PAGE TWO THE SUMMER MrIG~AN DAILY SATURDAY, JULY 17, 1926 I 0174P 4' t and. however, has enable Enigland ffi j tt UU U111 o races ohe Pne. States in the i OASTED ROLL OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF' THE UIEST FMCIA OR{ F NTE SUMMER SESSION P'ublished erv z fto ing ens ig clo'~t t 1o ]ROLLS411 ( ii0SnlttirSSS11 during the Univ'ersity S'ummner Sessioni by Sentl to be greatly lacking inl their SOIT the Board in Control of Student l'ublica- tions. interest inl T1he 1Daily. Remembter it N'ehvrcntybnfolwn is primarily the "students' newspaper" W aercnlybe olwn The Associated Press is exclusively en-I with mild interest the progress made titled to the use for republication of all news and nlot a pleasanlt recreat ion for thei dispatches credited to it or not othei Wise few uInfor't nates who have Llndertakien'I b the embryonic Byrons and Edna St. credited in this paler and the local newxs pub -G fished herein, to p iii it otit each day. VIncept Millays under the direction enteed t th Ar Arbr, licliizs We have received but one letter this of "Sylvestre Dorian" in the field of Enstered eat seondclassmattro. ti-igi ummler from a student, although poetry. (See Sunday Free Press). We Subscription by ca rricr, $i .; o ;b mail,, thie'ie are tw\o 110W waiting to lheprit-ttolld lot swl usle n $2.,00. coldoamsaswlouslean Offices: Press Buidii l: t it i ra1tieex, (ed, which makes inl all three letters in1 Cord knows, we are no versifier. Ann 'arbor, Michigan. four -,\yp(4{5 Not a very goodi record l.*** Coinmttinication", if 'igned asevictnce «f IV1hen oglec considers that The DailySpeakinga eryeeyoyde good faith, vwill 1w published iin The S'aerd arm g the ri'cgo Ia itermci"niisswamped I'ionjieoraohraotDeri' Daily at thle discretion of the I ditor. n- Ia.owtieoiohr aot eri' signed conunicatons a ill rieeive no con- with maoil. It is rat herdlishlenrtenl- r 'fi , Larp t. a vmn hike i GRAHAM'S Special Tables ot Books ot., Interest' to Educators GRAHAM'S At Both Ends of the Diagonal sideration. Theicsignaturc n.aae uroImoted in publication if desired by the writer. Thc Summer Daily does not necessarily en1dorsc he sentiments expiresd in the' coun ica- tio s. EDITORIAL. S AF Telephione 49, MANAGING EDITOR MANNING lIOUSEWORPTH Ciha irmni City Editor .. .............\Villi:n.R .Bee .Nlusie aid lru...........\'iVi i t. 1Lucas, WlomansEdito..............h a ~lrx Night Editors Wilton A. Simpson lt 'i e t cinherger Paud J.- Kern I r, ; lid1 ito Douglas Dotibl eday Assistants inlt to zgo on xx orhing eaich day wvithout anyv r(cgnit ion from the group you teplresent. Perhaps, though t here has been