PAGE TWO THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JULY 25, 1926 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF' THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SUMMER SESSIONI Published every morning exc'ept NondayI during the University Summer Session by1 the Board in Control of Student Publica-1 tions. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not othe-r wise ;redited in this paper and the local news vub-I lished herein. Fntered at the Ann Arbor, Michianr, postoffice as second class matter. Subscription by carrier, $1i. 50 by mail, $2. 00. Offices: Press Bluilding, M tixnat d Street,' Ann Arbor, Michigan. I i him. fiTlfliMy Mlt to hia (lic-I iav that lat_ (9 1 18 itd5i4i 5l9tllltut t1A1 11teue ul lun Communications, if Signed as eviaence ofi good faith, will be pubtlished ini The Su'umer Daily at the discretion of the Lditor. -in- signed commnicatioits will receive no con- siderationt. The sigilatttrytt ay be omitted in. publication if desired by the writer. The Summer Daily does not ntecessarity endorse the sentiments expres~sed in the communica- tions. Telephione 4921 MANAGING EDITOR MANNING H-OUSEWORTH Chairman, Editorial Board..Lugene Il. IttiehLun t City Editor. ..............Williat tI. Iircycr Music and Diramta........ Williamt C. Lucas Womn's Editor...........Julia 1 uth ltroxt i Night Editors William Stockwe.ll ThFecdore I lornberger Paul J . Kern Fren.derick 2>hliti' Douglas Doubleday ter' s superiority, thet syiiipat. for the victim is more often one of admlir- M s A ds ___ GRAHANM rihtos ndgatoi.Drama 1 The Det roit Saturday NigiJ , ith "TB I: IAlDVhC" !p c a its customary' frankness and truthful- As thet. final prodhuction of their sea- Itr Mess takes a little (lig at Williamnil ill Ann Arbor "'I'l Player's" will n e 1 pinlihILXlS nihs(inagllresent Colin Campbell Clemlent's iro- algainst captial lpunishmlent. \V cs~i~~ali ild-ta "h -adc' 1making bold to reprint it with the i 'Th "adc'i nuetoal h comel n tshate "haain loedi to them finest kwork of the brilliant author per- hiwrelnsh.e"ew lse1 bhops best known for his two collec- "Wh'lile Willie H earst is flooding thle tiotis of plays, "'Plays for a Fmolding couniti' with a pollya na phamplet Theatre",antd "Plays for Pagans." against capital punishment, we read Th ~le Ilaitluc is the traditional her in his l)et roit paperunder date of 2 ,5 of hbeRounian peasantry; he is years ago, the following D etroit ne(ws: the bold outlaw, ever warring against " There waredI149 acicide ntal deafh., res-traint, whose exploits are ewer 33 suicides, and tITfl liC'E MtlZDi )i'ls Sitroude~d ini f ;eatinig mystery. A fromt July 1. 1.90(0 to Jully 1, 1901.' fa t eems evier to) pursue himt, yet Itoe "'Thre iurders in a year. Ini pro - IS 1?h gayest and most reckless of be- potion01 to populatat ion that rate would n." lle is a boy, slender but - gvje 112 or 15t ntrlers in a year no0w, builIt, Milh dark eyes, and very red F R Wfe are getting mutch ne are(ronceai lips.,Ile ienaks with an air of sell- IF R (uay. The intte r v e nitng 7) youar, has iss urane .. one linht evenl call been the era of fie -,,(a t Sobt. )n e of' it bvavsado. Mr. Clement s has spent 1 S the biggest, sobs of all is being 1)pul1- ,Many years inl Roumania1 and the :year, eli oft in a Dehtro it t hea>elintohtat' av-!ct rs as i exo Ic as his landscatpe- THE MA IVLXN WH110 CAN ic'ed treati ing murderers and Allother Pi:;-is not ably true in "The, Ilaidue N HO WL.B. criook s w it i .lo le a nid it fic t io ,10 11 (1 -N e - a b e l t m o a y A llleriO NE- I j / ,L L B E 5'A lett in g th'.lie XX i slx111(atillofr, _ iuaso ~ t tillor F oltib~ill ti suSnit 'ssf ill v TRITE SAYINGBI T1 ihleictitmissiflttfor tlt't1elV 1 . i_~oany different genres. Here wec iT\i''Z U' n icbiiga ii ('rim Coot to lis i in.-lit ae1)1 td h'liii fodness for contrast: the 1IT'S ' NORTH REMVIEM 1-nte"vie tiii h re ('ttsharply againlst IT A TB V R 1 (1 ta ied~iled realisnil of thse bac k-TOH A TB EV R -SEEFK AND )VE I-. II A i'[IND" Iit'nn1, l iedden trans ition from WE CAN'T MAKE YOL.. Mayor \Wade ltvii111ol Btal ~ whim itI fa) ey, frome romance to gt-,I-,rieitviii(iie t ta amt- n Ixrs hoghHl11h 1ELP YOU I F'YOU AR cta osof the shifting- imoo(d, a suirezi fisale of tauy ihnOtig raililrecord l a-I edge oof the bumnnpirit. "Noth- Xv ie Iliunigli Ibe I ertied t l gar or 1-1l- I e-i vird Ithan tthe ioplening 51'I'il t Oc.:eit Would be stipped in the Louis- itt imwbaz ar''s-Robert -ilyer, ladi apailtal.tmiold beito an aditittpreluideto inwhat '[li d~~iel I' les n li edeh itionsI 2tIo follt xv-The (hatter, thle colors. of v'ulgarit y or i tnl'yuiivMany0 s- -rg,- telit mm i ttltI, hese form a sort of or- XXIIich arte sg ~t ''to o 5011 oarie tnt! I Ilk't ~t ia Iovet rcto the single voices so to others. Mnyrecords are viil- Ihitihone by onte detach themsel ves Ia F ini thene tha1t they lack d ign - I"roil, file (confusion, until finally the2I ily, but s urelyv such a fact shl dl( not1 Tisait~i him self appfears. Then in ruling yr I'nnt- \dfrad it is th)rough his ears that ee 1.1~+rX/ n"' " ,.s.: hi.i-; and h s that w eright leri 5 t it'r [jalt) I the moneyed interests wVhic(hl they re p- I R eed Is ai i1 v