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August 08, 1926 - Image 3

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JORG~ENSEN by Tristram Tupper;
Philadelphia, J. 11. Lippicott: $2.00
With the number of nvelists at pres-
ent turnilng out hooks there is apt to
be a dead level struck, but "Jorgen-
sen" rises above such criticism. The
writing here is clear, hard, with
events presented in broad strokes,
writing that is always in command of
its material. The story sets out with
Jorgensen, "a mere shell of a man"
and brings hint hack to life through
his conquest of a mountain, outward
engineering conquest, inward spiritual
conquest. There are great heightS
achieved but the defects are so seri-
ous as to make one feel the imper-
manence of the wiork.

enough that we might excuse some of
the others. The b)00k would be high-,
ly worth reading if only for the
strength of its writing.{
-R . I.P.
0 GENTEEL LADY, by Esther Forbes;
BRoston, Hounghton ii iffliii Co. $2.00'

Young t A uthoress ! Agricultral conditions andledr Southerners are as desirous of pro- Peret Now Dheads
are presented in a necessarily or -dueinlg loaders as i,4 Edwin Mlints then I'
'I~eds Sch oln'iate i, Mle ,"inner fotr always the ma sot 'there is a true arousing of th.e best Frnh41h nb


Bei e en eetd b h kof the Month club as one of the best .
novels of the month, it also is listit-i-
guished by the fact that it is Esther
Forbes' first extensive flight into lit-
prature. For the milieu of this ex-
ploit the author htas chosen that period
of American life which the blurb re-
fers to as "the dlays of stay.an
hustles, of hoopm skirts andl crinolines."
The treatment of this period usuallyi
is one of two sorts: either a kindly
spirit of ridicule is adopted or the ges- .
lure is a very -modern sneer at thet'"
narrow foibles and customs of yester-
year. Miss Forbes, revealing a per-
spicuity pierhtaps more discerning than .~
either of these, imagines the age, i
the fundamentals, as very similar to , .
thte present. La nice Bardecen, the
genteel lady and the heroine of the
book, is graced with much the same? Sylvia Thtompson, above, author of
inhibitions, repressions and animal "Hounds of Spring," a best seller in
passions, which -make the life of the' I ondlon and America, has become thef
nmodern girl so satisfying and full. bride of Peter kulin,-She and her'
For although hter environment is iden- husbandI are studnents at Oxfordj. She
tical to that which a uthors have is 22 and wrote her first novel when
taught was the current associations of she was 16.
a sheltered young lady of the age,
Lanice remains, despite all this, the to demnand of any author, and miss
woman, and her characterization is Forbes has written a book thtat seems
made all the niore convincing thereby. to nmeet the requiremnents with,
When Lanice refuses the virtuous pleasing su(ccess.,M. A. H.

n ioc ;y presents little opportuitiy
f(,: an: 'ysis while the few instaneiw 5
01f - cc(,- 'al agricultural pro'elsar;
sent themselves cearily for xanina.-
A. large prop~ortion of the book deals
with eulogies, of var'ious aot~'i
leaders from Lee' to Boolur WV,lii;-
toil. This nbase of the x oh i
more inipressi x'o than hii;a o frot h:s
an immnense appeal for tH e91110Ol'of
hc South, thloe p01,)4>for xx hoi tnse
mein were P1)( raal heroesr. ETslogy
carries into tho field of lit a pature andI
here Mar. Minms sese'',.only
of the existaflee of ,rains Branch
Cabell, Nell BatthleiLwis, and EllIa n
J lasgow tias oto? 11f d I g leaderf-,of the e
(lay. He isnt't: sure of (Cabell an8a he
miust be a frieind of Ellen tlasgoj forI
site comles in ast literary ighI light,

- I

of the er southern spirit.
!Although ii. presents but on- si - of
Iie ea )eal thant Ihe darke, r, one
cannot but thing that such a novel as
Stribling's "Teeftallow" with the pow-
erful presentation that it gives to the
forces of destruction of Southern so-
c;ec;, ;will do more to arouse men to
alona iid be a, more vahluable (dice-
mont. in the history of the Southern
l~c i io a-'than will this lengthy
trie in Ithe academic m nner.
---R. L. P.
A very read(ablhi ook ii hig;hly de-
1)01a ble 50 l)P-; of o;j~azz hais been writ -
ten ii)b an authority. Paul Whiteman,
thec kinrg of jazz ( has turned to liter-'
a an fieldcs and pr'oduced for our edi-'
fice tion '",Jazz"', published by Sears,
altlt~uith e wishes to claim no lt
erarlitinme it in htis work. Mr. Whit-

I - -, -- - - ---- -- -,

an eternal,. etc.
one over' heard
Mimis is sorry

Emnphiasis su c-Itwa,, no ttan s book

Iof her Ireceivin 1'chefo;;e. ,raim,
the Southt cannot e'ltii lins

of jazz

eivecs the history dud the
f fl'om its eairliest begin-
says that he does not

Jorgensen has escaped from a peni-
tentiary to come back to the conquest
of Black mountain which he started
but which is in other and ineffectual
hands. He is at home on the moun-
tain but he is in dlanger. He stays.
First as the shadow of the reservation
engineer and then as the recognized
director of the reservation he carries
on the work of tunneling the moun-
tain.Fiis position is mtagnificient, al-
most inhuman like a putppeteer, he
lifts his hands and the tunitel pro-
gresses. The handling of the con-
struction work is one of the most
successful elements of Mr. Tupper's
writing. His use of the chanty,
"Muckin' cars is runni' " creates a
powerful effect not easily forgotten.
The greatest single passage in the
book is the one in which we have a
graphic picture of Jim Hart, station-
ary engineer, working the conttrols of
bils donkey engine with his eyes on
the end of the boom high in the air
and bringing up safely three loads of
men in five minutes front the bottom
of a caving shaft.
The chief defect lies in the fact
that although the writing moves with
the precision of the work on the tun-
nel it fails to make its characters
convincing. We cannot, as in Norris'
"Pig Iron", for example, where the
characters plod, yet are memorable,
be sure of Jorgensen, or Ellen and
certainly not of any ntinor charact ers.
d-art lives in the one episode mena-
tioned but aside from that we know
nothing of him except his tendency to
silence. Rosalee is an exception and

his mit
of lth
lug a
t ude

fenry btit 's a tact that be-ii o
art in New York and not in Day-
a conti'ibtution to theli 'atr
ic naitiont, a, c ti 'l)lou 10uo
standing of the South, the-boo
beecause it Itries to w i -!(,l'orte
hand( mkethe pi('1 lre e.11, C'Jt"_
Id Yet present the depr sin;
as well11 with the restult ta
jumping is lhemost ,it rc IIwr i a)ieit
>Vei contfusr !7 by-this doazble t
andl one is nro :;;ire'(' ta t ,,hi -
just Where the Soithwa atI
iisi U abot its ?)tiS' Iif All

care whether jazz is an art or a sport
a Jon~ asit brings beauty into life.
Tb ais ~s o tdnienta 1 aimi, he claims,
and'' r.tht to' sonit will continue to
Ii xe a !ad to i vlop unutil it becomes
a I ii 01a r~t of our society.
i ai ilaostospenld $3,000,000 to
oria eGtttt ae esof good land that

Raoul Peret, above, former minister
of finance and proponent of a tax levy
as the solution of F'rance's financial
problem., is the new president of the
French chamber of deputies. He serv-
ed as finance minister jin one of the
Briand cabinets.


Augustus, her erstwhile admirer in -- ki
the (lays before her mother's dis- THlE ADiVANCING SOU'T, lby Edifln h(etn
grace, while she knows that she will M )inms, Garden City, N. Y.. Double.' optini
deny him, she yet is possessed with day Page & Co. $3.0 -)
the feminine instinct of makintg him "The Advancing Soulth" is comnpre
realize what he has lost. Tempering liensive and it presents two sides of,
her refusal, "S]he stood up with her the South's position hut ra ther than
hoops swaying delicately beneath her presentting them in an objective
glossy skirts. It was a trick of,,hers, draw-your-ow n-"oniclusion manner W
learned fromt Mamma. She could Minis has hopped fromt one side of tile
start this flower like swaying by giv- fentce to the other, presenting now the se
ing the skirt a secret little ihushi in darker sid e' of southern conditiolr, a k " T e ef c s s e i g y m d n r a i g o f w t n " a t n 't
Bening on the vulnerable Augustus. Icxplaint" and then following with to
Later it life when she is safely nmar-; sugar coated account of isle bright;

d'' 1I- e re,4ato
rbe you iai
hen you reia , i
Ann A rbor.
ILunch Room
338 Maynard St.

i ,


ried to the eminent Sears-Ripley, with
't woman's customary unscrupulous-
ness it the affairs of the heart, and
her husband asks her about her ad-
ventures with the dashing Captain
Anthony, she is able to lie, gracefully
and unflinchingly, that "nothing ser-
ious happened.",
Whether or not the picture Mliss
Forbes presents of the period is true,
probably is impossible to prove. But
that the story be wvell told, reasonable,

side of affairs. The treatment of t le
statt of education especially in the
colleges shows i ht inmany cas 11th
South is makin-', a real break from
the mobe control over thinking and
writing and if teaken with the gradin of
salt, that i ms is himself a profesr
is one of the ini oortant accounts of fthe



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