.it r: 6c
I 't1 i eepsi'fus 'tore iilcle
tolls Iith 111the votilig iii iiof lthe
Su ts, Overots, HtsCapex anhablthe-of
Eus vrotHt, as n l h xclusive Patterns in j newest Men's Furnishing
M~adras, Chev'iot, i . lliiitt-I
Linen and Ftercale. thf ive toill' to thll' liii.
surname there comes a check.
At the sign of the fatherly BU RCIIFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE.
Turk there comes a MOGUL
Cigarette. Endorse the check W ae\ eae d ifl li i tiis seaison tiintiteit r"51 I if5 ltili.
and gott nuoney. Endorse is «Wi'havii ntro1( l'i'zed ti etl tntifi Iof i'' klieu. As
M OG UL S and get your it-us.il, «ii 11111'THlE FINEST LINEd of WOOLENS
money's worth. ill thecintl .itsail SIkill ewill ptcdoliii U Iinour
Cigarette co-education- Work a.ittinthe pa~st. NWeriesetfullinvIlsite. yotr
Ten for 15c. enqir~y.
Plain and Cork Tip. S *BRHIL
CS f S444..44444.+...44I4 . 4.4.444.d. . 4.4 D.4d.L.
~P1IGS FIIL '03 Laws are Championts"' MICHIGAN NOTES.
SATHLETIC L A1M ACA In III Arti il : the class hieh: li.Slsti'' iiitilSIidle~s
~'For 1903 'i'l ly it 111v'\lii':IS ii l\' sltii'itat ot lll lO,10jll t i'65 e rs
1 ru lood . irhr le i'i' (1i(
Contltil5iillicompltte list ef Atmer- 0 1 Wol1 i byitheli uiii libi' 11 \ 111. hs(\eln ~tr h t(l n
pl u ete L iist i'i'iili toid Oter- ("11'i11i ile t i \iii 1 ll by et CI l l o ' . 11st 1 lii sl i lt ?t5r:ne'1 71; We30rvi t c flllie
634 pictures if tproineniiilt Amien- whse w i'it rs iwere *iJun ior 11wl osi ~tio doubt he "-- II lsrkri f\ir ;a teit a ruei
Can and forign'i'l athltes. Vyr1. 111 rei'lity liithe iivs o1'190 liiive 'ii III':111(11(:t: ' 111111 :ker listl Pth lg .1(iB c
A P rn I o n ts th psntsni iorI'' l''isti ote 11'lit l"iiiiulu111 it;ec t:ryC IW.1u
(": i shi 'ela1lpiisi' leIs'll'l l1ce-Ili'i111
they h:1v e hoop 711 t11e 1'117\ 'rit '''e'" -ill presd 1 , I e .y v-l
the-party" luncheon? i 'll it i'in h i'freIll liii'' iii'115(1 A'-ing 'lltlli 1i :>l l l:11 Ite'iv'u'i I OO Pr veu, Ne ok
S i i e ' u l u l e 0 l f t e . O r e pI ' l i i t h s s ' h r . i lli l li tl i il1t1ya r ' sl iiY . C 1i uihi t si, t l i t gl iii'n5v. tl li s t -
G' 1tlt, p 111crtr' i~ r rt ns L scI11'h ili t 'iitl ' ' '1(w s ull 'llt'il'ilt1i11 iit 'iiiti- n
seeuite 111 uulTillt, u1'-1 Si 1111to ulti.11Sil' Siv11e:t1is''rs. \s\ t 11iilioe
moe ufl.wl till ' 0 ot fit oo m II Al knl tAtat' au hrg 'l11 1 t rl ssutnsa
Phone 461(17.1 tl a 11(w r. (n rapss hers' ni ilies . Gushevlings Pha~ri-
1f1111 1111 Is'tiii'so (. Ill ho ll u 'lie t e en (" 1id 111111 ! :1 l lith w l i'titiii' 8111 l il8
IS ittian ue rirtn afer i1l\ssm~itt heii. iloilo'. i'siti i'.a l s e ts Mof uis'trip te (o s tiofr (id) f iti'n lii 'ilitiiit t'l e i tui'y ,
cl 111' f tilli aill- covtlluu'itle ttll Fulltytst tequialpypetdsoetfor____scho______ rly______ nd____________
Re alofy . Ou :;; thietls's'iii i t (isiit y .B hae oc rsned. ic vokit e is t fthe La rge st u
take (<,!1 Th'ei:shilletruile h ss1isi 51.81) iiit llililllll Ilfall ent erse t0' : i elgt t ' il3'. s
goons are Sit finet'thatlthelmarl.llc selllli relatiit with Collmbia a
Sit-100' Isitr'l forilhl'.FI E LUwEee].OI~Oti
s n b e ) Ir idi ' vli'lil i'i''1:11. s wi ll l''c- uii .iltl tsll'u I s forth e d g st of . DJO L.
1.3 R BAY L I V < r : Vry el Itf11 lltrtli l ii 'liMl',clindi 1'h.ltlL).
1-U T Ei l ui itlsl'l'lu'sI l 't All s'b~i s o'fri'an htg
IOAlo i'SllE-iv i' Iby 11-( 'olsT o f jpollil(mtill5 l11' ltsrmsi'toD AtuCdI n tsGo
PH Tr A I GosTl=-appes'sDoesN. I Billiard Parlor
Ph Lonstihi467.ifhtuttt tcoy. o ieU~iii.Fn iar n oacs
hiMUR S UD Os to 1 ll~lh h.O iuf tlhlnd('oull111(tuitli' G'1illill- sxvi .l ins3( &01p-
60 AS I LL. IA MS ST RE T l c laety f1-dsor 11 e f ro nen1e ,0A i-da e ~~~ vllo l ii' 1 l s'5 le hiLo ~t's irou s.ti o pul r n JA Md est oP( Sel ff lfate lty,
i odRdErSHOP, ie jluf d Is st tililh I Xs'p-toldate supply1ousCITorBAvrythingSHOP
THE VASTRNevALE.Mns u Chr 1 . di t. AL1arstI1~S utobr t I1:11D.I
DAN S EDAN, Projgril o heyl' uial aes iui lwy n tc
P AOEI1:11. 'P is wlltcnsisto0, Atts-tripst Sie o
the toll 111yet r, i - uingt u mm r 11( l 1111slcton r o e fsH'lisI.S \ TO T LE O
The W.C.Kern a
411 E. 57th St., Chicago.
~>s l5~ill ~iiidI nil UiII.)~ liii
Petll jints fouu.' 1 cll 1"u .111
srtr I ll'! . . > i t
Class Tilil-, e('fuss:11)T(' l ll
_" I
r Suu f'o?.iu ''
I I u ' 'W Y ~tth u 1s tinuii'uu ; dn"1s.Mrs'T' II 1', ,..:I
'' ul' i i hs(i u l tos II 'O i v jo i 1111' i'Ille't t ew lu'uui ti'
usi t b te mill ttt i x'. ~ilo' Ihell. lu' 1.iria sa o.. u
.l 1 'If h iI e~ ni' Itell li-Alm's. 1.' Situ al-nt, in
W I Iel in order of theIIir':i'lullIll. III'S lit Wiill lu-s ii uiuluuIe Ssil idut' llrn
I ths engagement