Tuesday, March 12, 1968
Page Five
Tuesday, March 12, 1 9 6 8 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five
Students Storm Warsaw
Communist Party Office
ROTC Classes Stress
Necessity of Leadership
Conscientious Objector Earns
Admiration as Marine Medic
WARSAW, Poland (M.
tudents *
~ LU~ia
marched on Communist party
headquarters in Warsaw yesterday
shouting "Freedom!" and "Demo-
cracy!" They clashed anew with
police crying again and again
"Gestapo, Gestapo."
Party members and workers
watched from the windows of the
gray, forbidding building as hel-
meted riot police used tear gas
and rubber truncheons In an effort
to disperse the demonstrators,
numbering several thousand.
Tear gas cylinders soard through
the air and were often tossed back
at the police. Rocks, sticks, bottles
and bricks were sent flying toward
the police ring around the build-
Packed streetcars and buses were
brought to a halt by the action.
The acrid tear gas filled the jam-
med intersection where the build-
ing is located. The scene resembled
a battlefield.
Women screamed insults at po-
lice clubbing youths with trunch-
eons. Other passers by rubbed eyes
made red by the tear gas.
Police finally managed to dis-
perse the shouting crowd.
It was the third outbreak of
violence in Warsaw since student
demonstrations began last Friday
at the downtown campus of War-
saw University. On Saturday, po-
lice and youths clashed again near
the Polytechnic University.
As on Saturday, the harsh police
measures appeared to have been
set off by rock throwing youths.
Friday's violence began after a
protest against expulsion of two
Warsaw University students on the
grounds they took part in a dem-
onstration Jan. 1 protesting forced
closure of a popular play which
had some lines construed as anti-
Soviet by the censors. Saturday's
demonstrations protested police
measures used the day before.
Informed sources said that at a
noon meeting yesterday at War-
saw University, about 3,000 stu-
"dents and a number of professors
~passed a resolution demanding
Ifreedom for students arrested after
Friday's demonstration. The reso-
fution, informants said, also car-
ried an appeal to other Polish
universities to support the War-
saw cause.
The resolution was said to de-
mand in addition thatthe state
controlled press publish the stu-
dents' accounts and explanation
for their protest actions
Outside the university gates a
large crowd taunted police and
.plain clothes auxiliaries. They
burned newspapers with accom-
panying cries of "the press is ly-
A number of youths armed
themselves with rocks and bricks
and positioned themselves on the
steps of the Holy Cross Catholic
church across the street from the
university gates. They hurled them
at passing policemen and vehicles.
A convoy of police vehicles
moved and stopped in front of the
church. Dozens of helmeted riot
police jumped out and charged the
youths, who ducked into the
4. church. Police did not follow but
carried their attack to a crowd in
a next door courtyard.
(Continued from Page 1)
The office that runs the Navy
ROTC, the office of the assistant
chief of naval personnel for ed-
ucation and training, structures
programs which rely heavily on
cadet involvement and responsi-
The results at the University are
academic credit courses in which
students have major responsibility
for content and cadet-run "drill
staff" and "group staff" activ-
Air Science 401 and 402, for
example, depend on a large amount
of independent work by students.
The topics covered include mili-
tary justice, protocol, manage-
ment, staffing and the use of com-
Hesselgrave presents an ROTC-
supplied filmstrip on one of the
topics and for two weeks students
present reports on specific aspects
of the topic.
"Three-quarters of the class is
cadet presentation," says Hessel-
grave. "Most of the other material
is produced and printed by ROTC
headquarters. Their sources are
psychological and sociological text-
books like many used on campus."
Practice in leadership is most
pronounced in "drill staff" and
"group staff" duties. Drill staff,
patterned after the staff organ-
ization of the armed forces, boils
down to what one commandant
terms "a nebulous end result"-
mandatory weekly drill periods.
,"Drill staff is a training ve-
hicle making the cadets put into
practice the principles of leader-
ship," explains Air Force Capt.
Dwight Hageman. "The cadet com-
mander of the drill staff doesn't
have a completely free hand in
running the drill session. He has
to fulfill certain requirements."
These include "responsibility for
appearance of the cadets, military
courtesy and conduct," which are
necessary functions. "I could do
the job myself, but the cadets
would not benefit as much them-
selves," adds Hageman.
Leadership training is the cen-
tral interest of ROTC staff. "Lead-
ership is a thin thread that inter-
twines through the entire pro-
gram," Army Capt. Richard Cope-
land explains. One student con-
tinues, "The program brings out
your leadership potential, it forces
you to lead."
Another aspect of leadership de-
velopment is the ROTC "group
staff" in which cadets learn most-
ly military paperwork procedures.
They perform business functions
like arranging special weekend
operations, classifying and rating
cadets, appointing new staffs, pub-
ishing the units' newspapers and
preparing for summer camp.
The stress on leadership even
goes so far as to justify cadets
standing up in class when they
speak. "Getting them standing up,
speaking on their feet, is similar
to the situation on a ship," ex-
plains Lt. Obenshain. "It adds
"In any event," he concludes, "it
doesn't hurt."
TOMORROW: Classes and Credit
KHE SANH, Vietnam (iP)--The
Methodist minister's son was a
conscientious objector and a Ma-
rine outcast.
He hated war and refused to be
a rifleman.
His strongest swear word was
"Golly." He could not develop a
tough exterior.
Until he went to work aiding
the wounded at Khe Sanh, Pvt.
Jonathan M. Spicer of Miami,
Fla., was despised by some of' the
other Leathernecks around him
and only tolerated by others.
Now he is a hero, a growing
legend and badly wounded.
Friends said that Spicer joined
the Marines almost on a whim
when he went to a recruiting sta-
tion with a friend. Somewhere in
basic training, when the instruc-
tors were attempting ,to turn him
into a professional killer, he re-
"He just sort of suddenly real-
ized combat wasn't really for
him," recalled Cpl. Daniel Sulli-
van of Boston, Mass. "He wasn't
afraid of dying. He said it just
before the day he was hit. But he
said he could not put himself up
to killing a man."
Tried for CO
Friends said Spicer, who stands
5 feet 9, tried to declare himself
a, conscientious objector in boot
camp and at various other points
on his route to Vietnam. He was
always told: "Wait until your
next assignment."
Finally he was assigned to an
infantry battalion at Khe Sanh,
the besieged Marine base 15 miles
south of the demilitarized zone,
"He was treated with contempt
by his fellow infantrymen," said
an officer who was instrumental
in getting Spicer transferred to
one of Khe Sanh's many medical
units. "He was naive, and the
toughness Marines show outward-
ly was foreign to him."
Unselfish, Brave
"What no one realized" said Lt.
Edward Feldman, a medical offi-
cer from Forest Hills, N.Y., "was
that he was thoroughly unselfish
and wouldn't hesitate to put him-
self in danger."
Spicer "was a tiger' when it
came to the welfare of the wound-
ed. He grabbed an unwounded
man who attempted to get aboard
a medical evacuation helicopter
ahead of the wounded and rough-
ly pulled him back.
Doctors said that when shell
fire pinned down the stretcher
bearers rushing the wounded men
to the helicopters, Spicer repeat-
edly covered his man with his
own body.
A month ago the round faced
Marine ran out of luck.
"He helped get one litter on a
chopper and started brick to the
sandbagged area," said Lt. James
0. Finnegan of Philadelphia, Pa.
Ignores Danger
Other stretcher bearers were
having trouble loading their lit-
ters and Spicer, despite a call
from one doctor to "get the hell
in here," turned back to the chop-
per to help.
He arrived about the same time
a North Vietnamese mortar shell
burst among the wounded men
and litter carriers, wounding
about 30 men.
Spicer was hit in the heart,
face and legs. He was saved only
by a delicate heart operation by
Dr. Finnegan and Lt. John Mad-
dilligan of Brooklyn, N.Y.
Earns Award
Finnegan recommended Spicer
for the Silver Star for bravery
and gallantry. The Khe Sanh
base's commander, Col. David E.
Lownds, mentioned the Navy
Men who spent fruitless hours
trying to teach Spicer to swear
and be tough like a Marine said
they felt a little guilty.
Teachers To Return
To Posts in Florida
-Associated Press
AN IRATE CHICAGO RESIDENT clashed yesterday with police-
men over the busing of Negro pupils from an inner-city school
,district to an all white school on the city's northwest side. The
argument occurred after police asked the man to move away
from the school.
Negroes Inorate
Chicago Schools
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (/) - The
statewide Florida teachers strikeI
ended yesterday but in many
counties local teacher groups re-
fused to, return to class unless
school boards rehired all of those
who walked out.
The Florida Education Associa-
tion, the teachers spokesman, said
about 9,000 teachers still were out
of school. There are 60,000 teach-
ers in ithe state's public schools
and, at the height of the strike,
more than 26,000 stayed away'
from classes.
In the state's largest school
system, Dade County, Miami, all
of the teachers were back to work.
Pupils in Miami were delighted
when Dr. Edward Whigham, the
county school superintendent
there, said the official position
was that pupils would only have
to make up one day for the three
weeks missed.
The president of the Florida
Education Association, Dexter
Hagman, said striking teachers
were holding out in about 40
counties. In almost all, Hagman
said, the trouble was refusal of
school boards to rehire principals
and administrators who joined
the teachers in their walkout.
CHICAGO (P) - Negro children
integrated eight grade schools on
the Northwest Side peacefully yes-
terday at the start of a bitterly
debated program to bus them from
overcrowded schools.
A fire bomb hurled through
the window of one school hours
before classes began caused only
slight damage and no one was in-
jured. A second fire bomb did not
Crowds of white adults gathered
at three of the eight schools and
there was some derisive shouting
and jeering as the 249 scrubbed,
neatly dressed children filed from
buses and carried their books
through a cordon of white on-
A police cruiser was deployed to
escort each of the eight buses
which picked up the children in
their predominantly Negro neigh-
borhoods of the Austin district.
A handful of police were sta-
tioned at the eight receiving
schools. Telephoned bomb threats
prompted them to search the
Smyser and Sayre schools. They
found nothing..
Crowds assembled at the Dever
school, where the firebombs were
tossed, made the most noise and
there were dissident murmurs
when police ordered the adults to
leave the school grounds after the
bused pupils were safely inside the
Another told a newsman, "We
paid $27,500 (the cost of a home)
to get away from the May school
and they followed me over here."
The May and Spencer schools
were the two overcrowded schools
in'the Austin area relieved by the
busing plan which stirred protest
demonstrations and angry com-
munity meetings.
James Redmons, superintendent
of schools, proposed busing Negro
pupils to schools in all white
neighborhoods in an attempt to
halt the slide in numbers of inte-
grated schools in Chicago.
In 1963, there were 57 inte-
grated schools in the city. The
number dropped to 45 until Mon-
day when the eight Northwest
Side schools were integrated.
Redmon's plan conceived last
year and supported in principle by
the Board of Education, was stale-
mated in February by a 5-5 board
vote. The plan was amended to
include a parental option and
the board approved busing March
4 by an 8-1 vote.
Panther WHITE
for SGC
the following Candidates for
Mark Schreiber, President
Michael Davis
Carol Hollenshead
Paul Mi lgrom
Mark Madoff
(Guild House, 802 Monroe)
over 30,000 actual job openings
listed by employers in the 1968
Summer Employment Guide. Gives
salary, job description, number of
openings, dates of employment, and
name of person to write. Resorts,
dude ranches, summer theatres,
United Nations, national parks, etc.
Also career oriented jobs: banking,
publishing, engineering, data pro-
cessing, electronics, accounting,
many more. Covers all 48 states,
Price only $3, money back if not
satisfied. Our fifth year!
University Publications, Rm. H 636
Box 20133, Denver, Colo. 80020
Please rush my copy of the 1968
Summer Employment Guide. Pay-
ment of $3 is enclosed.
DRUIDS, Senior Men's
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