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August 06, 1926 - Image 1

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Show Slides To Illustrate Economic
Depression Caused By Lack Of
Needed Workers
That the Amazon valley, the home
of rubber, is still remarkably well
fitted for the raising of this product,
even though lacking the number and
type of laborers required, is the op-
inion of Prof. Preston E. James of
the geography department who de-
livered an illustrated lecture at 5
o'clock yesterday afternoon in the Nat-
ural Science auditorium on "The
Amazon Valley."
Discusses Progress
Professor James opened his talk
with a short discussion of the progress'
that men have made in the explora-
tion of the world, pointing out that;
soon there will be no more impene-
trable places on this earth and people,
will have to turn their thoughts to,
other things than exploration. One
of the places which has been most
,._ -1+- . -n~rol n h" het fow

Play Classes To
Present .Kelly's
Comedy Tonightl
Final rehearsals of George Kelly's
amusing comedy, "The Show-Off"
have been completed and everything is
in readiness for the performance of
this play tonight at 8:30 in University
The play is called by the author "a!
transcript of life." The scene is laid
in the living-room of a middle-classj
home in north Philadelphia. Into this
home comes the breezy, bragging
Aubrey Piper, who works for the
Pennsylvania Railroad at the princely
salary of $3250 per week. But, asj
Mrs. Fisher remarks, "to hear him
talk you'd think he owned the Penn-
sylvania Railroad." He has a brazen
'assurance which wins for him the af-
fection of the sentimental Amy and
the unqualified disapproval of the rest
of the family, particularlly of Mrs.
Fisher whose caustic remarks and
common-sense philosophy furnish
much amusement. But Aubrey is
1 imperious to her thrusts and his com-
placency is unshaken. Amy believes
in him, he believes in himself, and as
for the rest,--well, "a little bit of
bluff goes a long way."I
' Only a few reserved seats remaini
unsold. These will be on sale today{
at Wahr's and Slater's State StreetL
book stores. The price is seventy-five
cents. General admission is fifty
MINnrrrnnTimfi nnn I

Mexico Arrests Catholic Leaders Urging Boycott



Charles A. Gilkey of Chicago
Is. Secured For ServIce On
Oct. 31

Three members of the Young Men's Catholic board in Mlexico have been arrested by authorities enforcing
President Calles' anti-elerical legislation, and charged with refusal to obey the new laws regulating thenopera-
tion of churches and for inviting the People to disobey then. The men Senor Rafael Villareal (left), Rene
Capistran Garza (center) and Luis G. Bustos right) are accused of distributing circulars urging an economic
boycott of the government. Each is shown carrying a bag full of the circulars and Garza has some under his

Senate Slush
Fund Hearing
Is Adjourned

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ely explored in t e last eI (y AssociatePres)
s the Amazon valley, which * DUEUI B soitdPcs
sttedwAm azonvlleywhicd-CHICAGO, August 6.-- Investigation
'estgedsswiithea view to find- lfHl nnrn flit nniinii
the possibilities of the coun- UOLV iDo I
regards to the raising of rub- concluded today by the Senate cam-
)ntrary to the general impres- paign funds committee which ad-
Amazon valley is not bounded, In honor of Prof. Thomas C. True-iag ud oumte hc d
blood, head of the department of pub- journed subject to the call of Chair-
opical jungle, but in places is Vlic speaking, and his 42 years of ser- man Reed.
trable as any part of the vice as a teacher of public speaking After telling of spending $32,925.19
ain difficulties in the region.j in Michigan University, he and Mrs. for Samuel Insull and $ 3,600 of his
prvalendfceuoftiseases d the Trueblood were given a dinner last own money in the senatorial primary,
prevalence of diseases and the night in the Union by his class in ad- Samuel J Schuyler, counsel for Insill.
pamicy f di areeai be at vanced public speaking--the last he declined to say what otiler money he
Ysrdculary, Profssgraets will ever teach. At the end of the ,spent.
Ypresent summer session Prof. True- The committee today heard a sena-
out, was a perfect Amazon blood will retire and become professor ,
)m the standpoint of tempera- tonal candidate, a Chicago ward boss
emeritus.nda fim fhelhmani
d also from the standpoint of The dinner was attended by Prof d an official of the Ilinois anti-Sa-
nder shower which came In Hollister, a former pupil of Prof. Frank L. Smith, to weasgusue.<ssfulf
Nning. Trueblood, who gave a toast to the Republican senatorial eandidaey. Sam-
Amazonnavigable retiring faculty member. Prof Hunter uel Insu'll, Chicago public utilities1
mazon is navigable for ocean of Ohio Wesleyan University, an in- magnate, gave $125,000, told the in-
structor in the summer school, was vestigator that duig the campaign
iles inland, the head of navi- vsiaa htdrn h alatn
being well up in Peru. This also present. Miss Virginia Gibbon, a he "understood Insull was contribut-
bingy te opn me.th ofgraduate student in oratory, and a ing to his campaign fund."
ath inasmuch amthere ae member of Prof. Trueblood's advanced Asked if he had denie( lcharges of
atndfswcgatroads. oratory class, was toastmistress. such contributions made by his op-
roads and few goodrun. Toasts were given by Mr. Klingdale ponents, Smith said he had stated in
a regular steaniship line run also a student in Prof. Trueblood's an address at Springfield that if one I
m New York to Peru by way last class, and Prof. Hollister. Prof. rates to the public, wanted to contri-
Amazon. On the continental Trueblood gave a response as the last who had Iaid $38,000000 in reduced
i the Andes one can see both number on the program. bute to his caipaign he saw no reason
ific ocean and the Amazon, so but e shouam pantd
do they approach each other. why he should not do so.
Trdbutares Swift Turning to the affairs of the Anti-I
ributaries which flow in to the SUMMER SCHOOL CREDIT j Saloon league in Illinois, the investi-
ver are not generally navi- COUPONS TO BE MAILED gators learned from Doctor GeorgeF
or very far up their courses, Stafford, superintendent, that the dry
ar teeryenry to tbeirockrand Credit for all work done in the organization raised $1180,000 in the
d often having fals which im- Summer session in the College year ending last April of which $13,12,i5
oe n nvthg awi Ise- of Literature, Science and the went to the national league and $6,-
Arts, in the School of Education 581.15 for law enforcement.
and in the Graduate school will
mazon formerly ran into the be recorded and the credit con-!
ocean; but the Andes moun- mailed in strict accordance Hara Talks
se and cut off this course until p with thedblnksoiaorne-Is Class
ore ose nte ot o with the blanks on file in the re- In j aye' lS
arced to seek another route to } f
which' it found to the east. spective offices of those colleges. j
Students should make sure
ubber Production Drops Mrs. Kate Richards O'Hara, a mem-
region now produces only that the correct addresses are
en o w rd's sply given on these cards and that er of the Manufacturers' Association
per cent of the world's supply the courses and prominent in social work, spoke
er, in spite of the fact that it before Dr. Hayes' class in criminology
leading producer in 1910. The error. yesterday. Her subject was prison
for this fact is that the labor conditions.

Publicatin of The Sumner
Mdichigami Daily will be suspend-
day morning, August S. The
lichigan Daily will resume pub-
lication September 28.
IDean of Stmmer Session Adiocates
ProfessionalI Requirements
For Pharmics
Speak ing before the 'state conven-
Iion of the retail druggists in session
in \ay City Wednesday Dean Edward
11. Kraus, of the Summer session, ad-
voeat edthat the reiirements for en-
t-a ncecillthe pharmacy profession be
the same as in medicine and dentistry.
During a tour of Europe last
pr'ni, ' Dean lraus stated, "I made
Sspecil study of the pharmaeutical
condit ions il England, France and
Germany. I was especially impressed
withI the standards of the profession
in Germany.'
In tracing the growth of standards
ill this profession the speaker re-
marked: "We know that enormous
sIrides have been made in pharmacy
in this coonmtry aid especially in this
state due to the splendid judgment of
the state board and of its efficient
secretary. A short time ago the re-
quirement for entry into this profes-
smont was a tenth grade education and
now it is a twelfth grade education.
3eginnig in 1929 txw years of train-
ing in a higher educational institution
w ill be the requirement
'Pharmacy should be looked upon
as a profession rather than a calling
or a tradE l and it is up to you to de-
mand the respect from your fellow
citizens of your standing as a profes-

1200 Students
To Form Block
"m" Next Fall;
1By special arrangement with the
Michigan Union the plans fom- the
Student Council cheering section will
be mailed before the opening of
school to all male students of the Uni-
versity. This marks the maturing of
the Council's plans for an all-men's
section at all the big games and is the
first step in perfecting the new sys-
tem, devised after a study of similar
sections at other schools by William
A. Warrick, Varsity cheerleader and
his assistants.
The Athletic Association has set
aside a block of 1200 seats in the con-
crete stand at Ferry Field for the use
of the students exclusively. This
block lies in sections E, F, and G, ex-
tending from the 25 yard line to the
45. Each student signing for a place
in th'e section will be given a single
seat for the entire season, a specially
mtmade cap and a cape. 574 of these
caps and capes will be maize and 626
blue, while the seats will be arranged
so that the group will form :i block
"M" of blue upon a backgound ofl
maize. In addition each stu lent will
have a megaphone.
'To defray the expense of the plan
one dollar will be .charged each stu-j
dent signing for the section. Until
September 25 only upperclassmen and
sophomores will be accefted, after
that date freshmen may apply. The
students who sign must ag- ' to be
t present at all home games and to wear
the uniform. Membership in the cheer-
ing section will not preclude students
from purchasing extra seats elsewhere
in the stadium.
The home games include Oklahoma
A. and M., Michigan State, Minnesota,
Wisconsin, and Illinois. The applica-
tion blanks for football tickets will he
sent out to all alumni on the tenth of
August. A new system of filling ap-
plications has been announced by the'
I Athletic association, in that all appli-i
cations received between August 20
and August 30 will be treated as
though received on September first
and filled by lot. Thereafter applica-
tions will be filled in the order of

An outline of the plans of the Stu-
dent Council for the all-campus morn-
ing convocations in the fall was made
public yesterday by the committee in
charge of the arrangements. The plans
call for a series of six convocations at
eleven o'clock Sunday morning, be-
ginning October 10 and continuing
through November 14 under the joint
auspices of the Student Council and
the Michigan School of Religion.
Fitch Returns
The series will be opened by Dr.
Albert Parker Fitch, of Carleton col-
lege, Northfield, Minnesota. Dr.
Fitch was one of the speakers on the
spring program and will remain in
Ann Arbor this time for two days, dur-
ing which time he will be open to
whatever contacts students desire to
make. He is a well known speaker
and author of "None So Blind", a re-
cent college novel.
Patton To Speak
Dr. Carl Patton, of the Chicago
Theological Seminary, will speak in
Hill auditorium on October 17. Dr.
Patton returns this year to Chicago
after a long service in the principal
Los Angeles Congregational church.
He was also formerly a pastor of the
Ann Arbor Congregational church,
,where he preceded Lloyd Douglas and
Dr. Jump.
Gilkey Accepts
The third speaker already obtained
for th-e series is Dr. Charles W. Gilkey,
of Chicago. Dr. Gilkey is also well
known in Ann Arbor and widely rec-
ognized as an outstanding preacher to
college audiences. He will speak on
October 31. Dr. Gilkey postponed an
engagement at Mt. Holyoke and Smith
colleges in order to come to Michigan
in the fall.
The remaining three speakers have
not yet been announced.
Still An Experiment
The Student Council inaugurated
the Sunday morning convocations last
spring as an experiment in student
thought to discover whether or not
Michigan students are interested in
the best of religious and idealistic
thoughU if presented under non-de-
pominational auspices. The audiences
in four convocations in May averaged
2500, largely students and faculty.
This year plans are being considered
to limit the use of the main floor of
Hill auditorium to students and fac-
ulty, sending all townspeople who
wish to attend to the first balcony. As
far as possible it will be a student
Iroject and conflict only in time with
the services of the local churches.
ROME.--It was officially announced
at the Vatican that before non-Catho-
lie audiences are granted in the fu-
ture, it must be made clear that they
are not desired merely to satisfy curi-

there is so unreliable and oftentimes
inefficient that there is a great deal of
loss in producing the rubber and the
country is unable to compete with the
better labor conditions of the East
Indies, which are troubled with no
such problems.
Labor Situation Difficult
In the properous days of 1910 and
thereabouts many beautiful buildings
and improvements were made in the
Amazon valley and now these are for
a large part falling into decay, be-
cause the country can not afford to
support them. The speaker showed
one slide of a magnifident opera house
which has heard many of the leading
opera stars of all times and which is
now used for the storage of what little'
rubber is still produced in the region.
This is all due to the fact that the lab-
or situation in this region is so much
more difficult than in the British col-
onies, because the climate and coun-
try is well fitted physically for the
development of the industry.
There is another common miscon-

ception as to the fertility of the soil in
the country, Professor James stated,
for it is not exceptionally fertile as
seems to be generally supposed. It is
sandy and weak and requires a great
deal of fertilization.
Other industries which are growing
up in this section are the raising of
sugar, which is greatly hampered by
the United States tariff, the raising of
Brazil nuts, and a small amount of
vegetable farming.
R yr
-Phophesies possible thunderstorms,.
but little change in temperature,

Mrs. O'Hara has visited all the im-
portant penal institutions in the
United States, with the exception of
San. Quentin prison in California.
ROME.--Accompanied by lay and
ecclesiastical courts, the Pope made
an official visit to the Pauline Chapel
of the Vatican to enjoy the indulgence
of St. Francis of Assisi, on the seven
hundredth anmiversary of her death.

rlAI YORK --AN-- ---Y

American League
Chicago 7, Boston 2
New York 8, Cleveland 2
St. Louis 7, Philadelphia F
Detroit 6, Washington 4
National League
St. Louis 11, Brooklyn 9
New York 7, Cincinnati 4
Chicago 6, Philadelph'ia 1
Pittsburgh 4, Boston 3



tILl! t UIiI U III1IU UUII _______1_
L i 0 SU BRUN 10 Go
NEW YORK, Aug. 5--Eleven men
and one woman from. the Broadway1
j iigt (.Jlb district were under arrest :
today and 77 doctors, druggists, drug The resignation of Dr. D. W. Bronk
corporation heads and whiskey agents of the department of physiology was
were under indictment, all for dry law announced yesterday. He will accept
violations. a place on the faculty of Swarthmore
The arrests were made late Wed- college, where he will be in charge of
nesday in raids condocted by federal a newly established department of
agents and the police, and the indict- physiology and bio-physics. In ad-
ments were returned by a federal dition Dr. Bronk will organize Honors
grand jury that had been investigating work in physiology. Swarthmore is
alleged "Iwescription bootlegging" for recognized as one of the outstanding
several months. The indictments I schools in the development of Honors
charged conspiracy to violate tho na- courses.
tional prohibition act. Dr. Bronk came t othe University in
1921 as instructor in physics. In
CAPE TOWN.---John Xavier Merri- 1924 he became instructor in physi-
man, one of South Africa's leading ology and this spring was promoted
statesmen, is dead. to Assistant professor of physiology.

(Commencing one week from t
August 4)
Seven o'clock classes meet
Wednesday at 2
Eight o'clock classes meet
Wednesday at 4
Nine o'clock classes meet
Thursday at 8
Ten o'clock classes meet
Thursday at 4
Eleven o'clock classes meet
Friday at 8
One o'clock classes meet
Friday at 10
Two o'clock classes meet
Thursday at 10
Three o'clock classes meet
Thursday at 2
Four o'clock classes meet
Friday at 2
Irregular classes meet
Friday at 4.


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