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September 19, 1967 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-09-19

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1u1:,aLai, arrirIlruLbr n iZI, 12704


Canterbury Houses Uses Jazz
For Creativity in Church Music

Detroit Negro Families Host 'U' Students Overnight

The new minister at Canterbury
House is a musician, or maybe the
new musician at Canterbury House
is a minister.
Either way, the Rev. Dick Blank'
plays fine music on Sunday morn-
ings. He replaces Martin Bell, now
ministering in Algonac Parish,
Relevancy is a key word these
days and God is getting relevant,
even hip, at CanterburyHouse.
Blank counters that with, "It's
more that we're getting relevant
to life. You can't put God in a
Jazz is an essential part of the
Sunday services at Canterbury
House. The last two services have
been jazz masses composed and
played by Blank on vibes, John
Miller on bass, Geoff Smith on
drums and Don Hemminger play-
ing guitar.
The next two services will be
folk masses and the three after
that will be Latin jazz masses also
composed by Blank.
The Rev. Dan Burke, associated
with St. Andrews Episcopal Church
and Canterbury House, explained
the format at Canterbury House
during this Sunday's service: "The
whole point of this service, as the
whole point of the religious experi-
ence, is that you might be as free
as you can."
Blank added, "College ministry
is pretty much dead. We want to
have more freedom here. We are
exploring the meaning of creativity.
as rooted in the Christian faith."
Blank has rephrased Malcom
Boyd's, "Are you running with me
Jesus?" into, "God's playing lead
baby, dig our changes." (He thinks
that's corny.) He writes almost all
the music for the services. His
hymns are smooth, ballad things
that swing reverently, with some
ceremony and are accompanied by
professional musicians. Blank says

"I don't know anything about
the way Negroes live. You can't
live so near people and still re-
main so apart from them without
feeling you're missing something,"
one University student said, as
he rode on a made-over school
bus into Detroit's Negro ghetto.
He was one of a score of Uni-
versity students and a few non-
students who spent last Friday
and Saturday with Negro families
of the Second Baptist Church of
Detroit, going to church with
them, touring the city, hearing
their reactions to the recent riots,
and mostly talking' about each
other to each other.
This program of exchange is
not new. The Campus Ecumen-
ical Center has been sponsoring
such trips in conjunction with the
Second Baptist Church for five
years. This weekend made their
fifteenth trip. But the Center has
previously taken only foreign
students from the University.
Shirley Lewis, who directs the
exchange program for the Center,
said that Center officials had
decided to make this trip with
American students because they
felt that "in some ways Negro
culture is just as foreign to white
Americans as to students from
other countries.
' University students were met
Friday morning by representatives
of the Second Baptist Church's
student group who went with
them into Detroit on the church's
bus. The students spent most of
the ride introducing themselves,
learning who they were and why
they had come.
Many of the students from the
University were in the school of
social work. One girl was a coun-
selor at a girl's training school in
Adrian at which attendance is
50 per cent Negro. Another spends
one day a week in Detroit coun-
seling in a social work agency.
Two boys were medical students.
The reasons each of the stu-
dents gave for going on the trip
sounded very similar: "I don't like
being so ignorant about something
so close at hand."

The morning was spent in De-
troit going through the areas that
had been destroped in the riots,
walking through "Greek Town"
and visiting Plum Street, Detroit's
hippy community.
The student hosts talked about
the way they were "accepted" in
Greek Town. They had varied
thoughts about the unconvential
hippies. They discussed how they
and their families had felt during
the riots.
The consensus was a condemn-
ation of the "criminal" looting
and expressions of fear for the
Negro image.
In a discussion at the home of
Dr. A. A. Banks, the pastor of
the Second Baptist Church, stu-
dents learned more specific ramif-
ications of the riots. Banks told
them of the rumors that had cir-
culated during the riots about
police brutality, and his own
estimation of the fairness of the
"Police raid certain places and
The Frieze Building was tem-
porarily evacuated yesterday after
Ann Arbor police received an
anonymous phone call reporting a
bomb in the building. The call
was received at 9:37 a.m.
All 9:00 and 10:00 classes were
systematically evacuated, and by
10:58 no one remained in the
Police conducted a thorough
room to room search, but they
could find no evidence of a bomb.
Classes were resumed later in the
day, after the search was discon-
linued. The police department's
detective division is presently at-
tempting to find out who placed
the anonymous call
* * *
Students and alumni of the
University are eligible to win a
$1000 first prize in the Broomfield
Essay Competition for 1967.

. 1.__11 ___21 _lt_____. ~f__._f__ - _.....

-Daily-Chuck Soberman

he tries to emulate the feeling and
sound of the Modern Jazz in his
instrumental arrangements.
Blank is concerned about the
relation of art forms to the reli-
gious experience. "God created the
whole world and jazz is a part of
that world. The whole gamut of
emotions is expressed in contem-
porary jazz."
He refers to Tillich, Bonhoffer,
and Berdyaef in his explanation
of religious expression, "The mo-
ment you divide life into good
and evil, sacred and secular (i.e.
jazz Church music), you've missed
He feeels strongly about the ex-
cellence in Church music. "Most
19th century hymns are bad sen-
timentalism and poor music, some
are anti-religious." Canterbury
House doesn't need a choir to
make Blank's hymn sound full. The
congregation responds enthusiast-

ically. Blank hopes to have a choir
soon and is scheduling meetings
at 3:30 on Fridays for anyone who
would like to sing.
Blank came to Ann Arbor from
Toledo where he was Asst. Rector
at Trinity Church. He graduated
from the University of Toledo with
a B.A. in 1961 and from the Epis-
copal Theological School in Cam-
bridge, Mass. in 1964. He earned
money for school by playing tenor
and alto sax and vibes at dances
and clubs around Toledo. He has
played with such name musicians
as Tony Williams, drummer with
Miles Davis, Gary Burton, and
Milt Jackson.
"An atheist is usually, a very
religious person," Blank says. "A
lot of people are confused about
what religion really is." When
asked what he wanted to do at
Caiterbury House he replied,

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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form" to
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday.- General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication. For more
information call 764-9270.
Day Calendar
Center for Programmed Learning for
Business Workshop - "Programmed
Learning Workshop": Michigan Union,
8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem-
inar-"Management of Managers No.
37: 146 Business Administration Bldg.,
8:15 a.m. to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m.
American Association of University
Women (Ann Arbor Branch) Lecture -
Art of the Orient-Dr. Walter M.
Spink, University of Michigan, "In-
dian Sculpture and Architecture": Reg-
istration, Rackham, Lobby, 6:30 p.m.;
lecture, Rackham Amphitheatre, 7:30
Linguistics Club Lecture-Prof. Allan
R. Keller, "Sound Change": Aud. A, An-
gell Hall, 7:45 p.m. Y
General Notices
Interdepartmental Seminars in Fluid
Mechanics: Prof. P. G. Saffman, Cali-
fornia Institute' of Technology, will
speak on "Rise of a Body Through a
Rotating Fluid in a Container of Fin-
ite Height" in 325 West Engineering
Bldg., 4 p.m., Wed., Sept. 20. Coffee
will be served at 3:30 p.m. in Room
214 West Engineering Bldg.
Notice to Employes of All University
Units: Blue Cross-Blue Shield' and Ma-
jor Medical Expense Insurance Open
Enrollment Period will be held in the
locations below from Sept. 25 through
Oct. 6, 1967.
Campus-Office of Staff Benefits, 3058
Administration Bldg.; Medical Center
-Office .of Staff Benefits, 7030A Hos-
pital; Union-Business Office.
New applications and changes to
existing contracts may be made with-
out evidence of insurability. Family
members, eligible for coverage, may be
added at this time, including those
unmarried children over 19 but not
yet 25 who are income tax dependents.
No new applications, changes, or
additions will be accepted after this
enrollment period until October of
1968, other than for new employes or
normal changes in existing contracts
made within the allowable 30-day per-
The Michigan Memorial Phoenix Proj-
ect: Invites requests for faculty re-
Phone 434-0130
OPEN 7:30 P.M.
AL AL-T" *"-

search grants to support research with-
in the scope of the term "peaceful uses
of nuclear energy." Typical areas in
which the Project is interested are:
Biological effects of radiation, radia-
tion dosimetry, new uses of isotopes,
new tracer techniques, direct conver-
sion of nuclear energy to electrical
energy, the fusion process, plasmas as
related to controlled fusion, radiation
chemistry, nuclear weapons prolifera-
tion and disarmament, psychological at-
titudes toward nuclear energy haz-
ards, evaluation of hazards to urban
populations from nuclear activities,
and economic studies of nuclear ac-
tivities including power production.
New research ideas and pilot proj-
ects are particularly encouraged. The
relationship to peaceful uses of nu-
clear energy, however, must be clear.
The routine use of isotope tracer
techniques will not by itself justify
Requests for grants of $3000 or less
are most appropriate. Grants may cov-
er equipment, supplies, research as-
sistance and field trips. Applications
for these grants should be returned
to the Phoenix Project by Mon., Sept.
25, 1967. Grants will be made by Nov.
15, 1967.
Application blanks may be obtained
from the office of the Phoenix Proj-
ect at the Phoenix Memorial Labora-
tory on the North Campus or by call-
ing 764-6213.
University Faculty and Staff Meeting:
President Hatcher will give his an-
nual address to the faculty and staff
on Wednesday evening, Sept. 27, at 8
p.m., in the Rackham Lecture Hall. All
staff members and their wives are in-
vited. The five Distinguished Faculty
Achievement Awards and the six Dis-
tinguished Faculty Achievement Awards
for instructors, assistant professors and
junior associate professors will be pre-
sented at this meeting. A reception
will be held in the Michigan League
Ballroom immediately after the conclu-
sion of the meeting.
Applications for U.S. Government
Scholarships for 1968-69 under the Ful-
bright-Hays Act: Must be completed

and filed with the Graduate Fellow-
ship Office, 1014 Rackham Bldg., by
Oct. 2, 1967. Under the Fulbright pro-
gram, over 850 American graduate stu-
dents will have an opportunity to
study in any one of 54 countries for
one year.
Candidates who wish to apply for
an award must be U.S. citizens at the
time of application, have a Bachelor's
Degree or its equivalent by the be-
ginning date of the grant, and in most
cases, be proficient in the language of
the host country. Selections will be
made on the basis of academic record,
the feasibility of the applicant's pro-
posed study plan and personal quali-
fications. Preference is given to candi-
dates who have not had prior extended
study or residence abroad, and who are
under the age of 35.'
Application forms and information
for students currently enrolled at the
University of Michigan may be ob-
tained from the GraduateFellowship
Office, 1014 Rackham. Deadline for
filing completed applications is Oct. 2.
1967. Qualified and interested students
are urged to act expediently in or-
der that necessary procedures may be
completed by the deadline.
If you have any questions regarding
this announcement, please call 764-2218.
Regents' Meeting: Fri., Oct. 20. Con-
munications for consideration at this
meeting must be in the President's
hands no later than Oct. 5.
Doctoral Examination for Patricia
Kathryn Patsloff, Education; thesis:j
"Attitude Change of Teachers and
Students," Mon., Sept. 18, West Coun-
cil Room, Rackham Bldg., at 1:30
p.m. Co-Chairmen, Frank W. Lanham
and John M. Trytten.

Foreign Visitors
The following foreign visitors can be
reached through the Foreign Visitor
Programs Office, 764-2148.
Mario A. Caravajal, vice-president,
University of Javeriana, Colombia, S.A.,
Sept. 13-Oct. 10.
Hiroshi Utsonomiya, teacher of Eng-
lish, Bunkyo Senior High School, To-
kyo, Japan, Sept. 15-Nov. 15.
W. Davey, principal, Portsmouth Col-
lege of Technology, Hampshire, Eng-
land, Sept. 21-24.
R. Parker, vice-principal, Portsmouth
College of Technology, Hampshire, Eng-
land, Sept. 21-24.
Miss Karen Moller, assistant producer
of televised consumer information, Ra-
dio Denmark, Sept. 24-27.
Prof. Hideyo Yamada, professor of
philosophy, Aichi University of Educa-
tion, Negoya, Japan, Sept. 24-28.
Announcement: Recruiting begins next
week, the first bulletin announcing
coming employer interviews will be
mailed this week. We must have cur-
rent addresses on all people desiring
this bulletin. Even if you were reg-
istered last year or this, summer, we
need yourcurrent address. Call 764-7460
East Lansing Public Schools, Mich. -
Controller, for Fin. & Supportive Serv-
ices. MBA, emphasis on acctg. Min.
2 yrs. exper. in budgetary, purchasing,
Wisconsin Civil Service, Madison, Wis.
-Vocational Education Supervisor I,
requires statewide travel. MA Educ.,

Adult Educ., Vocational Ed. plus 5
yrs. teaching exper., three of which
must be in sup., coord., or admin. ca-
pacity. Apply before Sept. 29.
Dept. of Air Force, Los Angeles, Calif.
-Computer Programmer, 6 yrs. ex-
per. in dev. computer programs, 3 yrs.
gen. exper. In admin., prof. or clerical
For further information please call
764-7460, General Division, Bureau of
Appointments, 3200 SAB.
212 SAB-
Georgian Bay Lines, Detroit, Mich.
-Immediate employment for waitresses,
bus boys, bell hops, etc. Good wages
and tips.
* * *
Contact Summer Placement Service,
212 SAB, Lower Level, 10 a.m.-5 p
The following schools have recorded
vacancies for the present semester:
Algonac, Mich. (Algonac Community
Schools)-1st grd. Elem., Elem. Phys
Ed., J.H. Library, H.S. Science (Phys-
ics & Chem.), H.S. Shop (Metals, Power
Mechanics), Special Ed.: Type A.
Belleville, Mich. (Van Buren P.S.)-
Upper Elem.
Ferndale, Mich.-2nd grd. Elem., H.S
Orchestra Director.

" don't raid others. Maybe they for 6-8 days without an oppor- congregation responeded to the
don't know about them, I'll put tunity to contact their families. prayers and sermon.
it that way," he said. "The mo- The group split up and went Most of the students appreciat-
lment of overflow in a riot always to their individual families for ed the fact that the minister
seems to come with some kind of the evening. Many students said "spoke to the point" in a sermon
contact with the police. There are they had gone around the city on race relations. "He didn't
a lot of wonderful guys on the again with their families. Others avoid condemning white racism
police force, but some of them attended their first "mixed" party. as he might have," one student
are not always best known for A few of the students reported said, "but he condemned Negro
their judgment. disappointment that some of the racism, too. What he was talking
Banks told the group that many Negro families who hosted them about was recognizing another
Negroes resented the police pri- "the elite - too well-to-do - al- man's validity as a human being."
vately arming themselves vith most white." Some students said The trip back to Ann Arbor was
"riot guns." "We don't think they they had "meaingful discussions" a noisy one. Students argued that
should have them any more than with their families about racial it was "criminal" to limit their
we should." problems. Others said, "We talked stay to two days, and said the
The Ann Arbor students asked about architecture - television - trip had been "totally ade-
questions about the prevalence of we didn't talk about race at all." quate." Others said that it had
Negro militant groups in Detroit. In the morning the students at- at least broken the ice for them,
Banks answered that "They aren't tended the Second Baptist Church and that they planned to visit
extensive size-wise but they are with their families. Some liked their host families again. "Sureit
* active enough to disturb those of the "swingy" hymns and some said wasn't much," one student said,
us who don't believe in them." they felt strange about the "yes "but at least it's a line of com-
t Banks also talked of the "resi- sirs" and "Amens" with which the munication."
due of animosity" that remained
from jailing procedures during the
riots. He said in some cases people
were held on curfew violations ORGANIZAT ION NOT ICES
USE OF THIS COLUMN FOR AN- Thursday, 7:30-8:30 p.m., 3545 SAB.
NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially * * *
recognized and registered student orga- Concert Dance Organization is hold-
m 4 _ A g s aRm. 1011 BAB. day 7:30 p.m. and Thursday 8:15 p.m.,
* * * at the Barbour Gym Dance Studio.
The best essay on 'The Role Vietnam Club is having its first se- Classes are held for men on Thursday
The bst esay on"The olewester meeting, Sept. 19, 7:30 p.m., In- at 7:30 p.m. ***
of Government in Higher Educa- ternational Center. Speaker will be Mrs.
tion" will win first prize. A sec- Thu-Van, Le thi Anh, on "Relation- Engineering Council, meeting, Sept.
ship between China and vietnam." 20, 7 p.m., 3511 sAB.
o nd prize of $500 and third prize ,
of $300 will also be awarded. UM Scottish Country Dance Society Hillel conducts Hebrew classes -
Deadline for entries is March 15, holds dance meeting every Wednes- elementary-7 p.m., advanced - 8:45
196$. day, 8-10:30 p.m., WAB Lounge. p.m. on Tues., Sept. 19, Thurs., Sept.
16.* * * 21, there will be basic Judaism classes
* * * Communications Sciences Lecture se- -7:30 p.m.
ries invite you to hear Dr. William *+
A Midwest "air tour" for na- Uttal, "Psychophysical Discriminabil. UM Amateur Radio Club sponsors
tional education writers will visit ity of Nerve Action Potential Patterns,'- code and theory classes, beginning
Sthe University Nov. 15-16. Con- Sept. 19, 4:10 p.m., Michigan Union Wed., Sept. 20, 7 p.m., Room 2080 East
ducted by the Education Writers Room 3A* Engineering Bldg., for four available
ducedby heEduaton riers* *classes of amateur license-novice,
Association and the National As- Christian Science College Organization technician, general and amateur ex-
sociation of State Universities and holds weekly testimony meeting every tra classes.
Land Grant Colleges, the tour will
acquaint educators with the prob-
lems, opportunities, and experi-
ments under way at large state
universities to deal more effective-
ly with size. Special interests will
be shown in living-learning expe-
riments, the "cluster" approach,
and residential colleges.
S"A BRILLIANT MOVIE! From the makers of "DEAR JOHN'
Nov wk«"°° "'~ a different kind of love story.
Mount Clemens, Mich. (Clintondale
zP.S.)-J.H. Vocal Music, 1st grade aeElem
5th grade Elem., 3rd grade Elem., K-12 IxSigma I manws4
Visiting Teacher, Remedial Reading THEATRE
Mount Pleasant, Mich. (P.S.) - Type SHOW TIMES: TUES THRU THURS. 7 & 9 P.M.
A Mentally Ret., Type B Mentally Ret.
New Baltimore, Mich. (Anchor Bay
Sch. Dist.)-9th grade Biology.
McHenry, Il.-H.S. Math, H.S. Basic
Skills (9th & 10th), H.S. Dir, of Guid-
ance, Community School Director.
Mount Vernon, Ohio (Knox County
Schools)-H.S. Guidance Counselor, H.S.
Principal, County Elem. Supervision.
Arlington, Va. (Arlington County P. WL
Athens, Mich. (Area Schools) - 8th-
9th math, 5th-6th Gen. Si., Girls PE, Academy
Engl. Speech/Publications. Award
* * Short
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB, 764-
7459.Program Information
ING: No. 2 "Employment Negotiations." 4 Feature Times
Principles for effective employment in-DaN 2 6
terviewing, plant visits, correspondence, Dial NO 2-6264
etc. Second of four meetings. Primar-
ily for seniors and graduate students,
but open to all interested. Prof. J. G.
Young, Sept. 19, 4 p.m., and 7:30 p.m.
(Afternoon and evening meetings will
. be the same.) Room 311, West Engi-b/J
neering Bldg

DAY FOR VILLAGE DAY 1.35-3:25-5:20-
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Showings Daily at
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ENDS WEDNESDAY James Cners nverachestescreen
hearty laughs, many good
Aagnani gives a beautiful
Daily News




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