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January 28, 1968 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-01-28

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u rAtraigatt Batty
Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

If YoU'

re Going To San Francisco..


Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



A First Step for Sororities

BACK IN THE FALL of 1965, when
sororities still conducted a separate
rush for upperclass women, a Negro
girl from just north of the Mason-
Dixon Line made it through third
set at an all-white sorority. An in-
vitation to fourth set - final desserts
- would have insured the girl of hav-
ing her name placed somewhere on
the sorority's first or second list of
possible pledges.
Had she preferenced the house and
had the computer been forced to delve
into the depth of the sorority's second
list to complete the house's quota, the
University's sororities might today be
racially integrated.
But this girl never got asked back
to final desserts. Her credentials were
all in order - an alumnus from her.
hometown had generously sent the
sorority a positive recommendation on
her and thereby a go-ahead for pledg-
ing her The girls in the house, how-
ever, embroiled in controversy and
threatened with the use of the first
blackball in the chapter's history, de-
cided just to drop the girl from further
consideration rather than hassle over
THIS WEEK the University's sororities
voted to eliminate the use of bind-
ing alumni recommendations by next
September so as to be able to "comply
with the Univesrity policy of non-dis-
crimination in membership selection."
They did not vote, however, to
eliminate the sort of discriminatory
selection activity described above, and
consequently it appears that real com-
pliance with Univesrity policy will be
a long time in coming.
Although the motion passed this
week by a Panhellenic Presidents Coun-
cil did not have the support of five
of the largest houses on campus and is
potentially limited in effectiveness, its
passage must nonetheless be seen as
a significant and hopefully curative
step for the sororities. And this comes,
none to soon, for the feminine side of,
the University's Greek system is cur-
rently suffering. Hesitant to admit to
an affliction, sorority women continue
to soothe themselves with an antidote
of fair rush statistics.
But the truth of the situation. is
that fall rush has been a failure. Next
year the girls will undoubtedly return
to spring rush. Most of the houses on
campus are not filled to capacity and
some are operating at a financial loss.
In addition, senior women are reluct-
ant to live in the house during their
senior year. One house on campus
pledged 19 freshman women in the
spring of 1965. Now seniors, only seven
of them still remain in the house and

of those that moved out, only one kept
her affiliation.
THE AFFLICTION obviously has to
do with the system's sickly regener-
ation. Inbred for so long, whether by
choice or by the force of binding alumi
recommendations, the sororities are in
need of a shot of the diversity which
is evident elsewhere on campus. The
sorority system is not incapable of
handling divergent cultural back-
grounds among its members, nor will
the sororities alone benefit when new
strains are added to the breed.
The day-to-day living situation of-
fered in a sorority is unique at the
University. Generally friendly, per-
sonal, and relaxed, the sororities could
be the great campus melting pot pro-
viding a social context for intellectual
exchange. But the melting pot right
now needs a fire built under it and
perhaps the spark has been ignited by
Panhel's move to eliminate recom-
Of course, neither Panhellenic nor
the University can legislate away dis-
crimination within the sorority system.
There remains nothing to stop any
sorority from going off-campus in
order to avoid compliance with any
Panhel edict. Sororities unwilling to
confront their national organizations
over any issue may in fact find it more
comfortable outside of Panhellenic and
the Univesrity's immediate auspices.
On the other hand, if the sorority
women are in earnest about altering
the nature of their membership select-
ion practices and broadening the scope
and impact of the Greek system at
the Univesrity, they are finally being
given the necessary backing and
means for loosening the national's
vice-like grip. Panhellenic and Student
Government Council are both offering
substantial suport, and President
Fleming has indicated to Panhellenic
President Ginny Mochel that he too
is wiling to stand behind the soror-
ities' bid for local authonomy in mem-
bership selection.
THE QUESTION then becomes wheth-
er or not the sororities themselves
are interested in revitalizing both their
membership lists and their position on
campus by progressing along with the
rest of the Univesrity.
Eliminating binding recommendat-
ions by September is undeniably a big
move down the right road. But in
comparison to the long path to elimin-
ation of clandestine discrimination as
well, the motion passed this week is'
nothing more than a token footstep
- on tiptoe.
Managing Editor

IT'S 5 P.M. FRIDAY afternoon and traffic is pouring
out of San Francisco on the Bayshore Freeway. Sud-
denly a bone-shattering earthquake that sends out two-
foot high land waves at a rate of 800 miles an hour
jars the expressway.
Drivers lose control of their vehicles. The result: a
colossal chain-reaction collision that piles up cars for
miles. It will take rescue workers days to untangle the
battered vehicles and rescue survivors.
Meanwhile, the Golden Gate and Oakland Bay
Bridges are collapsing. Downtown, frantic office workers
panic and rush out into the street where they end up
dodging crumbling building facades.
In an effort to aid stricken victims, doctors rush to
hospital emergency rooms, only to discover the facilities
aflame-the result of bottles of flammables like acetone
cascading to the floor and exploding.
The fantasies of a science fiction ghoul?
HARDLY. THEY'RE some of the possibilities envi-
sioned by one of the nation's top physicists-who thinks
California is in for a devastating earthquake within the
next 10 to 20 years.
The physicist is 39-year-old Prof. Peter Franken and
he is not a quack. Franken has just returned to his post
in the physics department here after taking a leave of
absence to serve as head of the Defense Department's
$280 million Advanced Research Project Agency (better
known locally as sponsor of the University's counter-
insurgency work in Thailand).
He won the American Physical Society Prize last
year and is a specialist in lasers and non-linear optics.
For the past 16 years he has maintained a side-interest
in seismics and the potential for an earthquake in Cali-
fornia. He is in frequent contact with experts in the
"If I were offered an attractive permanent job in
California right now, I wouldn't take it," says Franken.
"There is at least a 50-50 chance that California will be
hit by a major, bone-shattering earthquake. The chances
are good that Los Angeles and San Francisco would be
hit hard. And I seriously doubt if any national geo-
physicist in the country would disagree."
BACKING FRANKEN'S view is one of the Univer-
sity's top research administrators,. Dr. James T. Wilson,
head of the Institute of Science and Technology. Wilson,
who has worked in the seismic field for 35 years and
is former chairman of the University's geology depart-
ment, says, "There certainly is going to be a major
(Richter 8 plus on the seismic scale) quake in California
in the near historical future.
"A look at the history of the area establishes that.
I might be a little more low key and suggest that the
quake might be a little farther off than 10 to 20 years.
But I feel most of the people in the, field would back
Franken's general view."
And in his 1964 book "Earthquake Country," author
Robert Iacopi wrote that "few" scientists "would be
astonished if a major earthquake occurred along the
San Andreas Fault during the next 20 to 30 years."
Franken, who is married and has three daughters,
says, "I don't change my travel plans to avoid San
Francisco because it is a lovely area and has some of
the nicest restaurants anywhere. The possibility of an
earthquake coming on any given day is remote. But I
would not want to go out therevand live because I'm rais-
ing a family and the risk is simply too great."
He adds that "every major sign that we know about
points to the fact that an earthquake in California is
overdue." California is situated on the San Andreas Fault
Letterfos: 1PA 2
To the Editor: in the introduction1
OU REALLY blew it this time, anities and the social
Daily, in your inevitably fa- Our greatest di
cetious manner. You not only try date, has been in ac
to stomp your enemies into the and faculty; althoug
ground, you kick your friends in ulty members are quit
the teeth. The Daily has had our proposals, none
numerous editorals against the teer to teach the cou
war, the present handling (or departments have a
ignoring) of the country's inter- to other courses.
nal problems, the ineffectual state The budget cut is
of the political system, the Uni- sponsible for this si
versity's need for money, and we have also found ti
above all, the right and respon- dential College (RC)
sibility of students to speak, to considerable funds
dissent, to try to affect the sys- from the LSA depa
em they will inherit. permients such as th
We at Vail - the people who scribed will now ber
sent the telegrams (Daily, Jan. number of students,
19), and the many others of us near future could be
who fully supported the move, the entire college. Wh
are just as concerned with these experiments be aband
issues as the most dedicated Daily sake of the RC, a
staffer. idealistic dream whic
We were not playing games. fits a random few a
The telegrams were sent without expanded (or even b

much hope for response, but in ed) without a tren
good faith. The news media have crease in funds, facu
rewarded sincerity with their time cilities?
and attention. National networks Should not our im
took Vail seriously, while The terest be directed t
Daily snickered and pointed. proving the qualityt
Your deviation from fact in your education? Let us ta
snooty portrayal was dishearten- dent-to-teacher ratii
ing, but the sadder thing is that when money is more r+
you could not accept rational dis- able!
sent in a positive form. Hurray -M~,ichael
for the voice of freedom, as long
as The Daily is it.
-Marian Klopp, "70 T
To the Editor:
Honors Program URBAN LEHNER'
To the editor: (Daily, Jan. 19),
COMENR brof Dis Union," ostens
SCOMMEND Robert Klivans on attack on President
his two part discussion of the true in many respects,
University (Daily, Jan. 24 and the point in the finala
25), but I wish to interject sev- trouble with the Pres
eral comments. that he does not have
The efforts of the Student ties in ordering his
Honors Steering Committee have is that his only pri
begun to aim towards such aca- ficiency, to get thing
demic changes as establishing a is tragic today. There
student counselling service (to be sible paradigms, two
tried next month for advance sid which men may li
classification), the expansion of the world-the may li
opportunities to take interdepart- the worcd m
mental courses, and overall cur- vidualistic and egali
rimi a Wih , . A traditionally America

System, which has prompted an earthquake in Cali-
fornia "roughly every half century." (Previous quakes
were 1800, 1838, 1865, and 1906.)
Franken argues that fatalities in the April 18, 1906
San Francisco quake were "relatively small (about 600
persons died) "because it happened at the best possible
time, 5 a.m. on a Sunday morning when everyone was
in bed. That's one of the best places to be during a,
quake." (Another is underneath a door frame.)
But he feels that if a quake were to hit this time,
the results would be far more serious. "I just don't know
how to describe the potential damage if the. quake hit
during a rush hour."
FIRST, FRANKEN thinks that both San Francisco
and Los Angeles could be hit by the quake. Both cities
are located on the San Andreas Fault System, one of
the largest in the world. Built like a feather, the San
Andreas Fault forms a spine with other smaller faults
jutting off the side.

kitchen table. But without an office or a hospital, to-
day's doctor can give about as much first aid as a Boy
And because contemporary America "depends on so
much frozen food, much of the food supply would be
ruined in a matter of days."
IF THE RISK IS so great, why haven't the experts
spoken out sooner? Franken says he felt it would have
been "inappropriate" for him to use his "government
post" to crusade for public awareness on the potential
"Most of the experts will tell you the quake is com-
ing." But they think it would be unprofessional to serve
as a Ralph Nader-type crusader on the issue.
Franken says he is convinced that research and
publicity could drastically cut the potential damage in
the quake. Last year the Federal Council for Science
and Technology recommended spending $200 million
over the next 10 years for basic research on the problem.


-Lane Book Co.

Prof. Franken and San Francisco in 1906

Franken thinks it likely that the next quake could
"focus" at a point between San Francisco and Los An-
geles that would make it possible for both cities to be hit.
If one or both of the areas were hit, it would be the
first time that a complex major population center with
features like skyscrapers and freeways has been hit by
a major quake.
Franken adds that many of the current assets of
contemporary big city life will prove liabilities if the
quake should come. "Look at it this way. The 1965
blackout of the Eastern Seaboard couldn't have hap-
pened 10 years ago. The power system wasn't complex
enough to permit total breakdown due to the failure of
one component. Likewise we have never had a high-
speed freeway system hit by a bad quake. If just two or
three cars out of a hundred lose control, the results
could be beyond belief."+
Similarly, he argues that many flammable liquids
could fall off hospital supply shelves, explode and start
fires that "would put every emergency room in the city
out of business."
Franken notes that in 1906 such dangers weren't "so +
serious because doctors were used to working on the

One crucial area is prediction. "We could reduce
damage if we could have earthquake forecasts like
weather forecasts," explains Franken. "If the scientists
could telf us 'there is an 80 per cent probability of a
major earthquake in the next 20 days,' it would aid
in providing time for evacuations, stockpiling and other
emergency measures.
"I also think it is imperative that the state inform
the public on what to do during an earthquake-stay
inside. There should be earthquake drills every month
or so.
"Major stockpiles should be built up of food and
other supplies. Those flammables in the hospital should
either be strapped into a shelf or kept on the floors."
FRANKEN REMAINS pessimistic about California
officials really moving on the earthquake issue. "They
probably are afraid it would scare people and discourage
them from living in the state."
At least Californians aren't alone in their problem.
Franken indicates that St. Louis is also due for an earth-
quake.. "But they don't have to start worrying about
that one yet. It's probably about 100 years away."
AMea n ing
IE Vietnam war, but must reign supreme at the expanse
rays a tragic lack of of efficiency.
that this is a war If Jeffersonian Democracy (Mc-
ids-it is far easier Luhan style) seems a strange sug-
ntry to kill than to gestion for the problems of the
teous as its cause is. future, examine the alternatives
hough, it is time we -are we to lurch from, a frag-
nd alternative: con- mented individualistic society to
This is best exem- an organic, oppressively communal
homas Jefferson-a one with nothing to show but com-
temis eas lielyto promise? Or, incongruous as it
may seem, can some of what has
hich guaranteed the been worthwhile in the American
system. Values must Dream be saved for the coming
rities-that is pre- automated age?
t--because all values -M. Halberstadt, '71


The Daily IS a member of the Associated Press and
Collegia'e Press Service.
Fall and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by
carrier ($5 by mail); $8.00 for regular academic school
year ($9 by mail).

Daily except Monday during regular academic school
Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular
summer session.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan,
420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 48104.

to the hum-
fficulty, .,to
quiring funds
,h many fac-
te happy with
can volun-
xses since the
ssigned them
in part re-
Atuation, but
hat the Resi-
is draining
and faculty
rtments. Ex-
hose just de-
nefit a large
and in the
expanded to
y must these
Boned for the
n expensive
h now bene-
nd cannot be
be maintain-
mendous in-
ilty, and fa-
nmediate in-
towards im-
of en masse
ckle the stu-
o problems
readily avail-
Liepman '68
)is- Union
S editorial
"The State
ibly a biting
Johnson, is
but it misses
analysis. The
sident is not
e any priori-
principles; it
nciple is ef-
s done. This
are two pos-
possibe ways
ve and view
anical, indi-
tarian (and
n) society of

efficiency reigns supreme. The al-
ternative is to retain the extremes
of either system: individualism
humanized, equality with diversity,
community with privacy. The first,
comp'romise, is the path chosen
by Lyndon Johnson. He has lost
any of the virtue of the rugged,
individualistic traditional Amer-
ican Dream values that an over-30
Texas rancher might, possess, by
compromising them in order to
deal with a nation headed toward
urbanization and an organic so-
ciety. He hasn't put up a decent

LBJ again betr
the knowledge
for men's min
for a rich cou
convince, right
At any rate th
chose the seco
flict of values.
plified by Th
man whose sys
"work," but wJ
best of eithers
not have prio
cisely the point

Detroit's Papers Revisited

The following is an answer to a
letter in yesterday's Daily by Mich-
ael Dworkin, a graduate student at
the University and editor of the
Detroit Daily Press. Dworkin com-
mented upon two articles by Dan-
iel Okrent in The Daily on Jan. 18
and 19 which analyzed Detroit's
newspaper strike.
THERE ARE a number of fact-
ual errors and questionable
judgments in Mr. Dworkin's art-
Dworkin cites a few "facts" in
relation to my source use of an
article in "The Reporter" written
by Gene Goltz and William Ser-
rin, both Detroit Free Press re-
porters who worked for the Daily
Press during the strike. Dworkin
charges that the article was "in-
stigated" by the Free Press to
"discredit" the Daily Press, that
"the entire Free Press staff is
aware of the considerations to be
given Serrin and Goltz," and that
one of the authors had offered
his apology to Dworkin for "mis-
leading and inaccurate facts"
cited in the article.
Goltz and Serrin, contacted in
Detroit, have denied Dworkin's
charges. Goltz - who won a Pulit-
zer Prize two years -ago - called
Dworkin's statements "damned
lie."Serincalled +hem "sal-

was, indeed, a writer named "Reg-
inald Dubois" who penned faked
Vietnam dispatches for the Daily
Dworkin further charged that a
statement attributing the demise
of New York papers to "craft
union problems" was false, con-
tending that it was "publishers'
stupidity and their reactionary at-
titudes" to the unions that were
largely responsible. This may be
so, but these are, in any case,
"craft union problems."
Dworkin hits the management of
Detroit's two dailies for their po-
sition toward labor in this strike,
but says earlier that my "attemp
but says earlier that my "attempt
to equate the Detroit situation to
New York's is ludicrous."
Dworkin also says it is unlikely
that Knight Newspapers' Miami
Herald makes the major profits
for the chain, but precedes this
contention with a statement that
the Herald is "probably the most
profitable paper in the country."
He criticizes my understanding
of circulation-advertising relat-
ions, asserting that "it costs more
to print a paper than it can be
sold for" H failst +n mnmentnn +ha+

Dworkin cut back circulation be-
cause it costs too much to print
all those papers?
Detroit's stirke paper competition
was unprecedented in newspaper
history, calling attention to five
dailies that published during the
1962 New York strike. The April 1,
1963, issue of the New York Times
says that only one, the Standard,
lasted any extended period of
time and reached a large reader-
ship. Prof. Melvin Mencher of
Columbia's School of Journalism
said that "only the Standard
thrived." In reference to Detroit,
I discounted the short-lived Daily
Dispatch, concluding only that
there was real, actual competition
between the widely - circulated
Daily Press and Daily Express.
Dworkin argues that I cannot
say the Daily Press is similar to
the Free Press. Actually, only their
physical layout was being equated.
Produced by laid-off Free Press
staff members, the Daily Press'
layout employed the same head-/
line type, the same reverse ding-
bats, the same stock heads (such
as "How They Stand" on the
sports page) that are employed
in the Free Press.
nwown'rin failstomention i In his


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