being yanked into the world, I was torn from
my food supply and then soundly slapped and pounded
by a sterile looking fellow in a hideous white outfit. Why
doesn't he pick on someone his own size?"
"I SUPPOSE this trend toward violence begins earlier
than most of us thought. But let's turn to the world

scene. What do you feel is today's greatest threat to world
"The yellow peril," snorted the baby, waving his three-
minute old arms. "Why, I've only been around a few
minutes and I already sense the Chinese threat. After all,

to world peace is man himself, right?"
I nodded agreement.
"LOGICALLY THEN," declared the baby, flashing his
toothless but omniscient smile, "China has more people
than any other country, so it's obviously the greatest
threat to peace!"
"But why doesn't Dean Rusk explain it that simply?"
I wondered.
"Dean Rusk has the mind of a child. Anyone who ever
examined his arguments would know that," sputtered the
infant, improving his five-minute old vocabulary with
every step.
"Baby," I asked, these are troubled times we live in.
I'm sure your unfettered mind will give us some aid in
seeing through the problems. What is your parting ad-
"THE VIOLENCE at home and the war abroad have
undermined the nation's confidence in itself," proclaimed
secure, grasping for any item to associate with that will
the thoughtful tot. "We have become pathetically in-
purge our consciences of truths we are trying to lose. In-
stead of clinging to the most comfortable associations-
be it emotive patriotism, virulent anti-communism, fric-
tional class consciousness-we must assert our true selves
and shed the false apparel of society."
With that, the 200,000,000th baby had finished. He
pulled his thumb from his mouth and reached for his
pacifier, that thick, chewy ring that felt to good and
meant so much for his tense and troubled ten-minute
old mind.

Baby Huey Breaks Out
more than one out of every four babies born today is
"You're rather lucky then, aren't you?" I quipped.
"Darn right," slobbered the baby. "Why, the whole
world's problems are so simple that it makes me ill. It's
obvious after 5000 years of history that the greatest threat


Letters: Betraying the Residential College

Britain and the Common Market

N THE LATEST of his annual press
conferences, Charles DeGaulle has once
again come out in opposition to British
membership in the Common Market.
This is hardly a surprising or unprece-
dented move. For years now the French
president has sabotaged England's at-
tempts to join .the European Economic
Community by laying down almost im-
possible conditions of entry.
But one by one the conditions have
been fulfilled, the most recent move
being the devaluation of the pound.
Yet France continues to veto British
entrance to the EEC, and with valid
At stake is France's role as foremost
power on the Continent. Although eco-
nomically stronger, Germany lacks both
the political independence from the
United States and the international trust
necessary for European leadership. The
four other Common Market nations-
Italy, Luxembourg, Belgium, and the
Netherlands-were never really in the

But Britain, combining a highly in-
dustrial if shaky economy with a long
history of international political 'leader-
ship, could pose a serious threat to
France in what has heretofore been a
French-dominated operation. To expect
DeGaulle, a French nationalist par ex-
cellence, to accede to this without a
struggle is absurd.
Most important to DeGaulle is not so
much the fear that Britain might dom-
inate France, but that through Britain,
the United States could dominate Europe
more than it already does. For While
loosening her ties to the Empire, Britain
has grown increasingly dependent on
Washington: England has become a
quasi-American satellite.
As long as Britain continues to be
more an Atlantic than a Continental na-
tion, entry to the Common Market will
be impossible, and Charles DeGaulle will
continue to have his way.

To the Editor:
THE RECENT announcement
that longstanding building
plans for the Residential College
have been abandoned distresses
me, both because because I fear
that the decision jeopardizes the
success of the Residential College
and for the more general reason
that the decision deepens my
gloomy diagnosis of the financial
health of the University and the
character 'ofits leadership.
The Residential College plan-
ning committee, as devoted and
hard working as any committee on
which I have ever served, feared
just such adevelopment as that
which has taken place. The com-
mittee several times considered
suspending the project until as-
sured that building would begin,
and in particular it feared that
"temporary" quarters would be al-
lowed to become "permanent"
Informed of these views, high
University authoritiesvgave the
most solemn assurances that the
committee's fears were groundless,
and I for one would not have con-
tinued to serve on the committee
had such assurances been withheld.
Now, University authorities have
found it possible or necessary to
betray their word. .
IT MAY BE that, after ten weeks
of operation, the small group now
directing the Residential College
has correctly divined that the
planners of the college were fools
and that continued operation in
the present "temporary" location

is desirable. My own view is that,
although in numerous ways it will
be administratively easier to fol-
low the course which has been
decided upon, the Residential Col-
lege must now lower its ambitions
and abandon the high hopes it
once had. It may become a positive
step in education; it will not be-
come a dramatic improvement.
In any case, the decision has
not been made on educational
grounds. It has been made because

the University does not intend to
keep commitments given in the
-Bradford Perkins
Professor of History
Black Lack
To the Editor:
DURING THE last few years
many Negroes, even educated
ones with decent jobs, have become
dissatisfied with slow progress to-

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ward their goals. Though some
have comfortable positions in
American society, they still face
prejudice and discrimination in
their daily lives; and the lot of the
majority of the race is still sad.
They now view the liberal white-
led civil rights movement as doom-
ed to making only token progress.
They have decided that they can-
not wait for altruism to gain con-
trol of the hearts of whites. So, on
the theory that the society must
be pressured into giving them a
better break, they have wrested
leadership from the liberal whites
and have adopted "Black Power."
Black Power is the concerted ap-
plication of pressure by Negroes on
American society. There is dis-
agreement as to what methods
should be used. Moderates favor
cultural and social cohesion, the
use of voting power, and the use
of economic power. More militant
Negroes favor marches and sit-ins.
Radicals think these methods are
silly games; they advocate the use
of force-and not just riots in the
slums, but havoc and destruction
in the suburbs and in the business
and industrial centers.
not condone rioting, nearly all be-
lieve that some kind of pressure
must be used; and because more
Negroes are deciding that moderate
means are ineffectual, more are
endorsing the militant or radical
How should our society face this
threat? Well, riots should be dealt
with firmly. But, if little progress

follows, the forceful suppression of
one riot will just breed the in-
creased hatred to' power an even
more savage convulsion.
The ultimate answer is that Ne-
groes will have to work to develop
themselves as individuals and as a
group, and whites will have to help
them. We will have to show them
that violence is not needed. We
must give them positive assistance
in obtaining better housing, better
jobs and better education. Now is
the time to face it--White society
must make some sacrifices to help
Negro-Americans, because as long
as any sizeable numbers see little
hope of getting what they want
peacefully, there will be riots. The
Negro is unwilling to heed the
white who asks him to have pati-
ence, but who takes only token in-
terest in his advancement.
BLACK POWER resembles
blackmail. But common sense
sometimes demands that black-
mailers be paid. If rioting disrupts
many major cities, white society
will loose far more that the Ne-
groes will. The good life that most
Americans enjoy will be impaired,
our economy will falter, and our
position as world leader will be
Furthermore, most of the Ne-
groes' demands are reasonable. And
better education of them would
help fill our shortage of skilled
manpower. The development of the
Negro people into fully parteipa-
ting members of American society
is in everyone's best interest.
-Steve Doman, '66


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The Other Side of Canterbury House

AT ABOUT 10:55 a.m. every
Sunday morning a steady
stream of people flows into the
alley off Maynard Street between
Red's Rite Spot and The Salt
At the end of the alley the
crowd disappears into a door un-
obtrusive enough to mark the en-
trance-way of what was a few
years ago a printing plant.
Perhaps "unobtrusive" is the
important word here-it is pre-
cisely the unobtrusiveness of the
Episcopal Student Foundation's
Canterbury House that every
week attracts 150 'to 200 students
of various religious persuasions
to its 11:00 a.m. Holy Commun-
ion service.
INCLUDED IN that congrega-
tion assembled Sunday moriiing
in the low-ceilinged room at 330
Mayr.Oid are Protestants, Catho-
lics, Jews and atheists who are
drawn by the atmosphere of un-
pressured and creative freedom
that allows one to accept or re-
ject whatever is offered.
"Canterbury House allows you
to believe or embrace only parts
A, R and M if that is all you can
believe, and asks nothing more,"
explained one sophomore "regu-
lar" at Canterbury House who
had been raised in the Presby-
terian church.
Since its move in 1966 from the
old Dobson family house on Di-
vision, where it had existed for
18 years, Canterbury House has
evolved from a typical denom -
national student center into a
coffee h o u s e drawing name
The move has been accompan-
ied by a budget increase from
o,2 nn f. nn n vp ,. nnt

comes a congregation, and mass
communication by applause is re-
placed by individual expression
through words and actions.
And while on Saturday night
there is one performer or group
of performers, on Sunday every-
one becomes a performer in an
attempt to synthesize for himself
his own personal religion.
The Reverend Daniel Burke,
who has been "head man" at the
Canterbury House for four years,
says "We don't do away with tra-
dition-we stick with the Holy
Communion service in the Com-
mon Prayer Book. But in time I
would like to experiment. We have
found no effective verbal vehicle
as yet, but we have a reflection
of the kind of community that is
meant in the liturgy."
The "sense of community" is
truly overpowering on Sunday.
Instead of sitting in pews, the
congregation sits in small groups
around wooden tables each with
a small candle. Low lights; coffee
and contemporary music help to
create the casual atmosphere that
pervades the service.
People come dressed for com-
fort, not appearance. There is a
rumor that a few come only for
the free sweet rolls that are con-
sumed at the rate of more than
12 dozen each week.
are two other recent additions to
the "officiating staff." The Rev-
erend Richard Blank is a tall,
thin priest who plays the vibra-
harp with his jazz quartet on oc-
casional Sunday mornings. Dick
has been with the Canterbury
House only three months but has
already added innovations in the
ceremony such as "Meditations to
.7n7." whih hpno,,-dfora

which the congregation is invited
to ask questions and offer com-
ments at certain pauses in the
communion service.
"If you do not understand, or
do not like, or do not happen to
enjoy a specific passage or action,
then tell us about it," Dan en-
courages prior to the service.
THE EFFECT that the result-
ing discussion and soul-searching
had on one Jewish girl who was
just "visiting" is indicative of
the type of individuality that pre-
vails at the Canterbury service:
"I decided to take communion
because I had shared in a crea-
tive process with the other people
in the room, and I wanted to
share this meal with them."
A -member of the faculty ex-
pressed similar feelings when he
attended the Sunday service. Al-
though he had been unable to
participate with good conscience
in Holy Communion for several
years he did so at Canterbury
House. He emphasized that he

felt free, as if he were "in com-
munion with. people."
The administration of the
Communion is unusual in itself:
the congregation remains sitting,
instead of going to the altar to
receive the sacraments. The large
loaves of coarse bread and
earthen goblets of wine add to
the warmth "that one feels when
sharing a meal."
When the service is a folk mass,
guitarists Ed Reynolds and Gene
Barkin perch on tall stools and
fill the room with the reasonance,
of strings. Instead of the invi-
tation to spoken response, "Let
us pray," Dan or Dick might say
"Let us sing."
tar a long way from organ hymns,
then the "bossa nova mass" is
the "avant garde" of the Epis-
copal church. On, two Sundays
this autumn, Dick joined a bass
player, a guitarist and a drum-
mer with his own "vibes" in an

original rhythmic background to
the 11:00 a.m. communion.
Films, plays, debate, and sing-
ing, as well as spoken sermons-
all these are a part of the cre-
ative process that goes on at Can-
terbury House. One visiting adult
observed, "I think it's a place,
or an event, or a happening which
fills a real need."
WHAT IS THIS need? One stu-
dent, a previously disillusioned
Episcopalian who decided to visit
330 Maynard, explained, "The
basic Episcopal service is used,
but there is so much freedom to
interpret the way you want that
no one feels constrained.
"At Canterbury House you can
create, evaluate, and destroy your
beliefs in arriving at a workable
So one might say that Canter-
bury House fulfills the need to
grow. Canterbury House is where
growth is happening. And as Dan
observed, "It's been happening
for a long time!"



It's a Gas

IF YOU SEE anyone sniffing Coke
Bottles or melting dry ice, it means
that they've gotten wind of still another
newly-discovered high: carbon dioxide.
In the questionable tradition of smoking
bananas and sniffing airplane glue, in-
haling a mixture of carbon-dioxide and
oxygen is now described as the latest,
safest, cheapest form of psychedelic re-
Erstwhile experimenter David Stodol-
sky, '68, offered to explain his discovery
to The Daily yesterday. Carrying around
his handy tank of C02 gas, the psychol-

When inhaled from the CO2 tank with
air mixed in, a high-flying momentary
sensation results, followed by a relaxed
feeling. Two pounds of Carbon Dioxide
gas ("which supplies a thousand highs"
says Stodolsky) cost $1.50, plus a $20
deposit on the tank. Stodolsky also sug-
gests melting down dry ice in a plastic
bag for obtaining vaporous carbon di-
Stodolsky claims the new relaxer is
safe, as medical authorities have assured
him, though the user should take a little
sniff first to insure against sensitivity



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