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August 08, 1926 - Image 1

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VOL. XVII. No. 44



I - 4+-a f M




Hope To Modify R~eligous Edicts By
Bill Preparing Ini Interior
(By Associated Press)
MEXICO CITY, Aug. 7.-The irn-
passe in the struggle between the gov-
ernment and the Catholic Church may
possibly be solved through the enact-
ment by the new Congress, which con-
venes Sept. 1, of religious regulations
less drastic thani those which went into
effect a week ago-at least that is the
hope held at present in some circles.
Legislation on the religious subject
is expected to be one of the first things
takeni up. It may result in congres-
sional I reaffirmation of President
Calles' yegulations, in a contest be-
tween the president and congress on
the subject, or in the passage of milder
Bill In Preparation
Hope of congressional modification
is based on an announcement by theI
department of the interior that it is
studying and preparing a draft law
regulating Article 130 of the constitu-
tion, which is the religious section.
The department will submit this bill.
In some quarters it is pointed out
that if the Mexican Parliament de-
manded modifications, Calles might
gracefully yield, affording an agree-
able solution. This is pure specula-1
tion, however, as the p~resident thusj
far has not shown the slightest sign
of yielding.
Mexico entered the second week of
the difficulty with each side wiaintain-
ing its ground and with priests still
absent from the Catholic churches.
D~ecline to Comment
Both govern ment officials and Cath-
olic leaders thus far have declined to
comment on the resolution adopted
by the Knights of Columbus convention
,at Philadelphia, calling on the Ameri-
can Government to raise the embargo
on shipment of arms into Mexico. No
Mexico City paper has published the,
resolution, and the general public is!
unaware of it.
Reports from Zacapu, state of

Can field Will
Study In Paris
Next Semester,
Prof. Arthur G. Canfield, tormer
head of the department of romance
languages and literatures, sailed from
New York yesterday on the steam-
ship Republic. lie will spend the se-
Smester's leave of absence granted
him at the spring, meeting of the
Board of Regents in study in Paris,
aconiepanied by his wife and daugh-
ter Ruth. Prof. Canfield will return
to Alin Arbor in4 February as p~rofes-
sor of Romance languages.
Prof. Canfield has been head of his'
department for 26 years, resigning this
fspring to devote himself more ex-
elusively to research and teaching.
His successor will be Prof. Hugo P.
Thieme. Cnil a ona udr
Prof. Cnil a ona udr
land, Vermont, in 1859 and received his
A. B. degree from Williams college in
1878. He also took his master's at
Willianms in 18S1 and did graduate
I work at the universities at Leipzig,
IGottingen, Berlin and the Sorbonne.
Williams honoredi hinm in 1920 with
the honorary degree of L. H. D.
Prof. Canfield began his career as
instructor in modern languages at
the University of Kansas in 1883. In
1887 he became professor there, where
he remained until 1900 when the late
President James B . Angell offered
him the head of the romance language
Sdepartment here.!
As an active member of the variousI
modern language societies and as the#
editor and author of several books in
the field. Prof. ;Canfield is recognized
as an authority. He is a member of
the American D~ialect Society, the
Modern Language Association of Aml,-
eric, the Central section of wh'ich he
was president in 1909, the Modern
SHumanities Research Society, the So-
ciete d'histoire literateur de la France,


Will One Succeed The Other?

Make Pictures,
Hospital Roof
Angus M. Babcock, '26, has comn-
pleted two weeks work in decorating
the roof playground of the University
hospital. This playground is the gift
of the Ann Arbor Kiwanis club to the
!hospital children and consists of a I
see-saw, slide, sand-box, and other
apparatus, together with benches and
chairs, insta Jed at the west end of the
huge hospital roof. It is intended to
give a recreation place for those chil-
dren who are not confin'ed to the
Babcock has been painting line
large murals of scenes and subjects
most likely to appeal to children.
There is a Robinson Crusoe picture, aI
panel of little Red Riding Hood andI a
(most ferocious wolf, a knight with a
plunging horse and a waving pennon,
the old swimming hole on a busy day,
Indians, cowboys, and several others.
The painting has been done directly
upon the rough brick walls that en-
close the roof and the artist has utiliz-
ed the colors of the brick in his back-
grounds. This unusual treatment has
been extraordinarily successful and
A-has led to much comment around the
ier ospital. It is Babcock's first attempt
atpainting subjects of such size, al-
though he has done numerous maga-
-zinc and advertising illustrations.
__. During the last two years of his col-


Publication of The Summet
Michigan Daily will be disconi-
tinuedl with the this issue. The
Michigan Daily will resume pub-
lication Sept. 28.I


The inext woventen1(iiu.Jawilec '-Iil it ni easly reverse the po,
tioflsheld1 by tI(,in'W0sto s i h ret uget helr. At (he left is Mr. To
onami, leader of he opposit jun inl ie .1 apantes( iit; lt atthe right, Prei
Wakatsald. A shdit in ol(ptl would doub1tle-, punt the oppositi
pat in i)p0we -r and mak' Vthe ~ ki lIeade r of 0the opposition.
71 N [+7d'~ WVI 1 C N-Id t r CI P"& Y-a T P -r A- ~ rn- . U W Iv


Societe des anciens testes Iran -
and Phi Beta Kappa. In 1924 he
president of the Federation of{

Modern Language Teachers.
11 inal Lecture Oil Summi ier lProgrramtTo
He lDelivered By Authority
Oil vegetaitloli
A. G. Tansley of Cambridge, itang,
whose lecture scliedulej for last Mlon-
day was postponed due to his inability
tc; arrive here in time, will speak at
5i o'clock tomorrow in the Natural Sci-
c nce auditorium. i.r ansley ini con-
sideredl an authority in the study of
Pritish vegetation and will probably
}speak on that subject tomorrow, al-

I'. 1 CIU JL( Y 1 ItJJLI ' S I (JIS Il ege career Babcock has been an editor
PR F SSO It I H TE T R PLIE f the Inxlander, campus literary niaga-
PROFSSO S WTH TST EPLES1zinc. His linoleum cutts have been
used for the original covers of that
Tests given ro" E ntIy to st udeiitts e - i)mid shta w a an e xmple of a philos- I publication throughout that period.
rolled in three 5 r us ,il psychol, ax fophr whlo was sufficienitly familiar iHe is also a miember of Les Voyageurs.
showed a w ide dfivri tyor replies itIs political science to carry out
IThe classes in 'btginningpsycholog~y destltlairtdtietitofiatexecutive.
Igntcpyl7) ,adpsctlf- l x' ue it .*;e d tes(IIheir ad- iE C V TIN SA T
law were fthosa u A as subjects. r a t f ie r..id en tby replying3 X 9 9 I N S 9 T
The first pt w lofHi e cst c' a , Ii (t i'qnet ion thatlhe was nmore
ofqetosilraoi igfr ilt e ntIthan the conductor of a IF R O EBOLDN
logial nswr-,,coud ke gvens. Yhe sni r(ltiJ vso] es {.pinion was di- FO T R UID N
seconid halfIfas tatd e up of " s n this p)oint too, how ever, for
mnents anti flit ci's for wh ich ilere Ii, st udent s maintained that it took Angelo Poulos To Erect Blocek Which
wer~e no rea;l atisw t. s anid leOw t lsjIilit V anal fialoeiiito becomne Ipresi- lHe Has Planned For L1lwrty
dent wais Fe pestf (d tofupp T(loc,-, entiian it took to lead a.symphony Sre
reasons for the,,_ si at- ii eniis and qu(y,,, 'Estr :stee
tions, either ,,;ssius w hemptoron s. j
Some replies; showed k;een1[ peietsaflnip riirr O HAVE SEJVEN STORES
io o th pa t i) l i h-t, A eiswere evidetnce (eithier' J caneless Excavation work in prepa rtion for
thitnking or a ns7isuiid ttastiing of is j UET 1A R~T~I the erection of a $0,000 building on
q1 iestioli. j UNITHREEIIL WEEKIS TOURIIthe lot otn East Liberty-st., b~~ween the

(C01iisock And las.~ei hlae Clear
Fileld On lDeiioratir
(8),y Associaej TrsĀ±)
LANSING, Aug. 7.-Filing peitions
Iwith the department of stte *,), i' n
127,000 signatures, Mlayor Fred NV
Green of Iotnia Friday qualified a; :
candidate for the Republican nomni-
tion tor governor. He will oppose
Gov. Alex J. Groesbeck in a two-man
race, The time limit for filing peti-
tions expires next Tuesda,
In view of the fact that no otet
candidate has been circulating peti-
tions so far as is known, it is cosidi-
ered altogethetr improbable that any
aspirant could obtain the more than
8,000 naties required and qualify in
the short interventg time. o.
Groesbeck filed some time ago. At
least two other gubenatoria canii-
dates will appear in the primary on
other tickets, each unopposed. W. A.
Comstock has qualified as the Demo-
cratic candidat anfd F. E. Titus of
Jackson will head the Prohibition
The race for the lieutenant gover-
norshiip nomination still is unsettled.
Fred B. Wells, speaker of te house of'
representatives, and Luren D, Dick-
inson, former lieutenant governor,
have qualified. Lieut. o. George
Welsh has not yet field his petitions.
Neither has former State Senator
ineOscar Riopele of Detroit, who someC
theago said he plannied to enter the
contest, Ge'ritt Masselink of Pig Ra-
ids is the unopposed candidate for the
Detnocratic nomination.
Pharmacists Will
Honor Apothecary
Brgaier General Hugh M\ercer, in
1whose apothecary shop at Fredericks-
b~urg, Va., George Washington had his
office in pre-revolutionary days, will be
honored by pharmacists at a seies of
conventions to be held here beginning
Steps will be taketn by the American
Pharmaceutical Association to found
a :Museunm of Historical Pharmacy in
the new $1,000,000 National hleadquar-
tens Building, -which all branches of
pharmacy have united to erect in a
city to be selectedl at the forthcoming
General Mercer, who (ied of wounds
received at the battle of Princeton in
January, 1777, will be extolled as a pa-
tronm saint of American pharmacy, pio-
neer devotee of science, and martyr to
A pilgrimage will be made to his
grave here, where a monument was
erected by St. Andrews Society il
SGeneral Mercer, native of Scotland,
was graduated from the School of
Medicine at the Iuiversity of Abe-
deen in 1774.

Student Picks Up
Youth From River
Forrest H-eath, '27. is rep~ortedi in
iews d ispatchies as having rescued
from the St. Clair river near~ Taslimoo
Park William Pritchard, of Newark,
Ohio. Pritchard, a steward's helper
oh1 thme steamer Leonard S. Miller,
complainied of hard wVork andi bad
treatment aitd said lie had jumped 01:Z
rather than contittue onl the voyage up
the lake. iHe was rescued by Heath
ins a motor launch with a party of
Hine. Franklin _ uga ( .,co, '28, was
Mt so inl the paty~.
Art Exhibit Opens
An exhibition of the work of the
class in outdoor sketching will be open
to the public in the West Gallery of
Alumni ;Memorial Hall from 9 to 12
and from 1 to 5 through this week.




Michoacan, say that there have bees
serious disorders between the popu
lace and piolice and soldiers grow~
ing out of the religious situation. Th
reports add that the troops arc'Y
control of the situation, but that ther
were several casualties during th
combat. Neither the government no
the local newspapers have any author
itative details.
Little news regarding conditions is
other parts of the republic is hemn
made available in ?Mexico City, bu
apparently, with the exception of loca
disturbances, the situation growin;
out of the religious controvers
seemingly is being calmly accepted b
the niass of the people.
tio End Ini Sight
M Apparently there are no prospects o.
a settlemrent at an early date. Tb
f priests continue to absent themnselve
from the churches, but the doors o
many edifices are open 'for worship
f pers to enter and meditate and pray.
Business circles continue to take
gloomy view of the situation, fearfu
that the economic boycott institute
by the National League for Defense o
# Religious Freedom mnay assume mor
serious proportions in the capital.
Credit for all work done in the
Summer session in the College
Sof Literature, Science, and the
Arts, in the School of Education
and in the Graduate school will
be recorded and the credit cou-
9 pons mailed in strict accordance
with the blanks on file in the re-
spective offices of those colleges.
Students should make sure
that the correct addresses are
given on these cards and that
a the courses are set down without



I Difference of sopiniont v hsso x tittin
replying to the squestion:tIf i'You were1
on the 15th floor of a 20-stor, bIild-

ANN AR1, Q I, Miclt., 5Atg. (.-(A. 11.)
1 kovs o1 the Anin Arbor Y. Mi. C. A.

Red Top
the Starbi
tractors o:

ing anid were its a glenoa t iurryItio ,et'xvill l1.ea 's hre Mond~ay on a three
flown, twoJ cleva tit's 51 eppesl for yeou !co s 's ica I iotial Itouilthat wiltotuch
at the samte Itileo, onie eirt;,'s) xvsldoitn pin jt s of in tere'stin Ithe east.

g ithe are tospek onsomthig eseand the other' empty, whmich f sit' tout' vilhe made by motor coach, eneg
woutldl you I a k e ' Some tdss a: sii t ec> party to reach many Poulos, w
.tas the final lecture otn the summer cshose the emjpty elesvalt or' becautse it places ttJs~fcslh- oteodnr building fI
al program. would ibe more cotifortable, agid ni ig I t 'i m''nt ac cin iibl te, tothrina ryaes TeS
g Mr. Tansley is in the cou nttry to at - ibe safer thatn a crowdsed one. (0t,110" Su tmfl ''Itic anti recreatiottalI points all seven stoe
i ted theintera ialwBorkicafron- selected the crowded "lift" befauise it will !wisnci luded in the trilp's itimnerary. height. 1
y gress at Ihac, ew ork fom oud lie unlikely lo stop0)againtiĀ«10 l'he boy s will either canmp out at mnighit A bowlin
IAugust 16 to 2 3. lieI is the editor ot' } take on passengers. or luuits i Y. N1. C. A. gymntasiums. located in
,tf foen~tJournal on tholo relaticnh iv-th Ignifranmce of physics on rbe part of : From s.1111 Arbor the boys will go to space ont
of foremostjournal tudentrelwtionofemiv-s i' edby Akroin. 0., where they will visit the the seconc
e mug organisms to their surroundings, soesuet a lno': .,the differenche ini answvers to ',)(,lie 155 'bsrpait hnte ilmv The bur
s The speaker has not only achieved dis- tioni of whether heating a brick xvotu d ott ifo Pittsburgh to see the Westing- reinforced
of tinction as a botanist and biologist muake it lightet, (Sr' would iven bl5~t o u tisse Elect ric co~mpanty and1( the H. J. a faced b
p- but is also known for his work in the mofhtwaebelgtrteal ljlthedutrshr.Wsin-ctalh
fil fpyhooy nacodn oequal amount oti(.cold. ton antd tUniontowni, Pa., will be stops stalled.
aTDean Kraus of the Summer session, One qumestioninil part two,)xv i s:'"Wily ;otr the way to Frost burg, Mfd., where____-
mL Mr. r amtsley's lectur'e siould be ex- 1d0 musicians andtos ots have 51s(ch long thle boys will go through the big coal
''-d ntretig hair?" There> were alntost a<s illilY minies,('timberlandI, Md., is the next I tA
of}After 'visiitig Annt Arbor Mn. Tans- fhdifferent answers to( this as there stop, anid t heticdown the Potomac j C
e l ey will go to the biological stationI wetre stufdents itl the cla,4ssss. 0 ) 1 its ver until they brancht off to visit the
as Douglas lake, where he will deliver man offerefd, "Untrue. We just ilS- lint tlefields of Chambersburg and Seveno
-- lectutres to) the studlents andl also be5- agine it. Eddie Guest has real hsi's ettysburg, tourinlg through Freder-} Wei
come acquainted with northern Mich-I hair." is h (Ji the way to Washington where Wight o
igan flora. After leaving the biological, Another~ believed it was beenaise the ;three days will be spent. Mount fret-' Wei
station he will go to the University off artist wanted to save mnt(ney, A third's min antd Arlington aire onl thes list ofI Nine o'(
Chicago for" an engagement there be- gave as the reason thtt it was, "T0 $iplaces to 5se, Thut
1fore the Botanical congress. enable them to) be1 stronl er in their Ainnapolis. Iialtimoe ansd Plhiladel- Ten o'cl
--_____Iwork- -because time bible claims that ptiT't n micti ilb ii-Thu
to cu n'Iari o iaeoewa-Eleven
I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e o ocs n' ari omk 1t vn-si n the wvay to New York, a three
1 M A erhe u ci,'' a freshtan saifd it was becauIse day stlopover' Ibeinig arranged for Phil- I Fri~c
-z Lb they idid not get. it cut often eliough .1 .hi and .woa ewYr. hOnev-
Sjand a fifth student imitained that ing New York, the p~arty' will tour I F~rk
"poef)ts anfd musicians usually do ]lot ;thro'ugh tie Delaware water gap to Two o's
look p~rosper'ous. 'the weiaring of their1 Watkinls Lien and the Finger lake j hi
har on dffrntats he rom!dihct NaraFls the home of I Threc
MI E self-respect." l Antn Arbor. an Four o'
Temjrt f the students mreiliedI re
ithe mnegative to the (question "Would; Of the estimated 450,000,000 horse- I; Irregulm
Tltnk itwil ontnu fir ndphlosphrsmake i good presidet's?" } lpower' xater power resources of the Fric
1 colr.athough one student pointed to Ber, world only 30,000,000O is being utilized.1

Taxi Cab) Co. building, anfd
buck restaurant w as- started
nmo rning. '
rt & Cuthbbert, emngineer's and
s, amid the Litchfield C'o., con-
of Chicago and Jacks-ont, have
aged for the work by Amngelo
vho had been planning the
for a considerable time.
nucture which will imnclude
ares, will be two stories in
It will measure 154x50 feet.
ing alley atid poolroom will be
.n the basememit, wvith store
the first floor and offices on
d floor.
iilding will be of fireproof,
d concrete construction, with
brick and stone front. A
SeatinigIplanit Is to be in-
Commencing August 11)
o'clock classes meet
ednesday at 2
o'clock classes meet
ednesday at 4
'clock classes meet
arsday at 8
clock classes meet
mrsday at 4
So'clock classes meet
"iday at 8
clock classes meet
iday at 10
'clock classes meet
mrsday at 10
o'clock classes meet
tirsday at 2
o'clock classes meet
iday at 2
lar classes meet
day at 4.


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