Page Six
Tuesday, March 12, 1968
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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Uiaily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent In TYPEWRITTEN form to
RooM 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday.' General
Notices may be published a maxi-
miium of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only,
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication. For more
intormation call 764-9270.
Day Calendar
Center for Programmed Learning for
Business -' 0"Workshop for Program-
mers, Mich. Union, 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Landscape Design Study Course
Three, Series III -- Registration, Am-
phitheater, Rackham Bldg., 8:30 a.m.
Bureau of Industrial Relations Lee-
"Individuality is an
integral element in the
life of a Paulist."
So wrote Isaac Hecker, the
founder of the first Paulist
Community in 1858. Then he
added, "The individuality of
man cannot be too great when
he is guided by the spirit of
His aim was to create an order
of priests who would be able to
meet the needs of all God's
people, as they arise in each
era,in each age.
Today, over100years later, the
Paulists remain true to Father
Hecker's ideals. Paulists are
individualists .. . they are
themselves. Moreover, they are
men of today... and tomor-
row. Modern men who are free
of stifling formalism ... free to
develop their own innate tal-
ents and thus make their own
unique.and individual contri-
If you are interested in mak-
ing a greater contribution of
your own life as a priest, write
to the Paulists today for a spe-
cial aptitude test designed to
help determine if you are of
priestly caliber.
Write to:
National Vocations Director
Room 136
415 West 59th Street
New York, N. Y. 10019
ture - Registration, Bureau of Indus- 1
trial Relations; Torn C. Clark, RetiredI
Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme
Court, Inn America, 11:45 a.m.
Department of Philosophy Lecture -
Prof. Richard Braithwaite, King's Col-4
lege, Cambridge, England, "Belief as
Setting the Stage for Choice of Ac-
tion", 1035 Angell Hall, 4:10 p.m.
Center for Near Eastern and North
African Studies Lecture-David Ayalon,
Professor of the History of Islamici
Peoples, Hebrew University, Jerusa-
lem, "The Mamluk Military and the
City," Tuesday, March 12, 35 Angell
Hall, 4:10 p.m.
School of Music Recital - Piano Ma-
fors, School of Music Recital Hall, 4:30.
Center for South and Southeast Asian
Studies Lecture - Mr. Jayaprakash
Narayan, founder of the Socialist Party
in India and leader of the Bhoodan
movement, "The Future of Indian De-
mocracy," Tues., March 12, Rackham
Amphitheatre, 8:15 p.m.
School of Music -- University Cham-
ber Choir - University Symphony Or-
chestra-Thomas Hilbish, Conductor-
John McCollum, Soloist, Hill Aud., 8:30.
General Notices
The Michigan Chapter of the Society
of the Sigma XI announces the DIN-
Michigan League, Wed., March 13, 6:30
p.m. The dinner will be followed by a
Sigma Xi Lecture, "Innovation and De-
cision Making," to be delivered by Dr.
Norman R. F. Maler, Professor of Psy-
chology, UM Dept. of Psych., 8:00 p.m.,
OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Non-banquet-
ers are invited. Registration deadline
March 8.
Professional Theatre Program-Ush-
ers sign up for all performances of "A
Midsummer Night's Dream" to be pre-
sented April 1-6 by the Stratford Na-
tional Thatre of Canada will begin
today at Professional Theatre Program
offices in Mendelssohn Theatre.
May Festival Ushers Needed - Ush-
ers are urgently needed, for the 1968
May Festival which will be given in
Hill Aud. on April 20-21-22-23. Anyone
on campus who may wish to sign up
to usher for these concerts will please
come to the box office of Hill Aud. on
Wed., March 13th from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
See Mr. Warner.
Phi Beta Kappa: Annual meeting,
Wed., March 13, 2407 Mason Hall, 4:10
p.m. Eledtion of new members and
Botany Seminar: Co-sponsored by
Dept. of Biological Chemistry. Dr. Leo
P. Vernon, Charles F. Kettering Re-,
search Lab.;will speak on "Recent Stu-
dies on the Structure of the Photosyn-
thetic Apparatus in Plants and Bac-
teria" Wed., March 13, 1139 Nat. Sci.
Bldg., at 4:15 p.m.
Linguistics Club presents Professor]
Joshua A. Fishman of Yeshiva Uni-
versity who will speak on "Bilingualism
in Sociolinguistic Perspective," Audi-
torium C, Angell Hall, on Wednesday,
March 13, 1968, 8:00 p.m.
IST Ocean Engineering Seminar'
Series -- James G. Wenzel, Manager'
of Ocean Systems of the Lockheed Mis-
siles and Space Company, will give the
seventh seminar, entitled "Deep Sub-
mergence .S y s t em s .Development,"
Thurs., March 14, at 2:30 p.m. in the
Main Lecture Hall of the Chrysler Cen-
ter for Continuing Engineering Educa-
Foreign Visitors
The following foreign visitors can be
reached through the Foreign Visitor'
Programs Office, 764-2148.
Prof. Saburo Funaoka, Psychologist,
Osaka School of Social Work, March 7
for one year.
Mr. C. Mkona, Education attache at
the Embassy, Malawi, March 10-12.
Mr. and Mrs. Jayaprakash Narayan,
Indian political figure, March 12-13.
Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Kavoori, Program
Director, Community Development,
March 16-23.
March 12 at 2 p.m. in Room 2213 An-
gell Hall. Chairman: I. M. Copi.
The approval of the following stu-
dent sponsored events becomes effect-
ive after the publication of this notice.
All publicity for these events must
be withheld until the approval has
become effective.
Campus Crusade for Christ, College
Life, March 8, 7:30 p.m., Markley'
IFC & Panhel, IFC Sing, March 9,
8:30 p.m., Hill Aud.
Lambda Chi Alpha Pledge Class, Sale
of iKtes, March 21 & 22, 8-5 p.m., Diag.
Sigma Theta Tau, Speaker, March 12,
8:30 p.m., University Hospital.
Challenge, Lectures, March 9, 8 p.m.,
Rackham Lecture Hall, March 10, Aud.
A, Angell Hall, 2:30 p.m.; March 17, 3
p.m., Bus. Ad. Bldg.; March 24, 4:30
p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall.
IHA, IHA Annual Semi-formal, March
22, 8:30-12:30, League Ballroom.
Crop and Saddle Riding Club, Horse
Show, March 2, 3 p.m. Stony Ridge
Michigan Technic and Soc. of Auto..
Engineers, Henry Mancini Concert,
March 30, 8:30 p.m., University Events
Downtown Branch of Post Office, Main
at Catherine Streets. Take completed
application to test, applic. avail, at
Placement Interviews in General Divi-
sion, appts. may be made before 4:00
day preceding visit, call 764-7460 for
Thurs., March 14:
The Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo,
Michigan - Men. All day. BA/MA Bio-
chemistry, Gen. Chemistry, Microbiol-
ogy, Pharm., Pub. Health, and pre-
Med. for Territorial Sales, calling on
doctors, hospitals and pharmacies.
Continental National A m e r i c a n
Group, Chicago, Ill.-Men and women,
All day. BA/MA Educ., Gen. Lib. Arts,
and Math for Insurance, (Home office
and Claims), Statistics, Actuarial, no
sales positions.
Detroit Bank and Trust Company,
Detroit, Mich. - Men and women. All
day. BA Econ., Engl., Gen. Lib. Arts,
Hist., Law, Math, Psych., Speech, Soc.
for Banking, Elec Computing, and
Mgmt. Trng.
Facelle Company, Oak Park, Mich.-
Men. All day. BA in Gen. Lib. Arts for
Mgmt. Trng. and Territorial Sales.
Fri., March 15:
The Rand Corporation, Santa Mon-
ica, Calif. - Men and women. All day.
Graduate students only. MA/PhD in
Econ., Math, Physics, Poll. Sci., and
Astronomy for Theoretical Research.
Current Positions received by Gen-
eral Division by mail and phone, call
764-4760 for further information:
Local Hospital - Occupational Ther-
apist, registered O.T. with A.O.T.A.,
full time, M or F, working with adults
and children.
Personnel Consultants - Asst. Di-
rector of Testing Laboratory, analyti-
cal chemist, gas, air analysis, 3-5 yrs.
exper. in gas chromotography and spec-
troscopy. Suburban Wash. D.C. Man
Shaw-Walker, Detroit, Mich. - Sales
Representatives, several openings, busi-
ness furniture and supplies, exec. level
contacts, 3-6 mo. trng. program. Man,
Lib. Arts or Bus. Ad. degree, no exper.
State of Michigan, Lansing, Mich. -
Accountant, systems acctg., m. or f.
BA with m. 12 sem. hrs. In acctg.,
and 3-7 yrs. acctg. exper.
Crucible Steel Company, Syracuse,
N.Y. - Supervisor, Melting Metallurgy
for Technical Services, Mett. or Phys.
degree with 3-5 yrs. bkgrd. in thermo-
212 S.A.B., Lower Level
Camp Takona, and Camp Al-Gon-
Quin, Girls and AnndArbor YM- YWCA
camps-10-5. Resident Camp Director,
26 or over, Program director, 25 or
over, instructors in campcraft, tennis,
canoeing, riding, riflery, waterfront
and nurse positions. Also interviewing
on March 20.
March 14:
Jack Roberts Pool Service, Farming-
ton, Mich. - Outdoors work on pools,
delivery work. 10-5 interviews.
Camp Arbutus, Mich. girls - 1-5.
General maintenance man, 21 or over,
good salary. Waterfront Director, in-
structors in land sports and arts &
Make2 interview appointments at
Room 128 H, West Engrg. Bldg. unless
otherwise specified.
March 18:
McGill Manufacturing Co., Inc.
March 19:
Perfect Circle Division - Dana Corp.
U.S. Gov't.
NASA Manned Spacecraft Center
NOUNCEMENTS is available to offi-
cially recognized and registered student
organizations only. Forms are available
in room 1011 SAB.
* * *
Ohio Delegation Caucus for Mock
Convention, Wed., March 13, 7:30 p.m.,
3G Union.If you are unable to attend
call Nick Jones, '769-5017.
Ski cheap this weekend at Boyne
Mountain. Details at UM Ski Club
meeting tonight at the Michigan Union
(in some room which can be deter-
mined by consulting the bulletin
board across from the first floor ele-
vator) movies, elections next week.
* * *
UM Scottish Country Dance Society
meeting Wed., 8:00-10:30 p.m., Wo-
men's Athletic Bldg. Beginners wel-
come. Instruction given.
Thre aten To
Strike Metro
DETROIT W)-A union leader
said Saturday that Wayne County
employes would strike Wednesday,.
closing down vital agencies includ-
ing Detroit's Metropolitan Air-
port, unless positive action is
taken toward reaching a contract
for 6,000 county workers.
William J. Charron, president
of Council 23 of the American
Federation of State, County and
Municipal Employes AFL-CIO,
said the strike jwould take place
unless the Ways and Means Com-
mittee of the Wayne County Board
of Supervisors approves a pro-
posed contract today.
The county committee has
scheduled a special meeting on
terms for the first contract with
,county employes, he said.
Charron also threatened worts
stoppages at the Wayne County
Sewer and Water Department, the
county clerk and treasurer's of-
fice, the child center, and other
governmental agencies.
Charron said the county labor 4
relations committee promised Fri-
day to submit the proposed con-
tract to the ways and means
In 1965, the State Legislature
authorized collective bargaining
and contracts for public employes
with governmental units.
Charron said there has been
"unnecessary delay" in getting
the contract with the county gov-
If the strike occurs, Charron
would request county firefighters
to leave their posts at Metro Air-
port. He said this would invalidate
insurance contracts with the air-
"" l
6upter / oniconl
Our special trunk showing
of ladies' and men's Burberry Coats
will be held March 13, 1968.
Weinvite you to come in and
view the line for fall delivery.
iIF _ - ---
- .
Endorsements for SGC
KOENEKE-NEFF: President and Vice-President
For Council:
Mike Davis, Paul Milgromn Dave Phillips, Gail Rubin
Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics: JOSEPH JONES
..-. - .w.y.- ..._. _ .__. ._ t. ___._... __._ . _......._._.......___- _ ._..._.__.__._ _
KOENEKE-NEFF: They have proven themselves capable through their post performances
(Koeneke; SGC 2 yrs., 8 month lease, voter registration; Neff: 2 yrs. exec. board UAC,
treasurer of SGC). Their ideas are in tune with the needs of the campus, and their combined
experience should insure a meaningful and progressive year fo SGC.
SCHREIBER-QUINN: Their ideas for reform exclude many important requirements of a
growing university (housing, parking facilities, athletic facilities, and activity functions.)
Their lack of experience with the total university becomes evident in their proposals.
WHITE-MITTLEMAN: They lack an understanding of the university structure. Neither has
experience that approaches the other tickets, and would make no contribution to the pro-
gress begun by SGC this year.
COUNCIL SEATS (vote for 4)
1. MIKE DAVIS - administrative V.P. of SGC
2. PAUL MILGROM - Coordinating V.P. of SGC
3. DAVE PHILLIPS- UAC, IFC, SGC Consumers Union
4. GAIL RUBEN (incumbent) - Academics, Steering
sandal bravura!
The bold new slant-heel sandals plate straps of
mellow sun-browned leather with tarnished brass.