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July 25, 1926 - Image 2

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SUNDAY, JULY 25, 1926

Published every morning exc'ept NondayI
during the University Summer Session by1
the Board in Control of Student Publica-1
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not othe-r wise
;redited in this paper and the local news vub-I
lished herein.
Fntered at the Ann Arbor, Michianr,
postoffice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $1i. 50 by mail,
$2. 00.
Offices: Press Bluilding, M tixnat d Street,'
Ann Arbor, Michigan.


him. fiTlfliMy Mlt to hia (lic-I iav that lat_ (9 1 18 itd5i4i 5l9tllltut t1A1 11teue ul lun

Communications, if Signed as eviaence ofi
good faith, will be pubtlished ini The Su'umer
Daily at the discretion of the Lditor. -in-
signed commnicatioits will receive no con-
siderationt. The sigilatttrytt ay be omitted in.
publication if desired by the writer. The
Summer Daily does not ntecessarity endorse
the sentiments expres~sed in the communica-
Telephione 4921
Editorial Board..Lugene Il. IttiehLun t
City Editor. ..............Williat tI. Iircycr
Music and Diramta........ Williamt C. Lucas
Womn's Editor...........Julia 1 uth ltroxt i
Night Editors
William Stockwe.ll ThFecdore I lornberger
Paul J . Kern Fren.derick 2>hliti'
Douglas Doubleday

ter' s superiority, thet syiiipat. for
the victim is more often one of admlir- M s A ds
rihtos ndgatoi.Drama
1 The Det roit Saturday NigiJ , ith "TB I: IAlDVhC" !p c a
its customary' frankness and truthful- As thet. final prodhuction of their sea- Itr
Mess takes a little (lig at Williamnil ill Ann Arbor "'I'l Player's" will n e
1 pinlihILXlS nihs(inagllresent Colin Campbell Clemlent's iro-
algainst captial lpunishmlent. \V cs~i~~ali ild-ta "h -adc'
1making bold to reprint it with the i 'Th "adc'i nuetoal h
comel n tshate "haain loedi to them finest kwork of the brilliant author per-
hiwrelnsh.e"ew lse1 bhops best known for his two collec-
"Wh'lile Willie H earst is flooding thle tiotis of plays, "'Plays for a Fmolding
couniti' with a pollya na phamplet Theatre",antd "Plays for Pagans."
against capital punishment, we read Th ~le Ilaitluc is the traditional her
in his l)et roit paperunder date of 2 ,5 of hbeRounian peasantry; he is
years ago, the following D etroit ne(ws: the bold outlaw, ever warring against
" There waredI149 acicide ntal deafh., res-traint, whose exploits are ewer
33 suicides, and tITfl liC'E MtlZDi )i'ls Sitroude~d ini f ;eatinig mystery. A
fromt July 1. 1.90(0 to Jully 1, 1901.' fa t eems evier to) pursue himt, yet Itoe
"'Thre iurders in a year. Ini pro - IS 1?h gayest and most reckless of be-
potion01 to populatat ion that rate would n." lle is a boy, slender but -
gvje 112 or 15t ntrlers in a year no0w, builIt, Milh dark eyes, and very red F R
Wfe are getting mutch ne are(ronceai lips.,Ile ienaks with an air of sell- IF R
(uay. The intte r v e nitng 7) youar, has iss urane .. one linht evenl call
been the era of fie -,,(a t Sobt. )n e of' it bvavsado. Mr. Clement s has spent 1 S
the biggest, sobs of all is being 1)pul1- ,Many years inl Roumania1 and the :year,
eli oft in a Dehtro it t hea<t r(, whlor", Ltad his last is obviously the
vou see a xvofaili on a hltiit~ci' strike, ti-eiEst.Wihout losing any of the
againtst the hangBing of a lintird eve F, s hfcebilliantc whiecIh constitutes I
whlo happens to he her It us1ban ti , at11 -nn ic fdlitant lands, he has
50 centsI a thirow xx' td xvhaIese-hae r iid h m lotf painting tlleTIE'NA4
you. ir-in ha fotalr >>elintohtat' av-!ct rs as i exo Ic as his landscatpe- THE MA IVLXN WH110 CAN
ic'ed treati ing murderers and Allother Pi:;-is not ably true in "The, Ilaidue N HO WL.B.
criook s w it i .lo le a nid it fic t io ,10 11 (1 -N e - a b e l t m o a y A llleriO NE- I j / ,L L B E 5'A
lett in g th'.lie XX i slx111(atillofr, _ iuaso ~ t tillor F oltib~ill ti suSnit 'ssf ill v TRITE SAYINGBI T1
ihleictitmissiflttfor tlt't1elV 1 . i_~oany different genres. Here wec iT\i''Z U'
n icbiiga ii ('rim Coot to lis i in.-lit ae1)1 td h'liii fodness for contrast: the 1IT'S ' NORTH REMVIEM
1-nte"vie tiii h re ('ttsharply againlst IT A TB V R
1 (1 ta ied~iled realisnil of thse bac k-TOH A TB EV R
-SEEFK AND )VE I-. II A i'[IND" Iit'nn1, l iedden trans ition from WE CAN'T MAKE YOL..
Mayor \Wade ltvii111ol Btal ~ whim itI fa) ey, frome romance to
gt-,I-,rieitviii(iie t ta amt- n Ixrs hoghHl11h 1ELP YOU I F'YOU AR
cta osof the shifting- imoo(d, a suirezi
fisale of tauy ihnOtig raililrecord l a-I edge oof the bumnnpirit. "Noth-
Xv ie Iliunigli Ibe I ertied t l gar or 1-1l- I e-i vird Ithan tthe ioplening 51'I'il t
Oc.:eit Would be stipped in the Louis- itt imwbaz ar''s-Robert -ilyer,
ladi apailtal.tmiold beito an aditittpreluideto inwhat
'[li d~~iel I' les n li edeh itionsI 2tIo follt xv-The (hatter, thle colors.
of v'ulgarit y or i tnl'yuiivMany0 s- -rg,- telit mm i ttltI, hese form a sort of or-
XXIIich arte sg ~t ''to o 5011 oarie tnt! I Ilk't ~t ia Iovet rcto the single voices
so to others. Mnyrecords are viil- Ihitihone by onte detach themsel ves
Ia F ini thene tha1t they lack d ign - I"roil, file (confusion, until finally the2I
ily, but s urelyv such a fact shl dl( not1 Tisait~i him self appfears. Then
in ruling yr I'nnt- \dfrad it is th)rough his ears that ee 1.1~+rX/ n"' " ,.s.:
hi.i-; and h s that w eright
ler<Y, remr ar-ely is a rtic cl ii iide- I( O e . --
(Ci tiiit ~ at adii it t ii o ifh ~ tlir~ih tatsad ca d terrible eli-1
Ionn. ntinhemiddle Alt where the
Thetes (t intitentv aitlrol ,'-I. ssr chaacters lr: resolved with

Tables of Books of
est' to Educators
At Both Ends of the Diagonal



Douna Buyle
W illiam Fiinlay
Frances Gusten
Lawrence Hymnan

Nita Kelley
Mary M c~oitaid
George 4'. NMC cai
Margaret W.ard


Telephonte 2121-
Circulation ...................Kentneit Havent
Advertising..................F~rancis N orqutis-t
_Mabel Chambers Laurence VanTuylI
William F. Cook Mlildred W illijats
Edward Solomon
SUNDAY. .JULIY 25, 1926
Night Editor- PA-1, J.- RE R



rember Federal Reserve System


It is alwaiys ainusii;;toseet'li,',
swindler stung. T1he pastXwatr antI the
later financial crises amtong the En-
tente afford an opport unity to view
first h-and t his urare' anid ito oensol v
satisfying spectacle.
The amazinig chatiract1er a nf amnti
of propaganda that was brought to
the shore of receptivex America byv
the Allies before the ['iiit ed St ates
was finally induced to enter the war
has become inore and more a pparent
ever since tihe signinug iof It'eArinis-
t ice. The disclosures of vr lons 1ii,!Ws -
paper correspoiident s, returnmed sold-
iers, and officeiss ha ye made' the xxi(e-
awake Amtierican0 51uspiciton that the
true state of' affairs wisn00 quit e as-
he was led to belieoxvi, It seems that
in some- aspecets oif the xwar lhe had
been h umibugged, al11 for the sake of
morale of (0ourse, but thani, distinctl y
The purtpose' of the Allie's was to get
Amierican money an It supplies. andl,
observing the ''all's fair ini love andt
war" principle, b~y aniy mens ossi-
ble. WIle they are not to be blamed
for the sucecess of their sand (y bits of
literature, neit her can they lie comn-
miseratedl on thie veryv(isconcer'ting
string they found a ttchod to t heir
success. The caopitat was not a gift.
While it wans easy to fool the great
masses of Amierican pe(ople into gi'ving
their lives, the Allies have found it,
was imp~ossible to influence the hiardi-
headed Anierican business man into
laying down his capital on the altarj
of liberty or demuo(racy. He is too!
discerninug (o be cajoled by the gay'
propagand~a of yesteryear.
The plainuts of the Al lies for cancel-
lation of their debt to theIut 'iiteli
States were just as fervid as -their xwar
propaganda camnpa igtns cirnca 1917.
the difference being that - at th at time-
the capita lists were in fa voir of the'
plea, while they now aric distinctly not,

0000CCC CCC" .C000@S

r' ,

ityr is too often i inthi andlsof Icliswxiftbitt;till aecusiiig satire, into thirl
xxhlo are lookting for e'vil, on .st't ent "lt'ptristircs of futility." This t,1-I
v tbhey till(d it.- It is tihoe tIiat 1punt an- -I eainof univyerisal ideas and enmo-
c al ttiiids ceae to 1f orce theirt-,.oliiitozl a single rchat-actor is
cOp1t illitSof mrigh t atiti wroui g 11) t tt iftI, and ltho ''Ilaiduc'' is axiid-
their "less mofral'' neighbors.k; ',x'it=g drattut, "ih ich htunns its
___________________________ ittideuiIlS iito thin(itenlse depths of
-The League of Ntations Nv ill ntt -c ti i'5a Lgn ONil' 'h
11 t'-o stec~sutti tt -t-iahni~hmt prrToe', ye, t loaves them at
st rins wit ittit i~t~ti~- M moig te hnaltitrt am with a hopeflul---or
- . 11ha Itv--nding.
enough toicae Bti ornitof0the niat ion: -j
to wanlt to go to w,-,ir.' . Alan I,.1en- tLu hihly' ieit'iacl tentlent in this
son, itl i' s iiii1) beignored.,(either. Mr.
Parul S;ep 1ttsail s 5pons5ible2for
Il havXe sxworn uliiti te altar of'te roslpeimia1i atieut
,d fothiI'lay P'roduct ion 'lasses
thbe lvinrg God i-Ierunal iosi hlit y tY -l.<L; u eni
agaitnst everly for-miiof t ta Ia nov oY her t l, ,rsa:,ft- ft- last five weeks, anid
the muindt of tran'',"-Tonias ,Jteffer-son. ;;, ba. iih]ian t and clolrful back-
- I ind to flte ac thto 'The whole pro-I
'Ii thelieoplt)tle calt ilot idistctiss tOle'Gtlilt I Wtwill be staiged with a lavish'-
xxar Ihey have ttot to light antid pay ' o ,ml-nineso'elit of nio prodtuctioni

When it's a rainy
night-and with three crafty
bridge players your luck
is running wild
- have a Camel !

for, xwhio unoder heavencain ?"' Tbco -
don' Parker,



(T'hie lEmpoiria Dailly GazetteI)
'Tle one big se'cret i-;sue 0 i Aiiter_
itnipolitics is thianefaI (if theleprnt-'
amy. The lug, rich corporatikons that
bity govern meritkaioxxv that (le rxxill;
soonlie harre'd by Iawxx'frotm in-tatug
teirnmilllionis iiithle hi~imatQ. Sow they
tdemua nilIthe retu rn of the contvention
systemli xhe IHey tcatn XX mrk UTidrr
'PThI-great tdriveP agatinst: tine 11r111ary;

5 isi Aimliar'bor save of course the
almost p reposteros display of the
7 Iimion Opt-rn.
- Roibert I lenderson, who plays the
1l llite, i'Achlie'dIaisigunal success in
Tts role last summer withl the Glou-
-r rete Players, whe re the play was
stagi-d 1under the personal supervi-
in oftn the author. TLhe role of the
I ,illatinous Nco go xwili be played by
j William ot ishop, xwhose splendidd work
1 hs sttlt r has bIen especiatlly 'rcti-
itliii -, its x' 10 ~x'of the ccolorless parts
git motdI-Iliimt As N cagtghowever, Mr.
I isitep shottil etome itito his mXXii; a


lisi: villainly,
of li Itrso-loi

1<1 go, a lmnost a iiirtablt ill
to drama tic possibihlitiles
Itro almuost tutiitlitell.
m *

- t -

in favor of' the caniellIatiout pilea.- The, syste010 of electitns is ottl-


prospect of litak-lin millilouisiiy a -a my interests a-t'e ceking t Io 11,1t Ilit'
worldi war is faxretmitovxed from l osing tide of public opin iin aro utsell by fle
the same by a ntoble gesturue of cain~- 2 'slush funi"l're velat ion s ito ani as--
cel lation. scult on the direct, primiary. They n~ok
Now till'Al lies are U p taginustt, to rest ore t110 lross- ''(lil Ili-t, eas ilyv
France in p~articular. The trusting bouliightt conlt~onlt systemi.
sheep has turunediiout to) be tli e fabled TIhis mtox'mint is ledl by Snlt a v-
wolf. The huge sentiminttal ity of th1e ill A. Reed(, of P enntsylvai a, ott orne ty
American people canniot be utilized forA ndlrewXXMe llon, th (lie nited State~s
again, becauise'tte presses of thle coon i- Steel corporationit andtihle IPernsylvxa -

'Tht I"l'itI 1tttue; las hieongeut-i
arlly atitxwiely praised iis illustratd
in thlii folloinug ext rocts Am nithe
prol-s, wich1i wxe prin~t foir thii'edifica-
tiono oonot111111 t tovetrly' lun pro'sod I
xxithi the Nvisdont of this colun.
-IIaiduti a brillant phiy. .. .
it is rbIthint(olior anti chtaracteri/s-
tt '' (Sani Fratncisco(0Clirmnicle)
-"FullIIoh' color, passion acttd igua
im gi a tive tpal.'' \\alt'r Priitchard-

WHEN the dark skies are
pouring rain outside.
And fickle fate deals you
hands at bridge that you
play with consummate
skill-have a Camel!
For Camel is the silent
partner that helps every
deserving player win his
game. Camels never hurt
or tire the taste, never
leave a trace of cigaretty
after-taste. Regardless of
the gold you spend,
you'll never get choicer
tobaccos than those
rolled into Camels.
So this evening as you
ply your unerring skill,
evoke then the mellow-
est fragrance that ever
came from a cigarette.
Have a Camel!

try are mnot in f'avor- of i-Uunminhg aganist ; Iia trtilu-ooh. 'Illiis is all to thle -goot. ! I';t (ot >i 5 t it'r [jalt) I
the moneyed interests wVhic(hl they re p- I R eed Is ai i1 v<od-itn- in- xx-ool reactin .~ . at glaniortots ihit of tolor~
resent. Thiat Eniglantd realizes ftis is ioillary, the atblesttimid ittst. oggr essiVe frtmthe ii' 'it rpaithi ltt 0 ittouttatlt, vivid
shown by the alt iti olat n ely toaken by IIIo; ' lit all;lot t1:lie is sI toight-for-"a i nd Ifutll of aictioni. . . ....inning but
the English press. which denounces Yi ai'l aid but s his octrdls oni the tnlhl ellroi stusitited symbol of the spir'it of
the government(of our countruy but yet - Flirt y-fivXe state legislatuares met oo]in omzth. (Nexv York World)
allows that t he hig-lica teol Aumerican in 1927, K an sa~stimoiig the othier;. In ''It It~ohds (one tense. . . . '' (Sat-
people are jutst as good as everI-andl I every one of them a drive will be mnade urllay Review of Literature)
only could they lie apipealed to person-f to repeal the priniary. It insist be doe---------
ally tihe debt cancellation would only feated, antI Kansas will be as ked to!tA~ N.-- rnli Eutaxia-s an-
be a matter of time. The American l end off'. nounce'd formation or a commission
business men, a vastly under-rated(I Kansas is now electing the mein- with the functions of a council of
creature, is again on top. tiers of the legislature. Here is your state, pe'nding the 'reation of a perma-
It is imp~ossible to raise a sincere'- chance. See tha t all canldidates are nent body. All pers'ons arrested last
tear for the plight of the Entente. put on record. Supbiort only those Sunday for plotting the overthrow of
When a wily business man meets an-J pledged to defend the primary. the new~ government, the premier de-
other. wily bustiness man.t who is Just The primary law needs amlendment dardwlee- mte t eunt


Our highest wish, if you
do not yet know Camnel
quality, is that you~ try
theme. We invite you to
compare Camels withk
any cigarette made at
any price.
RI. J. Reynolds Tobacco

Camels represent the utmost in cigarette quality. The
choicest of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos are blended into
Camels by master blenders and the finest of French cigarette
paper is made' especially for them. Into this one brand is
concentrated all of the knowledge, all of the skill of the
world's largest organization of expert tobacco men.



0 1926

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