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It t1 %I N~I' .i' WIRtE
YYIIT Vt1TT wi_ n _.
VOL. XVIL. No. 12
House Calendur U Neatrly (lear Hu
Seunte I, To Hold Night
(N' Associatt~i Pres)
WASHINGTON, June :34.-Adjourn-
ment of Congress Saturday is planned
I Because of the University holi-
day on Monday. July 5, The Daly Ti RD1CUE
iSsp Inihiao Il/O LCTUEaO
clay. Publlication will b~e U M D PO RA
League Arranges
Reception Today
For All Women
jWith the hope of centering all so-I
(rial li fe for women ill Barbou r gx'mna~-
SSiam the Wom1en's league will b)e at
homre to alt women interested in Ui
versity work fr'om 3 to i o'elock to-
dayin lBarbour gyinnasium.
Speaker Hats Thid L.ongExperience In
Field Of M11edicine; I G(raduaite
Of :ichi£"an
AS the tlhird lecture onl the programu
of Suimmer lectures given under then
i j
Hot Weather Ailments Caused Sre i ENCITER
By Disease --- Not Temperament!UILJU I III
,Although this section of Ithe United Cases of sunstr oke aire pr1actically N~ D O FAR
States has experienced an unusually unknown i among University students.
coldl spring and a late summer, hot ,Jle een ae atsme n
'weather is in prospect and with it FORee weebn caNs INTERESTSand
will ame he usal cses o sunthere is little reason to believe thatFO OW IN E ST
stroke ani heat exhaustion. A few any will develop this summer, particu- ;OTAT NEEDNEO
p~recautions against the heat will, larly because this has no promise of RELUTONTRWITHNDPEN ITS O
gratylesn h cace f n b-being an unusually sweltering season, M1EANING TODAY
coming seriously affected lby the hota according to Dr. Forsythe. Scientificf
weather and will also keep one much MENTIONS
more comfortalie, according to the research is gradually leading physi- rM NT O SPOLITICS
University Health service. cians to believe that persons who can
"Protection against sunstroke and; not endure either hot weather or the Reed Says Conservatism Was Always
heat exaustion, both of which are ex-t other extreme, cold weather, are suff- eneOfAeca
t remely rare in Ann Arbor, is largely ering from some chronic disease.!KentOfA ria
4~ matter of diet," said Dr. Warren F. This lhas bee~n shown tPolicyvaino
'auspices o1' the departmnent of H ygien Rrevl ihMrartEtn 2j -
Recevin wih Mrgart Eton'26 and Public Health, Dr. Guy L. Kiefer
acting presidlent o1' the Women's Eo eriwl pa t4ocokti
ofeagutroitllwill spak ata4go'clock thi
by Houuse atiu senate leaders. z, ' - - irt a"' z av itlcnar'afternoon in the auditoriumofh
Iacting Dean of Women, Mrs. Edlward ofnalbilig.D.tifr il pa
The chief stumbling block to a get = etlbidn.Dr ifrwl pa
'I1. Kraus, M1rs. Alfred H. Lloyd, Mrs.
awaythe, te rver an habous ,ohn t. ffiger Mr. AlenS. 'Iit-on "the relation of the practicing phy-
awa tenth rver ad hrbur .JhnILEffngr, rs AlenS.Whi- ican o hedepartment of Public
bill, was removed by a unanimous ney, Mrs. G. Carl Huber, Mrs. Joseph iantth Health."
consent agreement reached by the A. Bursley, Mr's. Harry' A. Bacher. Dr'. Kiefer' has had a wide experiencej
Senate to take that measure up on ;;Its. Thomas E. Rankin, Mrs. Shirley in the practice of mtedicine. being for
December 14 tunder limitations of de- O V. Smth, Mrs. W. D. Henderson, Dr. RK long time a health officer Iln Detroit.'
bate that will assure a final vote be- Farkber, Miss Ethel M1 cCormiek, Miss Ile has also been for many years one
fore the Christmas holidays. ?Marie Wanzeck, Mrs. Ira '.N. Smith, olf Detroit's leading physicians, and
Immediately the House, whose cl Mrs. Fdson R. Sunderland. :Miss Laura hlas held the position of chief physl(c-
endar virtually is cleared, began prep- Osgood, Mrs. Junius E. fleal, Mirs. fan of the Michigan Bell Telephone
arations to quit by the end of the George W\. Patterson. " opay
wreek. The House ways and means Presiding at. the tea tables will be The speaker has also been a member!
committee ordered a resolution re- ;Mrs. E. C. Goddard, Mrs. Myra 13. Jor- of the State board of Public Health,
porting 6:03 o'clock Saturday as the dan, Mrs. John Sundwall, Mrs. Bar- andl in that position rendered a great
hour of adjournment, i bara Bartlett. deval of p~ublic service to the cause of
it will be reported to the House to-- Acting as hostesses will be Mrs.j public healthi in Michigan.
morr'ow, with indications that it will Clifford Woody, Miss Barbara Howe, ITDr. Kiefer is a graduate of Michigan
be adopted without serious objections. Miss Luella Galliver, Mrs. Russell C. ini the (lass of '87 from the College of
it will theni be sent to the Senate, [lHussey, Miss Ruth Price, Miss Pauline Literature, Science, and the Arts, and.
wher leder prdictit lsowil beHodson, Miss Laurie C'amplbell, Miss fi'om the Medical school in the (class of
accepted without material opposition. ;Lucy Elliott, Mrs. Theda Hol-on, Mrs. 91. Fle' also received a :special degree,
As soon as the disputants over the Raleighl Schorling, Miss Margaretj from the lterai'y college in '91. Hie was
rivers and harbors bill had been paci- Camer'on, Mr's. Palmer Chi'istian, Miss ! recently honored with an honorary de-
fied Sente eades obaind unni-Ruth Rouse and Miss lloratia Corbin,j gree of D~octor of Public Health by the
Y;Forsythe of the Health service yes-
. tei'(lty. "One should eat fruits, vege-
tablles, and salads and reduce his
°meat allowance during the hot months
of summer. Fruit juices. lemonades
'antd orangead(Ies particularly, are very
good during warnm weather."
In general one dIrinks enough
liquids because of thirst so that the
cooling process of nature, perspira-
tion, can go on freely, according to Dr.
Forsythe. In the same way, one wear's
light cl othes for conifort although
there ar'e many physiological reasons
for him (doing so if he (lid not do it.
naturally for the comfort derived.
There is some tendeiicy Wvnong stu-
(delts new in Ann Arbor to cuirb their
natural dlestre for plenty of water be-
cause the local wvateor is strange to
their tastes. Ann Arbor water con-
tains iron and lime anid may be slight-
ly dlistasteful to some at first, said Dr.
Forsythe, but it should be drunk as
freely as the home, town water. It is
frequently tested and absolutely pure'
for dripking purposes.
-made in the tropics. Some persons That the United States must take
have gone to the tropics, where one is
'sub ctedto her full part in world affairs, not for
sjetdo greater extremes of tem- the sake of Europe, or humanity, but
perature than in the United States, frhronitrss a h ocn
andl for a time were not bothered by sor ofer of. ithomtas .ed of the
the heat. Hlowever, sfome of them were1linoPrfThmsHRedfte
infected and sick with amoebic dysent- ',olitical science department in hips
er.Aftr teirrecver thse er-speech yesterday afternoon on "The
sons were so, affecte'd by extremely thefirst of twoesumeressionisad-
hot weather that it became almost uni- ;h s ftosme eso d
bearab~le to them. ;(resses in observance of national in-
dependence week. The second will 5e'
"In the majority of cases," the in- gvnti fe'onb adlhG
%'e stlgttlng physician reported," amve s cutdinoofnthey Rmno lhb-
careful examtintion will reveal theAdmusoinfthCletsib
f't that such patients are still i-Ir ary of American history.
f('c~tdby te potooon-heyare Contrasting the meaning of inde-
fehtondc. Gate ro yet ry.on-toey er pendlence at the time of the Revolution
words, their inability to endure !wt t enn tpeet rf
weather extremes is due to the fact 'Re rcdtecus fAeia
tha th hat-eguatig mchaism !political thought from the eighteenth
of the body h5. been thrown oust of ±cnuycnevtvswoapo~
the Declaration of Independence to the
gear by poisons circulating in the
blood." This is the real reason, physi- modern isolationist. Conservatism, he
cians are coming to believe, that per- pointed out, has always been the key-
sons are being affected by heat rather ,note of American policy. The Rlevolu-
than their own belief that It is a trait tion itself was conservative, so much
ini their characters,? so, said Prof. Reed, that th-e United
mous consent or night sessions tomor- Mrs. Geori'ge Stewart, MFrs. Perna
row and Friday to consider bills oil; St iMiss Frieda Diekhoff, Miss Mar-
the calendar. The sec ondl deficiency: gairet Kraus, Miss Margaret Buffing-
bill which must be passed bef'oire thle ,ton, Miss Isabhel Rust.
session ends and which was reported Acting as ('ha irinen of committees
to the Senate during the day., will t~' are Sarah Flume, '27, H elen Larraiwzv,
taken up tomorrow, and leaders hope 1'27, M\argaret Stair; CG'ad, Norma Bari-
it will be in the hands of the President i low,, ' llarMh Comin, '28, Eleanor'
by Friday night. I~xo'e, '26, Ruth Brady, '27E, Cecile
With the House disposing oif odd. Moorney, '29.
This will be the third of thle sei'ies
of le'tu res which Is to be given n-
Elei' the an snices of the II y-lone and
'Pub1lic IHealIthI department this sum -
irm'ri. Tentative arrangements hav e
been"01niadEe for' fuirther adresfes liv
iwn anadi women who bhave disti iIsh -
j ul themselves in the miedic'al pi'ofes -
lioni field, the next of which will
and ends, a wild scramble for
Km senators' fret mneasur'es is ex
tLo follow disposition of the defi
Rejection by the Senate yeste'
the Fes& farm credit bill and p
(f the House cooperative mar
measures helped clear the legi
:atmosphere for adjournment,
was not until agreement was r4
on the rivers andl harbors pr
that leaders were able to plan
confidence for a wind uip of the
Representative Tilson, the R cnlaedcae nasa
that, since the Senate has react
agreement on the rivers and h;
bill, the way seems clear for p
adjournment. "Personally, I
be willing to stay here till Dec(
if any good purpose could be
by continuance of the session
added. "Nothing further canl
complished on the agricultural
ject, however much we may w
help. For obvious reasons it
part of wisdom to put over cont
dial proposals until tihe fall."
Congress Acts 010
Farm Relief
(By Associated P'ress)
WASHINGTON, June 30.-Final
tion was taken today by Congre
the administrative cooperative
keting bill, the only farm relief
ure to run the House andI
gauntlet at this session. After x
ing 156 to 67 a motion to sen
measure to conference, the]
without a record vote approve(
Senate amendments, and the bil
goes to the President for his
action jprobably lie Jiven Juliyv6 by a speak(-+
spected o ~ r to 1)e announced soon.
fieiecy jA -reat deal of interest has b~een
hsow in hes' leturs inthepast,
rdav S I $h ii(1 in first: spen k e of inthe series.
assage j M ~iss S~illy fLucas .Jean, who spolteon
Dktn "R ,A 1?domday aim ed ayo t' w t4(1-
slative f!(Idressed lar'ge audiences onl bothiiocco-
but itl'-- '------'.lr~ sons. besides spfaking to time 1\011-
cached Virginia Tice, pianist , and Ottis O. en's Educational club at the home of;
'oposal Patton, tenor, ('-artists in the first Mrs. t len Mii'tlandi on Monday even-
n with; zg
ei suniaei' concert of the Faculty Coil-
cei't series, present ed a progr'am s~e")-
epubli-I sonably light amid varied, and includ - jJ[SO 2S
tement luig two Chopin selections for contrast. iu11 7 LLUU # tt
Lbr ed an Miss Tice playedl Schumann's"Papil- A FTER 0DAYS'SILLNFS
pro npt lions" with that easy grace and aban-____
wouldj don thcis colorful number deserves Norman Andlerson, '26A, 916 Mon roe
ember, from all performers, but rar'ely re- street, died sudldenly early yesterday'
served ceives, Mr. Patton was well liked in rmoronimi, in the University hospital. All
n," he Lily Strickland's group, "Sonigs autopsy isclosed that death was (111
be ac- from the High Hills", three pleasing to a brain tumor, No serious sylill-
,1 subl- if somewhat undistinguished number's, tomns developed until a very few mini-E
ish toI lifted to considerable emineince by this utes before his death when he sufferedI
is the singer. a severe convulsioni,
prover- Liszt's "Petrarca" and MacDowell's Ander'son who is fr'-, lDotroit, coin-
"Polonaise", Op. 28, were handled in plained of a' headaci Tn dUCI -morn-
original manner by Miss Tice, al-I ing andl a Health srl 'irysicianI
though the puissant grace discernable called upon him in f ~'n A see-
in her p~erformance of "Papillions", iind call was made lat Pihe day
Bll was in some measure lacking. and lie was sent to_ ~ wversity
The comiplete pr'ogram: hospital at that thu-, ' r vas no
Papillions, 01). 2........... Schumann indication, at that tin-, ta was
lac-Whr Miss Tice ! seriously endangered.A .' ulslonI
Wheon My Dear Lady Sleeps......I developed a Iidnighl ',litan 24i
mar- i .......... Breville-Smith hours after his first - , of sick-
mewas- Of Ask of the Stars Beloved.La Forge ness, and it was dur g rt,'ttack
Senate I You Would Love Me.... McDermidl that he passed away.
11 ns .tlteh On i nlteentli Bolt-;Other
University (Golfers Rill In
Detroit 'rollt1'"11 mut
itesults of the tirst round of the De-
trait Distrnet golf tournament found
all bmi I one of the university of 'miclhi-
gal golfers (defeated. Frederici{ 8,
Clover., Jr., '27, won a hard fought
matIclh against one of the finest players
in the (list rict by winnin~g the nine-
teenth hole. Freds Peoly, captain of
last year's golf teamn fell to one of,
the surprise rlayers of the tournament
in a nother nineteen hole match. Paul
Munn, '28, fell before Roger Hill, 3
to 1. Tile other university pilayer
who tia de the ('hanilpioniship flight,
Addison Connor, '24. lost his match
'hlyd Performnanee Of Each Play
Will Be Performed In
Due to the unusual demand for seats
an. extra performance of Rachel
Crothers' "Fxpressing Willie" has
been added Saturday evening at 8:30
o'clock In Sarah Caswell Angell Hall.
The patronage for The Player's pro-
dluctions has been so satisfying that
the third performance on Saturday
night will be retained throughout the
remainder' of the season.
Still further performances cannot
be added ,uo to conflicts with other
University attractions, and on account
of the weekly performances of The
Player's productions in the Pease aud-
itorium, Ypsilanti, on Monday even-
States today is an eighteenth century
monarchy in all essentials but the
election of the president. Prof. Reed
sees the United States as still moored
to Blackstone and MVontesquieu in po-
litical thinking and showed that Amer-
ican government has undergone les
change than has the English costltu-
Lion inI the same span of years.
r ChISlzation Hlas Changed
"Our civilization in America" said
Prof'. Reed, "has undergone sonme mod-
ification through the coming of new
elements into our population-but after
all there has b~eeni no race hut the
English race which has contributed
one political idea to American govern-
ment. We were not able to declare
1an independence of our racial heri-
tage and. we have kept it to this day."
The Revolution did accomplish
some far-reaching results, according
to Prof. Reed. One was the preserva-
tion of English freedom in the struggle
with George III., another the preser-
vation of the British Empire so that as
it is today- it is largely the result of
the lesson learned by England in 1776
A third result was the enormous stim-
ulation of the American mentality that
led so swiftly to the conquest end de-
velopment of natural resour'ces. Arn-
in thno eighteenlthhoeE 11010.." " erica, however, said Prof. Reed, has
Gl(over is the captain of next year's (Tile second repitition of "Expressing !to this day never established an ini-
golf team ndl~ is conlceded a good i Willie" will be given tonight at 8:30; digeneous literature and art.
chianc(e to stay in tile tournament until o'clock In Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. Pass"needne
the seni-finials ori finals. He is a All seats are reserved and priced atj Describing his recent sojourn in
capab~le golfer and~ may surpi'ise by 50 and 75 cents,.egu sfnatmttoso uo
winning the championship whose hold(- The cast for "Expressing Willie" inieUntdSttsacs-
er was elliminatedl today. Asidle criudes trenie ew imeimb ers of mthe comn
from playing on the golf team li~e Ipany, Amla M rrick, Frances Horine
made P~hi Beta Kappa, amid Eric Kiewer. Miss Merrick, who
The ('lianiploilslip is being played plays the part of Mrs. Smith, recently
over the Oakland Hills Country club, !gr'aduiated from the Bonstelle Training
Birmingham, Mich. The qualifying, School under Miss Bonstelle's direc-
roiund~ scores we're very high due to a ' hon in Detroit, while Miss Horine
b~ad wind which lengthened a great graduated from the Univemrsity last
mianiy of the long holes. The course; year. Klewer also comes from De-
was in perfect condhition for the tourn- troit whlere he has frequenty appeared
a1mont i with Jessie Bonstelle, Geor'ge Arliss
last year's golf team took thi'd .and Walter Hampden.
honor's in the all-conference tourna-!
liemt filayCed in Chicago. All members;
of the teani played creditably, Glover ! W HATI'S GOI N G ON
being low~ man oif the team. Kiser of o per nttsclrnms
Chicago took low honors. The mem- bie left in the' hwc at the Daily office
provided for that purpose before 4 :00
bers of last year's team were Addison o'clock preceding the day of issue.
Connor, Fr'ed Feely, Frederick Glover', -..-.----
R~obert Newman, and Ralph Cole. TODAY
she does in her foreign affairs, lie
pointed out that the middle western
farmer, four thousand miles from th -
r;nearest possible enemy nation, cannot
r r
f ;
be expected to show much interest in
foreign relations. Yet, Pr'of. Re -d
stated, "indepenidence is nlot synoniym-
ouis with provincialism or with isola-
tion." He described how the economic
texture has inextricalty bound up
Aimerican interests with all the rest of
the world and closed with an appeal
that Americans today be as indepen-
dent of prejudice and hidebound tr'a-
dition as were their foref'ath ers.
Matt Mann, Varsity swimming coach,
left Ann Arbor late Wednesday for
Camp Chicope in Ontario, his camp
for young boys.
rej ect-
id the
d two
1 now
FWeher Man
T 1Y
.Yir. I 4LL~U
P1reludes, Op. 28. ............
Imhpmromptu, F sharp major..
ISonetto, 123 .. . . . . . . .
Petrarca .. . . . . . . . ..
Polonaise, Op. 46, No. 12. .Me
Miss Tice
Songs fromn the High Hills..
... . . .. . . .Lily Sti
Nlir Jahian
0 Little Drum
1I lore in the High Hills
Mr. Patton
s('munada was increasing her tex
ports more than $19,000,000 to
of $148,762,000 during the fisc
ended with March, the U~nited
displaced the United Kingdom
ada's chief sellr of these prods
Brumm Talks Tb
"Mducation in Condu :t" a1
ject oif an address given.bel
Men's duicational club T sdli
by Prof. John L. Brui m hli
alism depEJartmnit. This j ,
the leading feature of Ii -
Club c
the sub-F
re the
night ' McDonald Starts
urn-wa Archery Classes
seond j -
3 to i - -Woimen's League mare meeting
of all women students in Barbour
41:09-Lecture "The Relation Between
the Practicing Physician and the De-
meetimng of this organi'ia-Ord+: whi, h is' Miss McCoirmick, head of the won- partinent of Public Health" by Guy
held every Tuesday it 1 It ii ganI en's physical education department, Kiefer.
WL.Iunion. ; has secured the services of Mir. A. L. 5:OO-Lect~ure "The Winning of hIde-
The speaker' told his iience that McDonald, a priominent Ann Arbor pendence" by Dr. Randolph Adams.
-While men ar'e constantly leiu, be- ' 5sportsmani, to act as instructor in i :15-- Expresslng Wlnlie" by "The
tile im- tween two sets of imps . "hat archery during the summier' session.! Players" at Sarah Caswoll Angell
a total so far as educators can ptiy to IHeretofore archery has only been open hall.
al year' obey those impulses th'a t , the to women students, however, Mir. Mc- FRIDAY
3States things that are right and -e, just Donald stated that he is also quite,5:(}(-Ilustrated Lecture, "Queer
as Can- so much do they set b~u e for (anxious to interest the men students Maps of America," by Prof. Louis
acets, freer thinking and more 'wfl iing. 'In this sport, Karpinalci.
Americani Leaguie
Ch icago <3, Cleveland 11
Was linzton 8, Boston 5
New York 4, Philadelphia 5
Detroit 4, St. Louis 1
National League
St. Louis 6, Pittsbur'gh 2
Cincinnati 4, Chicago 9
Boston 6. New York 7 (15
nings )
Philadelphia 9, :Brooklyn 11
+ i
Says that It will be generally fair
and warmer today