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April 26, 1903 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-04-26

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4 Concave Shoulder Effect, Form Cling=
iiiw Back, the High Close FittingC .e4
Collar, medium Beck TLop Trousers lt- . s Yn
At Prices That Are Right.
These are our strong points. THE NE3W STIOR1E. G. J. BU1*Sr Mgr.
Caps and Uowvns I RI'N1S'l'lit, Al RTIio' i'iA-111\G 0 M. MARTI. M M
'U) REN ro. . Din a'111uroth1s n. Phone 331) Irings.I DIRECTOR
l IFII' V(O iM SIO IUCfll[ 10" 4hAv,'P i8." esi
AN A "I0 1 lES BII(N)l' ICALENDAR lu~:3_tt i . 5bItte . 'Pnu il4. Am
342 S. State Street. 011111 ______ u otntiti.
1lS".Lclo n, l t')[ote ir eApil!-(i tlleS ~iLitleield. 1don't 'want
N u b ia U n iv orsily vh~~~~ns ' i'h li i ll 11 - (,le Y Ct(, 1 o t np p it lit I 'ith n i i t, i ;t lel "ns theltr'th (a o e- 'iiiI1) I'111l
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aiori bin llivssllylIotnlltho1''I o8ll atd Ev~s tsteedadtate~d t (on Imr it01 lho:,111 11i1t ilito
School at Law l int li rniua to l(-11 :11111 If OloNot.tONEAT ; ti led SA E thE
tuu Ilili e' rile' n Bii h'ui iIten ie o ain "requre sill' Bd i tl ( Ci t (-lou'd 'ion'ito e , dtIi o rds '18'nud i . F l Nl s ric I -
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hia CI'iAos. F. 1TlrXYoe ity. sr dS asonsl a 4h a heh nsB o n fl o.-el use , henit d -tates.
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?;'S A ie Itrit ltisafiit.. kr I;c eI i id81"tltl'iitl'i0111iliStt.e
NTry ourt'1 t 1111' sttc, aar FS I' llttt1111:1111sc.IIlttipen t aoltl
K ~ H T ~ o I of H lin. te. il)S. NI'.'I'II Trainstv.S An IAor yCnl n ande
Subject: "The Trusts and Fedterat Legislation."
Course University Hall, Wednesday, April 29th.
Course Tickets $1.00. Single Admission 50 cents.
Al ILX~A R 'S pring of '3.~Woolens have arrived contain-
-M-1 W IZD9S ing prettiest line of Home-Spuns ever shown

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