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January 28, 1968 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-01-28

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SUtY AURr8 16 H IHG NDAL ~W''~u

Mansfield Urges
Cauti on in Korea
WASHINGTON W) -- Senate Russia, both of whom have de-
Democratic Leader Mike Mans- fense treaties with North Korea.
field said, yesterday any rash mil- His comments came in a state-
itary retaliation against North ment issued after two Republi-
Korea could doom the 83 crew- can senators said the United
men of the captured U.S. intelli- States blundered by sending the
gence ship Pueblo. Pueblo into the area off North


K-n%. jrj in cc


LBJ To Submit New Budget,
Appeal for 10% Tax Surcharge
WASHINGTON (P)-President creased outlays of $10.4 billion The new concept is designed to
hnson sends to Congress to- and a reduction in the deficit end public confusion over com-
rrow a new style, $186.1 billion from the $19.8 billion now antici- peting federal budgets -- there
dget which some key members pated for the current fiscal year. were three last year - increase
Congress have already said Under the old way of calculat- p u b1i c understanding of the
lls for too much spending. ing the government's income and budget and answer charges of
And the President can be ex- outgo, spending in the adminis- budget gimmickry,
cted to renew his already trative budget would be $147.4 The administration already has
ong appeals for adoption of billion for the next fiscal year--said it will cut back some exist-
e 10 per cent tax surcharge he up $10.2 billion-receipts of $135.6 ing programs-details are expect-
oposed last August-a tax he billion for a $11.8 billion deficit. ed to be spelled out in the budget
ys he needs to keep the deficitr But the new unified concept .--and use the money for stepping
check. recommended unanimously last u roiyporm uha o
October by a blue ribbon presi- up priority programs such as job
Some .details of the budget al- dto mmabeinmprust training and model cities.
ady have been spelled out by dentlal commission lumps trust
hnson himself in his State of fund spending and receipts such Space is one area expected to
e Union message on Jan. 17 and as Social Security and highways feel the budget ax along with the
administration witnesses who with regular government income mortgage buying operations/ of
tified last week before the and outgo to produce the higher the Federal National Mortgage
,Tian w eekbefor efigures. Association.

Mansfield said a solution to
the Korean crisis should be pur-
sued through diplomatic chan-
nels. He applauded President
Johnson for taking the issue to
the United Nations.
The Montana Democrat warned
military action might lead to a
confrontation with China and
To Release.
US. Pilots
TOKYO(R)-Three captive Amer-
ican pilots who the Communists
say have "shown a repentant at-
yitude" are to be freed by North
Vietnam, a brief broadcast dis-
patch from Hanoi said yesterday.
These would be the first of some
500 U.S. airmen believed to be in
North Vietnamese hands to be
turned loose. Precisely who, when
and where were questions unan-
swered in the dispatch, from
Hanoi's official Vietnam News
Agency. It gave no names.
A spokesman for the U.S. Em-
bassy in Saigon commented: "We
haven't been able to confirm the
broadcast yet, but if it is true we
would certainly welcome it."
Hanoi said North Vietnam's
army had decided to free the men
in connection with the lunar new
year. This is the greatest of the
Vietnamese holidays on both sides
of the border. Called Tet, it arives
First hand reports on conditions
In the northern camps would be
* helpful to Washington officials
concerned with prisoner of war
problems. Hanoi consistently has
refused to permit International
Red Cross representatives. to in-.
spect the camps.
American officials have express-
ed belief the prisoners are receiv-
* ing adequate food and medical
-are, but beyond that little is
known.'There has been no revival
In recent months of a one time
threat from Ho Chi Minh's regime
to try them as "war criminals."
The Vietnam News Agency an-
nouncement said: "On the occasion
of the lunar new year festival
1968, proceeding from the humani-
tarian and lenient policy of the
government of the Democratic
Republic of North Vietnam, the
general political department of the
Vietnamese People's Army has de-
cided to set free three American
pilots captured in North Vietnam.
"These pilots had shown a re-
pentant attitude during the period
of detention."
Though there was no mention of
where the three might turn up,
Cambodia seemed to be a possi-
President Nguyen Van Thieu an-
nounced in Saigon that South
Vietnam would free 53 political
and other prisoners, many of them
Viet Cong suspects, and shorten
the terms of 334 others to com-
memorate the new year.

Korea without advance arrange-
ments to prptect her.
A top House Republican im-
plied the same thing.
Sen. Karl E. Mundt, R-S.D.,
said in summing up his reaction
to testimony given Friday by Sec-
retary of State Dean Rusk to the
Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee that "somebody blun-
"We're in a state of semi-belli-
gerency with North Korea and
there isn't any other area in the
world where we have this kind of
a delicate situation." Mundt said.
' "It is highly questionable wheth-
er the information the ship would
be able to get justified the risk.
If the information was vital, then
the Pueblo should have been cov-
ered by the fleet and by air."
Other senators, including Stu-
art Symington, D-Mo., Claiborne
Pell, D-R.I., and Frank J. Lau-
sche, D-Ohio, also reportedly
questioned the policy of unpro-
tected intelligence ships in sen-
sitive areas.
Some of them said Rusk re-
plied that the administration may
have to re-examine its policies
on gathering of intelligence data
through these ships.
Sen Strom Thurmond, R-S.C.,
said in a statement the capture
of the ship was "an avoidable ac-
cident." He said it could have
been prevented if the Navy had
been prepared to take speedy
protective action.


-Associated Press
SENATOR MIKE MANSFIELD, D-Mont., and Senator Strom Thurmond, R-S.C., were among a
group of senators who commented yesterday on the handling of the crisis concerning the North
Korean seizure of the U.S.S. Pueblo. Mansfield called for restraint of rash use of force in Korea to
protect the lives of the captured crew. Thurmond said the capture was an avoidable accident which
could have been prevented if the Navy had acted quickly.
Russian Propaganda Cautious
In Reaction to Korean Crisis

House ways ea d Meansc ommit-
tee on the proposed tax increase.
It was then that committee
Chairman Wilbur D. Mills (D-
Ark.) urged further cuts in the
budget. His committee shelved
the surcharge plan temporarily
for the third time last Tuesday
until members can study the new!


Associated Press News Analysis
MOSCOW --The Soviet Union
is taking a cautious public atti-
tude toward the Pueblo crisis, in
which this country is deeply in-
volved by treaty ties to North
The caution might be caused
not only by apprehension of a new
Far Eastern explosion but also by
uncertainty whether this country
has the power to control events

British Parties May Form
'Alliance To Save Economy

North Korea has been indepen-
dent minded enough in recent
years to criticize the Soviet Union.
Soviet press and radio have ac-
cepted the North Korean version
of the crisis and denounced the
U.S. reaction to the Pueblo's seiz-
ure. This is the least that one
Communist country could be ex-
pected to do when another gets in
But the really heavy artillery of
Soviet propaganda has been kept
muzzled so far. There has been
none of the full scale onslaught
on the American position that
came in some other crises of the
last decade.
The apparent Soviet reluctance
to build up the crisis too much
suggests to diplomatic quarters a
hope that it will go away. But so
far the Russians are not known
here to be willing to do anything
themselves to make it go away.
U.S. Ambassador Llewellyn E.
Thompson asked first the top de-
puty to Foreign Minister Andrei
A. Gromyko and then Gromyko
himself to try to do something to
break the crisis. The Soviet press
has not mentioned these visits.
Thompson is believed to have
tried to impress upon the Russians
that, unless the Pueblo's 83 crew-
men. are released, the situation

could built up into a serious con-
frontation, not just an American-
North Korean confrontation.
A 1961 treaty provides that if
North Korea "becomes the object
of an armed attack and as a result
finds it self in a state of war, then
the Soviet Union will immediately
render it military and other as-
sistance with all means at its dis-
Thompson is reported to have
gotten the impression that the So-
viet Union will not make any con-
tribution toward winning release
of the American crewmen.!
A Soviet source said here Friday
this country had no intention of
getting involved in mediation-
trying to work out a solution be-
tween Washington and Pyongyang.
But Soviet sources in New Delhi,
where Premier Alexei N. Kosygin
is visiting, were quoted as indi-
cating that the Kremlin is pri-
vately seeking release of the
This would be consistent with
the cautious public attitude here
and might not be inconsistent with
the cold reaction to Thompson.
North Korea, first a Soviet satel-!
lite and later an angrily anti-So-
viet satellite of China, has in the
last few years been trying to play
a neutral role in the Moscow-
Peking split.

The budget itself, administra-
tion sources have said, will call
for outlays of $186.1 billion, re-
ceipts of $178.1 billion and a
deficit of $8 billion-if taxes are
Vietnam spending is expected
to increase by $1.2 billion to about
$25.7 billion. Administration offi-
cials have indicated a leveling off
in both men and money is an-
ticipated in Vietnam for the fis-
cal year which begins July 1.
Johnson is expected to request
about $3 billion in economic and
military foreign aid - about $2.5
billion for economic assistance.
The new budget will mean in-

LONDON (AP) - Britain's main
parties seem stumbling toward a
political truce-some even say an
undeclared alliance - based on
their shared aim of saving the
poundand the nation's economy.
A few key members of Prime
Minister Harold Wilson's Labor
cabinet expect a climax inside 10
weeks with another legal ban on
unauthorized wage, price and in-
come increases as the focus of a
new crisis.
Influential opposition Conserva-
tives have been talking in similar
Any Labor - Conservative truce
would create conditions for non-
partisan, or national rule, al-
though not necessarily with all
the formal trappings of a coali-
tion. It also could herald a phase
of industrial unrest, with left-
wingers tightening their grip on
the more militant labor unions.
Both Wilson and the Conserva-
tive party leader, Edward Heath,
publicly and privately, have de-
nounced talk of coalition which
inevitably would jeopardize their
leader roles.
The reality, nevertheless, is
that Britain's economic prospects
remain bleak despite last Novem-
ber's devaluation of the pound
and. this month's unprecedented
retrenchments in state spending
at home and abroad.
Official warnings of a harsh

budget with tax increases next
March 19 have not yet restored
the confidence of some big busi-
ness interests at home and bank-
ers abroad.
In private, Wilson's men ac-
knowledge freely their big worry
-and test--is centered on hold-
ing steady the wage-price front.
Wilson warns that the govern-
ment will take "new powers" to
curb wage rises if the present
systems of voluntary restraint
breaks down. A freeze could spark
a major crisis, if the battle cries
of left wingers and labor union
leaders mean any thing.

Security Unit Seeks Curb
On Subversive Activity
WASHINGTON (M)-The Senate However, t h e subcommitt,.
Judiciary Committee's internal says its recommendations are not
security unit submitted multiple intended and should not be in-
legislative recommendations yes- terpreted as a challenge to the
terday aimed at tightening legal Couirt.
restraints on subversive activity. "There is no attempt here to
In part they are prompted by reverse any decision of the Court,"
what the subcommittee calls Su- the subcommittee says. "Nor, in-
preme Courts decisions "constru- deed, could Congress do this if
ing, limiting, impairing, or invali- it wished."
dating provisions of internal se- The recommendations range
curity laws." from empowering the secretary of
The group's report describes as state to curtail travel by U.S. citi-
a noteworthy example the Court's zens to prohibiting the importa-
decision last Dec. 11 invalidating tion of goods produced by slave
a section of the 1950 Internal Se- labor.
curity Act which prohibited Com- Sen. James O. Eastland (D-
munists from working in defense Miss.), chairman of the full Judi-
facilities. ciary Committee as well as the
internal security unit, is drafting
legislation incorporating most of
D i n uthe recommendations.
5 itou uu IiHe said he hopes to introduce
p it early next month and have the
measure ready for Senate action
106,700 through layoffs blamed to by the end of March.
parts shortages. The proposals are based largely
Both sides agree the number on extensive hearings in recent
idled likely will grow this week, years on the general subject of
with, as UAW Vice President gaps in internal security laws and
Leonard Woodcock said, the na- on security procedures in the
tion's No. 1 automaker "essen- State Department.
tially paralyzed" by next week One recommendation is for the
end creation of a Central Security
GENEVA - Millions of toms of Office to handle personal security
eheavAy-snonxpetedly of evaluations of all executive branch
wet, heavy snow unexpectedly emlyseep oth ard
broke off steep slopes of Swiss mployes except for the armed
mountain peaks Friady night and forces and intelligence agencies.
yesterday morning, bringing death Other proposals are tied in
and disaster to an area 120 miles with legislation passed last year
wide in the heart of central Eur- directing the Subversive Activities
opt least 15 Swiss died, and at Control Board to designate pub-
least 13 others were missing after licly organizations it finds to be
hundreds of noctural snow slides. Communist action groups.

World New
SAIGON-The U.S. Command
disclosed yesterday it has rushed
3,500 more air cavalrymen north
to back up Marines against the
N o r t h Vietnamese offensive
threat, freshly mainfest in a new
shelling of Khe Sanh.
Fighting developed about as us-
ual across the country as Com-
munist and allied field forces
alike ignored the one sided truce
proclaimed for Tet, the lunar new
year, by the Viet Cong's National
Liberation Front.
*~ * *
DETROIT - An argument over
six minutes has resulted in 117,900
United Auto Workers being idled
at General Motors plants across
the country: 11,200 through strike;





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