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August 06, 1926 - Image 2

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Published every morning excep t Mondayl
during the university Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publica-r
The Associated Press is exclusively en-'
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub- i
lished herein.
E~ntered at the Ann Arbor, 'Michiztan,'
postothece as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $ i. 5o; by mail,
Offices: Press Building, Nlay nar d street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Comimunication, if signed as, evidence of;
good faith, will be pub]lished in The Sun 'oer
Daily at the discretion of the Editor. 3n-
signedl comnmicatioils will receive no )Con-
sideration. The signatunre may be omitted in
publication if desired by the writer. The
Sumiincr Daily does not necessarilyv c-dorse
the sentiments express ed in the communica-
ti on s. j {s (i
Telephone 49
Editorial Board-...-,ugc-ne I11 (-ntekL)St
City Editor..-.-....--------William R. Btreyer
Music and Draina---------William in -,Lucas
Woman's Editor.....--------ulia Ru~ th row n
Night E,itors
William Stockwell T '< dorI etiorulerger
Paul J.- Kern 1'rcdci, k S-hilt1dn
Douglas Doubleday

WVhile the quite advisory B~oard of TON IGH lT:---Thie tl atsses n Play-Pro.
Indian Commissioners was in session duction under the direction of Prof.
yesterday at Duxbury, considering l I. C. Hunter, will present George
what ought to be donte, but never wilyl kyh-\ "The ShoQw-off."
he, with the Indians, the National *
Council. consisting of 28 Indian na- t' :t: REt AMER':1 ICAN F1.t OUR-
1t011s ori trib~esof the North west, Xwas;5 FITSHIt
in sess itn at. Spokane, Wash. Both f1
I hlose gatherings Xwere perfuinctoi ii nylligta h rnai
ratherCI than useful. At Spo0kanie, the , t;' kOn 01. 1925-1 926 shtould iend with
Indiano, changing t heir tweed suits snoT (ia lplay as "The SbhoIw-Off." For

I r
., I

andii cut~aways and P aniamna hat s forill.thl('f1irst pllate', it achieved the env i-
loggings and blankets andl war-lbon-';'1)1le record of having runl over eight
nets. danced for the mmisetflent of the hu dred pe-rfot'lances in NowXVfork.
idily assenmbled palec-faces. 'The Boardt S1i itti t lsX . coticedledl(though not
of Indian Commissioners can t)oMath- XX ;tt(led I the Pulitzer Prize, by three
ijug e'ff(Cct ivy inl the SetI' Vice of th e Ina- lh'adlng (drauia tie critics, IlI cwood
dians, nor can .tbe Indian Counc it at 1t3rIt ,.leIl(le1(r \Vooll cot 1. and Rob-
suoka te. rThu Indians, wve are now ertReci hley~.
re~tgutIa rlx t old by the governmwent stat - It dI'scribes -'the antics of a WVest
isticans, ire 1n0 longer 'diminishing tit:I 'lt iladel phia clerk, a Iliar 'aid a )li-ag-
I urn ers. On the other hand they in- I (--r h leis at'(1once iitat~tin1'gacid
O~r tea)+ -,lsiglhtly in number front decade appealing ill his impIert inences. Ali-
to tle(Kadoc .1us It lie same, thle race is luey PiLper c'oun ot. be a product of
fatdin awitXXay, becI use its fcet beeomes I any Voter' counitry.lie slaps his pros-
taler fromt general ion to gent-rat it wlict iv e father-i in-hi XVonth1le back, is
Soon the su rviv e,'AmineiitInudin i - ld(nto ,sw ee~ ear't SItotllher
will be but a bleached remnitSCeice a tid soot hesteilt b promllises" of
of the ''noble red uia rilEe overtop- x ' ,1<Ith which tis ut teri-t jtvosibl' of

Special Tables of Books of
Interest' to Educators
At Both Ends of the Diagonal
"What awliale of a diffierence
just a few cents make!"


Dona Boyle
William Finlay
Frances (Guste
Lawrence Ilymnl

N ita Kcllcy
NI amy MacDonald
I ng-1'. cKeanm
1targ aret \'ardL

Telep'hone 21214I
Circulation--------------------K-nneth, iii
Advertising..................From is No q
Mdabel Chambers Laurence Van't'uvl
William F. Cook Mildred WVilliams
Edward Solomon
FRIDAY,:AUtGU'S T 6, 1020
Night I'dit or -T. It 11 O NBIIGI

ping white race will have his land. -. ttti IIert
zi -vel 1 as, in t he end (1, Al lItis pet to 1Lven ati
} le ni ntd toal. o e n 1T e n b e r d m n ; a e o e i m Th o
that:' leHeIas. file had a good deal ri~tlz inst
of cruelt y inlt i,,coniposit ion almlostI ill. XXII
peri'ltps1asmuchIta-5 thle Xwlitet, a w's hriwii
air -h~o dilh ltOS,:'Sed hint- but lie had dig aclieve st
joist bityv, a fiuedegree of juodic ious ('otrt", ab -le thelanit
isentimtfltlt 0 ser'enle detiol itto hit ,s" - ch
t ribes itd his kindrt't, and{1 a5gret' at to ilo ai
atn actla IXweighi tt'fbrain ill his c 1_r cv n h had
-Et rum. tlt'efor ounnce, as the boasted 1, at hot- doe>
mln boastful t'aneas<+iait race. In ltis solute tli-,t'
songs and idtles lit'produ-ed ptlett'X' 'le011
of a find type, anid in his ('lotqileni, good, altho
-'council oraltitns lie' hadlthe suiperior' ha-.ari
Ax -nceuitv to call 1li, pottry a '"boast."'' i tuft'
Hie was ca pa ble of ('iviliza tion, and! tthre iy, the
pr'oved thlit fact in Me xico, in Maya-' y h tIie01)1tr
U M latnd and IillI Peru, hut in this land; 14.,,417 .,

automoilec citdetnt -itn
sC' c ar-t'annot chasten
mutsli ll Itis misfortunes heI
le zanie cheerful idiot. Anid
let t linoug"h his ihtoth eu'-itt-
s andt Itis oXwn ; all lhe does
:-ccss, lie is morec insuffer-
oeCr. And t is Ithis very
Ise q 118 ity that etndear's him
adience. flecauise lie is not
fait hful to his Nvife anti a1
t t (11ap- -in spite of his aht-
'a dfor te triut h.
r chara cter's are equally
01 gl they serve mterelyv as
lnd for the attivities of t ile
t'eitot her, initolerantt of
le fat blet, always antnoyed
rulsiveness of the hero, anid
atd, the qiet, rat her bathte-

-all the difference
between just an ordinary cigarette
and - FAT IMA, the most skillful
blend in cigarette history. 11,


P I t l, Ix i al't

A fittinig examnple of thelitinisad ni in< le proved Ithalt'ecared miore for 1per- i(. brot her-in--aw-
istatiouofth I ii v-rst t a Ii-sottal fteedlom iand for Ithe tinest typt' "Tfhe ShowX-Off"' is in every respect
(If sporti n Iudi ug war, thant he ii
found in thle all egretlsituweri-'00totf01for compicl at ed anid highly (developed aone's y aytiteilntioyn.ty
Waterman gym nastrrthr. We say al- social systemus.-Hils philosophy of lie *.*
leged becaust- it is calle-t a shiower tisitltedoin iiIiite olst physica type; It sems t hat -you (-raf't turn aiound
roomandit ook lile shwert Iale Xworl dhas evIIr Seen,.The 'xx it iot seinig notits of aothIie
Apoll11o lhe lxidere oft'the rcks wa~s a, Shtawv play .Annitarborho'1as had fout
but it. is inpousitle to obtain a show- creature of the imaginatitin, butl Rott
er there. C u ring thle Summtoer session jamnrtist has told us that among' ny1 ftelrenme ~ hwro fh~e n h 'rn ~np
ers have been turned on. it' rtean;r manl- w1V ctitiXV'Ran Atpollo TheuIdianM
er have been tui'ned of that the pipes killed his enones with aro refine-,
may be t hortitghlIy rni-osldHby lt' tinle'soul iii btot'. a, ccttceSte
school retopen s in the fail. Of the 14 Tbht-Indi ai t oday is hn I pli
showers turnd on tiei-e is notl one shadow of his foim'rnst.flie is lit-
that wXoks piroperlyv: theyt-varet- iitherin- g r~iapidl1y civil izetd alotng the ine of
ho~ltgi pwlI 'ilat eii-t= ii vices lie has earned a new trictk 4
I tt-k of tltitty. I liatnitltidili1
that only a small tri'kletf Xwaer may ptrsttuah ginrsil y itle~ing e fomitted
seep through or they rn onotly scal-siiiantI cultivated outlt im iit. The m~arcthi
ingly 13io1 or icy tcolid xwatei-. it is f i- of his inIttellett is ini flIe'direc-titont of
possible to get onie atdjutsted to the Iain Itrliy No loniger, inl an access of i
right t empeiratulre. EIvidectnIv tly tse,-laxishlnes - does ih-annuaally best oXX
shwr at e'i iigttto fu oli 1liis possessions, to thle last bead'l
time as it wou~ild hto-impolssibtle for an tht' last ;tiongriepup, onrtihis fe -y
low-t Iiljcsiti('l e Jo''xhatks-up1)''witht
thenm to get tin suchI a condition a
they art' in a shot miSpace- of timet. teal- etiei.'.pttiist htii
Pi k n i i rts o i h l n , adUniversity 1to beautify its g rtounds a ntH ie plosit s his check in l e hba tnk .- In -
its buldtigs, teslitow - - il h>Kopcn'1~g ciillrrstdfr
nothingis1Spet lter )1tibe ftt hI lt~i1S fti'sagory' i es a'rs i tl
the stt'ut A w ise adini str'ationt~P''hi ti uottblo tit uvl
has deemetd it, advisable to, makie the heii'mtikles a shotwXX of htisel f, paint-
part tof thle camputs that greetsite eye fig liis s kiti and xhiiting- the sar
of te txpaer mturng roun th t lance iii a time 01fIpipintg Pcace, witht
University as pleasingt"as po sille but I boutgtt cit wigs at, his belt for seal ps., George Bernard Shaw~
[ It' is no longer eithernoble~ or t red, I.
as long as these taxplayer's are too iii.,I it the la~t 3yeat, NwV Ytrk produced
difernt o t- Ot IoR'I tti cci vsanexce pt withItanilitnt'aid. Yet not ll
difl crest to t~c~t out oft heicr n.(tre in the season just past, and( now
if they d i, pirobablly woult d nevers ii is kinidrtedaret'in thiis degenerate ~I rii tteGr'c nIe
such places as shti xer roomts.,i it has is frus t lin iwy 11 n i it has annunoitced a two-week's run
ntdtaeitth iriult'It li tteit p.!(iW illhi t~tImibitll o ltethr-of ''apt ain Brassbound s tversion'
Anything is gioo)1 enou~lght ftr -ue ,;fi- eater0If tbe fitutre Amercatn raca; egn gNoda.CpinBs-
dents. And after thet showers have illh u Ili tleo tunies houind is by no means the best-known
been nteglecte'd beyond r -H i-nt ;i ott. vntg'. of hawv's plays, btut it is nevertheless
the taxpayers niay-be shown thlroughi an excllnone f(ol' r stage presetta-
the place an~d pr len-s t the legisla- ' RGFER E OA NS TO SC HOL1AR.SIIPS ifo. Thie scene is laid in Moocco.
ture appIrtopriates sufficientifunds to (Thtt New York "Timtes) lrass od is te hleaer (of as unsav-
r'eplace t he olid Xwithii iew.X A l ile r- Two reasons are given by fte St]I o'x-t hanil of cut-Ihtoats as haver
paliring fromnt tine to timite and i a little (Ietho s' Loan)itv(isVioitnttf Iiart'mtiid (eve-r gracetd the :stage, and they kidnap
cleanting out woouIdti ave the state 1111(lit iou ftii'holdin g that It is ge)-ti ladty V icily Wyti tcte, ilglish toble-
thousands oftdollIa rs-iarul w oulti prtoi- rapslyblt teti-nto ]I o'ttmoney to the'! omIan181 ofideptntdent iature and
vidle pleasant baths forth1le siudn'ts. j t udeut of sinall resoultrces [hant it s!X wiat IX't it trtus tendencies.
Thr eyears ago wXhen'tithe Varisity tor iv'' butt aitit Is tll-il a scholar- 'I'lleplay was xwriten it 1819 atd
teamts wetrc usingVa termlan )gyill 1)8langie,5o- ' tuensatItha t imae was rat her raiical, showX-
sum the showeris wers et itt perfetct a feeliutg' tf stjif-depi-ud encetwhtich XhOwttotsisido
ordher. Sint) iCIhey'havxe hf. not lin ugthIety dii nt tgelt frtom XX'hat is Ia furl'titstay- at ioim81a(1 he cot et witt a
has bleentdonte. Of coIurst', such things -;ft'harity. BtSidi's, it Ihs clleges ic ( f iuexcititg ease. Nice girls of
shouldI be ke pt fit perfect (lvi i-t'wh ent- runWntiig at atde ficti -as they- can it'(, ninieties (ini't tdo those things.
teteamis are 'us ing It'it. for lit s,foit'anty lilurpiose' lii'Itt iliy pidi Bes icthe 1lit (uancipat itn-of-wonten
teamusar e thle Uniivrsitys only big ad - libatk byttesc stuitditits. I ttutehitaX also turns the fie of his
vertiseentt It seoul s to sh ow a hit Expe rie'nce not ovrin~-' tg fouri':years V evasi aiig wi, as he has since in
or iscimiitiu aion th stdens. as how tht te brroer-arebon oher plays, on religion, int the shape
Nothing is too gotodlfor athiiletes but11i-St.-Not it]it e all o f 1 ten[ihaveye rof-,eic t~inty hi h
- f r 11 ttlli i~ t ti dt t 10 111) ! I Iath e -i iilli~ed t t lim(o n ey tb o rro w e id , hutml n o n ce) c' i rs f i t a l ifetm e of ecclesia stic
the faculty au ' htIi ic:ueli'has repitdialeilI lwi debt,. eing ini lbe activit y, has mlade ontly 01ne cnv(rt.
student boidy of aisi111g t iltits I t~o 1 la 1tspet nt 0unlikce onc other -And hiesides this, G. I13. .takes a few
undue height to the neglect itt schol- :ii ich -discusstt detois It has hen good-natterei. digs at the British no-
astr or? athr ncnsstet renice hilmn broer ae a hiit.. hxcellent entertainment, this
the part rtf si he hs o fh cis, isn'thit ? at uti;namkingItheir I"pa yitltIs.This seemts 5 ( ~p11in Bra shound. ........
Migns rieV a enhirlelto lie ductto nothing worse 1thaitcare- Wiliam iR. Breyer.
front coast. ti coast Slite18has agreat. iossat'ss in- lack iot buisiness sense, anid ----
'deal tof pride but it is a gaudy., a play- it has helt'intictted t hat the promptest fact; that the very poor have compara-
to-the-grandstantd pride. What matter! payers are not those from families' in ively little experience with credit and
bow rotten hier internal workings are jt(tt etr (irnstatces, biut fromt those have learned to pay cash or at the
as long as she can keep) a clean face f ho have lived in rt'al poverty. appolited Fluee, while in circles a little
to the world? That is explicable, probably, bay tb.+ higher debts are snore famnilar.




Vacation aMd
Olltillg Needs

AT. 1924 .."
c7 +


ENTS All kinds, Wall Tents, Umbrella Tents,
quito and Chilrr-en's Play Tents. Flies,


Camp Furniture and Equipment



or Cottage, Porch, Lawn or Touring -Folding
$3.50, Stools 65c, Tables, Air Mattresses, Sleep-
Bags, Duffel Bags Navy Hammocks, Stoves,
Is, Axes, Luggage Racks, Folding Buckets,
ikets-in facts, everything for camp or touring.

Large Showing of


Priced from $3.00 up. See our line before you buy.
White Duck and Blue Serge Navy Trousers
Khaki, Linen, Palm Beach and Light Weight Trousers. Breeches and
Knickers for ladies and men. Light weight Shirts in Khaki, Poplin, Broad-
cloth, Flannels, etc., for dress or outing wear. Underwear, all kinds for
your comfort these warm days. Wool Bathing Suits---1-2 Price.
High Tops and Hip Rubber Boots for the
Fishing Trip. Shoes, all kinds.
In Leather, Corduroy, Wool Plaids, etc.
Surplus Supplies Store
Downtown in rear of Postoffice 213 North Fourth Ave.


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