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September 19, 1967 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-09-19

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Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

Some Kosher Pigskin Predictions
. Y."':. S '.'.1"ff "fi Y, :1 i""r maX 1: . s 1 .............

Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



The Teachers' Strike Ends
But 'The Fire Next Time'

THE DETROIT teachers' strike has end-
ed. The teachers have ratified a two-
year contract which, while clearly fail-
ing to meet their well-justified salary de-
mands, provides enough of an increase to
save face for both the striking individuals
and the Detroit Federation of Teachers.
At the beginning of the strike, the teach-
ers demanded a salary increase of $1200
annually over a two year period and the
Board of Education countered with a $600
offer. They have settled on $850, which
will, in 1968-69, bring starting teacher
salaries above the $7000 level.
This salary increase, while undoubted-
ly a good thing for the present teachers,
is not nearly enough. It will do little to
put teaching in serious competition with
other occupations open to college gradu-
ates, and thus will fail to draw into the
teaching profession the quality and quan-
tity of men and women that are so ob-
viously needed. (According to one Detroit
teacher, the Board of Education is short
more than 800 teachers for this school
The politicians and citizens, who con-
stantly speak of the complex solutions
needed for the problem of the ghettos,
have ignored a most obvious and pain-
less measure that would undoubtedly
do more to promote equal opportunity
in- the future than the currently propos-
e4 "solution" of investigating the Detroit
police force.
By paying teachers more now, De-
troiters could insure that the present gen-
eration of inner-city children would not
be as badly-taught as their parents. But
the necessary increases have not been

given, and the likelihood of improved
urban education over the next decade is
almost nil.
AND MEANWHILE, as school board, par-
ents, and state legislators draw a deep
sigh of relief, one odious misconception
that has been nourished by teacher
strikes all over the country will probably
continue to grow. This is the idea that the
teachers, in striking, have let the stu-
dents , down. By refusing to appear in
school, they have somehow "betrayed" the
boys and girls who depend on them for
their education.
This idea is unfair, and untrue. Teach-
ers, by striking, by demanding a salary
comparable to what others with their
education and training can earn, and by
refusing to let the teaching profession go
any farther toward the unprofessional
mediocrity that seems to be its present
trend, have finally fulfilled their obliga-
tion to their students, present and future.
They have finally stood up for the mere
possibility of 'real education by telling
America, in the only language Americans
can understand, "You get what you pay
for, and nothing more."
And to the extent that the teachers-
have accepted less than their demands,
they have let their pupils down. The
shortage of qualified teachers will grow,
and the poor conditions in Detroit schools
will grow with it.
Two years from , now, perhaps we'll
hear from the teachers again. And may-
be next time they'll mean business.

IN 1873, THIRTY MEN of Michigan sent Cornell Uni-
versity a challenge to play a game of "football" at a
midway point, Cleveland. The request stirred Cornell
President Andrew D. White to telegraph a classic reply
to Ann Arbor: "I will not permit thirty men to travel
four hundred miles merely to agitate a bag of wind."
The annual ritual of agitation begins this Saturday
as the Wolverines march out against their first of this
year's ten opponents. Of course, no season is complete
without a barrage of self-declared experts predicting the
outcome of the schedule. The following is my contribu-
tion to the occult art of pigskin prognostication:
DUKE vs. MICHIGAN at Ann Arbor (Sept. 23)-The
fearsome Blue Devils, hot on the heels of a 33-13 whomp-
ing of mighty Wake Forest, fly in from the tobacco fields
of North Carolina for the Michigan premiere. Emblaz-
oned on their uniforms is a new warning to the oppo-
sition: "Football may be hazardous to your health." This
will not inhibit the Blue from beginning the year with
a win. Score: Michigan 24, Duke 14.
CALIFORNIA vs. MICHIGAN at Berkeley (Sept. 30)
--Ronald Reagan's Golden Bears overcame Oregon 21-13
in their first game. However, under the esteemed Gover-
nor's famous 10 per cent slash of all state university
facilities, the California eleven will only be permitted
to field 10 men on the gridiron. If that isn't bad enough,
the tight higher education budget imposed under the
austerity program leaves Cal gridders with thinner
shoulder pads and cheaper helmets. Although these short-
comings could be overcome by a loud home crowd, the
impending possibility of a student demonstration threat-
ens to leave only the national television audience at the
Berkeley stadium. Score: Michigan 28, California 17.
NAVY vs. MICHIGAN at Ann Arbor (Oct. 7)-The
Annapolis squad sails up the Huron River to meet the
Wolverines in this traditional intersectional rivalry.
Decisive Wolverine victories in recent years have left
Navy brass in a quandry, and a directive from the Sec-
retary of the Navy has ordered escalation of the air and
ground attack. The Midshipmens' defensive backfield

has given up their red-dogging and blitz and replaced it
with a search and destroy operation on the opposition
quarterback. All these new tactics have been fully tried
at the Navy's summer training camp, the Rice Bowl, in
Da Nang. Score: Michigan 31, Navy 13.
(Oct. 14)-A scheduling oversight placed this most im-
portant rivalry on the Jewish Holy Day of Yom Kippur.
However, this fact will neither deprive either team of
any starters nor dwindle the standing room only crowd.
The Spartans' teamwork has been affected by the new
"ability-to-pay," sliding tuition scale established at MSU
over the summer to combat small legislative appropria-
tions. Coach Duffy Daugherty has been forced to institute
his own "ability-to-play" plan for starting gridders on
the MSU eleven. This contest must be rated a toss-up,
but the home crowd should make the difference. Score:
Michigan 20, Michigan State 17.
INDIANA vs. MICHIGAN at Ann Arbor (Oct. 21)-
This is one of those contests about which little can be
said and less can be written. But it's Homecoming, and
who ever loses their own Homecoming game? Score:
Michigan 24, Indiana 3.
MINNESOTA vs. MICHIGAN at Minneapolis (Oct. 28)
-The Gophers have not yet recovered from the beating
they received off the playing field last year when they
publicly announced their intention of having Robben
Fleming be their next university president. When Flem-'
ing turned it down at the last possible moment to assume
the Michigan presidency, the Minnesota campus was
humiliated and stunned. Rumors abound that the tra-
ditional battle for the Little Brown Jug (as the Wolver-
ine-Gopher rivalry is known) will be replaced this year
for a fight over possession of President-designate Flem-
ing. The Michigan squad, faced with the chilling pros-
pect of the same university president for still another
year, will fight even harder. Score: Michigan 42, Minne-
sota 14.
(Nov. 4)-When I was a sophomore, I traveled to Evans-

ton for this contest, and cheered practically alone and
in the Northwestern section. only to see the Wolverines
defeated. Last year, anticipating revenge, I invited a
Northwestern buddy to sit squarely in the center of the
Michigan student section, only to watch him wallow in
delight as we fell victim to another upset. I can't con-
ceive of being so totally humiliated three years in a row.
Score: Michigan 27, Northwestern 10.
ILLINOIS vs. MICHIGAN at Champaign (Nov. l1-
By this time in the season, the Wolverines' record will
have sportswriters across the nation baffled and even
The Daily sports staff will have stopped writing columns
about school and politics and will have gone back to
sports. A caravan of buses will bring 1,000 cheering
Michigan fans into the Illini campus singing "We Shall
Overcome." Only Illinois and Ohio State are contending
with Michigan for the coveted Rose Bowl trip. Class will
tell. Score: Michigan 14, Illinois 7.
WISCONSIN vs. MICHIGAN. at Madison (Nov. 18)-
The Wolverines' last away game will be played in a
blizzard (e.g. Farmer's Almanac, 1967, p. 421). The
teams will be kept warm on beer served at the Wisconsin
student union, and the Wolverines will stumble to their
ninth straight victory. Score: Michigan 21, Wisconsin 0.
OHIO STATE vs. MICHIGAN at Ann Arbor (Nov. 25)
-The two undefeated Big Ten teams come down to the
exciting climax, only to be confronted by the preposter-
ous fact that Nov. 25 is in the midst of Thanksgiving
recess, and none of us will be on campus to watch the
game. Only by the grace of ABC Television and Chris
Schenkel (who predicted Michigan to win the Big Ten
this season) can Wolverine fans follow the game at
home. Score: Michigan 24, Ohio State 21.
As sportswriters and Monday morning quarterbacks
chuckle at this set of forecasts, just keep a few things
in mind: The Detroit Lions did tie the Green Bay Packers
Sunday; the Boston Red Sox are still right in the midst
of the pennant race; and the Republican party did
nominate Barry Goldwater in 1964. Truth Is not only
stranger than fiction, it's less believable too.



Letters: A Little Traveling Music,'Conductor

To the Editor:
THIS LETTER deals with a
problem which is of no con-
cern to most, but of great concern
to me, namely: distractions at Hill
Auditorium productions. Last year
at "Marat/de Sade" and this year
at the second Bernstein concert,
I made the mistake of sitting in
the very rear of the auditorium,
In this dark and gloomy vicinity
hang out the ushers and standees,
shuffling, ruffling, sniffing, whis-
pering, in a rude cacophony which
bugs the ear and boggles the mind.
When I go to a concert and pay
$6 for a seat, I don't want to be
distracted by a bunch of incon-
siderates. Small noises disrupt
concentration, and concentration
is necessary for enjoyment.
I now ask the management to
take a modest step or two to rectify
the situation. _
NOW FOR the audience at large.
To all gum chewers-those wayest
out of mental retards-the axe !

Next, those simultaneously-page-
turning musical score readers-
out! And foot-steppers, finger-
snappers, program-crinklers-be-
gone! And he who would cough, or
hurl foul ;abuse, or burp in one
manner or another-leave! Whis-
perers, grunters, hummers-to be
dungeons' Ah, beasts, honk and
snort no more!
Or come to think of it, let's just
get rid of the whole audience so
that the rest of us can enjoy the
-Rod Pratt, '68
To the Editor:
I HAVE A question for the three
gentlemen who so methodically
searched for the petty mistakes in
the New York Philharmonic con-
cert of September 12. Gentlemen,
what are you trying to prove: that
you have a complete lack of under-
standing of what it means to at-
tend a live performance, total ig-
norance of the realties of musical

Is Johnson Mis(sile)leading?

THE JOHNSON administration's decision
to deploy a primitive anti-ballistic
missile (ABM) defense system is an un-
fortunate reaction to current political and
international realities. '
Strategically, such a limited system
would have only negligible effectiveness
against a large-scale Soviet attack. To
begin, there is little likelihood that the
highly vulnerable radar needed for such a
system could survive a first-strike at-,
tack. Furthermore, since the ABM it-
self must be equipped with nuclear war-
heads, the public would have to be pro-
tected against the serious nuclear fallout
resulting from even the successful inter-
ception of incoming missiles. Consequent-
ly, anti-missile defense requires an ex-
tensive network of meaningful civilian
fallout shelters, a proposition costing $8
billion which the American public pre-
viously scorned in the aftermath of the
Berlin crisis of 1961-62.
Moreover, the decision for deployment
commits the U.S. to an enormous invest-
ment in a relatively ineffective weapons
system that may soon be made obsolete
by the technological breakthroughs which
might lead to a truly effective ABM de-
fense. Also, as Secretary McNamara has
previously remarked, such a system could
be easily and cheaply counteracted by a
marginal increase in the number of the
adversary's offensive nuclear missiles or
the development of advanced multiple
The administration's decision appears
to be a response to increasing pressure by,
congressional; hawks to construct a
"thick". system which would cost up to
The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and
Collegiate Press Service.
Fall and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by
carrier ($5 by mail), $8.00 for entire year ($9 by mail).
Daily except Monday during regular academic school
Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular
summer session.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan.
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor. Michigan, 48104.
Editorial Staff
MEREDITH EMER, Managng Editor.
City Editor Editorial Director
SUSAN ELAN.......... Associate Managing Editor
STEPHEN FIRSHEIN.....Associate Managing Editor
LAURENCE MEDOW...... Associate Managing Editor
JOHN LOTTIER........Associate Editorial Director
RONALD KLEMPNER .... Associate Editorial Director
SUSAN SCHNEPP ............... Personnel Director
NEIL SHISTER............ Magazine Editor

$40 billion. Given the tendency in the
past for limited defense programs to
snowball through bureaucratic expansion,
it is highly likely that the current pro-
posal will be just the first step along the
path of enormous expenditures in this
THE RAMIFICATIONS of the construc-
tion of a complete ABM system for the
stability of the strategic balance are seri-
ous. Such a situation would lead to the
production of more offensive weapons by
each side because even a complete sys-
tem could be at best 60 per cent effec-
tive. And thus a new arms race with
rapidly spiralling costs would ensue.
This would almost assuredly lead to
rising pressure for cutting non-defense
spending at a time when the nation's
priorities should be shifting to today's
domestic problems.
The administration is justifying a lim-
ited system as a shield against the fledg-
ling Chinese ballistic capacity of the
1970's. Although this might prove ade-
quate for the near future it is unlikely to
be useful for more than a few years, espe-
cially since nuclear weaponry has a con-
sistent history of the offense outstripping
the defense. Moreover, developing ABM
for the avowed purpose of deterring
China can only lead to a reinforcement
of Chinese xenophobia and continued
American evasion of the diplomatic real-
ity of Communist China.'
Would the U.S. have gone ahead on its
own with the /construction of ABM to
counter the threat of China if the Rus-
sians had not? After previously loudly
proclaiming its interest in seeking Rus-
sian concurrence in banning develop-
ment of such a system, the answer must
be no.
IN DECIDING to go ahead, and justify-
ing it by brandishing the Chinese
threat, the administration is placating
congressional hawks and future election
year critics. But in so doing, it will open
a new, costly round of the arms race in-
creasing neither American nor interna-
tional security.
'Bab Boom'
B YRON L. GROESBECK, assistant dean


performance, or that even musi-
cians of professional calibre are
You make preference to Mr. Per-
ry's review of the concert, and yet
you have missed the intent behind
it. The only criticism the reviewer
had to make was one concerning a
matter of personal preferrence re-
garding interpretation of the
Mahler symphony. No mention was
made of the technical flaws. One
is supposed to go to a concert to
listen to music being made, not to
hunt for human failings.
There is no such thing as a per-
fect concert.
Even the great Toscanini did not
believe that they ever occurred and
often told of a dream he had. He
would see himself on a podium con-
fronting the perfect orchestra
about to play the ideal program in
the perfect concert hall for the
perfect audience; and on that
night he would be off.
What do you demand from these
musicans? The mere fact that they
attempted two extremely arduous
works should be sufficient cause to
allow for flaws that only one who
was listening for them could spot.
Cou even state that in the Ives,
the technical errors where not easy
to spot.
Before you to go your next con-
cert, think. Why are you going-
to search for faults, or to seek out
that which might be enjoyable in
a work of art. Anyone can criticize
-it takes an understanding of the
art to praise intelligently-or to
comment on interpretational pref-
-Mark Lafer, '68
The Search
To the Editor:
S INCE MY NAME appeared in
The Daily article of Sept. 13
concerning Professors Rice and
Fraser, I feel that I am entitled
to some space to express my com-
plete concurrence in the reproofs
administered by Deans Hays and
Robertson in their joint communi-
cation of Sept. 14. I should also
add that senior members of the
E n g 1i s h department concerned
withnthe "search" sent a letter to
Dean Haber as early as Feb. 1,
1966, listing the few top or "first-

choice" prospects for a successor
to Prof. Rice. These were arranged
alphabetically, and Prof. Fraser
was amongst them. Finally, Prof.
Fraser's. "Shakespeare's Poetics"
is an iconographic or iconological
approach to "King Lear" and not
an inconoclastic one.
-Joe Lee Davis
Professor of English and
Chairman of the Program
in American Culture
TO the Editor:
AS GRADUATE students in the
Department of English, we
want to express our stern disap-
proval of your news article con-
cerning the retirement of Profes-
sor Warner G. Rice, Chairman of
the Department of English. Profes-
sor Rice has distinguished himself
as 'a scholar, a teacher and an ad-
ministrator during his thirty-eight
year tenure at the University of
Under his leadership the English

Department has achieved national
recognition. He has been instru-
mental in maintaining the proper
relationship between teaching and
scholarship in a balanced philo-
sophy of education. Not only has
he instituted new graduate pro-
grams and curricula on the doc-
toral level, as well as new degrees
in English and Education, but he
has been primarily responsible for
improving the status of the teach-
ing fellow within the department,
With these considerations in
mind, we feel that in deference to
both the faculty and to the many
hundreds of students whom Pro-
fessor Rice has counseled, assisted
and directed over these many
years, your article in content and
tone was misleading, highly ir-
relevant and fundamentally in
poor taste.
-William Horwath
-Gary Stein
-Elliott M. Simon
Teaching Fellows, Depart-
ment of English



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"But Miss Jones, we've ALWAYS kept you on a
pedestal I"

"The type of necessary escalation should be left
to the military experts!"

ResdnilCollege Makes, Dreams Come True

EVER SINCE universities began
accepting an ever-increasing
number of students, educators
have dreamed about orienting a
small school atmosphere into a
big school framework. The re-
wards are self-evident. Apathy is
far less widespread in a system
which demands individual parti-
cipation; emotional and mental
disturbances occur less frequent-
ly; and the much-feared "identity
crisis" rarely exists in the small
school. A student is recognized
by his looks, his merits, his prej-
udices, his personality and his
name rather than by his IBM
Until now, however, the prob-

cept called the Residential Col-
The object, at the present, is
"to afford still another method
of education in the multiversity."
But those who look deeper into
the new structure find there may
be even more sweeping changes
made in the future.
The Residential College encloses
a small group of students within
a framework of both physical and
metaphysical walls in an attempt
to exclude,them from the "great-
er" multiversity. This does not
mean they cannot use the vari-
ous advantages of the University,
but rather that the multiversity
has little, if any, control over
their development and progress.
C~r A 41he ceN,, nn1" ct Q-j..

carpeted, and constructed with the
best of acoustical devices. Semi-
nars are as stimulating as spon-
taneous conversation and yet they
are important as a core require-
ment. The professors represent
diverse elements of the multiversi-
ty-all claim a vital interest in
this experimental concept.
Fourth, the living environment
is oriented so as to preserve the
traditions of the home. For ex-
ample, family-style dinners are
the rule. Resident fellows act both
as the paternal and maternal
head of a group of students and
take upon such traditional duties
as counseling and advising.
Finally, the Residential College
is developing a community gov-

that what goes on in the Resi-
dential College is adaptable im-
mediately to the whole multiver-
sity system.
The difficulty in establishing
the Residential College was the
planning andl tact involved that
maneuvered such an experiment
capable of feeding on the greater
university. There is no doubt that
it draws materials and energy
from the multiversity as a para-
site draws sap from a tree. But
like the parasite, with each day
of growth, it develops a greater
security in its size and organiza-
tion: it becomes as much a part
of the University as Spanish moss
is of a weeping willow.
But what happens now? Will

that the "school within a school"
idea will fail miserably, all pres-
ent indications point in the op-
posite direction. The program has
begun, and is moving along well.
After this initial success it is at
least hopeful that more residen-
tial colleges will be developed with-
in the University.
THIS SPAWNING of small col-
leges in the multiversity would
have a tremendous positive effect.
With the sectioning of groups of
people into separate colleges, the
multiversity would eventually de-
centralize, allowing for a more
positive, education-oriented at-
A sort of educational United
Nations would *coordina~te the


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