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September 19, 1967 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-09-19

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To Prepare
For Possible
China Attack
tary of Defense Robert S. McNa-
mara announced yesterday' that
the United States will start build-
ing soon a $5 billion Nike-X anti-
missile defense against a possible
nuclear attack by Communist
China in the 1970s.
"It would be insane and sui-
cidal for her to do so, but one can
conceive conditions under which
China might miscalculate," Mc-
;Namara said.
"We wish to reduce such pos-
sibilities to a minimum."
The defense secretary said that
in addition to throwing an um-
brella over the population areas
of the United Sates, the planned'
antimissile system would provide
greater protection for part of the
force of 1,000 U.S. Minutemen in-
tercontinental ballistic missiles
poised in underground launch
pads and aimed at targets in both
China and Russia.
Protect Against Accidents
Further, McNamara said, such
a "thin" antimissile system would
guard against possible accidental
launch of an intercontinental mis-
sile ,by any of the nuclear powers
which may develop them, and
would counter Chinese nuclear
blackmail against other nations in
At the same time, McNamara
served notice he 'will continue to
resist pressure against building a
missile defense against a Russian-
much more expensive antiballistic
style threat involving hundreds of
Soviet missiles equipped with de-
There is no point whatever in
"going to a massive ABM deploy-
ment to protect our population,
when such a system would be in-
effective against a sophisticated
Soviet offense," McNamara said.
His speech was prepared for a
meeting of United Press Interna-
tional editors and publishers.
Combat Russians
The way to deal with the Rus-
sian threat, he said, is to mount
a big enough and modern enough
missile force to penetrate any
Russian dntimissile defense. Mc-
Namara said the United States has
such a force and is improving it.
The defense chief declared that
the United States has more than
enough nuclear power effectively
to destroy both Russia and Com-
munist China if necessary.
But he appealed to the ;Russians
to sit down and try to reach a
agreement, to avoid any new spiral
"realistic and reasonbly riskless
in the arms race in both offensive
and defensive weapons.
McNamara acknowledged that
the Russians now are deploying
what he called a modest antimis-
sile system, but he said it "does
not impose any threat to our abil-
ity to penetrate and inflict mas-
sive and unacceptable damage on
the Soviet Union"
Related Programs
McNamara said the United
States already has started a pro-I
gram of several billion dollars to
upgrade American missiles in such
a way as to "offset the small pres-
ent Soviet ABM deployment, and
possibly more extensive future

Soviet ABM deployments."
As for the Chinese, McNamara
said that despite their internal
strife, there is evidence the Chi-
nese are devoting "very substan-
tial resources to the development
of both nuclear warheads and
missile deliver systems."
He recalled that he had told
Congress last January that the
Communist Chinese will have:
mediium-range ballistic missiles-
about 700 to 900 miles in range-
within a year, a beginning inter-
continental ballistic missile capa-
bility in the early 1975s; and
what he called a modest force of
ICBMs in the mid-1970s.



Arabs Assail
Israeli Army
Soviet Union and Arab nations
denounced Israel yesterday for its'
continued occupation of conquer-
ed Arab territory, foreshadowing
a bitter Middle East debate in the!
regular session of the UN General
Assembly opening ,today.
The harsh words were sounded
at the closing meeting of the
Assembly's inconclusive emergencyj
session on the Middle East, which
the Soviet Union summoned in a
futile attempt to obtain an As-
sembly condemnation of Israel:
and a demand for Israeli with-
drawal from the Arab lands seized
in the Arab-Israeli war in early
The emergency session, which
convened June 17 and recessed
July 21, finally ended after the
Assembly voted without dissent to
place the Middle East problem on
the agenda of the regular session
as a "matter of high priority."
The recorded vote, on an Aus-
trian-Finnish-Swedish resolution,
was 93 in favor, none opposed and
three abstaining-Israel, Portugal
and South Africa. Others among
the 122 member nations were ab-
sent. Israel said afterward that
it had abstained in error and had
intended to vote -for the resolu-
tion. Its vote could not be
changed, however.
The Middle East debate in the
regular session is expected to be-
gin in mid-October.
Soviet Ambassador Nikolai T.
Fedorenko, speaking after the
vote, declared it was essential that
the Assembly "take measures to
insure the immediate withdrawal
of. Israeli forces from Arab terri-
tories conquered by them and
liquidate other consequences of
the Israeli aggression."
He said the June fighting re-
sulted from a "criminal conspiracy
of the most reactionary kind,"
and he accused the United States
and other countries of the North
Atlantic T r e a t y Organization
(NATO) of protecting Israel in
two attacks. on the Arabs in 10
The aim of the "imperialists,"
he said, is to weaken "the na-
tional liberation movements of
the Arab peoples."
Israeli Ambassador Gideon Ra-
fael, declared that the Soviet
Union bore a heavy responsibility
for the Middle East situation. He
said the Arab formula that
emerged from the Summit con-
ferences in Khartoum "of no
peace, no negotiation and no rec-
ognition of Israelscannot lead to
any constructive solution."

GM Announces Price Hikes;
Blames Material, Labor Costs

DETROIT (P--General Motors The GM average was $23 less
Corp announced yesterday its than the $133 average boost an-
1968 model automobiles will carry nounced by Chrysler for 1968
a suggested list price averaging models last week. Chrysler esti-
$110 more than 1967 cars and left mated its hike at 4.6 per cent.
the way open for possible further The price differences immedi-
increase if the United Auto Work- ately raised speculations as to
ers. now striking Ford Motor Co..: whether Chrysler. the No. 3 auto-
win a sizeable pay boost from the maker, might cut back as it did
industry, when GM came in below compe-
GM said its suggested list price titors on 1967 models.
increase averaging 3.6 per cent is Ford, which also rolled back to
based on "current materials prices meet GM prices on 1967 models,
and payroll costs," and a spokes- will put its 1968 models on display
man added "it is too early to de- Friday and is expected to an-
termine whether we can consider nounce prices for them tomorrow
our prices final for the 1968 model or Thursday.
year." American Motors, smallest of the
Black Militants Arrested
As N.Y. Strike Continues

-Associated Press
A South Vietnamese policemen warns two Viet Cong to keep their heads down and arms outstretched.
The two were flushed from a spider hole under a thatched hlut near Bong Son in South Vietnam's
coastal plains. A third Viet Cong was killed by the attacking government forces.
Claim Johnson Administration
Canceled Hanoi Peace Probe'

NEW YORK (R)-Thirteen Ne-
gro militants were arrested while
demanding a voice in negotiations
yesterday as a New York City
teachers' 'strike continued for a
second week to cripple the 1.1
million-pupil public school sys-
In a melee at Board of Educa-
tion headquarters in Brooklyn,
where the arrests occurred, a po-
liceman and a television camera-
man were assaulted and a woman
demonstrator told another police-
man: "Put down that gun and
billy, you fat pig, and I'll take
you on. I'll show you some black
Another Negro group invaded
the Manhattan headquarters of
the striking 49,000-member AFL-
CIO United Federation of Teach-
ers, seeking an interview with its
president, Albert Shanker. In Har-
lem, a threatened take over by
parents at an elementary school
failed to materialize.
Sunday with Mayor John V. Lind-
say was adjourned for a few hours
so negotiators could get some
An all-night bargaining session
UFT Attorney Ernest Fleisch-

man said, "The issues have been
However, Shanker said he saw
no immediate truce in sight and
declared: "City Hall and the
Board of Education are still pretty
Shanker and two other top UFT
officials were due in court. today
for trial on criminal contempt
charges, which grew out of their
refusal to bow to a court order
and end the strike.
Conviction could mean a fine of
$10,000 a day for the union and
jail for the union leaders.
School Supt. Bernard Donovan
told his staff over the school
radio system: "We hope this will
come to a conclusion rapidly. To-
night we're meeting with more
hope than we've had for many a
day. I trust that tonight's nego-
tiations will be fruitful."
The strike for higher wages and
tighter classroom controls began
on the scheduled opening day of
school, Sept. 11 and involved
more than 40,000 teachers in the
city's 900 public schools. Attend-
ance fell to less than 350,000 chil-
dren, and few of these received
any formal classroom instructions.

four major U.S. automakers, has
sent dealers tentative prices for
new models with increases ranging
from $59 to $157 on many of the
firm's cars.
It is expected, however, that
when AMC announces final prices
early next week, they .will show
some adjustment over the tenta-
tive list sent to dealers. AMC cars
go on sale Sept. 26.
The Unted Auto Workers Union
struck Ford on Sept. 7 in support
of what the UAW says is its "long-
est and most ambitious list" of
wage and fringe demands in his-
GM, Ford and Chrysler made
practically identical new contract
offers Aug. 29.
They would have provided an
an immediate 13-cent hourly in-
crease and 2.8 per cent raises in
the second and third years, but
would have cut back on cost-of-
living allowances and other con-
tract features with which the
union has said there can be "ab-
solutely no tampering."
The union rejected the parallel
offers as "totally inadequate in
view of the industry's fantastic
profits," and called out its 160,000
members employed in Ford plants
across the country.
GM Offer
"The labor settlement will, of
course, be reviewed very colsely in
terms of the affect it will have on
our costs," a GM spokesman said.
"We made an offer to the union
on Aug. 29 and we know how much
that would- cost."
The companies have declined
to put a price tag on their over-all
wage offers, but some executives
have estimated it would take $4
additional hourly to meet all the
union's wage and fringe demands.
The average straight-line wage
is figured at $3.41 hourly for the
automotive industry as a whole by
the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The
Big Three estimate fringes lift
their costs per worker to approxi-
mately $4.70 hourly.

WASHINGTON MP-The State the demands the United States
Department flatly denied yester- hal made for suspending bombing
day charges that President John- of North Vietnam.,
son's administration had "effec- But Ashmore claimed Johnson
tively and brutally canceled" a sent Ho a letter three days before
private peace probe With Hanoi by the Ashmore-Baggs message and
stiffening the terms for peace ne- which Ashmore says made harder
gotiations. demands and undercut the chances
g Asst. Secretary of State William for further talks the two hnews-
P. Bundy, in charge of Far East- papermen had thought might
ern affairs told a news conference bring negotiations.
the charge by Pulitzer prizewin-
ning editor and writer Harry S Dirksen Defends Johnson
Ashmore was misleading. Senate Republican Leader Ev-
He said it had taken no account erett M. Dirksen of Illinois came
of the published record of Presi- to Johnson's defense yesterday and
dent Johnson's letter to North said he couldn't conceive of cir-
Vietnam President Ho Chi Minh cumstances in which the President
which made reference to contacts wouldn't make every possible ef-
in Moscow between American and fort to stop the killing in Vietnam.
North Vietnamese representatives. Chairman J. W. Fulbright (D-
In addition the State Depart- Ark), of the Senate Foreign Rela-
ment issued a 1,500-word state- tions Committee, who has been a
ment in rebuttal to an article writ- critic of Johnson's Vietnam policy,
ten by Ashmore. confirmed the account of Ashmore
New Peace Terms as accurate.
Baggs wrote in the Miami News
Ashmore, former executive editor yesterday that "the plain fact is
of the Arkansas Gazette and now that Ho was conciliatory, as Ash-
executive vice president of the more has written and that he said
Center for tloe Study of Democratic that talks to end the war could
Institutions in Santa Barbara, begin once the bombing of his
Calif., declared in his article that country was stopped."
the Johnson letter to Ho had hard-
ened the administration by adding Softest Position
new terms for peace. He added that the Ashihore-
Ashmore and Editor William C. Baggs letter "expressed the softest
Baggs of the Miami, Fla., News position our government had taken
talked with Ho in Hanoi in Janu- on terms to end the war."
ary. In February the two men sent About the same time unknown
Ho a letter which Ashmore says to us the President was drafting
was drafted with the aid of the a letter to Ho Chi Minh. His letter
State Department and lessened was much tougher,'" Baggs said.
World News Roundup

Baggs wrote that he couldn't
say why the President chose that
particular time to send the letter
but added that "this letter certain-
ly did not encourage the develop-
ment of conversations to initiate
private talks."
But he said that the U.S. gov-
ernment was at that time main-
taining a separate and secret di-
rect Moscow channel for nego-
tiations with North Vietnam that
only a handful of U.S. officials
knew about. It was decided not to
tell Ashmore and Baggs about the
secret Moscow channels.


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By The Associated Press
RICHMOND, Va. - A federal
judge yesterday granted the re-
lease on bail of Black Power advo-
cate H. Rap Brown and placed
him in the custody of his New
York attorney.
District Judge Robert R. Mer-
hige Jr. took the action at the
close of a four-hour hearing in
which the state argued that
Brown was not entitled to bail
while his fight against extradition
was continuing.
Merhige set bail at $10,000 and
said Brown would be released pro-
vided he promises to appear at
all scheduled legal hearings "in
any court, anywhere."

LONDON-The British returned
a Soviet scientist to Russian dip-
lomats yesterday after satisfying
themselves he wants to go home.
But Moscow levelled a formal
charge he had been kidnapped to
undermine relations between the
two countries.
British police and secret agents
removed Vladimir Tkachenko, a
25-year-old Soviet physicist who
had been studying low tempera-
ture physics at Birmingham Uni-
versity, from a Soviet airliner late
Saturday on the suspicion he was
b e i n g kidnapped by Russian


McNamara indicated that t]
lead time advantage on the si
of the United States has ju
about run out and a decision he
to be made at this time.


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