JULY 1, 1926
x1w than this dignified structure which
t . governs society.
Vt ~t ~ flAnyone, from a group of old stagn-
OFFIA NEWSPAPER OF THE atnt old citizens in the city council toI
UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN crooks who buy seats in Congress, is
SUMMER SESSIONI deemed worthy to contribute to this
Punblished ee ry morning except Mondayt
during the Vnikersity Summer Session by ever growing code; and the results
the B~oard in Control of Student l'ublica- shoe, the motley derivation which it
tionF. ihas had. Everything from ten-mile-
The Associated Press is exclusively en- an-hour speed limits to 60 minutej
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not other wise par'king on the back streets has been
tcredited in this ler tend the Iu~al nuw', pull- conceivtd and perpetrated by these
lished herein.
"skilled administrators," anti the cycle
Lintered at the Anti.Arbor, NMichii~ai, is still whirling on at that stupendous
postotlice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $1.5o; 11' mail, rate which produces about 10,000 laws
$2.00. anti an infinite nunber of ordinances
Offices: Press 11110ldmng, .'l l 4. i Srcet,)
Ann Ar bor, JMichigan. I every year.
In the coMpilation o (this columin
great cure kits beeni taken to reduce
the nutiler of errors to a mininiit.
A large mlajority of the errors which
have crept in are dute to the illegible
lltfum~iotiJ furi Ishied by the students
* *1
Departments of the University
GAt Both Ends of the Diagonal
s k
Thel('fault may riot be entirely with KLAXON, SON OF KLAXON
. ... ..
SOnttnujcatis*, ti : ~igurd 4h.i, v.ece (of . Kao h olo lxn nae
good faith, w~ill be I ublished in The Swminci the law itself, however, even thouth lxn tesnofKao, nae
Daily at the ofciiuu the Exditor. tt tatwouf~jJld ensu(fficient explantation1 woodcraftily through the aboriginal
signed commmincatiis Nill receive no cow t
sideration. Thle signature may be omitted in of its inefficacy. There may also beI for'est. His well padded feet didn't
publication if dots s no by theic s~writer.Th
Stunmmer Daily dlotsntlee~r~ nos sonething wrong with the attitude of make a blade of grass tremble. Nolt
the sentimtents expressied in the coboniunica' Itbe public which is supposed to ob- a sound issued forth.
bon~s. serve the law, and which is oblig- For Klaxon was onl the warpath.
,I ORIAL STAFF ated to observe the law if it is to mean Full twenty moonis had he been seek-
'releihiyoite ISIS, vnything. It is very apparent that inig l3ooniah, the lion, who hazd by
MANAGING EDITOR this co-operation has not been forth- stealth carried away the beautiful
MANNING HOUSEWORTH coming at times when the structure Dora Chesterfield. The memory of the
C hairmian,1 of the law needed it most. sweet packet of femininity madea
Editorial Board._....ugene It. tLtekunst
City Editor............. Williamt R. Breyer At the present time there is a law v lowv rumble in the apeman's well (de-
Music and Drama......... William C. Lucasagisthsaeofieokintevlpdhrt.IfihltleP-
Woman's Editor..... ,....,.Julia Ruth Brownagisth saeofieok intevopdhrt. nfihltle e-
Night Editors city of Ann Arbor. There is also a wee, the jungle mouse, scampered to
Wilton A. Simpson Ibendlore ilornberger pilace six inches across the city limits his little hole; even Razzle, the ele-
Paul J. Kern Frederick Shilli to where fireworks may be procured in phant, jumped for a minute in the
Douglas Doubleday any and all quantities, very obvious- jungle fastness.
Assistants ly for the purpose of breaking the1 It was hard to tell what was going
t6ail [.ons '[It ltdd, u< \w asilewski other city ordinance which prohibits I on in that apeman's brain. It prob-
6eoge I'.Me~an orrs Zerding their ..hooting. This sale of explo-' ably was that latent desire of miate
BUJSINESS STAFF sives constitutes a violation of the for mte that was stirring in that uni-
Telephone 21211. spirit of the law which is just as civilized breast, but you just couldn't
BUSINESS MANAGER dangerous andI just as vicious as theI tell.
PAUL W. ARNOLD outright selling of them on the prin-1 All of a sudden Klaxon turned still
Circulation .................. Kenneth Hlaven cipal corner of town woulid be. TheTFrniNoius like az stone. What was that? is
Aderisng AssistantsFrncs ortustgood citizens, however, apparently un 1hostrills dilated,.lHe smelled some-
Edward Solomion William F, Cook aware of this fact which underlies Mying.
_________________________________the basis of all social organization, It. was the Booniah scent.
latronize the man and then proceed; Quickly, the apeman peered into the
___________________________________ with a clear conscience to celebrate the impenetrable jungle. There was
THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1926 Fourth. It is one of the many Incon- loutt cn w ad nfoto
sitecisof the American people to hill, eyeing Wiml. The beautiful Miss
,Night Editor--F. H. SHILLITO demand and pass laws to which they Qe~it~dcudb encwrn
Scientifically tiected and
prepared foods
11:30-1:,10 5:00-7:'30
ypen every livening except Monday
and Tuesday4
600 R. Liberty Phone 9215
Refreshing Drinks
Sodas lOc
Swift'S DrugStore
340 S. State Street
PHONE 9534
Scholarship, athletics, andl longevity
have dccuppied the attentions of the
secretaries of the Princeton classes
of '70 and '75 resulting in the illogical
conclusion that the scholar lives long;-
e rthan the athlete.
Ur. Thomas N. Harvey, secretary of
the (class of '75 discoveredi that only{
30 of a class of 120 are remaining,
but that sixe of the "brightest" ten
are still living. The average age of
these men was 71.
For the class of '70, JIos. C. GuernseyJ
made ia similar study. He found only
33~ left out of 86. but five of the best
scholars were amtong these. Seventy-
live wvas the average age.
Statistics collected from t wo Prince-
ton (lasses can not give a correc-t in-I
sif-lht into this matter. Figures must
be collected oftten and from variouis;
sources to have real significance.
It would be a. boon to nmankind ifii
someone woulti tell just what com-
jrises scholarship. Is the maan who
is clever enough to know when and
how to Studlyia sc'holar?:'lany receive
good marks and meanwhile find, plenty
of time in which to play-they dlo this,
by saving their energies for the 11lth
hour. These groups, as well as the
man wvho wins a letter through only
ia season's athletic <tctivity. are judged
ats representative by these two Prince-
Most biologists agree that longevity,
degree of intelligence, and1 physique
tire all inherited qualities. They are
independent, but very often associated
together. Thus the problem raised by
this research is purely one of hered-
ity. and should be interpreted in
such a light. Grantedl that intellig-
once is inherited, a thinking man is
wise enough to take the proper care
of his ')ody and hence insure logev-
ity. The scholar may be born strong
and healthy and yet not lie conscious
of brawn,
At a university at man possessing a
good physique is almost invariably an
atthlete. H-e may be qunite initeliigent.
b uthe follows athletics because he is
more fitted for that. He has not time
eonugh left to permit him to make Phi
B~etat Kappa,.lHe may ave inhe~rited
the character for longevity and de-
stroyed it due to much violent exer-
Scholars sometimes live longer be-
cause they think---athletes often die
young because they go to extremes.
IHowever, scholarship, physical per-
fection, andl longevity appear to be
hopelessly intermingled, and the as-
sertions brought forward by Doctors
1-arvey and Guernsey are indicative
of nothing.
i (New York Tim
\\'hoever is sent by the
in the rear.
To think w~as to act with Klaxon.
Inatrice he startedl grappling with
%4MIENT tekn of the Jungle!'
Pnt! Bitt! ! Bank'!!
I'1G1 ()When---horror of horrors!-with a
r~t~T4) neat uppercult Boomah knocked the
nes) i apemnan for a row of African veldts.
French gov- ; llooey, went Klaxon all over the in-
erment to 'Washington will start on a' cottpreheniible jungle. Blogey ..
fool's errand if he thinks to secure a, Then, Boomah ate the beautifulj
miotdificat ion of the debt settlement. Dora all up.
The EndJ
As it stalnds, it is not too sture of «*# .
v'houigh rotes in the Senate for ratiti- 4)Pj~ltIET'TERS
cation. If thet session ends within a! Sirs:I
week, as is expected, the agreement 1I11111 rettirliug' my copy of Rolls.
will not be voted otn at all, It will have " How tinly self-respiecting eltizent of tile
to go over to December or until the lflhle4I States could read your daily
Senate is called in extra session to try: '4)llpendtlun~t of bliased opinion and dis-1
u . impeachmnent. Meanwhile it is; toried fact, is more, thlan I for one, can
wholly futile for M. Caillaux to ask for undIer'stanld.
3 <t -hinge of terms in the debt settle-:'-lndigaatiit.
j Ie should know this as well as the i sirs:
nest man, so that it may l)e another ! I tirot it poor inan11 but get it whole
kindi of inquiry which he has in mind., lot ouit of Rolls. Yesterday I went
It is possible that lie might like to without any breakfast Jus~t in order to
asceertan the views of our, government', 11) .a copy~ of Rtolls. I think It's
r'esp~ectintg a possible ratification of the'swell.
agreentent by the French Parliament' --Satisfiedi.
with reservations. It is also conceiv-R
able that the, French governmentl Sirs :
maay wish to find rout whether if the' lnit recent issue of Rolls, It seenm-
settlement w.ere ratified by the Frenchj ed to mie, that you took a sllghtlly
Parliament, while still hanging in our!I biased view of the Ssatzi-Brown prison
Senate, the way wvould be open for situation In northern Australia. llav
France to obtain in the United States Ing been connected with- Australians
those credlits wvhicht she considers uec- $kor a period of one year and nine
essary for the complete surmounting mlonthis I advise you to look uip data In
of her financial difficulties.I respect to the above.
It might seem that the French gov- i Yours, for a bigger and J etter Rolls,
einent is losing time by raising such --Well-wisher..
questions. Yet, politically speaking,
the Briand Ministry may think that Sirs:
it is gaining time. If it can keep the I read with interest your little ar-
Chamber in its Ipresent mood up to the tier e on the :Rt. Hlonorable Franklin
hour of adjournment for the summer, Todl-Poles, the outstanding figure in
it may strengthen its lease on life. English diplomatic affairs. You Sold
Then it would feel that It had a freer lie wa shorn lin 1888 and died lin 18S1.
band to deal with the whole complex This Is, no doubt, only a printer's
financial question. Of this the fund- error, but it islperhlaps just as well
ing of the French debt to the United to notify our less Informled brethren
States., and to IEznlandl is an essential that aman can ntot be elected to the
part. MI. Caillaux has freely recog- House of Commons until he at least
sized this, so that a statement con- has attained his maturity.
cerning the entire negotiation may be -Professor.
expected from him when he unfold s* *
his plans before the Chamber. Sumimer ('aipusana
Professor G. H. Jones will speak
ADVERI.SING PAYS ' .. Sorry, the book is not 'in the
,, j
"V __
Fashion able
Decidedly Low Pricing Prevails
in This Three Day Sale Featuring
All Light Pumps in Blonde, Ivory,
Parchment and Sauterne.
2O/0 Less
\Vlwther yotu speiud the holiday. it home or.
away, Vou'll finid here the correct light
footweatr for the occasioti. Not only are
the values otut of the ordinary from a
qhual ity standpoint-tb;.st yles included are
tho e wvanlut -' OW, which makes this sale
evenr tore important,
Selection may he nmade i ront ari assortment
of more than tweety sty''t-. Every blonde,
ivory, sauterne and p~archment pump in
stock goes ou sale at a price reduction of
(lain Floor)
p +
Of all the ridiculous anomalies and
absurdities which present day civiliza-
tlpn has constructed, none is more
riduclous in certain phases and more
intricate in all phases than that thing
which we commonly call the law. The
sumation of a thousand years of as-
tounding ignorance of man and the
laws of man, ther are few things
which show a more precoclous ability
for absoRrbing tzor-sensica l addends
(Christian Science Monitor)
While there are buit few today who
will go so far as to claim that news-
paper advertising is of no value, there
,are probably quite a number who faill
to realize its full potentialities. Such
may perhaps ponder to advantage the
case oif a pronminenit newspaper in
!Kentucky, in whtich a vigorous editor-
ial campaign was being wagedl against
a bond issuet for a new school. Civic
organizations sp~onsoring the proposal
to sell school bonds bought an entire
page of advertising space In this same
newspaper and captioned a forceful
iece of advertising "copy" with the
following, "Dare you lift your hand
against the little children of this city?"
The advertising put an end to the ed-
itorial opposition and the city got its
new school.
stacks. . . . Yeah, she's a neat pig, if
you ask me. ... Subscribe to the Worn-
en's League fund. . . . Baseball scores
.Graduate students must write an
extra thesis to secure full credit in
this course.. . . Michigan Daily ex-
tras. . . . Is there going to be any
school, Monday?9.. ....This isn't col-
lege; this is summer school ... .Pro-
fessor Smith will not meet his class
in Rhetoric I;I today . . .. Lord, isn;'t
it hot.,
Tlhe Uiuhersity will not ghve a freeF
fireworks exhibit on the campus next
Sunday night. *a .
Only three more dtays untilth
Fourth. "}
Oh, goody, goody, gumdrops. 1
Playing Now at , Sylvan Garden=
A 40-minute drive on fine roads via Saline and Clinton
DANCING nightly except Monday
Matinee Sunday