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April 26, 1903 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-04-26

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THE U. OP M. DAILY ile Is- si ofsilWitllt h i- *)1'
Etrcas, on-las)nteatAA rbrml v::i r t I; iiiillhin v15th E ngraved
Annnnn* 1 F]:1 :ile)1~ 1at'i11 te' 11111 01Cornmence=
tlicc rlev tirir t t 1 L nive sit ' o Do lc i i ii i 111 :1 :!1111l i d f 1 liii ii m n t I v l a
Il~COR 13.IlU e) , xtheii I 'l 1 l iii' itil vfIii ist"1':ili l I
Aihi s xli I lii :,W111 iti Wha he1i I lllt'hI -ii 11 (f1wiid guer
Ahe igmosotst itii mostuEilrv. T.eHOUSiOs '0e
co p e elleo UINEi SSi F. ii i , 'iii. xi IrexveiledriIuas mil
ROYO O L EN S (' )-L. 1thm 15 that the chW.ief vn wll vii ir ieIex;s h
EDTO S iis the iii v1 1%1o. :Ihi! itii 11"a e: c O i iigrvinge s furnelas
Atili111 i IIIihiet i 5cs5' d mey ClbnRheafalh ers1101 liaig u.t
liii ii xxii1011o1111155 te hi ns ill he fae-i-huet-i oltal f iIs 11isi
A0ssignmentiiEditii' 0I xiiitils.I. 5e stylesliare
isiiii-nxi 5Siii. Ni- Xi-,. Such i-sin--si A
10M3ar'sigtn s* li si huh i lil Froilks15 l ad '0i I iiin ahis hi ch the Wesltii 1 I eriii tsi ii _______ r________________w. ___
E.W a h ngon it. Crelt 5rtri.te pngr7'0.Isis iitrl l nl)'i i.ii . i l dtslv i ot alwS lys oxi Sixsi1 iii -li1-_____________._______). _________ll____________
'tile )sh t~t721of <ul tilt l ouis A.lia XIn'lii CI liii itiii i'iiiiix ildersiponlappication
i1xxilsy, J. S.ullaxiy x iis _iiiii lubxi Rehear siaiii l i
O ffc a.] xixMis heeer as xxiiiedfro 1Nc
5aily is $',,. sifo the c lc iii ye xr. Iioisl i Cii1 te xexsi i or oft lie1 os t ofGusA-
tires. iiicommuniclt-xe nded huu-ix~.sa r
in at the Ua~~iofice efrei p m.io 1t-'dux-ehixilll ii lital d 1'illn
1903 now roady
SHNUniversity Booksellers,
320 S. State Street.
"f theiAlii i* 511l 1 ii iiihid ii-siiii -
of a Vir(Wy oda . ivllii 4) h e iii is
It ii si/g sIl u hal otxii iiiiiii5 111lihi-
ii t i liilx-ii1i",i lilil iis i
hall111 Cliii in A n -iiimr tisi1
u-tills . i-ii- xiiiiix ftov i-u-u other
a a ii iily r tr t i I ia i l t iliix-
of ix l' l iii ii l if thei sili i i si
ls-i i iii11; N. SW- e Si. li-iui. i
Iii llxiiFillix newxho se oIN. --
telxiw I l- leeelI'ml" ill-
I'iieisiiv ssiluclts iisix-iiug tsse-
cure 'pusitiilsxsoIstea-ii oxill fisndit Io
thiri iixteest to (x-iiteto iiJnnwus F.
'Ii- iiiuxlou li/I(31-9 ine Ar-is Buiidinug,
C1iisixos 80
Expellrtrelliirillg of ivoxeiry at
are a, big 50c worth. Guar-
anteed "All Breaks Made
Good." All shopkeepers1
in Ann Arbor
Box 286, Shiley, Mass.
'AAth e---n s Th e a t r e
EGAL O FORDSSeat Sa at Stoffiet's News Stand.
fREr AL OX O D ; ONE I I K, SCll i
See oyr window, there is only one THE MIL LER=BRYAN CO,
quality, the best; there is only onec
price on themi, that is $3.50. If s 1 elti- ,l lw lvealx iii- ii ii x -i . Po1lite xiii in ill l xleille
yo aenever had[[r pair a~k l iM(NI CX i-I 1NN
yoTavhe SOE r tra l~to1:1gill lrltPl fl6
. " your friend how they wear. fu-1xi iiI-1 sl IX xiiii~
M } MFY[S STSAND, 611 J ASTI [IMSIR[[T. tlsi 1ii 11 I:ii:i " 11 1I ~lt1:1I lilrltt 1.o*tlels
ANN ABOR- ICH.Popular Prices, 10, 20 and 30 cents.
t C ,T ! if + , ! -l": I"; l/ i' ,,;1hI.I: tx
COLhe.C reliss, oohio rl IsIn t1Co., Ma ttIler ts. ;, t
25!C1o15Wi o(II ckV vllC:ve t ,0 111( o' olo t -

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