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September 28, 1967 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-09-28

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Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

Under the Influence
From Whence Cometh the Funds
of Meredith Eiker


here Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Reuther Lacks Foresight
In Supporting Johnson

LAST NIGHT MARK LANE opened the University
Activities Center's fall speaker series, Controversy '67.
In successive weeks Barry Goldwater, F. Lee Bailey, and
Bishop Pike will grace the stage of Hill Auditorium. The
whole program will cost UAC over $8,500, funding for
which will come in part from admission sales.
Next spring UAC will sponsor the University's annual
Creative Arts Festival and probably a topical symposium
as they have done in the past. Again UAC will foot most
of the bill.
UAC is also responsible for Labor Day Weekend,
Homecoming, Soph Show, Musket, a winter weekend, and
other college-type festivities. These, however, will more
or less produce their own revenue.
From whence cometh UAC's money? From the same
place 'as SGC's-student fees. But UAC fares a little
better than SGC, which receives twenty-five cents per
student each semester. UAC receives fifty cents per stu-
dent from tuition money originally allocated to the
Union and the League.
FEW STUDENTS ARE AWARE that $7.50 out of every
male student's tuition goes to the Union while $4.00 out
of every female's tuition is given to the League each
semester.'This kind of appropriation is a substantial
source of income and where it is spent has never been
made clear.

Aside from the cultural and intellectual advantages
of UAC programs, the money does not seem to be yielding
much in the way of added student benefits. Food prices
at both the Union and the League remain high, and
recent remodeling at the Union brought seldom-used
vending machines and an alumni center built in an area
which might have gone for additional study facilities or
rooms for poverty-stricken student organizations such
as the International Center.
Further, the average female on campus rarely enters
the League. As a matter of fact, for the $32.00 which will
have been taken out of my tuition and handed over the
League I may as well have been charged a dollar admis-
sion fee every time I entered.
VHILE UAC IS GENERALLY wise in its expenditures,
it is run by a group of students who are not elected by
the student body at large. Why UAC should receive tuition
funds while other similarly run and more worthy student
organizations are near bankrupty is beyond compre-
Take, for example, the tutorial project. Lacking any
consistent financial support, students in the project are
attempting to serve both the University and the greater
Ann Arbor communities. Theirs is a strictly educational
endeavor and can be more rationally classed as academ-

ically oriented than UAC. This year the tutorial project
has set up a film program as part of its tutoring cur-
riculum. As of yesterday they had one projector and
250 tutees ....
The International Center is another disgraceful ex-
ample of University neglect. Student funds could used to
drastically remedy cramped quarters and make foreign
students feel less like aliens in the University com-
UAC on occasion receives grants from outside sources
interested in a particular program. Why haven't other
student organizations on campus been given similar
funds? Probably because they can't afford the publicity
to make their projects known.
THE TIME HAS COME for a complete investigation
and re-evaluation of the non-academic distribution of
student tuition. It is not feasible for students to choose
which organization they want to support, but certainly
some kind of review board should be set up for deciding
which groups will be given this money.
Every student organization on campus should have
the right to petition for these funds. And the worthiest
ones, chosen on the basis of plans for the coming year,
should be awarded the prizes.


Walter Reuther in endorsing Presi-
dent Johnson for the 1968 elections may
have achieved short run gains in his
struggle with the Ford Motor Company,
but has sacrificed what influence he
might have in changing administration
policies on Vietnam.
In a radio and TV interview Sunday,
Reuther said that' he had no choice but
to endorse Johnson because of the Re-
publican stand on domestic issues, specif-
ically citing Republican opposition to rat
control measures and civil rights.
However, at the same time, Reuther
voiced opposition to the bombing of
North Vietnam explaining, "If I were the
President I believe I would be willing to
cease the bombing in the north until we
have done everything possible to exhaust
the possibility of getting negotiations un-
der way."
Reuther further conceded that there
were no military solutions to the prob-
lems of Southeast Asia. "Freedom must
win the battle in the rice fields, not on
the battle fields."
WHAT REUTHER fails to realize (or
what his statements fail to acknowl-
edge) is that domestic and foreign policy,
are inseparable at this junction in the
war. Ending the costly conflict, which
currently has no end in sight, is the only
way that effective domestic policies can
ever be instituted. The well-intentioned
Democratic measures have been castrat-

ed by drastically slashed budget appro-
priations to meet the rising cost of the
war. The cities will continue to rot and
its inho' itants riot until large-scale,
well-financed programs can be mobilized
to meet urban problems.
Reuther should not foreclose the pos-
sibility of supporting a Republican can-
didate who is committed to ending the
war. It may be the only way that the so-
cial welfare programs he is seeking will
ever be realized.
Reuther's endorsement will of course
definitely influence White House deci-
sions concerning the now three-week old
auto strike. Johnson will probably think
very carefully before evoking the 80-day
cooling off period provided for in the
Taft-Hartley law, no matter what the
effect of the strike on the economy may
made to dump Johnson in the 1968
Democratic National Convention have
been seriously undermined.
Reuther; in his dual role as leader of
the liberal bloc of the Democratic Party
and head of the UAW, has dealt his most
important card too early. The immediate
interests of his union have transcended
his concern over the future of the nation.
The hopes for an effective campaign
against the war within the Democratic
Party are dimmed by Reuther's hasty ac-



Letters: Reintroducing Irresponsible, Unacceptable'

To the Editor:
APPEARING in The Michigan
Daily dated Sept. 20, 1967, was
the article, "Where the Draft
Dodgers Lodge." This article is
one of the most irresponsible
pieces of reporting I have read
in my 20 years of experience in
Many members of the staff vis-
ited my office on September 21
calling my attention to the many
outright errors which are too
many to enumerate. Perhaps the
greatest complaint is that the
article, rather than being factual
and objective, is slanted toward
your obvious personal feelings.
Although many agree that in the
course of a discussion, a state-
ment was made similar to the
quotes attributed to them in this
article, those quotes are slanted
and presented out of context.
To me the greatest violation

is that of "trust." We permitted
you to talk to two Selective Serv-
ice violators after you had as-
sured us that there would be
nothing personal in the article
about the inmates. You were told
that your reporting of conversa-
tion with inmates would be lim-
ited to "the discussion of institu-
tional facilities, programs and ac-
tivities." The purpose of the in-
terview was to give you "general"
background of the inmate treat-
ment program and you were not
to categorize, i.e., Selective Serv-
ice violators. You violated this
"trust" by using the inmate's
first name, going into the man's
background and even a personal
The harm has been done. Nat-
urally I object to an article such
as this, which is twisted to re-
flect justification for your own
personal beliefs. But the most

Hatcher and Hannah Do Right

Kelley's ruling that an officer or
member of a governing board of a state
institution of higher education may not
serve as an officer or director of a pri-
vate corporation doing business with that
institution is to be commended as one of
those "better late than never" decisions.
The opinion, which sets down conflict
of interest guidelines for officers and
members of the state universities, comes
after four years of uncertainty over pro-
visions in the 1963 Michigan State Con-
University President Harlan Hatcher
and Michigan State University President
John A. Hannah are to be congratulated
for their prompt resignations from their
bank directorships following Kelley's rul-
Hatcher resigned his position as a di-
rector of the Ann Arbor Bank, which he
held since 1952, "when news of the at-
torney general's decision reached him,"
according to Michael Raddock, vice-pres-
ident for University relations.

Hannah gave up his posts as a mem-
ber of the board of directors for both the
Manufacturers National Bank of Detroit
and the American Bank and Trust Co. of
Lansing. He described his action as an
"immediate response" to the attorney
general's ruling.
DO NOT WANT to be in a position of
knowingly violating any law regard-
less of its merits or objectives," Hannah
had said earlier. The ruling came in re-
sponse to queries from Hannah, Rep. Wil-
liam P. Hampton (R-Bloomfield Hills)
and Rep. Jack Faxon (D-Detroit).
A Lansing source indicated Monday
night that another opinion will be forth-
coming on the application of the con-
flict of interest legislation to members
of the State Board of Education.
It is to be hoped that a similar ruling
will be issued by the attorney general and
that board members who might be in-
volved in potential conflict of interest
situations would follow the example of
Presidents Hatcher and Hannah.

harm is done to the readers of
The Michigan Daily - the great
majority of which will never get
the true picture.
--Paul P. Sartwell, Warden
EDITOR'S NOTE: Warden Sartwell
agreed to let The Daily interview
two Selective Service violators on
the promise that their full names
would not be used in the paper.
There were no other conditions for
the interview. We regret the mis-
understanding. -R.
Rent Strike
To the Editor:
MR. ZIEREN has missed the en-
tire point of Northwood Ter-
race Association's existence. His
editorial shows that he wishes
the representative of the tenants
to immediately establish lines of
communication with the landlord,
while throwing down the gauntlet
to him at the same time.
NTA was born of a rent strike.
A strike is the final admission
that communication has broken
down and pressure is needed to
restore it. It is a last resort, since
the great pressures which it cre-
ates in both parties are inappro-
priate in normal bargaining. The
rent strike was almost a reflex ac-
tion to the fact that there was
no communication at all between
the parties to the lease. The
tenants have formed a body to
give it a voice in a dialogue, not
to continue a course of sulking
Also, by repeatedly printing the
minority views of one member,
Mr. Zieren has succeeded in cre-
ating a false impression. The NTA
did agree to support the con-
cept of a rent strike as a possible
weapon; it rejected the conten-
tion that such actions would be
Mr. Zieren istaware of some of
the factors in the voting, but he
does not bother to analyze them.
He notes that no rent-strike lead-
ers were elected, but does not rec-
ognize this as a clear mandate
that less precipitous actions be
taken if possible. His recognition
that only 20 per cent of the resi-
dents voted is apt,but this is
unaccompanied by a conclusion
that the NTA must then work
carefully to build up added sup-
port before organizing any tests
of strength in the University.

THE EDITORIAL then ridi-
cules NTA's attempt to find a
meeting night which would al-
low Mr. Feldkamp to attend. This
is ludicrous. Far from indicating
"the extent to which the new
group plans to cater to the whims
of the administration," it shows
the association's desire to solve
the basic cause of the rent strike:
a lack of effective communication.
How may one negotiate on be-
half of his constituents if he
makes it impossible to meet with
the other party?
The NTA's approach is that
of joint-problem-solving with the
University, with confrontation to
occur only if the resident's in-
terests become compromised by
University fiat; the approach is
not to be a dialogue of one, which
replaces an apathetic lack of com-
munication with a belligerent lack

of communication. The results of
such an approach have become
evident. The residents have be-
gun to call the Executive Board
members when they want some-
thing done; they realize that their
specific desires will not become
buried in a "holy war." The Hous-
ing Office has already agreed to
waive the late-payment penalty
fee for the strikers, and to re-
negotiate the lease with the NTA.
It has also given to the NTA ma-
jor tasks concerning the half-fin-
ished Northwood 4 complex: to
decide what the rent structure will
be, what per cent of the apart-
ments will be unfurnished, and
how the furnished apartments will
be decorated.
If this is betrayal, was any
man yet loyal?
-Larry Kallen,
Executive Board, NTA





Something's Missg

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The Insi~de Dope on South Vietnam 7s Army

DID YOU SEE a draft counseling serv-
ice? I -didn't see a draft counseling
Student Government Council said three
weeks ago that it would happen in two
weeks. Then it was postponed a week. By
simple arithmetic, that means it should
be happening now.
So either SGC's Executive Vice-Presi-
dent Ruth Baumann has hidden it some-
where other than the Student Activities
Building -which would have been ex-
tremely inconsiderate of her-or it has
been lost.
The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and
Collegiate Press Service.
tall and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by
carrier ($5 by mail); $8.00 for regular academic school
s7ear ($9 by mail).
Daily except Monday during regular academic school
Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular
summer session.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan,
420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104.
Editorial Staff
MEREDITH EIKER, Managing Editor
City Editor Editorial Director
SUSAN ELAN ............Associate Managing Editor
STEPHEN FIRSHEIN ...... Associate Managing Editor
LAURENCE MEDOW ...... Associate Managing Editor
JOHN LOTTIER....Associate Editorial Director
RONlAT~L T.WMPNER ....Assite ERaldtorwial fDirector

That would be too bad. The draft
counseling service is one of the best ideas
SGC has had in a long time. A large
number of male seniors and graduate
students are in the unenviable position
right now of having to reconcile their
idea of what they will be doing for the
next two years with General Hershey's.
The provisions of the existing statutes
are confusing. Furthermore, the laws
may allow a number of options that very
few of the people concerned are aware of.
There is a clear need, then, for just
such a service as Council has been talk-
ing about. The problem is that all we
seem to be getting is talk.
Let's Evaluate
"STUDENT POWER" has been thrown
around a lot lately, but the liberali-
zations sought in the dorms and in the
lives of students still leave a great area
of student concern neglected: the aca-
demic life.
It is a sad commentary on this Uni-
versity that there is no thorough course
evaluation system, no perceptive guide-
lines available for entering freshmen
and curious seniors to judge course se-
lections. The recent establishment of


Collegiate Press Service
ON SUNDAY, Sept. 17, the
major dailies in Washington,
D.C., carried a full page article
about the ARVN (Army Repub-
lic of Vietnam, South Vietnam)
written by Peter Arnett, the
Pulitizer Prize winning war cor-
respondent for the Associated
Press in South Vietnam.
The Washington Post head-
lined the story: "South Vietna-
mese Army fight 5/2 Day Week;"
the Star: "South Vietnam's Army
Found Increasingly Ineffective."
The Star apologetically wrote in
an editorial that "in view of the
fact that Arnett is a respected
newsman and since AP carried
the story, we feel an obligation
to present it to our readers."
The article, which reveals
nothing new or sensational,
should have been titled: "The
Story of an Army That Failed."
The failure of the ARVN is an
old story.
It has been both recognized by
the people in the U.S. and the
Vietnamese people. The steady in-
crease of the U.S. land forces
committed to the fighting in
South Vietnam (23,000 in 1964,
450,000 in 1967) is a clear admis-
sion of that failure.

dent and vice president "elected,"
is: corruption and inefficiency,
mainly corruption.
This presumes that General
Thieu and Marshall Ky are above
c o r r u p t i o n. Administratively
speaking, if there is such a large
scale corruption (and there is),
the responsible are those who are
commanding that Army in the
last two years at the very top:
General Thieu and Marshall Ky.
Time, no leftist magazine, in
the Sept. 15 cover story on Gen-
eral Nguyen Van Thieu, wrote
mildly and nicely: "There is
little doubt that he (Thieu) has
occasionally accepted the shad-
owy prerequisities that go with
high office throughout most of
Asia (why Asia and which Asia?).
Oni his lieutenant general's salary
of $509 a month, he has report-
edly managed to accumulate con-
siderable acreage and can afford
to send Mme. Thieu to Paris now
and then for a shopping spree."
MADAME KY, on a Tokyo
shopping spree and nose-straight-
ening operation was careless: she
lost a handbag containing $1,500
U.S. dollars in cash last year.
Ky's salary, of course, is smaller
than Thieu's.
The Atlantic Monthly of Sep-

ing. Instead, Saigon dismissed the
Later when Saigon wanted to
nominate a friend of General Ky.
and General Loan as ambassador,
the decent Laotian government
politely said no.
The Atlantic wrote: "It is im-
possible to estimate police profits
from the opium and gold rackets
and other extracurricular activi-
ties. A former Cabinet minister
gave as his informed opinion that
secret funds available to Ky's
supporters from these and other
sources ran to three billion pias-
ters, or more than $25 million."
Last spring, news dispatches
(Washington Post, March 24)
carried the story of Ngo Van
Dieu, a major in the South Viet-
nam Air Force who had flown in
his military plane to avoid charge
of "embezzling $19,000." Major
Dieu was known in Saigon as an
important member in the opium
smuggling ring. Saigon informa-
tion available to me at the time
were that the major was "hot"
with General Thieu's rival secret
police who was beginning to ex-
pose his case. Ky had to let him
(Big Minh, exiled in Bangkok

trolled by General Loan, the
closest friend of General Ky.
With this large scale corrup-
tion at the top; what good is it
to punish small fry-the majors
and the colonels?
Several fundamental questions
have to be asked in the case of
the failure of the ARVN.
equip it, pay it, and support it
since 1954? The answer is ob-
vious: The U.S., and the Ameri-
can taxpayers. For the U.S. to
blame the failure of the ARVN is
just like a father who blames his
delinquent son, accusing him of
being his son and a young man.
I am not defending the ARVN
and certainly not its leadership.
I know more about its corrup-
tion than Mr. Arnett, having ob-
served it for several years both
inside and outside. It is no use to
expose here all the cases: the
list is too long.
Often I conversed with junior
officers and simple soldiers and
I am aware of their inner tragedy.
They are insulted by faults not
of their own by the people who
pay them.
0 WHY IS IT THAT the Viet
Cong soldiers-the North Vietna-

Why should they fight under the
present circumstances?"
Perhaps this is a brutal reply
to the 'problem but I have no
doubt that my compatriot is not
expressing a lone opinion. Cases
of conflicts between Vietnamese
and U.S. officers increase with
the degree of control of the U.S.
Army over the ARVN. I under-
stand the U.S. Army dilemma
which actually is the basic weak
point in the whole U.S. military
intervention in South Vietnam.
* IN MANY conversations with
the American man in the street,
I am given the impression that
now is the first time Vietnam has
an army and a government (if
one can call the Saigon regime a
government) and that Vietnam
has never been a nation. The
question then is: Who defeated
the all powerful Mongolian arm-
ies in the 13th century? Who con-
stantly repulsed foreign invasion
before the U.S. was a nation and
before the U.S. came to Vietnam?
The war in Vietnam is a trag-
edy of great magnitude and in
any tragedy there are only vic-
tims. This is no time for recrimi-
nation or anger or frustration.
The source of all tragedy is ig-
norance, ignorance of the envir-


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