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August 08, 1926 - Image 2

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unsafe and perilous to drive around IIilIIIIIgI lIIlII,;I;II~iiIiii
the road and enjoy the scenery; a
1U' Ua ~j nuisance which should be eradicated M usc 6 lAnd
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THM i boulevard is to be used properly.
UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN That is, the nuisance who persists in D ram a
SUMMER SESSION driving the wrong way on the road,
Published every morning except Mondayu f tei ned d n1 1111FUlllllllfllilllllllillll
during the University Summer Session by up fronm the river instead of down
the Board in Control of Student PIublica' from the top of the hill. Little has been said in this column
inThe road is not exceptionally wide; about; the theatrical attractions now
The Associated Press is exclusively en- and in many places it is practically gracing the New York stage, those
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otheiwise impossible to pass anyone. The sign now running and those which will
credited in this paper and the local news oub- at the lower end, to be sure, merely doubtless open in the next few weeks.
lished herein.
warns motorists to proceed at their For the benefit of those planning
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, ewn risk. Certainly the offense con- trips to the East we offer such inform-
postolfice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $tSo; by mail, stitutes a more serious menace than ation as we ca g ;lean from the New
$2. 00.thsidctsYokWr.
Offces: Press Building, Maynard Street, this indicates. York World.
Ann Arbor, Michigan. It is said that the practice consti- * * *
Ctutes a real hazarrd to dogs who Unfortunately, thi metropolitan
Communications, if signed as eviuence o
good faith, will be published in The Summer have acqniet the habit o1 ,.kin' stage is now suffering from its regu-
Daily at the discretion of the Lditor J only one way before lar mid-Summer slump.
signed communications will receive n.o con-
sideration. The signature may be omitted in road. If this is true, our humanitar- "Young Wodley" has closed, and
publication if desired liy the writer. The
Summer Daily does not necessarily e dorse ian instincts if nothing more should will probably not reopen, at least not
the sentiments expressed in the communica- force us to remedy the situation. Per- with the original cast. Glenn Hunter,
tions. t tr a enfeunl
tnhaps, then, at the next meeting of the its star, has been frequently named
EDITORIAL STAFF City council or some such conclave, as the Clyde Griffiths in Horace Liv-
Telephone 492 time enough should be spared from eright's production of 'Dreiser's "An
MANAGING EDITOR the great indoor sport of making new American Tragedy", now being drama-
MANNING HOUSEWORTH stop streets in order to pass an or- tized by Patrick Kearney.
Chairman,Bdin une against this flagrant abuse. "The Wisdom Tooth", "The Butter
Editorial Board.... Eugene H. Gutekunst tiac
City Editor..............William R. :Breyer -- and Egg Man", and "The Last of Mrs.
Music and. Drama......... William C. Lucas,
Woman's Editor...........Julia Ruth Brown TIlE l. I )C MPLAIN., Cheyney" are expected to be taken
Night Editors Asserting that Mexican officials had ton tour and will ultimately reach the
William Stockwell Theodore Hornberger I middle west.
Paul J. Kern Frederick Shillito "insulted, degraded, and expelled Am- The four plays still in New York
Douglas Doubleday erican citizens, men and women, un- which are worthy of attention are
Assistants der circumstances that are abhorrent Eugene O'Neill's "The Great God
Dona Boyle Nita Kelley to our conception of constitutional Brown", George Kelly's Pulitze'r Prize
William Finlay Mary Maci onald 1
Frances Gusten George T. McKean governmemnt," the suprene council winner, "Craig's Wife", with chrystal
Lawrence Hyman Margaret Ward of the Knights of Columbus called up- Herne, C. K. Munro's "At Mrs. Beams"
BUSINESS STAFF on the United States government to And one revival which no one should
Telephone 21214 "put an end to this ignominious con- overlook, Barrie's "What Every Wom-
BUSINESS MANAGER tempt that has been shown by r"s- an Knows", with Helen Hayes as
PAUL W. ARNOLD ident Calles for American appeals." Maggie Wylie and Kenneth McKenna
Circulation ........ .........Kenneth Haven lY,'ry altruistic tm the pa:-t of th:il in the role of John Shand.
Advertising ................Francis Norquist ancient organization, but what under- * * *
Assistants lies it all' Is the soldierdonm of ,
Mabel Chambers Laurence VanTuyl t oIi ersons having just a week to spend
William F. Cook Mildred Williams Catholicism making this plea for the in the city would do well to observe
Edward Solomon interests of American government
'' Ameican! the following program:
and American citizens? Monday night, "At Mrs. Beams";
Press tispatches, our only source Tuesday matinee, "Ben Hur" (moving
of information on the Mexican situ-
SUNDAY, AUGUST 8, 1926 thpicture); Tuesday night, "Sunny"
atnon. have mentioned nothing about with Marilyn Miller; Wednesday mati-
Night Editor-T. R. HORNBERGER the insulting and degrading of Amer- nee, "Craig's Wife"; Wednesday night,
icans except where they have insisted "Iolanthe"; Thursday matinee, "The
30 _oil violating Mexican law in observ- Great God Brown"; Thursday night,
ance of church duties. In that case "Ziegfield Revue" with Greta Nissen
With this issue The 1926 Summer they should be insulted and degraded. " " G
dnrl J B.li )P4leat, F1' idu y ItilUCP

.- -- a .r..a - I V f A &A-4

... ..,



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Michigan Daily passes into limbo. The
editors cover their typewriters for
the last time with a feeling of remorse
at the discovery of the fact that it is
a far cry from the formation of plans
and ideals to the effecting of those
plans and ideals. But the feeling of
relief at a task completed and the sat-
isfaction which comes from the con-
sciousness of having done one's best

Recnnuse Mexico is a aker nation v-
does not mean that Ameu icans can b J in arpicture);Friday night, "TheJ aga-
allowed to violate her laws with im bnd ing"; Frday iee, "ar-
punity. And it tdoes not mean that bond King"; Saturday matinee, "Gar-
A mericans can be allowed to violate rick Gaieties"; Saturday night, "What
her laws with impunity. And it does Every Noman Knows."
not mean that the United States can
again become the bully of the Amaeri-
abn continent to enforce on a wAer
Nation her own edict, of government

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are with the staff of The Summer M%'xi('o is indepenldent. America has
Daily. If the summer had meant no right to meddle in her affairs, ex-
nothing more than to experiment in ( cept in the right of might, unless her
work of a journalistic nature, it would citizens are being unduly molested.
have been wasted but it has meant And that does not mean in violation
far more and better things. The out- of Mlexican law. If England or
ward manifestations are slight but I France were the nation in qtstion
there has been the opportunity for a instead of Mexico, such statements
small group of students with a com- and requests would never be made.
mon aim to come together in intimate The United Siati- would look the
companionship and co-operation in a other way.
large and important campus activity, It lookstvery much like an att'mpt
And so it is with a little feeling ofI to engulf thme United States in a con-
regret that the staff lays down its troversy that might result in a relig-
work, happy, though, in the consci- tius war in order to insure its out-
ousness, despite many obstacles that r, m in the imt' ests of the vu-ticn. I
have confronted it, that they have That, certainly, would be a vio!atwtn
done their best to produce a newspa- of the American principle of religious
per that might prove entertaining and freedom. What concern is it of the
helpful to the students of the Summer United States if a sister nation wish-
session. es to suppress certain religions?
The editors are deeply indebted to I Let the United States stand aloofl
those few people who have worked so and interfere only when Mexico is
faithfully and untiringly to help us endangering the interests and per-
produce the best despite the many sons of her citizens who are striv-
distractions which have confronted ing to live peaceably amidst the tur-
them daily. The editors wish to thank moil. We have lost enough good will
these people heartily for what they in South and Central America in the
have done and the splendid spirit of last century without mother-like at-
ready co-operation they have shown, titude of meddlesome interference.
and it is their hope that these people
will not consider their time wastedj
and wil take as much away from The .
Like a monarch, Premnier P'oincare's
Daily as they have put into it. And pig motar scatter the
in drawing to a close its career as the eding motor car scatters the mob
before the Palais Bourbon each day
official organ of the Summer session,
ii Tlf;and the Premier stalks into the Chain-

-: o MRU MW

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LfGera l auptman

Announcement has been made of
the production of Gerhart Haupt-
mann's new drama, "Dorothea An-
germann," in Berlin, within the next
month. it is the story of a young girl
who revol' ,. against the Puritanism of
her pietistic father and goes to New
York, vi re she is spiritually rebern.
The last act is laid in America.
This is the secvond time the grcat}
German writer has used America as
the scene for a novel or play. The
fb st was in "Atlantis," Hauptmann's
commentary on American censorship
Among the more promising attrac-
tions scheduled for Broadway in the
tall are "An American Tragedy," men-
tioned above; "Gentlemen P,^,'er
Flondes" with June Walker, Frank
Morgan, and Edna Hibbard: Franz j
ilcnar's new play, "Riviera"; and a
dramatization of Harry Leon Wilson's
"Maximilian and .uarez," Shaw's

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Th'e rummer Imily desires to express
its appreciation to those who have
given us their sulpport and to those
whose helpful criticism has corrected
and cleared up the mietakes we haveI
made during the summer.
With that P!:i swaan soa,, there is
but one thing to do-to add the copy-
reader's mark which signifies that all
copy is ready for the edition- --

her to take his place on the Tribune
amid the rain of jeers, catcalls, ink-
wells, and books of the Socialists and
Comunists. There he stands and
sneers at them, afraid of no one, sure
ef himself an his "sacred union cab-
met." He waves his hand and offend-
mng members are dragged out with
the muise of their curses by (lusty
S" 1 .. fl 1- - -A, -.-. ni i m h m nm


The worthy companions of the Lifetime
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nuardIs. lie lare3 an(I the Chamber
3-0 'ows beeimr hepaoes his "The Doctor's Dilemma," possibly
THE BOULEVARI) ows before him, he ropose Pygmalion" and the new Shaw opus,
This is jai crdito3ial. It i .labeMled !l ills and the Deputies pass them, hie "ymain",nttenw t ps
"Saint Theresa," if it is completed in
thus in order that no one will mis- time. Eugene O'Neill's "Lazarus
take It and perchance read it. It is and no one questions him him. He Laughed," is scheduled for production
one of the last editorials that will rules the French Parliament like a production by the Provincet:wn Play-
appear in The Summer Daily and it king. He knows what there is to be ers. Evt LeGallienne will revive
deals with the most flagrant and ser- done. he has sickened of quibbling, Chekhov, Ibsen, Maeterlinck and Ben-
ious situation which exists upon our and now he is going to save France. avente wit h her Civic Reparory The-
ions situationtar whicheexistsp upon oure
campus at the present time or which M. Poincare's start has been re- ater.
has existed for some time past. markable in the light of past failures. Foremost among the musiit Fhows
For several years the University has Together with his "sacred union" he will be the one starring Ge.trude
maintained what is generally k will save France. iLawrenco.Guy Boton and P. G.
as the Boulevard which starts at the I Wodehous will write the u and
top of Geddes hill and ends by the riv- "Nothing in the field of art has giv- lyrics. And there is a possibity that
er. It is one of the most beautiful en the American more satisfaction the operetta based on the carrier of
and enjoyable spots near the city in and self-respect than the skyscrap- Jenny Lind by Bolton, Wottehouse
the summer time, and one of which er."--Rose C. Field. and Jerome Kern may be ready in time
nature lovers make full use. jfor the new season.
For a long time back, but especi- "We are a friendless people and our
ally in the last few weeks, there has destruction would be the salvation of "Dictators can brave anything but
existed a nuisance which makes it, our debtors."-F. W. Peabody. ridicule."-John MacCormac.


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