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September 19, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-09-19

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See editorial page


Sir i~toan

P3a ity

Chance of evening showers

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom


Faculty Senate Proposes
Athletic Reorganization

" T




The Faculty Senate Assembly
approved yesterday a series of
recommendations' made by the
Faculty Senate's Educational Pol-
icies Committee on physical edu-
cation and intercollegiate athlet-
ics, including a recommendation
that administration of the inter-
collegiate athletic program be di-
vorced from that of physical edu-
cation and intramural athletics,
The Educational Policies Com-
mittee said, however, that it
"'neither rules out nor endorses"
any proposals for an independent'
school of physical education, but
recognizes that the issue should
receive further study.
At the August meeting of the
Pilot Proj
'Student P

T }i}
J 7

Faculty Assembly the report of
President Hatcher's Committee on
Organization and Structure of
the Department of Physical Edu-
cation was referred to the EPC.
President Hatcher's committee,
according to the EPC, considered
the EPC's charge not to examine
the existing structure and finan-
cial policies concerning all ath-
letic programs. However, the EPC
decided that since a successor to
Fritz Crisler, Director of Athletics,

cation department (supervisor, as-
sistant supervisor) be changed to -
use of regular academic titles.
Members of the Senate who felt
there should be one person in
charge of both intercollegiatejT
athletics and physical educationc e
and intramurals argued that hav-
ing two separate administrationsd
would force coordination of the
intercollegiate and intramural d
program at a higher level - pos-
sible a vice-presidential level. I l ? t7ti ;7.




is being sought, it would have The majority of the Senate,
been appropriate for the Hatcher those who favored the EPC's.
Committee to consider possible recommendation that there be
changes at this time. separate heads for the two ath-
The Senate also approved a letic divisions, argued that it
recommendation that the present would be natural for the inter-
title system for the physical edu- collegiate athletics program to get,
all the attention in a joint pro-
gram, thus neglecting IM's.
To fill a vacancy on the Senate
e t ea rs Advisory Committee on Univer-
sity Affairs (SACUA), the Senate
elected Prof. James Hayward of
Olwa~ er Talk the Dental School.
pointed Prof. Cecil Nesbitt of the
that individual housing units will mathematics department and
be able to decide on non-academic Prof. Harold Shapiro of the econ-
rules, such as hours for women. omics department to the Ec-

Two-Year Contract,
$850 Pay Increase
Ratified by Strikers
DETROIT (A') - Detroit public
schoolteachers voted overwhelm-
ingly yesterday to accept a two-
year contract, ending a strike that
has kept over 300,000 pupils away
from their classrooms for two,
By an unofficial tally of 3346-'
374, the teachers ratified an agree-
ment that had been hammered out
in an all-night bargaining session.
A spokesman for the school

"Student power is a reaction
to powerlessness. We have none
and we would like to have some,"
Student Government Council Pres-
ident Bruce Kahn said last night
in a discussion sponsored by the
Pilot Program in East Quad.
The other members of the panel
speaking to the 100 people present
were Ted Steege, a member of
Voice Political Party, the campus
chapter of the Students for a Dem-
ocra c Society, and Roger Rapo-
port, Edittc of 'he Daily.
Steege was not so interested in
non-academic rules as was Kahn.
He was concerned with the in-
dividual's place in the University
"Because of the depression and
World War II, the nation assumed
great powers to meet international
crises. It turned to universities
for people to fill positions. Intel-
lectuals, whose real goal is to look
for truth, have started giving up
their prerogative to freely criticize
society, as the Defense Depart-
ment controls much of the money
spent for research."
Steege said that his ideal for
students would be an "ivory tower
university" devoted solely to ed-
ucation. The students and faculty
would be critical of their own sup-
positions and would try to get at
the truth.
Kahn spoke of the problem in
more specific terms. "Students
should get the franchise. Right
now, only 1 per cent of the com-
munity-the administrators and
the Regents have a vote (in Uni-
versity decision-making."
"Last Thursday, SGC gave stu-
dents a voice by doing over the
"U' book of Rules and Regula-
tions." Kahn said that he hoped

The majority of members of the
Joint Judiciary Council, the high-
est student judiciary body, have
stated they would find a student
guilty of an offense only if he
had broken a student-made rule.
One method suggested by the
panel to circumvent the rule of
freshman women's hours was for
approximately thirty girls to walk
into their dorm an hour late and
march right past the women in
charge of checking them in.


IH A Ro m S e
In Dorm Sear

onomic Status of the Faculty board said the package, calling for
Committee. Prof. Allen Spivey of an $850 annual across-the-board
the School of Business Adminis- increase for the Detroit Public
tration, chairman of the com- Schools' 11,000 teachers, would
mittee, had, requested two ap- cost the board $18.7 million.
pointees to deal with actuarial Also included in the accepted
problems and problems in econ- contract is a one-week shortening
omics. of the school year. Currently 40,
weeks long, the Detroit school year
The possibility of giving a seat is the longest in the state. IM PORTANT
o SAU tolbaypronl The wage program came after wohv uevsriepni
bii eshava supeisory respons the teachers' bargaining agent, the The old and the new celebrated
sebi ckies Awasc onsdrsdyt asDetroit Federation of Teacher~s, bor season last night, as outgoi
sent back to SACUA for study. had originaly asked for a $1,700 Mrs. Fleming and Mrs. Hatcher
annual wage hike for its members. sohn Theatre in the Michigan I
ends Change After the board's original offer of
eh n$600 per teacher per year had been opens the APA season each year.
made, the DFT pared their pro-
posal to $1,200 before accepting RI
ch Procedure the $850 figure.
In other teachers' strike news.
search shall be signed by the Acting Gov. William Milliken, the
authorized University housing lieutenant governor who is cur- jjifaj r
personnel and a student, not an ently serving in the state's top
authorized University housing executive position while Go.
personnel, before they may begin George Romney is out of the state,
the room search for the specified asked school boards in Bloomfield B u t W I
item." Hills, Dearborn, Oak Park and
Menominee to seek court injunc- By RICHARD WINTER
The policy continues, "This pro- tions requiring striking teachers
viso does not prohibit the room in those communities to return to Approximately 25 married stu-j
search in the case of an emer- work. dents have carried through a:
gency, but the warrant . . . must Teachers are already back in threatened rent strike, John Feld-
be obtained . . . before any such classrooms under court order in kamp, Director of University
search may commence." Bay City, Saginaw, Birmingham, Housing, said yesterday.}

the opening of th e Association of Producing Artists' 1967 A
ing President Harlan Hatcher, President-designate Robben F
witnessed the Ann Arbor premiere of 'Pantagleize" at Lydia M
League. The inaugural "President's Preview" is a yearly eve
Student s Pay Ren
ihold1New. $10 HIJ

Inter-House Assembly last night
passed a resolution recommending
several changes in the University
policy concerning entry and
search of residence hall rooms.
The resolution, introduced by
IHA president Steve Brown, '69,
states that "before a room search
is commenced, the ' occupant(s)
of the room shall be informed by
authorized University housing
personnel of the item being
searched for," and a written state-
ment naming the item shall be
presented to the occupants before,
the search is begun.
The present University policy
provides that "if the student does
not wish to voluntarily assist in
the room search, a search war-
rent may be obtained." The new
recommendations change this to,
"will be obtained."
The IHA policy also adds, "the
warrant authorizing the room


Hatcher Now
In Houghton
For Support
Other State Colleges
To Join Legal Battle
In Drive Against Bills
The University will initiate a
court challenge of four acts that
it believes infringe on its tradi-
tional constitutional autonomy.
Among them are Public Act 124
(1965) which establishes state con-
trols over University constructon,
and Public Act 240 (1967), which
includes a controversial limita-
tion on the percentage of out-of-
state students that can be en-
n rolled.
The court challenge is expected
to be filed jointly with several
other state universities, sources in-
dicate. University President Harlan
Hatcher and his counterparts at
other state schools are expected
nk wing to coordinate their court strategy
E R at a meeting of the Michigan
ER Council of State College Presidents
this afternoon in Houghton.
n Ar- During the meetinghon the cam-
leming, pus of Michigan Technological
endels- University, the schools are ex-
nt that pected to determine when, where,
and exactly how the challenge will
be made. The court challenge is
expected to be filed in either
Washtenaw County (Ann Arbor)'
or Ingham County (Lansing) Cir-
cuit Court.
The University Regents reviewed
an extensive report on the court
challenge during closed session
here last week. The report was
written by the University's legal
staff after the Regents instructed
Two' rep- them in August "to file an appro-
cted from priate level action to determine
five from the validity of PA 124."
PA 124 is a capital outlay (con-
struction) bill which gave the
announced state controller's office new pow-
eneral fee ers to supervise planning and se-
sity hous- lection of architects for construc-
a budget tion of state-financed buildings.
ty appro- Traditionally, the school has done
lashed by planning and selection of archi-
tects on its own.
ake effect The University has refused to
uncement. accept $170,000 worth of state
uate As- money to begin planning on $28.9
on which worth of new buildings because it
does not want to comply with
PA 124.
The proposed building projects
include a $6.2 million architecture
uilding, a $4.3 million modern
'et. GS language building, a $2.7 million.
General Library addition, a $5.1
63 - million science building, a $4.9
million mathematics and computer
63 - center, a $5.2 million Residential
College and library facility, and a
63 - $500,00 heating plant expansion.
59 1a The administration believes that
PA 124 violates the school's tra-
ditional constitutional autonomy
and could open the door to wider
state controls on the school.
partments The refusal to comply with PA
ments at 124 has prompted a serious slow-
the same up in the building program here,

circulated Of the original seven projects
ity with a designated for state money in PA
raise was 124, only the construction of the
Over 270 heating plant expansion has gone
1. ahead.
The University will also chal-
lenge PA 310 of 1966 and PA 244
of 1967 which are the respective
capital outlay bills for those two
years. Both acts embrace the
same concept as PA 124.
The school also will challenge'
n i sections 8, 13, 16, 17 and 18 of
PA 240 of 1967, the state higher
an Roude- education appropriation bill.
ndoubtally The most controversial part of
es had an PA 240 is section 17, which says
ot to ap- that schools which have more
ded, "The than 20 per cent out-of-state en-
co-oper- rollment cannot increase that per-
chairman This means that a school like
cs depart- the University, which has 25 per
aracterize cent out-of-state enrollment (7,-
ction." He 526 students), cannot go above
dgment of that figure.' The bill stipulates

Other changes in the policy
concern the people authorized to
enter or search a room. Where the
University policy states that "staff
members" may enter or search a
room, the IHA changes provide
for "two authorized University
personnel" in both the case of
room entry when the resident is
not in the room and in the case
of a search when the room is un-

Holland and Crestwood school dis-
tricts. In addition to Detroit,
settlements were reached over the
weekend in Inkster, Ecorse and
River Rouge.
Still undecided in the Michigan
school strike issue is the question
of makup time for school days
already missed. A state law ;re-
quires all public school districts
to remain open a certain number
of days.

The students, residents of Uni-
versity Terrace and Northwestj
Apartments, submitted checks for
the amount of last year's rent
only, withholding the $10 increase.
They contend that the Aug. 1 an-
nouncement of the increase was
made without "sufficient warn-
ing." They have asked a postpone-'
ment of the increase until Jan. 1.
The new payment was to begin
last Friday.

All checks in question were en-
dorsed: "In full payment of Sep-
tember 1967 rent."
According to a letter sent to the
students by Roy Ashmall, President
of the Graduate Assembly, "the
legal ramifications of this state-
ment appearing on the check are
that cashing the check (by the
University) is an admission that
the residents owe no additional
money for their September rent."
I Feldkamp said that the Univer
city is presently investigating the
legal implications of the endorse-
ment. He said the University may
be able to accept these checks as
pa tialpayment, in which case the
students would be responsible for,

will be held tomorrow.'
resentatives will be ele
University Terrace and
The rent increase was a
Aug. 1 as part of the gi
hike for nearly all Univer
ing units, the result of
cut made when Universi
priations requests were s
the state Legislature.
The increase was to ti
20 days after the annot
On Aug. 6, the Grad
sembly passed a resoluti

Jumbo Psychedelic Posters

laster Ann Arbc
something it can call its own - gin to fall apart,
iIIcLnninlm in WI.11 lbUh i+ - UCaI firifiUvi .Dl'dC1

"I buy posters to cover up drab 1 oenn nwe tcnn ento lc
ceilings," says Eleanor Shavell, '71. lieve. "I know how to reach splotches you see
"I like paintings, but they're not youth," he says. "I'm designing Bogart's face beco
cs a itings,-yut gey s visual experiences for them. 'Now' stract."
ahedelic poster anywhere for a is colors, and youth. 'Now' pos- But perhaps th
dollar." ter art has impact." about posters-psy
"It's the colors that people History of Art Prof. Victor H. sonality-is their
want," claims Sarah Mahler, '68. Miesel agrees. "Posters I've seen," Taken individual:
"They buy posters for the bright he says, "seem to have an inno- here to stay. Yot
colors and squiggly lines." cence and decadence, a joy and today, and throw
But whether the motivation be anguish which parallels the gen- morrow. Or, as a
economic or aesthetic, posters are eration's feelings that old supm- orManuperisa
being purchased at a rate as great ports are crumbling, that God is
as that of any other art form in dead, that values are falling. the pretentiousness
history. In every major U.S. city, There's a mood of despair, but the'----
people are picking up millions of posters are jolly."
colored and clashing art posters- And in a culture where intense
from optical illusionary color energy and excitement draw youthIN S F 1I
drawings to photographs of sex- into interaction and involvement,
ual experience in a myriad of the motto "tune in, turn on"
ous physiognamies-Ho Chi Minh,I Drugs, the psychedelic experience: o
Bob Dylan, Ronald Reagan, Ringo1 and visual involvement in the
Starr. And the most avid sup- swirling vortexes of an art poster By WALTER
porters of the boom are just as all aim, as Miesel suggests, to A grant applic
likely to sport fraternity pins, "unwind and unleash this tremen- Stephen Smale of
"Impeach Johnson" buttons or dous amount of energy - which of California at B
neck garlands-of daffodils. :otherwise seems to be going no- inent mathematici
Ann Arbor is no exception. With where." spoken opponent
its huge student population, ther This is what the new culture is Vietnam, has bee
for the newat. torens suchma all about, according to Marshall by the National S
Student Book Servitores nd idd McLuhan, guru of the electronic tion (NSF).
Earth may collectively sell a age. Youth wants to participate, The rejection of
thousand posters during any giv- not observe, and psychedelic pos- $247,000 to contin
ters are "high in participation." anced project cam

the balance and the usual five dol-I
lar late payment fee.
No further special procedings
have yet been formulated.
r Feldkamp said the students in
volved will receive letters from
him, and that he will try to speak
and lose their personally with as many of them1
k and white as possible..
on Humphrey He also pointed out that the
ome almost ab- matter had been brought up at
each of the last six meetings of
he nicest thing the Student Advisory Committee
'chedelic or per- on Housing, and that the commit-
expendibility. tee agreed entirely with the Uni-
ty they're not versity's position. Feldamp is
u can buy five chairman of the committee.
-three away to- Ashmall said there would be no
r further student action until the
Grt Prof. George reactivation of the Northwood Ter-
it's art without race Association is complete. Elec-
s of history." tions to choose executive board,

W L P.
Boston 85 66 .5
Detroit 85 66 .5
Minnesota 85 66 .5
Chicago 85 67 .5
See story, pg. 6
urged residents of the al
to "continue rental pay
their present level." At
time, a petition was
threatening the Universi
rent strike unless the
delayed until Jan. 1.
signatures were collected

lejets Grant App1icatio
Anti-War Matheematicia


The letter went on to suggest ';An aide to Congressma

cation by Prof. the resubmission of the applica- bush said yesterday, "Ur
the University tion for a grant in two or more Smale's political activiti
erkeley, an em- proposals with the request for effect on the decision n
ian and an out- funds for Dr. Smale being present- prove the grant." He ad
of the war in ed separately. NSF has been totally
n turned down Smale, a co-founder of Vietnam ative in this matter."'
Science Founda- Day Committee, maintains that Prof. Henry Helson,

the real reason for the rejection
the request for of his grant was political, citing
ue an NSF-fin- Roudebush's pledge to have Con-
ne after a series gress veto any further NSF sup-

of Berkeley's mathemati
ment, refused to ch
NSF's action as a "reje
said yesterday, "The jut

.,ti}l:C} yiry. fry. '^\, x,1f' :

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