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July 17, 1926 - Image 1

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VOL. XVII. No. 24

I ----------------------

Large .tdlenee "dews Fhihitiquj Of
Slides Of Furniture, Pottery
Aund Relief Sculpture
-trssing wrT particular' thi, p cu-
l iaritllies xlnibn etTil the social1 and
famnily life of 1the allc e rnt 1Egyptians
Mrs. Carol ine It. \Villi i am of r'Tledo,
Ohio, spoke yesterda'l~y a fterno-oi, i the
Natural Science Audit Oiti oh 00"''=' r
I imi Life in The Fil""hTifnh Dyflt aty
Her(cui' let on the lEr:> ltians "was ii-
lustrated evvith slides showing notable
rii15 iiisai obJ(tS such as furniture,
disliwaro. reliet's, acid fte pieces taken
from these ruins.
Mr's. Wlliam'., econl1leedlher fOs-
cussioni of the Eighteenth'l dynasty by
dividinig it into thr,'(e perlods--The(
!)1dl Kingdomn which existed from .3000O
1o; ii it) 500 11. C., Tho Middle King-
domi in effect around 2000 13. C. and
'the New Kinglutr~n. She de Alt ini
major par t ii Ihe i 4e 1the N tlew
l h riiim. The kings ofl 1 i- itter
period ha d to cope wVit h 11Wt ad i
.~risof rmercenary soldiers zand tIli
chur-lh was- becoming a potent factor
inI Thelfef1r.the first time.
A fter a short ttistorical resume in
which slhec placesthdiie people of her
lecture historically and egapial
'M1rs. 'Aillialniscmmmue e d
ll iitrations,. Diagrams of I he didf,-
ent oaj~s houses were firs-t showtcn.
"Phesw dw clings -were made of sun
dried bricks, only the snialles amount
of' wood being used i, ei onstrtic-
tioi. Nlany of the streets wrtluck ran
'het w ecu thse houses were 0onlY six
feet wide and were covered overhead
with a straw matting.
"There is niuch continuity of life
downriito the presen]t t_'wirtingypt"''
Mr's. Williams. stat ed, "especially ift
the ccuen try.'' llhe exei ie ibstl-
vithi the baske t weaving which isi
carried on now with the same process
as used of old. Thoexeterior' of ther
humbler dv~t-llings also h-eara ir
ed resemblance to the anc+i-iet ones.
TIhe_ hou ses in those times, accord-
ing to'_) . Williamns did rnot. have!
number. Instead the front doors
were f insc;ribed with portrail - of the
JwemsA pravors for lesi ng and
1,rrOt ect ior:..


MER CA g~[f~~5~xcuston Toi
Musi AndLeave Today
DramaTOISYFoJak n
reve~i 1) Wil~a Inl~s SEC ETA Y M LLO Exu sion number G, to the Mci
A reiel, byifilii~ Inlisgaui State pison and Consumers Pow-
Thle audenceit former ProfessorM E L N


14ernard Shaw's "~The D~evil's Disciple"
v% as gratifying and gratified. It was
inuch more a full house than most
l~ress-aglent's "full houses." Dean
Iznrel, of the University of Souther
California was introduced by Carlton
P. Wells of the rhetoric department,
i\ ho stated that "The Devil's Disciple"
is, *'ai adventure based on an incidentl
ef the Revolutionary War."
Althouzgh Dean Iznrel realized that,
"No one has come here tonight to
learnl history," we had represented

l "i'r315() I. S. .110E LIBER~AL
Ite-asserts Ifebt Settlement Is Oit
Of Hlands Of Speelfal Amerleatl

er company at Jackson, will meet at
'the Interurban station at 8:35 o'clock
this morning, under the direction ofj
Carlton F. Wells of the rhetoric de-
After the tour of the prison the~
party will be taken into the chapel
where they will be afforded an oppor-
tunity to ask questions concerning the
Trhe prison has an inmiate population

General Manager Has Been
Connected With Union
For 19 Years

r f12, who are employedi
and shops where the follo

w . y.A ocj ,tea;4 u )ar b manufactured : binder V
to uts the real reason for American In- Itextilesoconumentsesicen
delfpendience clothed in the true Shaw! WASHINGITON, July 16,-Americacteilsmou nsies
canned goods, brushes, cen
of "(treat Catherine." He appears as has given France more generous debt imum ware, broomps, and b1
the almiost anti-English satirist with terms than has England or any other men are employed in the co
ilpling's ranting against English creditor, Secretary Mellon told the of the new prison, while of'
blindniess and red-tape. The p~lay con- 'world today in a formal statement, is- onl ten farms connected
'i--tis the emnbryo Americanism con-( suedl just before he departed on a va- prIison.
t'astr with the English theory that, ('cat ion trip to southern Europe. Among the inmates are L
"Without a conquest you cannot have ;1Ilietfect, Mr. Mellon' declared, the es hr r ~9 ht
rraristocr'acy." Thus English mili- IUnited States has cancelled all of colored, 10 Indians, and 36 i
Lar'y practice, as typified by General France's obligations for advances
ui'goyne's march to Saratoga, was madle during the war and is actually
formal question of duty, display,, getting a return, under the agreement EdonlGlves
ui~ wa a uffed arlamet wllwhich France, of only those loans
tinkc of things. mide after the armistice.
The motive of "The Devil's Disciple" The tre'asury secretary explained
i ; the f,,t that for the sake of than in- that this sudden declaration was oc-
timidation of the Aincnicap Rebels it casiotied by "the erroneous compani- C toncluding the series (if
was the firitish custom to select it souwi llthte American press of the j tures wh'ich he has giveni
lironmiinlent citizen of each captured British-French settlement and the Am- undler thei auspices of the df
town as food for the Gallows. The orican-French settlement."
'Ifit- o evil's Disciple," or Anthony! new French government might reach! the American~ Social IHygiene
. nd(ersomi, l'mesbytem'tal minister. will, jmoudification of the American debty tioflof('New York city, spoke;
iio thoeyees of the Brn'itish, make the Iagr eemtent s4s a resultf o the terms afternoon in the dental amp
bettei' m eal for thle Instrum ent. W hile providle d1 ill the British-French settle- on the m ethods by which sAn e s n le , Ri h r Du g o , n ti .t on m t be c r ed o th
his natural devilish manner, adopts Mir. Mellon, who is chairman of the and homes of the country.
Andersomn's minister'ial app~earance andx debt commission, already has served At the heg4innixng of his
sub itsto he all ws, whhimi w hen otieAndersonom m ssrides w sh-edE itse rhandtsi hofmprtheillFrenchers ndebtsed wshand ohthw are ch nbt whavoererofi ther f t e eggre
up a t1w had ~f he ebes, huis it signed the agreement with Ambassa- trict as a method of coin haft
saving Dtudgeion from the Gallows dot' Berenger anid thrat it was now en- stressing the 'act that thi
and America from the British. I tirely in the control of ('ongress. an inmperfect netl.1t ;, r han(
By meoans of his studied interpreta- Explaining that the Vinited States situatit1.
b ola of "The Devil's Disciple" Dean ramid Great Britain had made their Mr. Edson p~leaded1 with ti
Imumel gave us wimat we considered to (ldebt settlememtts with France on dif-I tom's to introduce some P,>
be <t bettei' understanding of the play ferent lines, Mr'. Mellon said. "If, how- ! sex hygienme educatiou into
that we could be able to get from the ever, we compare the settlement of allj spective seniools when they
written script, and added a character of France's indebtedness to England stressing the fact that the
iliterpretation which amnply overcame with the settlement of q~t her iudebt- hunger for this type of ki
th imitations of setting and a full- edniess to America, France has had among younger peop~e
tdress su .iit. Dean Immel s explanation generous treatment from us." bnsgetigpsile fa ive
and interpretationm of ".The Devil's "No other creditor of France," he cussion in girls' groups am
D~isciple" was equally as amusing as completed, "heas accorded such getter- clubs, he lauded the Y. W.t
his presemtation of Shaw's lines. ohs tr'eatmetnt.'' suggested that the sub eoct opf
.. _ a good one for the discussions




in factories I Homer L. Heath, '07, general manager' of the Union for 19 years, will re-
vng goods tire from his position as manager of the Union on Oct. 1, 1926. His resigna-
wine, cot's,I tion was tendered June 24, accepted by the Board of Governors on Thurs-
se plates, day, July 15, and became kmnowni yesterday by an announcement of the board.
ent, alum-! At the meeting the following resolution in regard to Heath's resignation
oxes. 500 was adopted.
nstruction "The Board of Governors of the University of Michigan Union accepts
fers work with great regret, the resignation of Mr. Homer L. Heath as General Mama-
with thej ger as submitted in his letter of June 24. His loyalty and devotion to the
Union from its inception, together with his untiring interest in its success,
31 prison- have always been appreciated by this Board, and while regretting the loss
men, 770 that the Union will sustain, we wish him every success and happiness in tie
Mexicans. wider field of business that he is about to enter."
Heath will be connected, after Oct.
Ofr " Series 1, when his resignation will take ef-
r .stl / fet, with the main offices of the Al-
,k ex E d ucati on lerton Club residences of New Yr
4/ V Iland Chicago in the capacity of an exe-
'enutive His successor as General Man-
f fve ec-sit o knwin th fctsbefre t-ager of the Union has not yet been
fiv le- sty f kowig te fctsbefre t-announced
this week tempting to teach them; and pointed
ea to the necessity of setting an emo- Is Xlhlan' Alumnns
tional example to children, because! Heath has been connected with the
Ith In this they follow the example of their eld 1 tlmnion for 19 ya' n a eni
~14sn of ens almost unconsciously. He said Ann Arbor for 27asoi-ttthportjbwiccul si ee years. H came
yesterday bly be done in the. schools is indefl- foiotlvlN Yweeh
phitheater nitely bettor' than the knowledge was born. He graduaed from the
;x educa- which the child would gain In the University in 1907 and in November
ie schools streets.l of that year, while still taking grad-
Mm. Edson emphasized the ieces- uate work ini the University, he ac-
talk Mr. sity of giving both boys and girls a cepted the position of cashier of the
sion that standard for choosing a mate that !Uneiun.
.gatedtl a-I would be better than that which they In June 1908, lhe was named Gen-
tting vice, would ordinarily gain through social iem'al Manager in which capacity he has
1* at best contacts. He t4ggeted that as a topic} acted to the present date. The Union
idling the for dsckj,*ou In boy's groups the! at the time Heath first became con-
letior might introduce the question neted with it, rented the residence of
he edi;S'~d= as to whether the boys favor "neck- Judge Thomas M. Cooley and used
tgram of1 ers" and what standards~ they desire of! this house as the club which since has
their re- ' girls, leading tt -iat to see the correct;f grown into the magnificent million
y return,I course, t A not driving them to it, as dollar organization.
[ere is a thay re rapidly approaching~ maturity, Directed Campaign for Funds
nowleage when they will desire to make their He organized and directed the an-
erywhere. own decisio,, I paign for funds which resulted in the
s for dis- The next subject upon which the breaking of ground in 1916 of the pres-
ad hoy' (seae toucbced was that of smutty ent building. One million dollars was
c. A. and~ stories, which are common among mais~ at that time and since then the
charm is Iboys. The solution for this problem, figure of pledges and cash for the
s in girls' he, paid, was to encourage tie selliWii j building fund bas been raised to $1,-
sonas f j and teaching of clean storie-, whichI 600,00.
43d, Mr. would thus drive the undesirable I In 1907 the Union Opera was first
he reason kind out of existenget, since the natural or"gauuzed with Heath as Treasurer.
'active is tendency is iowards the more whole- ,Tmh(1 Opera has been produced annual-
attention so~t~ type. Those who desire to ha~ ly ever since and Heath has held his
re t¢ lists any effect upon the boys 'Atad girls !original position with it since its first
must always take the " or course" at-i year of production.
>s of sev- titude, leaving , j~ room for doubt as Heath will operate temporarily be-
ie subject to theiV. cnivetious. tween New York City amd Cleveland
mmened~i'tei Isnothng hatmenime ~owhere the Allerton Clubs compamny is
Xil~n So much1 as the point of view of fine cntutn e ulig i
'b may be: women, according to Mr., Lson, andt permanent office will be at the New
thoir of- conversely women :Ned the point of York headquarters of the company.
ew York, view of mn~ '- ven the most sophisti- IlHe will act in an executive capacity
of by lib- cated i'~ will respond to the appeal 'with the organization. He has had the'
making 44- dnome relationships, and in many offer o the Allerton Clubs company
'ver, Or cases this is the most, %esirable nmeth- under consideration since March. Hils
i o d of approachi~g~ the subject. fetter of resignation, addressed to the
he neces- Mr. Edsq9r closed with a resume, of board of Governors of the Union was
then ,trtude of leading educators to- dated June 24 but his resignation was
k wards the subject, and saidd that they 1 ot accepted until Thursday and will
k. x are today partieulaxrly favorable to not be effective until the first of Octo-
4'shed this type of education, that is, sex hyg- Ier when he plans to leave mmmcn-
iIwe t? ucation. He appealed to those diately for his new position. For a
9politico ,l present to carr'y back some system of short time before going to Cleveland
ttep. a sex education into their respective Heath will e located in Chicago. The
a", which schools wvbe they return. This was company has club buildings in Cica-
th by Al- tltiw Last of Mr. Edson's series of lec- go and New York City besides tie
t ures in Ann Arbor this year. He was 4Cleveland building that is beimg col-
te which: the sixth speaker on the program of ;eructed at the present time.
flowtheythe department of Hygiene and Public(Sa UnoDelp
owa tnhIe aStw Unisnsuemelo
onal are. alhtssme. Under the direction of Heath, the


U'sed Vol-
The ancienit Egyptians used begs
forced in their brick walls for imuti-
fa noes 11 purposes. Weaving and
('huI'minmg in those times-.- required timeI
us hse pes A g'reat noumber of
he hoses Wl'e euipped with show-j
e rs !Iad drains to« carriy away the dirty
'oc ~k ii ug the lhitch cmi s MIrs.'Wil1-y

I £
j i

Latest Library E-i
Specimens varying in subject from!
r'arme and valuable volumes of 15th.
century religious and scientific works
to first editions of Eniglish and Am-
ei'ican, classics are on exhibit now in,
tOm lobby of the University library.
The volumes on display are selected
from collections owned by time Univer-
Tihe most unusual collection 'of the
1'xliibit is that of Incunabula, books
whdihwem're printed before 1500, wh~en

,ItalIis l'ema71 '.eu 01 LUVcIT' N1'yL ( n ) '?-
+i~ .td iuiin i i' 'a. tei a t e *inOWI P1i1tim1g was in the cradle stagje.


thexriin [ vlli.,;tl( . re lwa s >ekh work; the University has two
situated on thec South side (if the separ~ate collections, one of which
houses because the prevailing winds constitutes chiefly manuscripts of re-
camre from the North. igioums and scientific nature. It is es-
"The ammient Egyptiamis," Mrs. W\il t inated that there are some 20,000 of
liamis reirarked, "'I'te very fond of these ini existence, 100 of which are in
their gardens.,Ithey tok! a great deal the possession of the University ib-
of pride in them,"' In onei villa the re- i'racry. Ammong those on display is 4
ma~S o 76difernt iiirus ad teesnMuchi-decayed Gutenberg Bible , issued
werenote. ! i the year' 1455, the first book to be,
Was inmeOf uxur Th secmidcollection of iacuimabula
It was'- a time of luxum'y acmd 1t1" (:Oimsists ofm'ar'e amnd early miedical
I oriniture of the e i' rclasses bears books which comnstruct the history oif
direct testinmony to this. Many of time mmedicine. Time volumes, which were
chairs had reiefs wom'k ed in stucco p'epar'ed andi issued by masters of
and covered over with gold leaf. "Veim- surigery and anatomy in the 15th. cecu-
eers were also used in this period, tory, are prints d in various scripts and
The coommer chairs haid sets of in- illustrated with elaborate good-cuts.
fer(!m , ui trmugs andt according to Ammong those oni display is the first

xh I, t SIgroup, emphasizing the rea
Ccharm and the effect tt;
Wf R ore Y l m s,.t girls desire to be attr;
not ecase heywish the
tury uirania. Among these are the first of nien but because they desir
folio of Ben Jonson's plays, first edi- do other womnen.
Itions of Sheridan and Goldsmith, and Mrdbm gaet'enm
a copy of the first American play ever er'al books which deal with th
performed in public-by a company of of sex education and recor
professional actors. In thme second thme reading list of the Aun e
collection are works of Shakespeare, cial H-ygienme assochiton Whtimn
boasting 3 origimmal folios of his pla~ys, Otie tlo otfo
thE, third of wlii~ll is on display. i fies x.41 37th lxavenue, Ne
showsj also tie first 1esta Ctlou anti which has been atiopted
qu rto o«f imlei witthe4 ~-i t rnlt all over the country,
p~rintt, there beipg onlY I0 copies of this the book available iii nearly ei
kntowna. of the country.
Anm extenisive nunmber of first cdi- The speakeo'L nmphasized th
tionis of American authors contains'
many early works of Bryant, Holmes, Book By Pollock
Longfellow, Lowell, Howells, Aldrich, T eadToeu
- n Dr. James K. Pollock of the
RA$EBA1AL KSC E scencme department has wi
_____- book, "Party Campai; t> hinds
Fvero 4~~vileaguei will be published next montl
Detroit 3, New York 4 I fred A. Knopf.
St. Louis 2, Phialdelphia 31 The book shows the ways
St. Louis 4, Pbilade pu II campaign funids are raised, b
I ('leveland t, Wms~ingtpn V are expended, what the natic
F atlonal League state laws concer'ninig party ti
Brooklyn 8, St. Louis 7 an~d h-ow the laws arty ctnpli
rBoston 7, Pittsburgh1 "Nt) other hoak" 4cvordinig
Knopf fall. catalogue, "discuss
_______________________i ethiods and ppectices frc

ted With.
to the
ses partyi
om this

Mltrs. Williams most of this furnitulre,
rich and simple alile3, was glued arid
pegged together. Ver'y few )nails were
ised in their construction although
the records show sonie cases of this
utse of nails at an earlier time,
An interesting fact observed by the
lecturem' was that these peoples did
not sit around a table when they ate
but were served in a style not unlike
our buffet of today. Basins of water
and towels were always passed around
first by which means the people
washed their hands.

Arabian nmedical book put out after}
time ivention of printing. This fine
collection is the beglinning of one don-
ated to the Uiversity by Dr. Lewis S.f
Pilcher, of Brooklyn, who received his
degree froze Michigan in 1866.j
In time category of drama, the ex-
hibit represents two particularly val-
uable collections. The first of these
is a miscellaneous one comprising
p~lays of early English and American
dramnatists and works written about-
them. The collection is particularly
strong in Restoration and 18th. Cen-

V Kraus Leaves For
Biological Station

(Bjy Associated Press)
DENVER, Colorado, July 17.-The
FAmerican Bar association closed its
annual three day session here today
Fwith the unanimous selection of form-
er Governor Charles S. Whitman, of
New York, as, the 50th president of
the organization.
;Before electing officers, the conven-
tion heard and adopted five additional
committee reports.
Prof. Edson R. Sunderland of the
Law school attended the meeting.

Union has grown from a small men's
club house in a house which shortly
before had been a private residence to
an organization without peer in thle
county. Construction on the present
building began in 1916 amid was in-
terrupted for a short time because of
th'e participation of the United States
in the World War. Construction was
resumed very shortly and time building
was completed and openetd in 1919.
Since that date the decorating amid
outfitting of the Pendleton library on
the second floor and the finishing of
the swimming pooh into one of the
finest possible tanks has completed
the work begun in 1916. The build-
ing is now complete in every way amid
no more construction is necessary un-
til expansion is needed.



D~ean Edward H. Kraus of the Sum-
Hier session left Thursday uight for
time University Biological station sit-
uated on Pouglas Lake. He will
speak tonight on the regular weekly
program of speeches that is being
held in the station. His topic will be,
"Recent Changes in Higher Education
in Europe."



-considers It a possibility that It ill
he cooler today wit~h a lkeliood
of tbundershowersL

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