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March 08, 1968 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1968-03-08

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31p Etrlpgatt Batly
Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MicH.
Truth Wll Prevail

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Johnson's New Ploy:
McCarthy vs. the McCarthyites

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Nothing Like an Exciting Game of Solitaire..-
Love A in the Sprtingtime...

POLITICS OVER the years has accumu-
lated what is perhaps the largest
collection of cliches in America. To re-
peat one of the more egregious of these,
Lyndon Jolinson is a shrewd politician.
While at first benignly ignoring the
quixotic rumblings of Eugene McCarthy,
now that the Minnesota Senator's cam-
paign has perhaps caught fire - another
epic cliche - Johnson is beginning to
display his renowned political sagacity.
The President's henchmen in New
Hampshire have begun amusing them-
selves by calling McCarthy "an appeaser"
and a "spokesman for the forces of sur-
This maneuver was topped yesterday
by ads in all the major New Hampshire
papers which ominously warned: "The
Communists in Vietnam are watching
the New Hampshire primary. Support our
fighting men in Vietnam. Write-in Pres-
ident Johnson on your ballot Tuesday."
This brand of subtlety is unlikely to
win him. any new friends in academia,
but Johnson remembers the success with
which the Republicans used this kind of
rhetoric to excite the political adrenalin
during the early fifties.
And while turning the New Hampshire
primary into a confrontation between Mc-
Carthy and the McCarthyites could just
backfire on the President, this approach
certainly has not shortened the political
fife of Richard Nixon.

JOHNSON PULLED an even better po-
litical trick this week by confounding
everyone and not entering a stand-in
candidate in the Massachusetts primary.
While all but conceding that state's 72
convention votes to McCarthy, Johnson
has demonstrated the prime fallacy of the
McCarthy crusade to bring the war to
the American people.
And that is the small percentage of
Convention votes which are chosen in
party primaries. Despite the publicity
focusing on states like New Hampshire,
the bulk of Convention delegates are
party loyalists chosen in state and local
party caucuses - hardly the most demo-
cratic of millieus.
As recent American political history
will attest, major political decisions tend,
to be made in party conventions rather
than in the November elections. The 1964
Goldwater nomination shows that con-
ventions tend to have a will of their
prongs of White House strategy as. an
asknowledgement of the growing sup-
port which McCarthy's low-key campaign
has been attracting.
But for the rest of us, the President's
decision to ignore the primaries is just a
blunt statement that the politicians and
not the people will control the Demo-
cratic Convention in August.

Rural Intramurals

CATCHING UP with yesterday is growing
in popularity. The University has de-
cided to build four intramural playing
fields on North Campus.
Although the students' needs for rec-
reation have only been severely below
par for 10 or 15 years, the University felt
it could not postpone the decision any
Not any longer than necessary, at least.
The University's planning office first
recommended the playing sites in 1966.
But the University hesitated because the
Residential College had also been promis-
ed the land. Now that the Residential Col-
lege concept has been reduced to a sha-
dow, the University has relit the recrea-
tional firebrand.
Because the University is a harrassed
institution with countless demands on
its hands, it deserves praise when it
manages to even do one thing at one
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Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular
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Fall and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by
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Fred Mayer, assistant University plan-
ner, acknowledges, like everyone'else, the
deficiencies in the intramural program.
PROBABLY, for one reason or another,
the University can be excused for not
noticing the immediacy of the intramural
After all, the Board in Control of In-
tercollegiate Athletics has been taking
good care of the students out of its sur-
plus funds. The Board hasn't had many
surplus funds, of course, but it did buy
Wines Field in 1956-its last outlay for
outdoor recreation.'
It also has a stately intramural build-
ing on Hoover Street. As a matter of
fact, it has had the building for 40 years.
This week's decision to finally carry
through on the North Campus plans will
relieve some of the pressure for outdoor
playing space. It could even exceed some
of the students' fondest dreams. Let us,
for one reason or another, kneel and give
BUT IF you're kneeling inside the intra-
mural building on Hoover Street, be
very careful when you get up. It's slippery
when wet.
Executive Sports Editor

ALMOST AN entire week of
classes have passed since the
end of that four day weekend
which boasts the pompous title of
Spring Recess, and all week long
I have been discovering that I
miss more and more that other
Ann Arbor which emerges when
the campus empties out.
All of the rumblings that I had
heard to the effect that "there's
nothing to do" seemed irrelevant
in light of the fact that there was
so much you didn't have to do
and so much more time to do
things you could never quite fit in
during the school year.
Laying aside the obvious ad-
vantage of not having to go to
classes (hardly a persuasive argu-
ment for staying in town), here
are some of the other worthwhile
features that I noted about the
other Ann Arbor:
Finding previously non-existent
books - which had apparently
materialized overnight r- on the
shelves of the UGLI;
Being able to walk through the
fishbowl without distraction from
hawkers, leaf letters and tables
strewn with diverting literature ;
Being able to study in the
Union MUG without constant
interruptions f r o m gregarious
friends; not having to struggle to
hear myself think over the noise
of a hundred chattering students
and the constant clinking of
dishes and spoons;
Being able to walk across the
Diag at noon without practically
getting mauled by a horde of stu-
dents, all going the other way;
BEING ABLE to have a conver-
sation with a friend without hav-
ing to break it off because one of
us has to go to class;
Finding a parking place on the
first floor of the Thayer Street
Jaywalking without fear of be-
ing run over by a crazed bicycle
Seeing a movie at the Campus
at 9 o'clock without having to wait
in line for 20 minutes;

Finding an empty local phone
booth on the first floor of the
Union; not having to wait to use
the student directory;
Finding an empty john with a
door on it;
Not having to say "Hi . ...how
are you . . . fine" to a thousand
acquaintances on State Street, and
then having to spend the next
hour trying to remember who all
of them were ;
Being at home for four whole
days without receiving any calls
from enterprising psych grads
needing subjects for tedious exper-
NOT HAVING to spend an hour
every morning pouring over The
Daily personals column, after
searching since sunrise for that
ingenious spot among the bushes
where the paperboy hid my paper
today-assuming this is on'e of
the rare days when he delivered it
at all. Of course without this
morning search I miss the thrill
of stumbling over the pile of two-
week-old Huron Valley Ad-Visors
piled on my porch;
Not having to make the agoniz-

ing choice of deciding whether to
go to Cinema Guild or Cinema
Two, since neither is open;
Being able to find a New York
Times at any store in town after
10 in the morning;
Ordering a pizza on a Friday
night and not having to wait an
hour-and-a-half for devilery;
Getting a table in the Brown
Jug in less than 30 minutes; "wait-,
ing less than 20 before having my
order taken;
'Waking up Saturday without a
hangover, because there wasn't a
single party anywhere in town Fri-
day night;
Everyone knows that the pur-
poses of education are best served
when students can live and learn
in an environment in which a
proper balance between work, rec-
reation and rest is achieved
Recognizing for the first time
how much more pleasant it is
around campus without the crowd-
ing; the noise, and the rush asso-
ciated with school, I would pro-
pose to whoever handles schedul-
ing of such things that Spring
Break be extended to encompass
the entire year.

The Case
For Rockefeller
NEW YORK-The United States can count itself fortunate that in
these unhappy times there is an election near at hand. For this
opens up the chance to begin to get a grip on the events which are at
present out of human and political control. There is no other way to
begin unless the voters choose a new President with new advisers and
a new party alignment. The conflicts within the nation about the
war, the cities, the economy and the racism cannot be healed unless
the nation of a whole can look forward to a new beginning. The nation
cannot thrash around for another five years in its entanglements.
The dominant fact of our time is not that opinion is divided and
that there is strong opposition to the Administration. That is normal
enough in a free country. The dominant fact is the crumbling of that
binding confidence in the nation's purpose and its future, which in
normal times may be taken for granted. There is a disintegration of the
hope, which is the inner genius of the American spirit, that men can
solve their problems and that evils can be overcome. Lyndon Johnson
has undermined this hope, and he has driven a whole generation of
Americans into open or implicit revolt against their government and
their own society; he has instilled in the rest of the people a sense of
hopelessness and bewilderment.
With the ins having gotten us into trouble, the only thing to do
is to turn to the outs. Unless Mr. Johnson retires and along with him his
chief advisers, only a Republican President can save the country from
its plight. Sen. Eugene McCarthy cannot replace Lyndon Johnson in
the White House. What that gallant man is doing is to rally the saving
remnant of the Democrats in order to save the soul of the Democratic
Party. He is saving its future. But for the dangerous present the hope
of the country is that it can find a Republican to replace President
THE REPUBLICAN PARTY does not have a wide choice of avail-
able and qualified candidates. There are in fact only two such men;
former Vice President Richard Nixon and Gov. Nelson Rockefeller.
Gov. George Romney has withdrawn; Gov. Reagon does not have the
experience needed to be President of the United States in this critical
age. Nixon has had a long and rich experience in the administration
of local and regional politics. Yet, that is where the action is. That is
where the great problems arise.
In terms of election politics, Nixon has an even greater liability.
It is the same liability which Lyndon Johnson has-the credibility gap,
which is the polite way of saying that masses of people do not much
believe or trust him. In a contest with Mr. Johnson, the country would
be asked to choose between two men who, as Mr. Dooley once said of
two other political candidates, are as far apart as the two poles (since
they argue about so many things) and yet as much alike as the two poles
(since they are both icy and barren).
MEASURED ONLY in these electoral terms, the case for Rocke-
feller is virtually unanswerable. He is the one Republican who has the
best chance of winning the election. For while Nixon is the preferred
choice of the regular Republicans, they are a minority party and can
win an election only when a great mass of Democrats and independent
voters defect to them. No other Republican can match Rockefeller's
attraction for this strategic mass of voters.
Rockefeller would not have this ace of trumps if the reasons for
making him President were not intrinsically solid and sound. I submit
that in the year 1968 the reasons are compelling. For what the country
will be choosing is not a war President who could win the war. It will
be choosing a President for the reconstruction in which the War will
be wound up and the wounds healed and the damage repaired, the
damage which is not only material but moral and spiritual. In one way
or another the Vietnamese war will either expand and explode into
a global catastrophe, or a way will be managed to close it down. I regard
Nelson Rockefeller as the most qualified man available for this supreme
task of reconstruction. I believe that Lyndon Johnson has disqualified
FOR MYSELF, I have never been concerned about Rockefeller's
refusal to talk about Vietnam or align himself as a Hawk or a Dove.
That is a politician's tactic. I have never talked about Vietnam with
the governor because I feel the less he said the freer he would be to
commit himself to the inevitable task of liquidating the war. I am sure
that he would have to liquidate the war in order to be the kind of
President he can be and wishes to be.
The central and critical fact is that the Vietnamese war is a
monstrous diversion from the true American problem, which is not the
policing of Asia but the mastery of the human adjustment to the mod-
ern, urban, highly technological society in which most Americans live.
For the leadership of the country in this great task Rockefeller is pre-
eminently qualified. New York is the vortex of the problem. If New York
can be governed well, then the problem elsewhere is soluble.
Rockefeller has been able to be a successful governor not only
because of his well-ordered instincts and sympathies, but because he has
known where to find and how to recruit men of the necessary ability.
His family interests and the wide ramifications of their good works
have brought him into contact with the expertise which in our tech-
nological and complex society is indispensible to good management
and good government.

For these reasons I hope Nelson Rockefeller will be nominated in
August and elected in November.
(c) 1968, The washington Post Co.



Letters to the Editor
Negro History Againi

To the Editor:
IT APPEARS that the "debate"
over a Negro history course is
beginning to lose touch with reali-
ty. The issue is becoming clouded
with half-truths, unsubstantiated
generalizations and misstatements
of fact.
I would seriously question the
validity of Prof. David Angus'
statement that it is "extremely un-
likely that anyone currently teach-
ing our history department can
handle the touchy problem of ex-
posing the racism of those who
write White American History."
If he had taken a lecture course,
seminar or studies course cur-
rently offered by our department

in Civil War and Reconstruction
he would know that the racism of
those who write and have written
American history is exposed.
Part of a historian's training in
our department is learning to de-
tect the bias or prejudice that
colors an author's work. Admit-
tedly, many history departments
do not do this. The fact that ours
does is another illustration of why
it is ranked among the top five
history departments in the coun-
try (Mr. Ross's use of an outdated
report notwithstanding).
I would suggest that Prof. Angus
is himself "out of touch" with cer-
tain realities.
-Robert Rockaway, Grad



and War


Second of a two-part series
Shall the -University cease be-
ing a member of the Institute
for Defense Analyses?
--Student Government Council
Referendum No. 2
THE DIFFERENCE in attitude
toward the University's clas-
sified research and its corporate
membership in the Institute for
Defense Analyses (IDA) can be
seen by merely looking at the
tactics Voice-SDS m o b11i z e d
against each.
Voice called a sit-in last No-
vember which drew 300 students
to the Administration Building to
protest classified research at the
In contrast, Voice's greatest at-
tack on the University's participa-
tion in IDA was a satirical skit
performed at President Fleming's
first open house last month.
This difference is a direct re-
sult of how student leaders re-
gard the relative importance of
each issue. While $9.7 million in
rtn.cmf Pd esearch is seen a cor-

ture of the work done by IDA has
little relevance to the 12 uni-
versities which sit on its board
of trustees.
While theoretically IDA is con-
trolled by its board of trustees, in
practice that body has little in-
fluence on the Institute's policy.
The formal relationship of the
schools to IDA merely serves as
a cover for work that would un-
doubtedly go on whether the cor-
poration existed or not.
As the faculty of Princeton
University - which recently fol-
lowed the lead of the University
of Chicago and recommended
withdrawal from the Institute -
noted, the board of trustees is oft-
en not even informed of what re-
search projects it is approving.
Since the University's sole tie
to IDA is through this board of
trustees, its participation is ob-
viously designed to do nothing
more than boost the public im-
age of the institute.
WHAT THEN would be the ef-
fect of pulling out of IDA? "Prob-
ably not a thing," says Vice Pres-
ident for Research A. Geoffrey
Norman. The University's partici-

trust" for the defense department
by five universities at the request
of the department in order to give
academic scientists a chance to
work on the "challenges of ou
time," military research.
Today IDA has 600 employees
and a budget of $12 million. The
institute does research for a va-
riety of governmental depart-
ments including Weapons Systems
Evaluation Group of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff.
Though the University, which
joined IDA in 1959, does not gain
financially by the arrangement
its faculty members who act a:
consultants garner top fees.
sees IDA as "using the University
to legitimize" its military research
work. "There's no reason the Uni-
versity should sanction it," hE
says. Chester adds that IDA use
the cover of being an academic
ally-sponsored organization to ai
in recruiting personnel.
In all likelihood, the referendum
on IDA will get a larger "yes" vote
than the question on the elimina-
tion of classified research. This i
because, while those who opposE

IDA Rather
At the last few years. These include:
t "Tactical Nuclear Weapons -
Their Battlefield Utility," "Chem-
ical Control of Vegetation in Re-
r lation to Military Needs," "Night .
Vision for Counterinsurgents" and
"A Rational Approach to the De-
velopment of Non-Lethal Chemi-
cal Warfare Agents."
Domestically, IDA compiled a
s study last year for the President's
t Commission on Law Enforcemnent
and the Administration of Justice,
which recommended the adoption
n.of a computerized command sys-
tem based on a military model -
s primarily for use during urban
Norman disagrees with the idea
r' that the University has any re-
y sponsibility for the work done by
h' IDA. "In brochures we'd be shown
as one of the sponsors, he says,
e "but there's no validation to the
s tasks."
IDA and no say or interest in the
projects researched, it is difficult,
e if not impossible, to understand
- exactly why the University insists
s on continuing this relationship
e with the defense department.

Fight than Switch


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