F #'ummpr ESTABLISHED 1922 Sir i uu :Iaitj ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY AND NIGHT WIRE SERVICE 1L XV1.II '.). AN-INn A ....M...A.F..AY. A GUT.,_92 I V U-. XY1. Ao. 4G ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, A ITGITST 6, 1926 s PRICE FIVE CENTS LABORHPROBLEM iS ACUTE ON AMAZON, SAYS PROF. JAMES GEOGRAPHY TEACHER LECTURES ON ROME OF RUBBER, NOW IN "HARD TIMES" DESCRIBES RIVERS Show Slides To Illustrate Economic Depression Caused By Lack Of Needed Workers That the Amazon valley, the home of rubber, is still remarkably well fitted for the raising of this product, even though lacking the number and type of laborers required, is the op- inion of Prof. Preston E. James of the geography department who de- livered an illustrated lecture at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon in the Nat- ural Science auditorium on "The Amazon Valley." Discusses Progress Professor James opened his talk with a short discussion of the progress' that men have made in the explora- tion of the world, pointing out that; soon there will be no more impene- trable places on this earth and people, will have to turn their thoughts to, other things than exploration. One of the places which has been most ,._ -1+- . -n~rol n h" het fow Play Classes To Present .Kelly's Comedy Tonightl Final rehearsals of George Kelly's amusing comedy, "The Show-Off" have been completed and everything is in readiness for the performance of this play tonight at 8:30 in University Hall. The play is called by the author "a! transcript of life." The scene is laid in the living-room of a middle-classj home in north Philadelphia. Into this home comes the breezy, bragging Aubrey Piper, who works for the Pennsylvania Railroad at the princely salary of $3250 per week. But, asj Mrs. Fisher remarks, "to hear him talk you'd think he owned the Penn- sylvania Railroad." He has a brazen 'assurance which wins for him the af- fection of the sentimental Amy and the unqualified disapproval of the rest of the family, particularlly of Mrs. Fisher whose caustic remarks and common-sense philosophy furnish much amusement. But Aubrey is 1 imperious to her thrusts and his com- placency is unshaken. Amy believes in him, he believes in himself, and as for the rest,--well, "a little bit of bluff goes a long way."I ' Only a few reserved seats remaini unsold. These will be on sale today{ at Wahr's and Slater's State StreetL book stores. The price is seventy-five cents. General admission is fifty cents. MINnrrrnnTimfi nnn I Mexico Arrests Catholic Leaders Urging Boycott FOR FA~LLSERIES iOF CONVOCATIONS DR. ALBERT PARKER FITCh WILL RETURN TO ANN ARBOR FOR OPENING SUNDAY I PATTON IS SECOND Dr. Charles A. Gilkey of Chicago Is. Secured For ServIce On Oct. 31 Three members of the Young Men's Catholic board in Mlexico have been arrested by authorities enforcing President Calles' anti-elerical legislation, and charged with refusal to obey the new laws regulating thenopera- tion of churches and for inviting the People to disobey then. The men Senor Rafael Villareal (left), Rene Capistran Garza (center) and Luis G. Bustos right) are accused of distributing circulars urging an economic boycott of the government. Each is shown carrying a bag full of the circulars and Garza has some under his arm. Senate Slush Fund Hearing Is Adjourned complet years i was inv ing out try in r her. Co -sion the by a tr( as pene Unitedc The ma are the high hu comes times. pointed 'day, fro 'ture an the thu the mor The A steamer 3,000 m gatiof I is pract transpor no rail There is 'ning fro of the divide it the Pac closelyc The ti main ri gable fe h'aving swift an pede pr son. The A Pacific tains roE It was f the sea, R$ This about 5 of rubbi was the reason f ely explored in t e last eI (y AssociatePres) s the Amazon valley, which * DUEUI B soitdPcs sttedwAm azonvlleywhicd-CHICAGO, August 6.-- Investigation 'estgedsswiithea view to find- lfHl nnrn flit nniinii the possibilities of the coun- UOLV iDo I regards to the raising of rub- concluded today by the Senate cam- )ntrary to the general impres- paign funds committee which ad- Amazon valley is not bounded, In honor of Prof. Thomas C. True-iag ud oumte hc d blood, head of the department of pub- journed subject to the call of Chair- opical jungle, but in places is Vlic speaking, and his 42 years of ser- man Reed. trable as any part of the vice as a teacher of public speaking After telling of spending $32,925.19 ain difficulties in the region.j in Michigan University, he and Mrs. for Samuel Insull and $ 3,600 of his prvalendfceuoftiseases d the Trueblood were given a dinner last own money in the senatorial primary, prevalence of diseases and the night in the Union by his class in ad- Samuel J Schuyler, counsel for Insill. pamicy f di areeai be at vanced public speaking--the last he declined to say what otiler money he Ysrdculary, Profssgraets will ever teach. At the end of the ,spent. Ypresent summer session Prof. True- The committee today heard a sena- out, was a perfect Amazon blood will retire and become professor , )m the standpoint of tempera- tonal candidate, a Chicago ward boss emeritus.nda fim fhelhmani d also from the standpoint of The dinner was attended by Prof d an official of the Ilinois anti-Sa- nder shower which came In Hollister, a former pupil of Prof. Frank L. Smith, to weasgusue.