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September 28, 1967 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-09-28

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Canada Asks
As Prelude to



Morton Hits 2
President's I

House Balks at Administration
Non-Military Spending Request

Viet eace War Policy

Says Mutual
Action Must
End Conflict
Canadian Foreign Secretary Paul
Martin warned yesterday that ef-
forts to open negotiations to end
the war in Vietnam are "doomed
to failure" unless the United
States halts its bombing of North
In a speech to the UN General
Assembly, Martin said that a ces-
sation of the bombing "is a mat-
ter of first priority if we are to
start the process of de-escalation
and to open the door to the con-
ference room."
At the same time, Martin told
the 122-nation assembly that a
halt in the U.S. bombing was
"only one side of the military
'Hope of Success'
"We cannot proceed, if we are
to have any hope of success," he
said, "as if the other side did not
He pledged Canada's continued
efforts through the International
Control Commission on Indo-
china-India and Poland are the
other commission members - to
help "to lead the parties to the
conflict in Vietnam to the con-
ference table and to assist in
every way to achieve the estab-
lishment of an equitable peace in
In another speech to the As-
sembly, Argentine Foreign Minis-
ter Nicanor Costa Mendez called
for active UN participation in the
search for peace in Southeast
UN Involvement
It is unreasonable, he said, "to
contend that the international or-
ganization, could remain alien to
such an obvious case of a breach
of both peace and security."
Both Canada and Argentina
are members of the UN Security
Council, which discussed the
Vietnam war without success in
early 1966.
Martin threw cold water on the
possibility of any UN involvement.
He pointed out that some of the
key parties to the war are not
represented here, and contended
that "the great powers are di-
vided on the causes of the con-
flict and the measures required
to terminate it."
World New
LAGOS, Nigeria-Nigerian forces
shelled the Biafran capital, Enugu,
after capturing three towns close
to it, a high Nigerian federal army
source said Wednesday night.
People were reported leaving the
secessionist capital as the federal
army moved closer against stiff
resistance, he added.
A broadcast earlier In the day
from Radio Nigeria said the troops
were moving their artillery within
The Lagos broadcast told of con-
fusion in Enugu as residents fled
the city despite repeated Biafra
radio pleas to fight "house to
house, street by street."
LA PAZ, Bolivia-The Bolivian
army announced yesterday that
Roberto "Coco" Peredo, Bolivian
guerrilla leader, was one of three
rebels killed Tuesday in a gun-

fight with federal troops.
The other two men were iden-
tified as "Antonio," believed to be
a Cuban, and "Julio," believed to
be a Bolivian. The army denied
rumors that one of those killed

..... ne ublie
-__-------- Cites 'Br
X Backs E
:......::..:..:.........:.:......:.:.:.:.:::.............S enate's m ost
licans said yes
dent Johnson'
grew out of bna
Sen. Thrusts
: Kentucky, in
est attack to 6a
f- f x moderate ont
:,r ::: :;;:v~::? , ::: policies, said
~ cannot win a

can Wenator WASHINGTON (A')-A deficit-
rainwisiing,' concious House voted in effect
Syesterday to force President John-
4nelaVe Policy soni to cut nonmilitary spending
by $5 billion during the fiscal year
'ON (A')-One of the ending next June 30.
influentialRepub- By a roll call vote of 202 to 182
sterday that Presi- i returned to its Appropriations
s Vietnam policies Committee a routine resolution to
minwashing by mili- provide money during October for
federal agencies which will be
on B. Morton of penniless starting next Sunday un-
perhaps the strong- less Congress comes to their rescue.
.ate by .a Republican1 These are agencies whose annual
the President's war money bill have not cleared Con-
mth y UnitrStatesgress. They have been financed on
miltay ictryina month-by-month basis since

assurance that there will be sharp1
reductions. The administration has
claimed it can pinpoint areas for
cuts only after the appropriation
bills have been enacted, since
much of the spending depends on
how much money Congress pro-

must be done" about the deficit
Appropriations cuts already voted
by the House, he claimed, have
only a minor effect on actual
spending, since much of the new
money won't be used until future
years and some of this year's
spending comes from funds pre-

Only four of an estimated 17 viously provided.
money bills have cleared Congress. Chairman George H. Mahon (D-
Many are in the compromise stage Tex). of the Appropriations Coin-
and three have not started through 1 mittee disputed Bow's claim. He
Congress. said the committee already has
The House action took the Dem decided to review appropriations
ocrats and administration leaders made this year with the object
by surprise. of trying to see if some money
Bow told the House "something available can be cancelled.

-Associated Press
WHILE THE WAR in Vietnam was the subject of agonized discussion at both the United Nations
and the United States Senate, on the military front it was a day of rest and prayer for American
marines after the battle atCon Thien.
Mcamara Defends"Opposition
rr * i

chance to forge a political solu-
Morton. a foi mer Republican
national chairman who previously
backed Johnson's Vietnam policy,
told a newly formed group of
anti-war businessmen at the
United States should temporarily
halt its bombing of North Viet-
nam in a new bid for peace talks.
Enclave Theory
He also urged halting all "search
and destroy" missions and with-
drawing U.S. forces to metropoli-
tan areas. That proposal, he said,
is in general agreement with the
enclave theory long advanced by
retired Army Gen. James E. Gavin.
Shoudt those steps fail, Morton
said following his speech to Busi-
ness Executives Move for Vietnam
Peace, the United- States could
point the finger of blame for the
fighting on the North Vietnamese.

July 1._
The House acted after being told
that the purpose of the move wasI a
to give the committee a chance to
reconsider an earlier action order-
ing the President to make a cut of
t$1 billionor more. The committee n E Xte
duction plan by a vote of 28 to 21.

F.. T...........

By The Associated Press

Meets Today
It will meet again, probably to-
day, to take another look at the
situation, with the Saturday mid-
night deadline in mind and the
Senate still to act.
A parliamentary situation pre-
vented the House from considering
the Republican-backed reduction
plan yesterday.
The next time the temporary fi-
nancing bill comes to the House,
the parliamentary situation may
permit a vote on the reduction
All 168 Republicans on hand

Egyptian and

Israeli forces

pounded each other with artillery,
tank and machine-gun fire across
the Suez-Canal cease-fire line yes-
terday in a seven-hour duel. Each
side accused the other for starting
The Israeli army claimed Egyp-
tian gunners ignored six cease-fire
calls from UN observers in the
battle that ranged along a 75-mile
front from El Qantara to Port
It was the ninth clash across
the canal this month.
Explosives were found last eve-

o omcnng or a

Egyptians Engage
nded Suez Fighting

WASHINGTON (;P) - Military-
civilian differences over North
Vietnam bombing sharpened yes-
terday as the war problem drew
critical discussion in Washington.
The controversy whirled around
these developments:
-Secretary of Defense. Robert
S. McNamara reiterated his stand
against attacking the Communist
port of Haiphong, major entry
point for Soviet aid: "A risk I
don't believe we should under-
take at this time."
-Newly released congressional
testimony placed Gen. Earle G.
Wheeler. chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, at odds with the
administration's decision making
Haiphong a sanctuary from U.S.
--Secretary of State Dean Rusk
challenged North Vietnam yester-
day to meet American peace over-
tures and pledged he would go
anywhere in the world for talks.
"We shall not stand on ceremony
or worry about saving face," Rusk
told the American Banker's Asso-
ciation. "It's not a question of
rs Roundup
was Ernesto "Che" Guevara, Ar-
gentine-born insurrectionist long
allied with Cuban Premier Fidel
WASHINGTON - Living costs
climbed three-tenths of one per
cent last month, the Labor De-
partment reported yesterday, and
a government spokesman predicted
that 1967 may see a total increase
of nearly three per cent.
At the same time usually stable
index of wholesale industrial prices
rose significantly.

saving face, it's a question of
saving South Vietnam."
-Denmark's Prime Minister1
Jens Otto Krag told the National
Press Club in Washington the
United States should "run a lim-
ited risk" and stop the air attacks;
to see whether negotiations might
In its search for peace in Viet-
nam, the United States set no pre-
conditions and "will talk directly1
or through intermediaries," Rusk
"If someone would produce a
real live North Vietnamese some-
where in the world for me to talk
to, I would be there."
McNamara, before leaving Wash-
ington for a NATO nuclear meet-'
ing in Turkey, discounted once
again the extent of the military
men's differences with the John-
son administration over conduct
of the war.
The Pentagon chiefs, in low-
.ey remarks, portrayed Wheeler's
testimony as "a balanced appraisal
of the potential risks and gains"
of raiding Haiphong while Soviet
chips may be docked unloading
But Wheeler, in comments given
Aug. 16 to a closed hearing of the
Senate preparedness subcommit-
tee. asserted that after considering
all factors, "I have come down on
the side that we could undertake
actions against the port of Hai-
The four-star general said that
if Haiphong were neutralized and
Soviet war shipments halted, he
believes an end to the war might
come relatively soon.
Wheeler was not more specific
with a projection of the war's
duration but he said if Soviet aid
to the Hanoi regime were halted
"any sizeable conflict would be
impossible for the North Vietnam-
ese and the Viet Cong."

O nor g 1 O t 1 i-Morton's attack on Johnson's voted for the motion of Rep. Frank ning outside Isra
policies appeared as an effort to T. Bow (R-Ohio), to return the ist.r Levi Eschko]
buttress the line of assault already measure to committee. They were tral Jerusalem, a
Wheeled further disclosed the opened by a GOP presidential joined by 34 Democrats. The op- reported.
joint chiefs wanted to hit 90 major hopeful, Gov. George Romney of position came from 182 Democrats. Eshkol was not
targets in 16 days intense raiding Michigan. Sizzling Debate time.
early in 1966, but the administra- Romney 'Brainwashed' The at-times heated debate fo- Three unidentif
tion chose a gradual escalation Romney charged recently he was cused on whether it was the re- ported seen runn
which allowed the bombing of only "brainwashed" by U.S. military and sponsibility of Congress or the the scene shortly
22 of these targets all last year. diplomatic leaders in Saigon when President to spell out spending re- the source said.
And he revealed that during he toured South Vietnam in 1964. ductions to head off a burgeoning An Egyptian m
McNamara's trip to Vietnam in The charge drew denials and deficit. nique said Israeli
July, commanders were sounded strong countercharges from ad- The House Ways and Means the east bank oft
out on the idea of limiting air at- ministration spokesmen and many Committe has postponed consider- mittently opened
tacks to North Vietnam's southern Republicans. Romney later ac- ation of the President's request installations and
panhandle well below Hanoi. They knowledged the term might have for a tax increase until there is at Suez, Ismailia,
objected to such a concept. been too strong. - -

aeli Prime Min-
I's home in cen-
reliable source
at home at the
ied men were re-
ning away from
after 7:30 p.m.
military commu-
gun positions on
the canal inter-
fire on military
civilian targets
El Qantara and

This disclosure stands in marked
contrast to McNamara's post-trip
statement at a White. House news
conference July 12 that while in


"I believe that President John-
son was brainwashed by this pow-
er center as early as 1961 when,
as vice president, he ventured to

Saigon "only incidentally did we Saigon on a fact-finding mission,"
discuss the air war in the north." said Morton.
- - - - - - - - - - - -




Tomorrow is THE END!!
No iuore block orders.will be
available for
after 3:00 P.M., Friday, S.G.C. Office
Performance Saturday, Oct. 7
8:30 P.M.-Hill Auditorium


Eversoir on the opposite bank.
The Egyptians claimed they de-
stroyed a battery each of medium
artillery and antiaircraft guns, a
number of military vehicles and
a command post. Israel reported
Egypt shelled a train on the east
bank of the deserted waterway,
killing one crewman and wounding
Egypt charged that Israeli shells
scored direct hits on 20 slum dis-
strict buildings and a railway sta-
tion in Ismailia, midway on the
107-mile canal.
In another development, an Is-
raeli army spokesman in Tel Aviv
said two Israeli border policemen
and two El Fatah terrorists were
killed in gun battles near Tulkarm
in Israeli-occupied Jordan yester-
He said three terrorists were
captured after two separate clash-
es as troopers pursued saboteurs
who blew up a house in an eastern
Israeli kibbutz Monday, killing a
boy and wounding his parents.
Two of the captured men con-
fessed they had planted the charge
at Kibbutz Ometz near the old
Jordan-Israel border, the spokes-
man said.
A provocative attempt
to out-Hitchcock
SHORT: Chapter 2
7 and 9:15 P.M.
Auditorium A
Angell Hall 50

Support Writer-in-Residence


;presents Electra Records'



Admission: $3.50, 3.00, 2.50

1421 H ill Street
8:30 P.M.

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Sept. 29, 30 & Oct. 1
Tickets on Sale at 7:30 P.M.



The Burmese
dir. Kon Ichikawa, 1956
Japanese, subtitles
From the director of
"Fires on the Plains"
and "Tokyo Olympiad"-
A tale of pacifism in
a W.W. I prison

JACK QUINE-singing folk music, playing guitar
and banjoj
PHILIPPE THIBODEAU-reading original poetry
FRIDAY-8:30 P.M.-Marty Ecclestone
singing blues, ballads and folk music
SATURDAY-8:30 P.M.-The P.F.'s
avant-garde jazz quartet
$1.00 cover includes entertainment and refreshments

-I !


3rd floor, Michigan League



802 Monroe

An introduction to the thought of the late world-
renowed theologian and philosopher, especially as it
relates to the conquest of anxiety. Discussions, led by
Lloyd W. Putnam of the Office of Religious Affairs, will
deal with concerns prompted by the films but will focus
chiefly on a study of Tillich's book "The Courage To Be"
(Yale paperbound). Open to all interested persons.
(Film Series)
TONIGHT: 7:30 PM.-Dr. Tillich discusses the place
ofreligion in the philosophy of life, morality vs.
moralism. the latent vs. the manfest church.




Friday, Sept. 29, Noon Luncheon 25c

Prof. Bert E. Garskof, M.S.U.:

I-%AI C A LI ""ATIf C"



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