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February 15, 1968 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1968-02-15

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. Phil Brown
Cleaning the Bi Ten Closet:
Illinois Revisited?
It wasn't long ago-probably not more than a week at the most--
that the closest you ever came to being involved in a scandal was
4 laughing alon' with your roommates over the latest Daily purge.
It sure was fun, snickering at the tribulations of University Vice
Presidents, watching department heads squirming under the em-
barrassing spotlight of public accusation, and self-righteously aligning
yourself with the kids who showed those lousy beaurocrats up for
what they were.
And then th accusing finger was pointing a little closer to you.
A close friend, maybe a fraternity brother or roommate, who
happened to be an athlete on tender was indicted, by innuendo
if not in fact, along with numerous others for accepting some
form of aid not allowed tendered athletes by the Intercollegiate
Conference (th Big Ten).
Why was it ever done? It had been going on for so long, and
everybody knew about it. It wasn't any big secret. All this you throw
out to me in the wake of the new Michigan "scandal." Every school
in the country does it. you whine. And it's all such penny-ante stuff.
This could wreck all these players' careers; think of the damage it
oould do to th coaches
Well, that about sums up the list of arguments you get from
everyone about the Daily stories of the past week. People continue
to ask "Why did you do it, anyway?" and they mumble things about
school loyalty and spirit, and suggest timidly that personal motives
or vengances are the guiding impetus.
Maybe you're one of the ones that's still tossing all these
trivialities around, trying to make yourself and everybody else
believe that they are good reasons for suppressing such stories.
Are you the one that got really mad, and plotted to "get" the
guys that wrote the stories, or the one that expressed his wrath
and bravery by hurling a pair of bricks through the windows of
the Daily?
Congratulations: you're a real Michigan man.
It didn't take long for you to realize the stupidity of that act, so
now you're going to win your point with logic-and you lose:
Every one of those arguments is completely valid, you protest,
but I'll be more than happy to tell you exactly why they aren't.
These stories were printed because Big Ten rules were ap-
- parently being violated wholesale-even you knew about it.
Maybe it wasn't a big secret, but for some unknown reason the
conference denied having known of such activities, and admitted
that it was very probably illegal.
And what if every school in the country does do it? Does that
make it any more right for the University of Michigan to play the
game? Just because many schools lack the integrity to reveal their
own transgressions, does it follow that they are to be overlooked?
This is not 2 case of relative innocence, although I will be the
first to admit that Michigan appears to be the cleanest school in the
conference in these matters It would seem instead that the case is
one of an absolute violation-a very specific sidestepping of a definite
But all this is the idealisr: that goes along with the case.
It's great to be talking in flighty tones when you aren't directly
involved. But what about those that are? Will the coaches and
athletes who took part be put in the conference rotisserie for a
few 'iCuick turns of the Purdue/Illinois treatment?
The answer here probably lies in one of the reasons you cited
before for overlooking the violations: every school does it. But does
every school in the conference, in fact, carry on similar or even more
serious activities in ignorance of Big Ten rules? Many say yes, but
this is hardly enough to vindicate Michigan. The case against Michi-
gan is made up of a handful of relatively minor instances of alleged
wrongdoing-the type most easily proved.
But allegation. of violations by other schools must be backed up
with concrete proof, and it is only by actually proving that every
school is guilty of avoiding conference rules that the entire matter
can be dealt with reasonably and justly.
Once it is apparent that every school ignores certain rules,
the Big Ten may realize that there is the possibility of the rules
themselves being wrong. When such guidelines are overlooked,
sidestepped, or completely ignored, it becomes necessary to review
them in order to either make them more enforceable or to im-
prove the method of enforcement.
A very real possibility, however, is that no one can prove wrong-
doing at other schools, or is willing to risk censure for volunteering
information about a specific case
If this is to be the case, then the lone guilty institutions must
pay for their sins. Just as Illinois suffered consequences far beyond
the justifiable punishment induced by the self-righteous piety dis-
played by other schools, so Michigan and her guilty sisters must be
made to suffer.
Oddly enough, one of the things you hear most often these days is
"You guys haven't even scratched the surface."
".... the timing and tactics of their so-called 'expose,' as well
as the very fact that they think they've uncovered a 'secret,'

quite clearly exemplifiej their truly naive and superficial under-
standing of intercollegiate athletics," writes a disgruntled (and
obviously knowledgeable) junior.
In other wclds, cheating is the name of the game. Well, Mr.
Wangelin let me tell you something. One of the writers you con-
demn as 'naive' is a member of the Board in Control of Intercollegiate
Athletics, whil another, as Sports Editor of the paper, has spent four
years in close contact with the athletic department. Their "super-
ficial understanding of intex collegiate athletics" seems rather ob-
viously untru,.
I digress, but only to point out that every member of the sports
staff has a close working relationship with the athletic department.
I count some coaches and athlete: among my best friends. And you
Just don't put yct.r friends on the grill arbitrarily.
Bump Elliott doesn't deserve anything so vicious, you cry. Why
should such a great guy have to go through so much anguish?
I couldn't agree more There, probably isn't a finer gentleman in
the conference that Coach Elliott Despite everything that was said
after the last football season I can't think of one person I'd rather
have representing Michigan, and me, to the athletic world. Men with'
far less personal integrity occupy positions of equal power and in-
fluence, and without half the respect deservingly awarded to Bump.
So what are you going to do about it? Go back to the hou' or the
apartment to plot against the Daily? Or sulk until it just blows over?
Or avoid the issue for fear of becoming involved?
(Continued on Page 8)

U.S. Skaters Surprise

GRENOBLE, France OP) -
America's surprisingly successful
skaters, doing their best to smooth
over the deluge of disappointment
that struck U.S. Alpine skiers,
sparked again yesterday as Ter-
ry McDermott captured one med-
al and Tim Wood closed in on an-
other in the 10th Winter Olym-
While the 27-year-old sprint
skater from Birmingham, Mich.,
joined three female speed skaters
as U.S. silver medalists, Wood of
Bloomfield Hills, Mich., shot into
second place after the five com-
pulsory figures in men's figure
skating competition.
Given little chance to defend
his 1964 Olympic 500-meter speed
skating title successfully, McDer-
mott was considered ever out of
the running for a medal when he
Yesterday's story on the Mich-
igan-Illinois basketball game
incorrectly reported that the
Wolverines were in last place in
the Big Ten. Michigan is ac-
tually in ninth with a 2-6 rec-
ord. Minnesota is in 10th with
a 2-7 mark, not in eighth with
the 3-6 record stated yesterday.
Furthermore, Purdue is tied
with Illinois for fifth with a
4-3 mark, rather than 3-4 as
drew the last starting position
among the 48 skaters. By the time
his turn came, the, hot sun had
created pools of water over many
sections of the rink.
But, McDermott steamrollered
away from the starting gun, ac-
celerated down the back straight-
away, rounded the final bend
perfectly and with head and arms
flaying, crossed the finish line in
40.5 seconds tying Magne Thomas-
sen of Norway for second place.
Erhard Keller of West Ger-

many, a 23-year-old dental stu- Ludmila Beloussova and Oleg
dent who has the pending world Proptopopov, Russia's husband
mark of 39.2, won the gold medal and wife team, successfully de-
in 40.3, shy of McDermott's 40.1 fended their 1964 gold medal with
record set four years ago. No a virtually flawless performance.
bronze was awarded. Tatiana Joukchesternava and
"I didn't come back to the Alexandre Gorelik won the silver
Olympics just to skate," McDer- and Margot Glockshuber and
mott said afterward. "I wanted to Margot Danne of West Germany
win a medal. I didn't really know got the bronze.
if I could do it. I was coming Ski Relay Surprises
along slowly but surely and knew The U.S. men's 4 x 10-kilome-
I had to put everything into one ter cross country relay team fin-
race. ished as expected, 12th in the
He said he lost his stride once field of 15, in another final yes-
in the first stretch and almost terday.
stumbled on the home stretch. Norway won the event for its
Either of these errors could have second gold medal in Nordic com-
cost him the two-tenths of a sec- petition. Odd Martinsen, Paal
ond that were the difference be-pTition. rOdMrtinenPaal
twen te gld ndsiler edas.Tyldum, Harald Groenningen and
tween the gold and silver medals.!Ole Ellefsaeter finished in two
Wood Grabs Second hours, eight minutes, 33.5 sec-
American hopes soared anew a? onds, some 100 seconds ahead of
few hours later when Wood shot Sweden with Finland edging Rus-
into second place in the men's sia for third.
figure skating competition. A su- The U.S. squad consisting of
perb performance on the fourth Mike Gallagher of Killington, Vt.,
figure, gave him the top marks Mike Elliott of Durango, Colo.,
among all the skaters from seven Bob Gray of Putney and John
of nine judges. Bower of Middlebury, Vt., was a
The U.S. champion didn't do surprising sixth after the first lap
quite as well on the fifth and final but steadily dropped back and
figure but held second, 16.6, be- wound up 12th in 2:21:30.4.
hind Austria's Wolfgang Schwarz. , * *
"These figures are the best he Bobsled and Luge Disputes
has ever done in a major inter- In the meeting room, the In-
national competition," said Tim's ternational Bobsled Federation
father, Dr. Kenneth A. Wood. rejected a West German request
Gary Visconti, former U.S. that two gold medals be awarded
champion from Detroit, moved up in the two-man bobsled.
to fifth place after the fourth fig- The International Olympic
ure but then slid back to sixth on Committee awarded the medal to
the fifth. John Petkevich of Great Eugenio Monti and Luciano De
Falls, Mont., climbed steadily with Paolis Sunday despite an identi-
each figure and ended the day cal time with the West German
in eighth place. team of Horst Floth and Pepi
Pairs Finish Sixth Bader. Monti's team was given
Meanwhile, the U.S. pairs fig- the gold on the strength of mak-
ure skating team of Cynthia and ing the fastest single run.
Ronald Kauffman of Seattle, The U.S. and eight other coun-
Wash., finished a disappointing tries asked the International Luge
sixth as Russians won the gold Federation to bar the entire East
and silver medals. German squad fro mfurther com-

petition after three East German
girls were disqualified for heat-;
ing the runners of their luges, il-
legal under the rules.
However, David G. Rivenes of
Miles City, Mont., U.S. team
manager, said "we are leaving the
door open. We don't want to conm-
pete with them, but we plan to
continue even if they are not
--- -

DR. MERRILL C. TENNEY, Ph.D. from Harvard U.
-in Greek and Patristic Studies presents:
FRIDAY, Feb. 16 at 7:30 P.M.
UG.I Multipurpose Room
Sponsored by Michigan Christian Fellowship



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Write to Gary Stern
2600 Granger Road
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Use Daily Ciassifieds




-Daily-Jay Cassidy
KANSAS MILER JIM RYUN goes through his paces at the Michigan State Relays. The holder of the
world record for the distance tenses in anticipation of the start (left), pulls away from the pack to set
his own grueling pace (center), and responds wearily to a barrage of questions from newsmen after
winning easily. The lanky junior turned in a meet record performance (4:03.4), despite having run a
blistering 3:57.5 in New York the previous night and getting only three hours of sleep between meets.
Ryun hadl expressed his interest in attempting "quality" miles on consecutive days before the State
meet, and indicated his satisfaction with the times to reporters.

Layne, Wistert
Named to NFL
Hall of Fame
NEW YORK (I)-Bobby Layne,
Albert "Ox" Wistert, C l a r k
Shaughnessy and six others have
been named to the National Foot-
ball Foundation's Hall of Fame.
Chester LaRoche, president of
the hall, said the nine would be
inducted into the hall Dec. 3 at a
banquet in New York.
The others to be inducted are
Claude Mont Simmons, Johnny
Pingel, the late Eddie Casey, Adam
Walsh, Claude "Buddy" Young and
Henry Ketcham.
Layne, quarterback for the De-
troit Lions for many years, played
three backfield positions for the
University of Texas.
Wistert played at Michigan and
on the line for the Philadelphia
Eagles for nine years.
Shaughnessy was coach at Stan-
ford where he developed the T-
formation that in 1940 gave the
Indians an unbeaten season.

Inquire at SAB
(SGC Office)


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