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July 25, 1926 - Image 1

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V\ OL. XVII. No. 31



'BUT1,,G I[LG1 I A drew J. Mellon
Sails For Europe
.IJ JCtTR E S TO BE 1 1, 1,S'I Bt,1 E 1 D
W111 'Teak O ni Relatio ni O f I v rrhea n o t e a o B e k o n
.Ant o n- e~v IoAkd n ,

AS thie last ser2ie's of leer Ores givenl
this sunier under the auspices of the
deijartnment of 11ygioile arid Public
H ealth, Dr. Rlussel W . Bunting, pro-!fs o of d n l ri t og a d p th
ology, will give a series of five talks I
in the Dental amniphitheater on the sub-
ject of dead teeth anll(thir r'elat ion
to adult deaths anrd breakhdowns.Ail'
Dr. Bunting is one of the leading
mnen in the country in promoting in- sale rc.tiitly 1for
terests and activities wvhich are for 'poal okoe
the purpose oif preventing the decay atstutin
eel h in the opinion of D r. J ohni Sund- t hk!t reasury sailedt

. ll IltII
Euirope anld xwill
thle European ti-
The sec reta111ry 01
oil the s ~ic ,boat

wxall p iroflesso r of hygieneii'and(3publi c
health and director of the division of.
hygiene, public health~l, andl physical
education. The spekehr hlas cont rib-
uted1 much to the subject through re-
search and investigations which lve has
performed here at Michigan, many of{
which have beeni done recently. Pre-
vention of pyorrhea and decay is one
of the m ost i mporta nt; liealth iineas-
uses for a large number of ills are
traceable to thse causes.
Dead teeth contribute dIirectuly an
indirectly to a large number of adultI
deaths and breakdowns, and Dr. Buhnt -
ing's lec tres will deal with th1is sub-

i < J. 4'. viorgaii.

F OO0DY LEADS1 5 ( 0VE.II\ ,
DALS exs uy -I- I
(By Associa ted Press) 1
f compilet e ret urns froni 14 sat
sa-tredl counties out of 252 in Tex- s
'as t oday's Demlocratic plrimariy
gaveIlan Nloody 2,53.5), Gvernor
Miriamo Ferguson 2,10'49Lynch HI
Davidson 105 The other threeI
candidates received lest; than to f
totesceach, the tabulation of the
ITexa electioni bureallshowed.
InstiigatIion Ra ;y Disclose Allines
O P1oliticians ~.With G(cnnen
And iiBoot le'gers~
'I [I('ACOt. ,iuly 24.--All the tale of
Ipoli ticalI (hicane ry t oldbhti lid ha rredt
doors 41totiour granid .juries; sinee Illi-
nois5 held its April p)rina ries are grist
fori t he mlill of a special United State; j
Se nate election irivestigat ing conmit-i
tee which meets here Monlday, Under Ed w
te. chairmanship of Senator J ames A. of a viat ii
RE?~i t. establish
Seliat or Reed's statlenienit that.''ira-
guide the commliitte's inquiry is no in- I
di eat ion of ]tow tfar it m1ay' lroc'eed A1
into0 the bunjgl e(of accusations of vote-
stealing, sl ushl funrds, alliances of po- o
iticialis xwith gunmnen and bootlege.n olirregerstiswhc hv, O
boo'll (ha rged in the last. three monthi.
La.st, Stil
But, hecse thin gs stand at least as a
bcekgrounld for the commnittee inl its iI I
p11 ic 411r nmiss ioui of diseovering how
Inscep 14rank I L. Smith andtI eija Ior
Williamu B. McKinley spent iln thir 1N
contest for the Republican senat orial
110111 iiiation a id how riioch1 it, cost Colin
Gecorge Brena itDemnocra tie leader, to
crush the fact lion of his party which ladc
opposedl bill'. The. Play
The er,il e itight::xvas onily a.detail 111 organIIizai
(''ook cot4y- of a bitter fact'4ional con- P iO's('ntt:
test over no11miations 1for coun~ty of- Ihlsa
tiees and Smnith and McKinley found( lirsa
their fortunes lay in Chicago anti en- aTickersa
virolls. ilt er's 1:
Ch'arges arriving from the county at the hol
contest already have resulted in in- three nig~
dlictmfenit of more than. 100) election gien
worke'rsarid a complete 4ecouznt of the -'The If

Warner, Aviation S13, ry
Takes Over D' . 1 ')fi.ce

. :. -

it t:' , (i t ie,, s

I'llte"' O F ir"st vl ia It ion Eveir:
P~eirfrmed Ini Amnericau
Ifeceitieed Hee'

iii, is seen at ilsbdesk attheii11;D pa1,'ne 1
('41 by a r'ecent act of Congress.


ject . The talks xvii-11endeavor to eon-I Arhoai1'a p1 s s~wi ug 4}Ii'ept' iglresbv
vey thef very lte st theories onl the sub- Il~v ftlels acla (1 ~R c
ject of thle relation of 1'e't4b det cay anld mrrr t "tr' rt1s34>i n rrrrvr}r

pyorrhea. to physical b reaktoxvns an4d(
will also lit illustrated.
Dr. Bunting is the last lectu rer onI
hli' . eries. t givent this sti-inneri' i1deri
tbo t' atipicl's of the' deia irtlllent o f
I4ygiene, and Puhl ie 11eailh. Prot'ionis
lecturiers on the series th is slliine1r1
have inlclulded such ia uthori, ies as
Sally Locas Jean, lDt. (uy Kfr, I )r'.
Lurusten, Newell Edson, lDt. .Johin
Sundwal, and l)i'. Nathan Sinai. T l'
lectures this wee - k vill bw given .:?
4 :00 o'clock every aft ernooni fronti
,Monday th rough Fr'iday in the amphiili-
thieater 'of the1Denlt al hbuildin~g and 141'
general public is invited.
MUNICHL. -.The arrival he're (of twxo
Germani ideserters from flteFrench
foreign legion in Syria,. is r'eior'ted
bly the Mluerilhieer Zci tnll p. The plaper'
charges that the fugitives were in-
veigledlinto FI'a uce undter false prec-
tenses, drafted into the' foreign legion
and after rudimentary training ship-
led to Syria wvher'e the legiomn is en-
gaged i a campiaign again4st the Kruse

by lr'. Nathlan Siniai. assistanl iiott'
elates andldlan 'rri sle'.Iwill blit'a4141)
of th14in fo10, tn' p of 4hit' eplirt 44i'14
hefore th eva'e returtned.
jThe lithLogiaphs wxxe e (0ill 1796,
thre year of the first vacc11114 101
in the UI nit ed Staty e-. Dr. Va len tine
Seamni of the T5ew Yor'k general
1100 pit al n'rnl dthle tfeat withIivae-
I (ile oblta1 iied 11(441 IDr. ,l''ner, of
London, 1lang.. NO")or0iin~ated lthe idea.
I Tlhe vear 1 796 was 4Ihett'imhe of 4.11
publlic'ation ofit Jenn iis 1)00k 014the
Fubj ch and41 t'ex'a cciniation in Am-
uica as 4 4el'fol'u'd on Dri. Seamian's

BOU91 TO OPEN lCtlt:
rilker ProduciIon Of Play ers i,(x f oy
Have( Th~lree Pe(rformances'~IOi '5441
Campbell Clement s' ''"Th ei(' 4 "0
wvill he the last prtidult'i14of' Iitiih v (0 w'
'cr5 ,campus Jplan--l'trtlcil r
lion4. ''The lIlaidue'' xwillI tf
d at, 8:,10 o'clock Tties>dox
V.ad Saturdoly nights. r
ire o1n sale at \Vl' ; on11'5i44I

' Yok City
Ar Al. leo0'Friday
.'iehas Leeii
o >~ ; A lctures
I (('tt' .4 atiti '
-l ". : lelbE'lolr
'uihi'14 ,t~Oclasts

111 N. I. If. h1LAllERl'f E TO OPEN
Play~ers' 1'ill Give "Tire Iaidue" As
La1st Of Serieis Of Summtier
M!any letutires of varied interest and
oithie'rlnmbers are oin the Uiveritv
summ~ler entertainment prograim for
this xve. Thle first event is sched -
ulled for iMonday afternoon andi the last
Friday night.
Mrs. Frances 11. Flaherty of Nor-
xalk. C'onni., will speak first. "Thlle
asof the Polynesians'" is her suibi-
jetant her lectur'e, which is ilus-
tratd, w li e Monday afternoon at
5 o'clok AnteevnModyi
pht' Wonen's Etducational club meet-
ing at 7:15 o'clock, at 836 Tappan
street. A musical program will be
priovidedi for entertainment.
At thle Men's Educational cliub)fmetet-
ing. Tuesdlay night at. 7:00 o'clock,
rin lDean Edlward . Kraus xwil talk.
Frl3:3(0 to 5 o'clock Tuesday the
Xoln's League will be at home ii
4 Barblouir gymna sium' to 1 lexonen of
thle Graduate school. At 5i o'clock
''uesday Prof. 11. F Adams of the
pisychology departmenlt will lecture on
"Tile Qualities (of a CGood Judge of
Perstinalit.'' Professor Adams ta
410donIlimuchiexperimntal and iesearch
xvti-rk her'e ini the line of personiaity
ti i E'el'nllittantts.
will (dve "Thne iliidie"
"The flaiduc," b~y Coin Clenents, is
olfei'ed iby the "Players" for Tuesday
Iighit at :30o clock in Sarah Caswell
Angell hall. This is the first lpre-
! 141 ation of th le last play on the sum-
14 ' progrlamn. As the others, this
play is undter the auspices of the
j :\unnnae council.
I 'Who Pays the Income Tax,' is the
silhject tof a lecture to be given wed-y
j1 esday aftertnoon at. 5 o'clock by Prof.
\V'iiliarn A. Paton of thte economics
I d1)14 ltliit'1t. At 8 o'clock that night
its the regular School of Music con-
Slosson 11lM Shenk
i lof. Pr'eston W,. Sltsson of the hs
4 yhis-epartmient xill lecture Thrs-
iay 14t 5 o'clock.,i s title is ''The
l isto oical Background of Eastern
I1+mroipe.' From 3 :30 to 5' o'clock
TLrrIstavctcIV's ,'hllens League will
hrd olan11other at home, this time for
the nurises, public health nursing stu-
i",r+I'.I0- nd tfiewouieof tie medical
s('h'otL A r pititioil of Clements'
<''The Ila14 ie'' w'ill be given Thursday
The last lectur' of thre week will be
Friday at 5 t'cltick. Prof. Charles P.
Wvag ner of' the Romance language de-
piar'tmient is to speak at this time on
'Pi't ur4esjne Spai.'' His talk wil
bre Ilust ra ated.
P,'idiap'night4 at s t'c1oc.k in the 'hni
versifxy1111allauitium nilnwill be three
onie-a.t plays, to be given by the
raLa lass o Pr'of R. C. Thntel. Pr-
I fsso 11l1s1ter, whto is froum Ohio Wes-
,lex'a n nivisity, is a special instru-
I or hiere this summelli(r. Tickets for
his program xill be soldi at the book-
s ~ttarie5.

Wlill ('i'e Three Plays
Thbe 4ltree ilays are: "The Newv
Pool', by Gertrude Jennings, ''Will o"
the WNisp'' by Doris Kalmani, anti
"Bx-'cliiig m-iess Indispensible" by Ro-
jalid Pertee. These plays have beeni
chosen by the class as r'epiresentinig its
best efforts. Other plays which the
class has stotdied and acted this sum-
mer'i inclutde "Between the Soup and
the Savory," "A Sister's Tragedy,"
''Voices,'' anti 'Wurzel-Flummeriy."'
The last series of health lectures
xwili also he given this week with Dr.
Russel Bunting, professor of dental
pathology and histology giving a
ser'ies of live lectures from Monday
th~rough Fritiay in the amphitheater of
tlie Dental building. The subject: of
the le('turesC wiiillie the relationl of
(tooth decay and pyorrhea to deaths
1,aind breakdownts among adults, anid

ititilst ores, arnd xxwi lImsolti
xoffice aftei' 7 o'clock on t1='!


gllts Jn'm'i'orrnniruces xill t),h4uli 'In'.S'
he prioduiced on a4rimuch Intre,
calt e111( With at m-ger (:aI:


lisi 11 he patshiowxvO14 pro-( request, tile vote oil the senatorial
gi'es of1 the 'aeccimiat iron at various Facesd(' in both piarties. The handiling
stages ump t~o th11 14'1 t I r x of the Smith and McKinley canmpaigns
in Cook county by the txvo Republican
fcrtious ennbroiledtini grand.tijuriy in-
'MOL)IINE I IA.ltaly.--( 4)Ilellatitonl1,by vestigation of the ballotinlg, itlock
Fascist. authorities of lper'misionto 4le selltoI'ial sitnatiton inl Cook countyr
farm labor'ers t(1gatlie r gt'ain riia g- titI factional cotiitrbalck, andl the
metts left a fter' ha pngms cause'dr grand juries have found factional tis-
serious conflict s inl i is regi()) esinlne wt tresoiag
anti gang feuds, state prison conditionts
L tenodence and Illinois politics in general.

"Ind(1 xillh
i'1 v is C

hani ha~s chiat'aterizetd pro xionus proi-
(141 on (4i(lSof "T'e P1layx'ers this 51s11mme(r.
Pr 'inacipIal roles will be tauken by tbhese'
ini tht'group xvhotihave 1414r it'ipal(4
inl past iiroductions15iandiithIie 544 orii'tl-
11 to parts will lit playetd by t hew Y psi l-
aniti P layers xwho htave beenI rehlear sinog
.or' the ir' r'tles undter the (Iil'etion 04f
Paul St exelisOIn. a s1siltt' (Ii r't'' 'Of
the Ypsilanti groupl.I
Rober't;IHentdersoinxwill 1t1i4v thoi
leatding rleto f IBsuit, thle -liituc.
Antd roia,. the'heroine, xxiill 1 4)1'! 10v-
I ('t by Amtiy Itionis. xx'iil(' '\illia i


Peak Period Of A

y vAt Exposition ApproachesllflMITRIFS WILL HOLD

I * --Bishop will be seeti as Neago(. r lit' vil--
All roads heatd to the Sesqul-Centeni- reserva titons fo~r intdividuals and11(1rfil- PRECEPIO N FOR M UI aIin. Eic 1Mowxer,. who 11114 yed 4thie
nial International Explositio01, now 1)e-, ilyIpar'ties anti so far the housing bt i L jp1 i'tof a.tei'tnr'in "ExI tfr iritin
ing held in Philadelphia, as the peak.I reau has been liable' to) reser've the kinidIWl t' nt 3ctn 'ilP1elo~~tri
period for attentiance at the -, . ss J'and caso om lmneTl l i411sinniimenlreception, foriSpite of Ihimiself'' will have 114l eu
Mor. tan .;C,00 roms avelzen Iinel~e; o t~t fcuiy , t~itIth i f Peter Kazan.,1111 1 nk ee r
tion is beginninig to get under way. MoIe tan 0,043 '0011Thaee"benayersicis tf te failiy4 (1'i,1;ei1'-
Vacasticniists from alliiparts of tbn listedtianti class-ified iLy the bureau and 1mPnd yBtyBroi'hi eIld ltteil'Tl lyr 'ei'dPl
culitiy, a utiliialny fn'ont h'reigitna-- 311 adt a vailable, to visittors to the Ses- enNxI''ittc vil1'grtsttclgrtulittl(11tti1'i'-
titons, are pouing intottithr, Sesqul (11I3z ,to.Ntsntctehci
City' hurlyby rainandautoobi~ tays of 1.917 and 191.E has Philatiel- hld this4115ft tii'iiitiiir'aitl4 to iSti- ' Clemenrts and froimiDonaltd Ogden Ste.;
ana th hoelsnclrooinghouesin'pia been called ui pon to house such' clock, att the tx vo dor'iitories, xwhliclh I xxart, author of "The Crazy Fool'", and
i'onig Iutr i I.se'veral film stars, aimionig them Charlie'
and near Philadelphia are rapillil- ' a large linmber, butxwith' the efficient <art'e i-olielat iil for the otccaslti.E
ingup-wthth turst.liletliods used by the lhousing bureau 1 The receiving l isie at. the Betsy Vrhaplin a~s well. These ai'r nowxvoil
in u vih h tuiss..111 of the tourists are atccomnmodatedlBl w~l osexiellosist.,(if Mrs. d tisp~lay at Shafeir's bookstore.
The aproach of the Ipeak per'tiod(lis asotrhse
heraldod by the increased demand for wxith suitable qu aiten's. Many tof the J(1hn11It. EffinIger, Mliss Ruby hiy ow. -'-" ________
lotgings at the various boothotliterat- visitoi's have obtainied their reserva- hiss l ilcen Neely, Miss Mar'y Whiite,' MEXICO CITY.---Declarationls thatI
ed~~~ byteSs~u-etniaIVst L's ions ilnatdvance throtugh the head- social tdin'ector' of the htuse, ailt Miss! soille Mexican priests alreatdy bav '
Accomiodationl, the of, icial hotsing I (14113 tei's of the bur'eau at 2.401 Chest- ,111e3i isotn, house presidett.. Those'I left their native country, fearing t'on-i
bureau tof the Explosition. Each illail nut Street, Phil adelphia. i xvho xvill assist iiithle din'iinig i'ttom I se'quencets of' tIn' 'w religitmus regils-
brings scores (of letten's asking for 1'orthn ~eIbenlefit of those xvho wait lilt'e: Ai's. :lunius Heal. Mi's. Marioni lations and that miany others ar'e pre-
__________________________________________Iuntil they arrive in the "Sesqui City'' 'Le'lity l~un 411,Mrs. Myra B. Jordari. ;parinig to thueeandtI:a prt'diction that
_____________________________________ before enigaigilig rotors, a score tf 'a iid MArs. Edxx'a.rti Kran's. The tdecora- Mexitco befornelong xill be without <aly
~~jI~I~tr ~ Ibooths have becen pliaceti at importlItantt ons ot the Bets y Harbour bonste will Cat holic priests, either IXIexitln ri0'
I _________________________________________' hl ill 14antd inear the city to pro'4vide C.onsist tif swexet ]eas and loset ts. for'eign, has bten inadie in the first tis-
.\ \ .\AL1.. ltg syre 'ii t acidil-'t.l'it cotuirt by lFather Silverio I loyos,
~~ -'7. dcx, which lists thbe roomils acciordinig W4 jl'tst n heCaMoniuCmentchti
. > \4 . .. s ., --, r. t .. _ ._:, .,. ,. 7 ,ilson,. P- r., t; ,,r, Car en.in this city.

141st ratt.
the i '14
t .'\c. Ir tU 'I '1
(111'41( '
txoil.11( ) V

h 1 I Ilo
t 3 '1 ' t ,' h
A ' ' I tlof
i 1 r 1 P.fl'lt'U tif

8O 'd1 TIC

Books otl li'
i th'lobic di(4

c °C!'

c( tone ighbotiol'idtt, fai~litries,. JiC,0ealga1I
other 1icadinrgs oft interest to both
householder and visitor, the quarters

Will Be Erected

ar'e quickly selected. (By Associated Press)
All of the rooms are periodically in- PRAGUE, Poland, July 24.--A110'
;t sp eted by officials 'nd tho.se which1 ument to the late President Woodrow
Mtail to conie up to the high standards Wilson, is to be erected at Prague in
-says that it wIll be cool and that maintained and demanded by the bu- front 0of the Wilson station, named

II EW~ ~ the A. S 4,ha'' It
year :run of blatdlock is ended. is physica~l It i a
Ibeing in jail fori debt was such a sad atlhlctfics, ae1
spectacle after heroism in failure of dlancing, and
expeditions that 1-1. M. Jlactby, a banki- iMay either oc
ter and amateur explorer, paid a billI where they a re
,,,, It9RA fnr I~ ' to he sent xvhere

'0. p01505of 1t11l'
o'lh ~ sa 1(14 sg ill ,
l''F xil, aturali
1 to 4) oCillg ant,

I -l-

,tIiIItl t I}he 11pace 'li ii be illusti'ated. The public is in-
diplyd tm'oi'odered viteti. They will begin at 4:00 o'clock

,eer deiireti,

each afternoonl,

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