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July 17, 1926 - Image 2

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0174P 4' t and. however, has enable Enigland
ffi j tt UU U111 o races ohe Pne. States in the i OASTED ROLL
P'ublished erv z fto ing ens ig clo'~t t 1o ]ROLLS411 ( ii0SnlttirSSS11
during the Univ'ersity S'ummner Sessioni by Sentl to be greatly lacking inl their SOIT
the Board in Control of Student l'ublica-
tions. interest inl T1he 1Daily. Remembter it N'ehvrcntybnfolwn
is primarily the "students' newspaper" W aercnlybe olwn
The Associated Press is exclusively en-I with mild interest the progress made
titled to the use for republication of all news and nlot a pleasanlt recreat ion for thei
dispatches credited to it or not othei Wise few uInfor't nates who have Llndertakien'I b the embryonic Byrons and Edna St.
credited in this paler and the local newxs pub -G
fished herein, to p iii it otit each day. VIncept Millays under the direction
enteed t th Ar Arbr, licliizs We have received but one letter this of "Sylvestre Dorian" in the field of
Enstered eat seondclassmattro. ti-igi ummler from a student, although poetry. (See Sunday Free Press). We
Subscription by ca rricr, $i .; o ;b mail,, thie'ie are tw\o 110W waiting to lheprit-ttolld lot swl usle n
$2.,00. coldoamsaswlouslean
Offices: Press Buidii l: t it i ra1tieex, (ed, which makes inl all three letters in1 Cord knows, we are no versifier.
Ann 'arbor, Michigan. four -,\yp(4{5 Not a very goodi record l.***
Coinmttinication", if 'igned asevictnce «f IV1hen oglec considers that The DailySpeakinga eryeeyoyde
good faith, vwill 1w published iin The S'aerd arm g the ri'cgo Ia itermci"niisswamped I'ionjieoraohraotDeri'
Daily at thle discretion of the I ditor. n- Ia.owtieoiohr aot eri'
signed conunicatons a ill rieeive no con- with maoil. It is rat herdlishlenrtenl- r 'fi , Larp t. a vmn hike i

Special Tables ot Books ot.,
Interest' to Educators
At Both Ends of the Diagonal

sideration. Theicsignaturc n.aae uroImoted in
publication if desired by the writer. Thc
Summer Daily does not necessarily en1dorsc
he sentiments expiresd in the' coun ica-
Telephione 49,
Ciha irmni
City Editor .. .............\Villi:n.R .Bee
.Nlusie aid lru...........\'iVi i t. 1Lucas,
WlomansEdito..............h a ~lrx
Night Editors
Wilton A. Simpson lt 'i e t cinherger
Paud J.- Kern I r, ; lid1 ito
Douglas Dotibl eday

inlt to zgo on xx orhing eaich day wvithout
anyv r(cgnit ion from the group you
teplresent. Perhaps, though t here has
been <tinmisundterst anding.
Let us state our policy, if it can bel
cul led sucht, The D aily is sutppose'd
to ie a medium for the disseminat ion
of si atlent opin ion. So, if any studentl
oi1 th itcami 1puts tas a sul ipressedl griev-
alice let him write uis a letter that wel
iliay pubhiish ( noames wxithheltl on re -'
(Iit- t xiwhich n1;vY'arouse studenut opi-

our Gertian class came out with a
protfouind statement the other night.
Certin jly he could not have arrived at
the tdecision except after months of
deep pondering. "Of course." hie said,
"Edgar Guest's poetry will not stand
thke test of time.'' amazing!j
We have been both pestered and
stratified by the number of queries
about thte Gross Exaggerations which
«-e have beeni promising for some time.

Defore In-

Gail Lyoits
George TI. McKean

I'i'. .. Z'i4lcg

Telepho~ne 211214
C'irctuiation.................-Kenneth have,
Advertising . ..................ancis N or, cit

Edward Solooni

W\illiam F. V

Night Elditor --lAT7L J. KE'RN

The sale of the Kiasas(Ciy' Star
several days ago clearly Indicat es w0
what extent a usii ss nal i mtic
ani agent for good.
William R. Nelson. 'w ho opnted 'ti
the St ar offices in 1880. Itad hail ill)o
one of the greatest nwspaers in this
count ry lbythet ie (if Iis death init
1915., The Star p105(1welied bwit'l I.
symnpat liet ic a aier. 1111us tiiln muilcl
to broaden the minds of its reaters.
It was a joturnalof 01eucationi 1or its
matny orural1 sosribesSicei 1915
(Colonel Nelsonu'; policies lhav'e= beetn
faithfully continued. With the deatl
of his dlauglir, Who i Wo (4 t hi'pa per
foir the last 11 yvers, thei will tentnd-
ed the sale of ,hle p'oety. (Colonel
Nelson's greatest('5 on? ihlion !MovIxri
the welfare' of the peole of his local-
ity was not ilbilding tul a grea
neowspaper' but in i dinltg tilol the
fate oif his foriune.
The proceeds of te saltamont
to $2,0{10,0)00l and are' to go to an en-
dowmient hund or the pirhst'of
works of art for' Kasas (City. A ns-
eutt anti instiltill' of art of ite caibre
will not b'' long in forthcoming A
relatively young city of the Sou hwxest
will possess ant esi ablismliti which
only the oldest ciits in tis co~nty
now have.
In a timel'doritgxwh ih eeryone(
is crying out agaist the tmd rttsl
for money, it is cosolig to realize
hat a manm he rei'nth ert'diidh not be-
come lost in a mize of financial as
pirations. Th'll('imereihoading of mion -
ey nteed not be the business titns
goal---once t horoutgly independent he
is in a posit ion tt e a en efact or. Oth-
er wizardls of the commenrcicial world may
wisely patt emna fteri-thle disposal of
the Nelson estate.
It otenIipays t hutmnor oalt('rso
Nat ions am,e not different - tIey have
the sala ('sense of ia nit that the in-
dividual has. Grat Britain has taken
advantage of iis simpl' psychological
fact in settling 11er debt with I'rttc.
France regards Axnrc'ia wilb',tt
embittered feeling' because of tio
Ber('nge i-Aetllbit dieb ttst t lmnt The
United States rfused to make thre'
l itt le concetsslinsto(Irtne-ll of
which. are insignificant ut wvhi c
wouldh have done mch to promote
goodi feeling.
All three poits are relative to
French prestige. If Prr ane is nable
to pay due Itoelayetd Germnpraoolichn-
t ions our govrnminent1 will not discuss:
the matter. Iflow it expects to do ot-
erwise is a mystery. Payment in gold'
is ilnsistedl upon, even if it will ei-
dcltiger the fratnc. Tho!esale of French
bonds onl the open market was al so
oppose f in lhee erenget' arrangement.'
Great Britain has grranted the
French th ese rlatively N immaterial.
demands. Britons have the goo-will
which the [United( Stts should have
had. Our govetrnmmentwas too obstiaite
to yield on paper what it will proba-
bly eventually have to grant anywray.
It appears that th ill-feeling which1
France harbors fo this country inightl1

tliion to I t e xI 'alt of soothlintg thle Really, it is astonishing that some
t fied xx'I cts. 0O' if there is any peolel actually read the darn column.
hini displieasintg abtout the wayi The "'e have tried to get an inspiration
Doii ly is ran xvi'shtall lte onlyl too glad for one of our perennial dumbwaiter
lo hea rl tottt it for ve make Inils- j otttursts.,lint none has come. We ex-
to i~es like other human iteinags. Re- plained this to Tamam, who was one
otetaler it is your Daily, lof the inquirers. "I'll write one for
_____________________________ you," he said, and proved, his ability
CAMPUS OPINION by remarking, "Nize Baby, itt opp all
An iynx-mmus comunrxiications will be 1itedIe elple-stiss.'' Tamarn is hereby noin-
irearted. The names of communi- iati to fulfill ouir promise to the
cants witl, lhowevt'r, he regarded as Ijtahlic'.
l~oniOt ,-ntial uwon request.
,11x'1 (ili,1If We are organizing a Rolls club.
Memblership is free, except that ac-
To li Edior:tive mtembers are required to turn in
T' drrive f or fundts to cotaiplete on contribution a wveek. So far the
117,' \\otnit Ii' ; I, agte bIoiId illg wvas in- club consists of only four members.
it iat ellt'l (lays ergo and ciniued liltHehie, BeezIebub, Kernel and ourselv-
io i1t~d :-r_ , .Sine h~ capagnes. (Line will please form at the
lit \'etied~tv Sice he cnipigaright.)
Leogan It 1havi i--ead 'F'lit' Daiily c'arefully We have elected three honorary
fot' nelws of its dcvelopnieiit, but I itembers, Sir Toby Tiffin, Timothy
a it' f'ountntiio iit'toitiit 5otilit. I ax', Washingtonl, and Nick. They are
WNhy is thinl(y1hlonorary, because one is in Paris,
The o 't gmt'ldiii 1)ooolt s e c al- oine iin New-v York, and the other two
ttirt<L- ni Itveity ll'\ichti gal, anti for aire it Detroit. (Hum, scotch and anti-,
giving t it',t roject its xi ie at~
5111irt. I hntinltpaIlst x'tknoth jLat est replorts from flyspeck indic-
it it-, , tpli'ared t give t'vt nthel ie t(' that the Grand Old Lady of Rolls,
liglt t, l. int that sucii, tttiti aign # Miss Effie Snorp, is having a very
was tt Iottaess.pleasant stummter. You know what the
T apaatsi th~e Ipaper were given iilit' rascal did on. the Fourth? We
tE'. t I to li-tI raxvn ot itis,'rtat ions Iwould have let you know sooner, bit
oilt he Fresh Air camp tfan event; t hero hatsn't been atny room in the
xxh hcalltghavxl'Compar'ativelv lit tie columan . She took a ruin up into Can-
jit, l'e t fo' stal'not s ont the camipus; ada and beat Gert Ederle at her own
it:x i t trxiie'-ups aout, tothe builil- palilt'e Iy'Swiltinhing the Hellespont.
tgtitlg it11 halve, beenlettospicnolis for (No, xxe've, been correctetd. Those

The total annual loss from worthless securities in the United
States reaches a staggering amount. Get-rich-quick schemes
seem to hold a fatal allure for many people. So smooth sales-
men of doubtful ethics make their killing easily. Sometimes the
savings of a life-time are swept away over night, leaving the
unfortunate victims dependent upon famcily, friends or society
for support during their deczlining years.
Not always the unwary are victims. Sometimes the most careful
investigation and analysis will fail to disclose the fatal defect in
a security. But in the great majority of cases a little care would
protect the investor.
Obviously everybody cannot spend the time necessary to thor-
oughly investigate each of the hundreds of securities offered.
It would take diligent study to become qualified to pass an
intelligent opinion on many securities.
Your banker is called on daily to give his opinion on securities.
Perhaps his years of experience fit him in a measure to offer you
intelligent counsel in making your investment selections. In addi-
tion he is fortified with the vast store of information furnished
by the recognized rating houses in the country, who make it
their business to thoroughly investigate every issue. While not
infallible, his suggestions will be of value. Of this you may be
certain, if every man would consult his banker before investing,
much of the loss from poor securities would be saved.


Cor. Main and Huron Sts.

707 N. University


I fee(l ;allt-) n sure that such wo-
ill1 enttxon lt 11'11,1(1wxho have also
ccii tn t'o11'd in i t'e regular session;
'g N ' xith in I t at a t l ijust ice, is !
leilig (lout' the I eagac bv the ous-I
stont of newvs about 1.1we 4 riye. (Can't
CC-IUD, '27.
('Fhi Neix'York. Wto'ld)
Froom C('i il git'flt(les nxws of a 1ob1o
'to t5 feex lihi lt has just awarded its
firtst dilom1101as aitd xwhich during the
past- ::rt hias hail some 20,000 studelcntsI

birds that. look over your shoulder
while vou write are some use in the
wtorld after all. It was Hudson Bay
that Effie swant.) Effie now weighs
527 pounds, fahrenheit.
-Dear Yiffy:
Yotu may consider yourself utterly,
absolutely, and libellously mistaken.
MNy list of contributions to Rolls still
unubers zero, in spite of your funny
ideas. If you would only rememberl
m ny tirade against long, dry, so-called!
Ihumor, you would know better.
Wte apologize for the error, Phtyl-
lis. But how were we to know? You
,ire the only person of your name
woirking ont any of the publications



enrolled in its courses .And at first; andtIhie contribution was on regular
sight thxis is soittething ti stmile at. Ilaily office copy-paper with your last

illi oan retlection it.,tdoesn't seem sup
founn,'Thte hiobho is far from being the
('oniii picture ho is oft en thought to
litoi Ilie first, phlacc;, as we ar'e of-
Iell retnindted, lie is not to be confus-
oil xvIth a 1 ra inlIt: be rides tin fm'eght
rins, trite ctIamgh, antd oftent pan-'
litand It's cIiteol ; mlot, lie expects to
wor'k for a living: is. in fact, a migra-
try hlbio'ert. It the second place, al-
tb houtiinanY vftifns do nt. -,realize it,,
ho is an almotst iitiisllerisatlt' unit in
Oe ticttnit' sirindtmma' tof'the coun-
1 ox-, Il' is the 'gonillemnanxvho Ipicks
outri or'o ages, letnoncs atnd grapefruit
in 'lo'ida antI(i aliftirnia: who, a lit-
Ie late-'r, pier~s 1ow, peachies in Georgia
aw it Ih Stath tAl anict'States ; wilt, ia
little later still, pick s ()li strawber-
ri it' Ma Xlryl and, antdlxx'lit, still later,
lspciall tx'er'the country, winding'
ap p i-ilt ~llt at a. c'onstruct iotn campl in
( Milahottina, a tom111t1 cannitery in Dela-
xx-a I'(' ot' Nexx'.1ei'sly, or the wheat har-
vest int the Dakotas.
hT shoiti, xvit hot Ihim iwe 'xould not
(,,it, Ye't xw(e t real.hinn very badly.
Vie or'4 lic(it ,a'ietor lneree so that hel
lots no ther xxay of tiaking a livitng
rod wx' canniot get alomng withotut him;
hen tillslight t'st hiptovocation wecladtp
liimit o jail, , cpass law's againstl
hiti when lit' joins the I. WX. W., and
finally, to Cap) it all off, we make funI
of hinn, lVe are ever ungrateful to
those who serve us, but it would seem
that wve could fintd a better way to
treat him. Perhaps we should contri-.
bute so~netbiing to the endowment of

nme on it in black and white.
S* * s
Phyllis adds, "As you probably
know, I threw away, quite wasted, a
buck or two bucks on the Summer
Michigan Daily. So I have been look-
ing at Rolls now and then and find it
quitte Yifnifian in spite of all our ef-
forts at education."
The hollow mockery of it! Phyllis
nev'er tried to educate us. All she
didi~ was to discourage our work by
ritlicule. Bat Art rose triumphant.
Aesthetic dictum by one of the na-
tion's educators:
"Trha~t the introductionm of music
courses will eventually make America
a. musical country is the opinion of
Nliss Willie Stephens (director of mus-
ic' in the demonstration school of the
University of Texas summer session.
i'vidence that Americans are not now
jmusical. Miss Stephens pointed out,
!is time fact that every gathering in
singinig 'The Star Spangled Banner'
starts out with great gusto, but winds
tiup in a fiasco."----From the University
of Texas free news bulletin.
S* s
0O1, for inspiration. The week-end
is here and the Great Out-Doors is
callinig. (We surely ought to be at the
bottom of the page by this time.)
"rWhlere you want skill you must ap-
point, where you went representation,

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atti3tm n alppesdlvee p_
toti aewilb hre ah aeo
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5c a copy



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