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March 12, 1968 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-03-12

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Of M tan 4 a
Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

Research: Subsidizing National Consensus

Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MiCH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in alt reprints.




Davis for SGC President:
No Lesser-Eviism n 1968

rTHE TOTAL unacceptablity of the three
announced candidates for the presi-
dency of the Student Government Coun-
cil presents voters with a serious dilemma.
Chooking any of the three candidates
would be a tacit endorsement of deficient
leadership and slipshod thinking.
Faced with such depressing alterna-
tives, the only constructive action a voter
can take is to cast a write-in vote for
the person who would make the best SGC
President. And that person is Michael
Davis, currently SGC's administrative
vice-president and candidate for election
to the Council, is unquestionably better
informed than ayone currently involved
in student politics. Highly articulate,
Davis commands the respect of the fac-
ulty and the support of a broad spectrum
of campus groups at no compromise of
his unwavering convictions.
A tribute to his mastery of campus
politics was provided when one of the
announced candidates candidly admitted
during an interview, "Davis knows a hell
of a lot more than any of us."
This assessment is validated by an ex-
amination of just a few of his accom-
plishments du'ing the current academic
year. He is the author of the Davis Re-
port, a cogent and comprehensive analysis
of the entire complex structure of stu-
dent government.
It was Davis whose thorough research
and logical analysis convinced the prac-
Harold Stassen:
A Timey Choice
rFME MAGAZNE has discovered a new
gimmick in its indefatigible efforts to
"tune-in" middle-aged businessmen on
what's happening youthwise. Time is
sponsoring "Choice '68" mock elections
to be held on this and other campuses
along with student government elections.
Reflecting the acumen of Time's un-
derstanding of student opinion, "Choice
'68" offer its campus electorate a most
incoherent and illogical slate of candi-
dates, presumably designed to thwart
decisive action:.
The Democratic anti-war vote will be
split between active candidate Eugene
McCarthy and adamant non-candidate
Robert Kennedy.
Radicals have even a better choice.
They can, either vote for Trotskyite
ideologue Fred Halstead or non-candi-
date Martin Luther King-a lost and be-
wildered civil rights leader.
Nonetheless, by voting for Harold Stas-
sen, students can still effectively vent
their feelings about Time Magazine
while delivering a clear mandate of anti-
war feeling.
STASSEN IS far more outspoken
against the war than either McCarthy
or Kennedy. Furthermore it would be a
humanitarian gesture to give the former
"boy wonder" Governor of Minnesota one
final electoral victory.
Voters rarely have the opportunity to
oppose both a war and a major cultural
bright-Time Magazin. And one of the
few blessings of today's election is the
opportunity to confound Time's team of
collegiate pulse-takers by voting for
Harold Stassen in "Choice '68."

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The Daily is a member of the Associated Press,
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Daily except Monday during regular academic school
Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular
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Fall and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by
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Editorial Staff
Managing Editor Editorial Director
DAVID KNOKE, Executive Editor
WALLACE IMMEN....................News Editor
PAT 'D)ONOHUE ............. ... .. News Editor
DANIEL OKRENT.....,............Feature Editor
LUCY KENNEDY ...... ........ Personnel Director
CAROLYN MIEGEL ....... Associate Editorial Director
WALTER SHAPIRO ....... Associate Editorial Director
NEAL BRUSS ....................... Magazine Editor
ANDY BACKS ......................... Photo Editor

tical, fiscally cautious University admin-
istration of the merit of SGC's incorpora-
tion plan.
THROUGH ACTIONS such as these,
Davis has gained faculty respect not
only for himself, but for all of SGC as
well. The logic behind his analysis of
SGC's representative nature was so com-
pelling that it caused Prof. Carl Cohen
of the philosophy department and asso-
ciate director of the Residential College
to write in reply:
"It should be a source of satisfaction
to all members of the University that the
elected officers of the Student Govern-
ment Council think as clearly and deeply
as they do on most matters of general
University concern."
The esteem with which Davis is held
by his fellow students is evidenced byi
the endorsement of his campaign for a
seat on the Council by Voice, Engineering
Council, IFC, Panhellenic Association,
Young Democrats and Inter-House As-
sembly. While many of these grpups dis-
agree with Davis on specific issues, they
are deeply aware of his irreplaceable role
as take-charge man for difficult Council
FURTHERMORE, the "Hare system" be-
ing used in the SGC election allows
even those students who wish to vote for
one of the announced candidates an op-
portunity to demonstrate their support
for Davis.
Under the Hare system, voters number
their first two choices. All the first choice
votes are counted and if no candidate
has a clear majority the bottom man is
dropped and all the second place votes
for each remaining candidate are counted
and added to his first place votes. The
effect is an "instant runoff," and this 1s
probably what will happen in this elec-
By voting for Davis first and the an-
nounced candidate of their choice sec-
ond, those voters reap all the benefitsof
a symbolic protest vote for the best man,
Davis, without jeopardizing the chances
of their favorite of the announced can-
UNDER-ANY circumstances, Davis must
be elected to an at-large seat on the
To couple that election with a strong
write-in for Davis as SGC President will
enhance his position on Council. This is
vital because if any of the three an-
nounced candidates are elected, students
must look to Davis for SGC leadership in
the perilous year ahead.
Furthermore, a strong write-in vote
for Davis for President-even if he is
not victorious-will provide an articula-
tion of student dissatisfaction with the
available choices.
, It will be pointed out that Davis is
supporting Mark Schreiber. Yet this sup-
port by his own admission was an at-
tempt to play lesser-evilism at a time
when, in his eyes, Mark Schreiber seemed
the only alternative to Michael Koeneke.
By supporting Davis, the student body
can avoid the agonizing choice Davis
himself had to make.
and Kahn, SGC has been transformed
from a quiescent, reactionary force to a
dynamic exponent of student rights and
the power students must assume in the
modern University.
For that progress to continue, Coun-
cil cannot afford second-best leadership.
In the year ahead, with students con-
fronting complex and important issues-
classified research, the role of students

in decision-making both academic and
-non-academic, and the emergence of stu-
dents as an effective consumer force --
it is imperative that Council turn to its
most effective leader.
Michael Davis, whose leadership cre-
,dentials are respected by all, can provide
Council with that leadership, can unite
the campus behind an affirmation of
student rights.
Therefore, it is essential that voters
not only support Michael Davis' candidacy
for a council seat but also write him in as
best choice for SGC president.
Editorial Director

Daily Guest Writer
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last
in a two part series by the edu-
cational director of Voice-SDS. In
part one, the author traced the
history of federal support for sci-
entific work from World War II.
THERE IS another facet to the
research question. The bulk of
President Eisenhower's farewell ad-
dress dealt with the growing de-
pendence of certain key industries
on defense and the growing im-
portance of these industries to na-
tional economic stability. Even ten
years ago, for example, missile and
aircraft production was already
providing at least 82 per cent of
all manufacturing employment i
San Diego and 53 per cent in
The impact on the larger, state
economies is also considerable. In
1962 employment in five key de-
fense-related industries accounted
for the following proportions of
total manufacturing employment:
New York, 7.9 per cent; New Jer-
sey, 12.3 per cent; Texas, 13 per
cent; Massachusetts, 14.6 per cent;
Maryland, 15.7 per cent; Florida,
20.9 per cent; Connecticut, 23.4 per
cent; Kansas, 30, percent; Cali-
fornia, 31.4 per cent; and Wash-
ington, 34.8 per cent. And this is
only direct employment. In some
ommunities, it has been estimated,
the number of jobs created by the
urchasesof both the defense indus-
tries and their employes equalled
twice the number of jobs created
in the defense industries them-
selves. In such areas, it is under-
standable that the desire to main-
tain and increase Department of
Defense (DOD) ties extends far
beyond the offices of the individ-
ual defense contractors.
In regions less blessed, the en-
tire economic establishment sees
it in its interests to attract and
stimulate defense industry. Cham-
bers of Commerce and state legis-
latures, therefore, do all in their
-power to foster the kind of climate
likely to attract the interest of
Government and industry.
Now just what kind of "climate"
does interest the Defense Depart-
ment? With this question in mind,
it is interesting to examine the
text of a speech given September
5, 1962 by the then-Deputy Secre-
tary of Defense Roswell L. Gil-
patric before an audience of Mid-
west industry and university rep-
resentatives in South Bend, In-
diana. Gilpatric began by ex-
pressing sympathy wtih the Mid-
west's seeming difficulty in secur-
ing its proportional share of Pen-
tagon largesse, and he ventured
to join his audience in trying to
produce a remedy. Explaining the
growing scientific sophistication

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"When everything is for sale, police state tactics are unnecessary ...

of modern weapons systems, he
pointed out that the final produc-
tion of military hardware is al-
ways preceded by many months
and years of slow and basic re-
search (conducted, largely, in the
nation's universities). The final
contract awarded is for the pro-
duction of a piece of military
hardware with a tremendously
sophisticated technological com-
"It is logical, then that produc-
tion contracts for modern weapons
and equipment which will figure
heavily in future procurement,
may tend to be placed in areas
where the research, development,
test and evaluation has been cen-
tered. A region that has had a
long head start in a new expand-
ing field of procurement is bound
to enjoy an enduring advantage,
especially when research and de-
velopment is a prime element."
All of which was to say that ex-
panded university involvement in
military research would be cru-
cial to the attraction to the uni-
versit's region of those so-ardent-
ly-courted defense production con-
tracts. Finally, lest his message
still somehow evade his audience,
Gilpatric repeated approvingly
the happy story of one business's
successful partnership with both
academe and brass:
What Bendix has been doing in
this field deserves mention. Ben-
dix personnel, I am informed, have
worked closely with the University
of Michigan faculty, sharing the
use of the University's nuclear re-
actor in significant research. The

Bendix Systems Division, the Uni-
versity, and the Federal Govern-
ment have beenassociated in joint
meteorological programs in field
Bendix has employed consultants
from the University faculty; Ben-
dix technicians have given part
time service as faculty members;
and Bendix personnel are encour-
aged to take advanced courses and
to secure degrees from themUni-
versity - with 30% of all company
engineers having taken some
I am pleased, also, to learn that
Bendixrmaintains contacts with
other great educational institutions
in this area, including Michigan
State University, Wayne State Uni-
versitay, and South Bend's own
Notre Dame. These activities may
help to explain why Bendix re-
ceived $172 million of prime mili-
tary contract awards in Fiscal 1961
and an even larger total in Fiscal
The interests of the defense in-
dustries ( and dependent indus-
tries and labor and state govern-
ments) demand a continued and
expanded Defense Department role
in the University. This" is indeed
a formidable coalition of forces.
What are the implications of all
this for the University? First, to
repeat Vice President Norman's
observation, as long as the present
relationship continues, the uni-
versity will play by the Defense
Department's rules. What does
that mean? Well, to answer that,
we need just a brief consideration
of the nature of the Federal Gov-
ernment and the DOD. It should
not sultprise people living in 1968
America to be told that the most
important function of the State is

the defense and preservation of
the relationships, which presently
exist between institutions and
classes-and that the Defense De-
partment (and, to a somewhat
lesser extent, other Defense-ori-
ented agencies) constitutes the
striking arm of the Federal Gov-
ernment in its external dealings,
supplying the threat and/or use
of force to enable the Government
to fulfill its responsibility. Thus,
when the Defense Department
sets out to do business, it should
not be difficult to understand what
kind of items it is after.
' As one Pentagon official put it,
while the Department would cer-
tainly like to fund all sorts of
fascinating projects, "unless we
can satisfy ourselves that these
efforts contribute to our military
,mission, or are likely to, we are
not justified in supporting them."
To be marketable, then, uni-
cesrsity research projects will have
to be drawn up with the buyer--
the military-in mind. In the case
of classified contracts, publica-
tion, even discussion, will await
Pentagon pleasure.
Faculty members who work on
classified projects will have to
submit to loyalty and . security
procedures. "In effect, the uni-
versity is obliged to share its
right and obligation to ,determine;
the qualifications of its faculty
with outside groups." In just
this way do the values and goals
of the Military Establishment be-
come those of the universities as

Let us recall, further, that one
of the proudest; boasts which this
nation makes is that without resort
to censorship, political repression,
or even widespread police state tac-
tics, it has been possible to secure
the acquiescence in and support of
the major institutions and the
majority of the people for the
assumptions and goals proclaimed
by the "national leadership." This
claim should be reconsidered ih
the light of what we have learned
about how the Government is able
to secure that cooperation (con-
senus?). Specifically, we have
seen here a stark example of the
power of money: i.e., the coercive
power of capital.
When everything is for sale, po-
lice state tactics are unnecessary;
all that is necessary is purchasing
power. (And it is the very nature
of those most interested in de-
fending American capitalism and
all its trappings of privilege and
exploitation, that they have an
abundance of purchasing power!)
The university thus becomes an
agent of the military not through
conspiracy or cabal, but simply
through the normal, the accepted,
the "free" play of the free market.
The University needs funds, in-
dustry needs contracts, the mili-
tary needs information and hard-
A harmony of interests is born.
As Cornell's President Perkins puts
it, "where your treasure is, there
shall be your heart also." And the
university becomes the happy pris-
oner of the State.



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Letters: SGC PresidentialEnorsmns

To the Editor:
IN THE PAST two years, SGC
has gained respect and legiti-
macy-and power-by concerning it-
self with important issues affect-
ing issues affecting students and
by involvingmore and more stu-
dents in advincing these issues.
SGC can continue this trend only
under effective, responsive leader-
ship - leadership which is will-
ing to listen to students and help,
them improve their situation. Mike
Koeneke and Bob Neff can best
provide this leadership.
The issues - from classified re-
search to parking - are well
known. The question is, who can
best solve these problems in ways
that students want them solved?
Mike and Bob have been deeply
involved in student activities for
over two years and have the neces-
sary experience and talents to lead
Koeneke has a string of im-
pressive election victories and ac-
complishments in voter registra-
tion and housing to demonstrate
his articulateness and organiza-
tional ability. Having worked with
him, we can attest to the fact
that no one has put more time and
energy into SGC. Neff has been
an active committee chairman in
UAC for two years, has been a
delegate to the National Student
Associate convention, and has
served for the past few months as
treasurer of SGC.
BECAUSE we know Koeneke and
Neff personally, because we have
worked with them, and because we,
are impressed by their views andr
by their skills, we urge all students
to vote Koeneke-Neff on March 12
or 13.
-Dan McCreath, '69
-Bob Rorke, '69
-Steve Brown, '69
-Ellen Heyboer, '69
members of SGC
To the Editor:
been involved in campus poli-
tics for some time, we feel that
there are some things that need
to be said about the current SGC

Both Schreiber and Koeneke
have been active and hard-work-
ing members of Council. Both
have made substantial contribu-
tions in the area of housing. How-
ever, there are some important
Mark Schreiber has been will-
ing both to commit and assert
himself on a number of issues
outside of housing. He has been
involved in the Draft Teach-In,
classified research and recruit-
ment. He has indicated a will-
ingness to pursue academic re-
forms with the same vigor used
in individual conduct this year.
He is aware of the economic needs
of students. Most importantly, he
has engaged himself in debate on
all of these issues, both at the
Council table and away from it.
On the other hand, Mr. Koen-
eke, while active in both housing
and voter registration, has said
very little in debate on any of the
other issues which SGC has faced
in the past year. By and large he
has supported the positions tak-
en by Council, but rarely has he
been actively involved in the de-
cision-making process, and never
has he initiated changes.
Mark Schreiber has indicated
to us, through his actions, that
he will pursue the interests of
the students with all of his ener-
gy and skill. He seems willing to
face the responsibilities of ag-
gressive and effective leadership
and we urge the voters to sup-
port him in this week's elections.
-Michael Davis, Grad
SGC Admin. Vice President
-Ruth Baumann, '68
SGC Executive Vice President
-Paul Milgrom, '70
SGC Coord. Vice President
-Stuart Katz, Grad
President, Graduate Assembly
-Roy Ashmall, Grad
Past President, 1967-68
Graduate Assembly
-Marsha Daigle, Grad.
Treasurer, Graduate Assembly
-Tom Westerdale, Grad
Member, SGC
-Sharon Lowen, '71
Member, SGC
-Sam Sherman, '68
Member, SGC

units, not as individuals, since the
entire house is going to be filled
exclusively by the members of a
single sorority.
Earlier, Mr. Feldkamp said the
girls "would be admitted not as
sororities but as groups of pri-
marily Opportuity Award stu-
dents." Giving Opportunity Award
students an inexpensive place to
live is a good idea, but giving them
special privileges over other stu-
dents at the University ig unfair.
Further, the girls in the sororities
who are not Opportunity Award
students are being given privileged
admission into Oxford for no rea-
son other than they are members
of the sorority.
In other housing units at the
University, including those at Ox-
ford, occupants choose their rooms
for the next year on a seniority
basis. Only after all occupants.
within the unit have chosen their
rooms do students from outside
that unit get to choose. This sys-

tem, which is clearly the only fair
one, is being completely ignored,
since many girls who have lived
at Oxford for several years are
being displaced and will not have
a choice of their living quarters
for next year. If the University
wants to let Opportunity Award
students into Oxford, it should
have them apply like everyone
else, but it should only accept
them after present residents have
chosen their spaces.
Mr. Feldkamp's argument that
"the move will be an important
step toward ending discrimination
and segregation in the Greek sys-
tem," is also invalid. While it is
true that having a house makes
a particular sorority more attrac-
tive to a rushee, there is sno reason
to believe that a white girl will
pick a presently all-Negro sorority
to pledge instead of a predomin-
antly white sorority, since all the
white sororities presently have

There is still an alternative for
the two sororities. They can rent
a block of apartments in a single
building, as at least one fraternity
has done: This is obviously a tem-
porary arrangement, but the soror-
ities are expected to obtain per-
manent housing within two years
I sincerely hope the Regents will
reconsider their decision and will
reject it at their meeting at the
end of this week.
-Stephen Kay, '70 Bus. Ad
The Daily has begun accept-
ing articles from faculty, ad-
ministration, and students on
iubjects of their choice. They
are to be 600-900 words in
length and should be submitted
to the Editorial Director.


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