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November 07, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-11-07

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Continued Cold, Chance
of Snow Flurries

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
Department of Defense Eliminates







Secret Research Bill;
Before LSA Faculty School

Officials in

Applied Research
Wisconsin Policy Unchanged

May Revamp Admissions Policy,
Supplement Quota of Transfers
A resolution condemning classified research at the University
and classified research in general was introduced at a regular literary
college faculty meeting yesterday.
The resolution stated in part: "The faculty of the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts deplores the secrecy connected with
some research contracts now in force at the University and urges
the Regents to adopt as a principle that no contracts restricting
publication of results will henceforth be approved."
Special Meeting
A special meeting of the faculty scheduled for either Nov. 13
or Nov. 27 will pass on the resolution.
Resolutions to be passed on by the literary college faculty must
be introduced one meeting before discussion and a final vote is held.
One proponent of the measure
voiced pessimism about the resol-
ution's future.
Prof. Robert Angell of the
........!socioln d n~tm t Prnf q-hpn





The governing body for Wis-
consin's nine state universities
heard a proposal Saturday thatj
would restrict campus demonstra-
Deans and vice-presidents from
the nine schools were called to a
meeting with the Wisconsin
State Board of Regents at that
time to advance a new code tak-
ing a firm position against un-
lawful demonstrations and the
blocking of entrances to any uni-
versity facility.
The proposed code also asks
that schools be allowed to retain
the right to expel students for

Norman Says Changes To Affect
One-Third of 'U' DOD Contracts
The Department of Defense has eliminated classified
contracts from all future basic research projects it will
sponsor at universities.
A top Pentagon research and development official said
only a small number of "exploratory development and study
efforts" as well as consulting arrangements with universities
would be classified in the future.
His remarks will appear in an upcoming issue of a leading
scientific publication, The Daily learned yesterday.
The new policy, which is currently being implemented,
does not change the DOD's classification arrangements with
respect to applied research.
The DOD will determine which
projects it considers "basic and
"applied,"' according to UniversityK e r t ge
Vice President for Research A.freo
Geoffrey Norman who returnedlV
yesterday from Washington after

iociuog atejai L11Iu1r LIi. -±Ieo~ unlawful activity either on or off
dore Newcomb of the sociology the campus, according to the As-
a n d psychology departments, sociated Press.
Prof. Alfred Sussman of the bo-
tany department and Prof. Ed- Placards Prohibited
ward Walker of the psychology Other provisions of the code,
department sponsored the resolu- which has to be approved by the
tion. state board of regents, forbid stu-
'Ethical Example' dents to carry placards or ban-
The four are seeking the pro- ners inside school buildings pro-
hibition against publication of re- testing school or national pol-
sults because "the potential ben- icies; forbid interference with the
efits of scholarship to mankind 'accepted function or activities
can be realized only when schol- of the university and the edu-
ars disclose to one another freely cational program;" and w a r n
and fully their theories and' find- that all demonstrations must be
ings " carried out within state and local



Grad Schools
Register Hike
In Enrollment
Enrollment in the graduat
school and in most graduate pro
fessino nirn~arrayn chnrv n. cli

They feel "universities are
charged with setting an ethical1
example to the world in what
concerns the acquisition and
transmission of knowledge."
The faculty also began a re-"
view of its admissions policies pre-
paratory to a report from the ad-
missions committee to be read
at the December or January fac-
ulty meeting.
Freshmen Enrollment
Three years ago the literary
college faculty voted to fix fresh-
men enrollment'at 3,100 and bring
college enrollment to 11,800 by
But literary college Dean Wil-
liam Haber reported that yester-

The code was drawn up as a;
result of a student demonstra-
tion on the Univesrity of Wiscon-
sin campus in Madison last Octo-
ber protesting the presence on
campus of recruiters for the Dow
Chemical Company, maker of na-
palm for Vietnam.

More than 60 persons were in- By WALLACE IMMEN month and would prepare a re-;
jured at that time when police A sparse crowd, composed main- port on the University's controver-
were forced to use night sticks ly of faculty members, heard a sial $1 million counter-insurgency1
and tear gas to disperse the faculty panel debate last night project in Thailand by the end off
demonstrators. on whether classified research is December.
If the proposed code is adopted justified in the University's aca- "The University should not be a
at the Dec. 1 meeting of the State demic role. job shop' for development of new
Board of Regents, each school in The speakers avoided military gadgets," Prof. William Porter ofj
the system will be asked to up- implications of government con- the journalism department said.j
date its own regulations to match. tracts and focused mainly on the "The concept of academic freedom

WILLIAM J. LE VEQUE, (left), of the mathematics department a
phychology department, called for a re-evaluation of University7
a six-man panel debate at the Natural Science Auditorium.
Faculty Panel Discu
Of Classtified Researd

discussing the changes with other
university and government offi-
I "Much of the University's re-
search is problem-oriented basic
research," explained Norman. "It
is not 'applied' in the sense of
developing a specific 'end-item'
as is common in the aerospace in-'
"For example the Office of
i AiaKsr Naval Research has supported
D nii Anita Ke'.sler work in basic mathematics and
nd E. Lowell Kelly (right) of the the Air Force basic work in psy-
policies on classified research in chology such as the Human Per-
formance Laboratory, all of which
were unclassified," he added.
Norman said that of $17.7 mil-
sses RolethUnvriyalileor $1=h0
lion in DOD-sponsored research at
million has portions of which are
a t "The new policies will separate
V the classified portions--about $5
million in contracts at the Uni-
economics department, countered versity," he explained. "Those in
by noting that an average of 250 the basic research categories will
new inventions come from each be declassified if they are ren-
$1 billion worth of research in ewed."
open contracts, while the same
amount in military contract work One nationally-known critic of
evolves only three to five innova- classified war research termed the
tion~s. new policy a "tactical blunder" by
In. he duthe DOD. "They are saying in ef-
I have no doubt that the aver- . .
age quality of classified researchifeet that classified research is n-
is below the University's standards appropriate to universities because
because it is not open to criticaltalaiceexpind
examination of professional pub- tally basic," he explained.
lication," Prof. E. Lowell Kelly The DOD spokesman quoted in
of the psychology department the publication claims that classi-
charged, fied projects amount to only three
Prof. Thomas Gies of the busi- per cent of the total number of
ness administration school an- DOD sponsored projects. Of 1700
swered that none of the panelists University research projects, Nor-
were competent to judge the qual- man said, only 50 are classified or
ity of classified research results. about three per cent.
Scherer warned that the lure of The new policy on classified con-
big money in contract research tracts is the result of urging by
may pull too many trained per- the Federal Council on Science
sonnel out of University classroom and Technology, according to John
teaching and research. N. Hobstetter, vice provost for
research at the University of
"I'm against classified contracts, Pennsylvania.
but there are realities which have
1-n1.. ,,., .--~a-- ' '--f1XI "The F~CS~T aancies-the DOD.~



No Support

icaaiuiitu iicvgtaws buuweu a SugrnL

increase this year over 1966 levels, day's discussion indicated inter- But unofficial sources at the
The number of candidates for est in admitting proportionately University of Wisconsin feel that
masters degrees rose five per cent, fewer freshmen - perhaps 2,970 their board of regents will not
from 4,863 to 5,101. Total number - to allow for admission of more support such a code.
of studets at Horace H. Rackham juniors, seniors and transfer stu- Meanwhile University of Wis-
increased from 8,62 t 8 dents. consin administrators have been
Graduate students in the School dns
stymied by a restraining order is-
of Social Work showed the largest: Haber also reported that the sued by Federal District Court
increase, an eight per cent rise to faculty was somewhat frustrated Judge James Doyle prohibiting
673 in 1967 from 619 in 1966. En- that classroom, laboratory, and of- them from taking any final dis-
rollment in the medical school in- fice space had not kept up with ciplinary action against students
creased three per cent, from 1,274 the enrollmeent increases they involved in the October protest.
to 1,312, including approximately established in 1964. At the moment, Doyle is studying
750 post-graduate medical stu- !teagmnspeetdt i
dents. Joint Degree e arguments presen
The number of law students fell The faculty also unanimously st week at her nots to de er-
from 1,097 to 1,059. Dentistry and ' adopted a proposal made by themiew throntteodr
public health showed no signifi- literary college's curriculm com- should be extended.
cant change. mittee at the September faculty he main arguments at the
The number of graduate stu- meeting for a joint degree pro- hering olvedsaond the Urn-
dents in natural resources not as- gram with the college of archi- versity of Wisconsin rule pro-
soitdwith Rackham dropped t ecture and design. ;hibiting demonstrations not car -
nearly 45 per cent, from 76 to 42. ied out through "recognized legal
Non-Rackham graduate students The College of Architecture means of protest."
in music, pharmacy and business and Design is currently changing The students, arguing in favor
administration showed no impor- from a five-year program to six- of an extension of the order, con-
tant change in number. year program. The new plan will tended that the regulation, by
Overall graduate enrollment in- consist of a two-year pre-profes- its vague and general nature,
creased from 13,152 in 1966 to sional program and a four-year could conceivably infringe upon
13,427 this year. architectural curriculum. their First Amendment rights.
Most U.S. Colleges Raise Stud

benefits which researchers doing begins with the idea of free in-
classified work bring to the aca- quiry."
demic community. Prof. Robert Thrall, who has a
The six-man panel was spon- joint appointment in the mathe-
sored by the Senate-Assembly matics and industrial engineering
Committee on Research Policies, departments said that knowledge
whose chairman, Samuel J. Elder- from contract work in public in-
field of the chemistry department, stitutions, such as the University,
was moderator. is invariably published before that
He said his group would be call- done in private industry and aids
ing in a number of faculty mem- students' investigations.
bers for testimony during the next Prof. Frederick Scherer, of the
Four Student Organizations
'Make SGC Endorsements

For Students,
Former Chancellor of the Uni-
versity of California at Berkeley
Clark Kerr urged yesterday that
students be given bigger roles in
developing university curricula,
and be consulted on "the effec-
tiveness of teachers."
Spetaking on student activism
and the role of the urban univer-
sity, Kerr attacked the general con-
servatism of university faculty
members. "Few organizations are
more conservative," he said. "Their
internal views change slowly. The
major changes in today's univer-
sities around the world come from
the outside."
"Although activists comprise
only a minority of the students
on college campuses, history has
been written by minority groups,"
he said.
Concerned students, Kerr added,
are going to give a "greater con-
tribution to America" than previ-
ous generations. He described stu-
dents as being "better educated"
and having a "spirit and sense of
concern for the welfare of the
surrounding society."
Calling on urban universities to
join in solving problems that con-
front big cities; Kerr stressed the
need for racial and social equality
on the campus as well as in the
"The university should recruit
people from minority groups," he
said. "These people need to be en-
couraged to walk through those
open doors."
He also suggested college-credit
projects as incentive for students
to serve their collegecommunities.
Kerr predicted that the urban
university will shape its own de-
velopment as it becomes involved
in urban affairs.
Citing universities as "elemental
forces" in the nation's develop-
ment because of their major role
in the growth of science and high-
er education during the last two
decades, Kerr outlined problems
that will face them in the future.
Equality Needed
Among these problems are
achieving equality in higher ed-
ucation, adjusting to the new con-
cerns and activism of students, in-
volvement of the university in ur-
ban afairs, and balancing the need
to protect it from the "constantly
changing pressures of the sur-
rounding community while keeping
it sensitive to the needs of society,"
he said.
Kerr also touched on financial
problems, saying that the Uni-
versity of California recently suf-
fered a budget cut of ten million
dollars as their enrollment in-
creased by 2,000 students. He is
now chairman of the Carnegie
Commission on the Future of
Higher Education.
TKerr shared the symnosium with

to be reevaluated now," Prof. Wil-
By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN IKnowles '70; and Michael Koene- Liam J. LeVeque, of the mathema-
Four student organizations made ke, '69BAd. Wally Rhines, '68E, tics department, said. The funda-
separate recommendations for the Engineering Council president said nental problem must be in the
Student Government Council elec- that a quorum was present when University's community conscience,
tions after a mass interviewing ses- the decision was made. he said.
sion Sunday night. A committee of Inter-House As- ,___---__
Elections to fill six at-large SGC sembly delegates selected Carol
seats will take place on Nov. 14 Hollenshead, '71; Don Racheter,
and 15. '69; Knowles and Koeneke.^
Engineering Council recom- The executive board of Inter-
mended Carl Bloch, '68E; E. O. Fraternity Council chose to iec
ommend Knowles, Koeneke and
The executive board of Panhel-
lenic Association recommended
Andrew Quinn, '69, Hollenshead, -
ent Fees Knowles and Koeneke.
In other elections action. Chris-
topher Bloch, '70E, announced his
in the tuition rates were set, withdrawal from the campaign in
University President Harlan Hat- { favor of his brother, Carl. Thef
cher said, "We are in line with withdrawal leaves 11 students
other schools across the country, campaigning for the six Council
and an increased contribution seats.
from students has been an ex- Other candidates for the Council
panding trend for many years. Veronica Holt, '70;
At the smaller institutions, Sharon Lowen, '71; Wayne Miller,
represented by ASCU, the in- ,.8; Sam Serman, '68; and Tom
state tution increases averaged 4 Saeran.
per cent, from $250 to $260. Out- e ClleGradCu s
of-state costs rose by 9 per cent,
tS?, k nr~ ntl A r . natP. T npnalrok

Atomic Energy Commission, and
National Science Foundation -
were urged not to put any restric-
tions on contracts except in special
See 'U', Page 1


WASHINGTON (CSP) - Tu- ior graduating from the Univer-
itioi, fees, and room and board I sity this year is paying 50 per
rates have been raised this year cent more in tuition now than he
at over four-fifths of the state paid as a freshman. Tuition for
colleges and universities in the the 1964-65 school year was $280
country. compared to this year's $420.1
In a report issued recently the Similarly out-of-state undergrads
National Association of State Uni- are paying 37 per cent more now
versities and Land Grant Col- than as freshmen, although al-
leges (NASULGC) and the As- most all of the increase came
sociation of State Colleges and this year.
Uiewrstie (ASCU)r >announceeld The sitteinstitutions generally

ition increases. Further, the re-
port added, tuition increases were
often "justified by a desire to
keep charges in line with those
of comparable neighboring in-
The report showed a 6.5 per cent
increase this year in in-state'
tuitions and fees at NASULGS
institutions, which are mostly;
large state universities. The
average rose from $330 last year


.: ,,.,.;,


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