The Michigan Daily
AXNN ARBOR, \HEC EI i<f. ' C I SDAYkMAI RCH [ 13, 1900.
MI o. XVI.
No. 115.
Michigan's Representative at Football M C I A O L Y N
Conference Makes Explanation as1
to Work of That Body. Professor Waldo of Purdue Says of Xir 1t.. G
IfI-i l l . ) Michigan Was Justified in idf r-i le atnioiii
rescnt liiiti iatte ret fro ll 1rilfi I Playing AI11..iestern Guiard-- because o f the ch71
i i ii iiiiiiiii r Schulte 'Will be Ineli able Next c1)1 prs tat;
race toad isrfi cofr ic rdii eeiinih i iieim ea.-
ir'i 1 un ii i i ufuuiinu~ lfrr,,ri fiiiif ill e rti
tan i ir s on l ws ll ii fii ff (fnci is fvin iatd riiii \ r a ci n{ la' ft" Shnl
iiiieol~ to filcofereincefiai er;iif anurfi He mn~s rrinF. chlem t letm lv rfurn iii' rir li
fir rrrifrrinruiitiii un;uiwithn the i mor ii riirririfin-i"
''iii i o, rirrrr n ririrind rrrrroc . T e (if his t rinlrirrif isunfl fir' n'f afrrfr t f nk'n i- 1 i iimui f riiio \s'[rf I e' e
coaciwilrbe ir i he senaief hu-
Schiii i ult as einr fi ii r if ii fr iiri u i ii ufnuu offor feurotb ll--- iffi miii e '
--a ts ifih r rrrrrf rni rirri runy . frris ii fIrir ''fnfr ofif i iii ii i~iifi i fr 3 i Firi
ifcept ryiunive ri i r i ii boies.on ii ftr 'rl ii if i fri ue rn reiiiiliii ii- hn sr y inqiff r th sienfun h t list; inqirifii he i
Students Consider They Have Won a
nmnfrunifthlnf thfircare Victory and Will Return to Dr.
Srfiiifir atfractedf coni- Lombard's Class Today.
on1<,, Ini ia'inifrgiiig
urge madenfrbi ifhe (hi- T.he junior ifentaf stutisi, wto fiavr
\r.ifcutinhfidflrietiffbe'un ronspiciuousrif- iheir absrene fromu
;i at~ Msirfunni"iiiiiiier Dr. W.P1. Lomfiarif's physiiology class
, " ii inandiiasihre- iir duringfluefrailtireek, wifi retiinrtii dir
compete into,.IThefiiliftif s morniung iiriftheitrouiibie in
( if~ h iih\f antha t ifipirtmntiiiriiowi cnidreredl
esbittetfircifefir closref.Xflfiouthe dfeilint s idi not ri-
ifd te cnrei nen ar eive aifllinatthify fiaid iremaiiided, ltrey
reqfill thfi he firnverri iffel ttthey khare sredrrfa moirrafic-
irfde fin ifeiqueitiirof innrynandf.ii are rfiipia ifredobeinmuraui-
iiifiii. Prof. Wadifif o uniiii
tiii&I fri i r iiiit siire
gas mifi ainirifindpndinti
ife case Nn iiing for9
iifiirriffrrfncfur nds-
ifingkig ndserct
iis fourrrnrrrs if iiitrr-
ilaium iatXWashinugton'
ifie wasitfurefirrr rffgi-
ti iii standsv.(
Th lgbliy eis frrr ]Ciriirrf tilfe
sam a oignaly ased luxep iftthrienis onne i-ilenwhichi is fiiiterif, i EATS TO BE RESERV'ED
ftie n-- ii urnucrindi if apififih tnoiiall condemned. TIhliit irneis hn - li il-1
- hiic a wllas footbalilll Asitfirulliytiiinig u fiA;tereistiofiihe FOR INDIANA MEET
ii) san sm ratn cruincompetefin h isfur olleges bf-i f arier. Chicagorun lun1bfu
firt ica o colee. r or or thn andcapedcosidralyiif the rule hrTen Men Picked to Represent Varsity'
fire r srafer h if grutin. I'firinforced trifctny.iAgainst Hoosiers--Light Work e
onyexetini fomenmwho iareiinowii Ii isnotiif kniiw n furl watuacion it(,fi Given Men Yesterday. a
if ii nint] layd ill theitio.; foiotba ll 1Cfhiago iauthoriieis riill taifeuoni thne inrec-___
-arl i-Iw o aeiligble fo mth lfo t ll uimiienil mmio r mnId II mr-inn -Istufrntsureni fns ---i iis fint~n
team ewt mll. felmn r y tifrinin>-isi reservedisratrfror theturn''nafun'rt
err u'.nnfri iwaifromgmtleirmuslitu iill go miiisile rumirentrn ninn's rffcer
forbiddernini exfeptir forI thoser menCriwhorru
I'hc trainifu l tilifis fmff fJ \R f 1 F IS T 'f1 1LT toi the generalf opfnionrn.ilium' is turn uxtra
1Nu 1Au nnfn i iiili N X'X XIPtm .A\If C'f'rhuf.-nfr fir re'se'rve-r-ef trrf hefricerine-u-
ftcr tis vam.miIurn(urn eizolmfsritiiifiisf
ton fur 'ins- rhalilast ighmrim tinfiT'mkigiii runasimiatirdnubnghr-
nef Iouriufd Ii tf()1fo tlmtes, ssb unIuti fr 1rrfrnf XXiin fmu in u'i nnun m nu u u
mum um m u i'iiui mlii liii tr udnundnun ainn '' in- iiii ra hr mm inhenreimnitnunhe rem ruin If uhur mwil i laa fur
to d w:t -tit eq ib ing rri pri ce:mi nul fn mmi n Ii' ui-i-'iiirn u n-ii unnnung li' mf ur I mrn' m
nihar. Th lls n-i i ll i i not he l-iii s noi lecure.m r mi ufin red runic Wrd.mndfia ina nn unext if t ruaingfun hmii bfu n m i
at le e -i unil l fn '
faifed to apper hemaii-nagm enmuofuneamumrunnfinnsthenhanf-ile. Owing I
I iium rim r mrmu m u nn i ifni urui-mniaflrm' pirrisfibits--ufihurl in
mainteun-ilnm- f in ''il-in eii rnlun rtfrm iib u ffth finuseif ou n il nt ofnferia I n te n han fm i i tfurtioni summill bemmiitniin
this lkill have ln r fmemliatMmii gan.iii i o n s inhrn iasnotum amurmrf rn r .'' n lyu m an'r ini tis evn t. in C rn unt will f
Til inrem ining r in inw i:nd aum frfignn in .ini iemaag r fi n thnerunceum he i in ef rnyina If turh; t mmdger-inn.
finruiny fiii nfmrrbm reauii mp flth ur'irdithaihe r uin ldin otfu Gaftrels.t - i -is mu-Pnhfit'eiii hur
fSnt umr mmiiy th11eiireg uln XXernc m~rc i im s d ine.herelasi tt ig h int Xunt (j nt u n ini h um ihe'ole vauti:ii my
me'id rtte h rls n o l tmay havei ])cellthurf hii m isingrunt iandf S umh n the q ur r o n dn-' inn iin
ilii' trmin s s r-racetne temi i t-i r- i.o lns.o afdzn ohe n h ie a e. G own
r le wil ii ii pte be t1 Ilii' r ~Isunnu -nr mis qXl itXym"nr inAn n ofse i-inthe n ftre-lah r enlay. i ihr'
th .pr0 fu ae ofal ole e re Abr i last unih f- nd tirre r eiin olrtiiit (,fI-fr- ofirms r irn'u m e r n otfh in thin fi nr
f i i iii irinin mliii unitatot wi l iii tken iiifew ueoplewf run stillr on erun iungruf wh in'a i'imt li nr w ich noldnn uinile othe fstren ul
th mmii r un iing l alteelc ft hehTh iycemmifers M . Ware fo amOfurn mm lu ffin unitcatins titrui
ruf n ilirrclrce ii iI Cdaeif n X he1 ec1 re1asocf t iff21 I Xas'-riiau mr ino r ef f t ife ft u nnchrifrr
ItIS ipraiticahis ceraini il at I nin iti rii ll in )an a 1 XIII 1rIgard ing mIe hl. au lt a- mnd rnt equallymfoodff rkf
')ifl alnun emmiifin x trmnefy funlhuinksl -liithatiiuffi
sobatiniilli i lii ii lrnnmr tunl b ae.P O .C .R Fi unt nu r'fi"'i sitf agtgStuue fsg imttinasGare ulfi oodwin.fSchenk
- te. A mi tteo trfw s hs itsinishr nuthe uine r I of iol mieistudents tfuay i nowma-mni mtis firShnk n di
last apper arrumm eporn i mmift'iit-h'r cof-s aytradentheXtollowimmin ilatmiii tibforetur hei ltrs tint. nunurn irst ni o m r .fri s
Sam sn oflfniil nu ImmliamiI'rminiAX G.Smithinf oi runionthefimoriaIlton iio fleimilt iuntil ec ny hri ii the mmiiunirs firm h s
ofi Iminim ot orr f wnl hoimlare i ex-ifootballiii iiveriuh fis-bfunt-riemfftl u risd sine nevrm f r eavrsfitt itiam.iIlfe
isnar mis. nn of ' . l urn-in 1mmni -un multe itiroucntltin oru lti cs f n tthe n trimdif hfinn i nti fla in muerit I lie is
trff.iColeyf furtheiitr l nidthat itwnuty tlnrruuu'fnt esl to snutchfim tui t h tiairr -
XIi:R ( Xftf I 0 INI IftNAXN'f'Off\If fears "mmfretur-nl furtfl i tsweren niltfr.inhere fie frtinirnma i'frilloni
f'f NJI-f fs N11 1' 1 IfI If I f1NO.0 rcommn occi unnrnre m r innce o thecamp s, nId I ie-mist phno umr a nrmlptuovnnirIt
Studieint -i nti miiinun is itterm atm- i caunugun -fihe n n he de n Iof iniefIn liparin tthtin f M lioneyf .neIotlhetniterimind te
a ant the - Xl -nrrrnn offIiis nt-inn s-ni- afon unriblii i nmmitierffr nietabilihtinintis- i i'h a] fillni 104, ferhai n l everm-
iia h ~ ivriyo hcg ila-odrtetintmiii if thesie'bratls.i Ir'n.tdonmeuannun ifirminu r unnitngcntfininug
min hei- ucrm in datnnu inis mp inp ile Insy fComliyfaiso saidtht m uitiWas fits irinpini n tit nflfintht o 10 a'mur21 0,o nt Wi I le fn
the' ret-iiiii fnnunlir-rl rc nfertnence. Itrom ts an sociolo insf, thti olifegneathletics furl "good mwork. IIe idnoftint ett Ir t-
finenmtstudefntsiItnkf fhinnagumisas giverrnrritud eirismake ~tfir anthll int 'ood.ulintins fistiyeinlimitu tnithn thereons
fll ideal lml]fie if r mll fitruinably ap-f mmiiintryi t i inn e fill rtof o5 inrtfur'
pilltino intthe u n rsitfy seniate ang thnatiAnil thefle nin eeur ngnu"Initiit hunt Marc ift mniti IhndmnIicapflrrace'ft'liew ntfirst plaie'
fun'e in mmmlles ibe modiffied. 2l 1. II I Iunfttn, umJr. nutofDetroit, sill fruit rest Ins<t nrrow nmrgin.r Sini'.
Xftltoughintheym obijieit sinnnuatytorms pfr a'ir .f 11 Hincmn a nn mmis a pfoin nt t etn nt eIn hisn run outlt-ooos i in i-
tlue ftrtinintt abI leiiruin, mliii sum inrt toInnMiclig"nnafuumunus andins ml present atprry ifmuthn Ifuf ll snintr ir e - n mtered
iin nrsietaturn orut eliifOmt than olhmrlieumtint ofii tu t inrlinnfirm nuteninerers, theprlimtin rytmni teet Itwo neeks-ag-o for
tuniersittesmutlstiffer is well.Ifutie nlH inhmnnnt'n Smtinth. thn putrpose of p'cingDflff Oue week
ltrui tool:mi send to urDull ini tieninei
lapirace oflthefireIi rotiftmrut.,I'misfu-
mn m os abnrnreaii st onuthe flter. Satitr-
Ia ighuntfr u h inIe liie uth-featuredi
fueraeasadrltuhrse, -mnIdisurprisedf
rn-uho infirm expectedim ntinoininake
a I r hoirng ibify iuinitfa nclose third
im-: ii-,. Une in grin stlf efeore
th ls f theutrack seashunut he hould
glee an mmileinmulirn t ifwet ahind rance
Then track athleters 'murk'a liht wonk-
outi vsed tri-n m t miiheirstreunnoits r1o-
mum"- nuof mii S us mm-nigf. fapmin utRIamey
too ithihlmtmf- Irmi-a s t alft, andt
twI mu nntooki onmlnefour loermn'thnnee
laps. IhInsnirmmnetgineenr, ire Ineginr-
in uing ntorhave nt inug'la ini-veu' fir-
ti"iiimiiinnn' ad r pning sleepless
nht oienni" nns-owturf'can toder-
mine mutreirfsphrerbfrmethreun. Walit
frile-'li infirmtoinhas nrcrdf it13 t-
tur the m tral. furs lie-inprc's--iled upon
ton cme oi miuntimnidrunt tnte team.i--e
wasnui eterdrimsftrpmramtimceald te
nut mc ofini- 1team w-illinbe"greatlsy it-
"'1ff X IKf)XX luX 1ff t.rAXl
'f'(IXIIIIIIOX ,MX,''lfti'f(N
firm XX-n'mrisnl inafieno nrllat4:30, Al-
brt Inr'fmun'nruuI s-nfl"ui' f tm' fifth recital
in tim' historica ere. nh rognam
fir thin recitalsniff cnsuisten ttuely of
I 'chikournskvn r r.luIonlinsioi's itter-
pretmin moi f thini otedii Russfiariin's iwon-k
us ninn--glifm vor-mmith local councert goers;
it.is 11)tcmmnluy -agreed-nlthamt as a
fshim mu i n miilnterpetr tr.Lickmwoodf
Inas firm muirus.11The p rramius as fol-
Pr un Iditsr ii fruit ii 0-f'kY
S 1m iiMfijia'o7 1. nun uto
11.lAndanre non toppoqusir od
Ill1. Scherzo : Xffegro in"icoso.
I Xe. Fiil: Xliigrn rimacm.
Berceuseo-01).7, Nnr.,-2.
.!\r cdfaioniir-01). 72, Nun
'Thie diffimulty lbetweti theuclcammsande
frn b~ombtanrdmws tk pasn dui neti-
gateify lthe udnentlufatculty Satuday
mtioning, afinnin ihinc te junionsee
nalleif together 1)3 Drn.1Damling, rdean of
fonrmmnd amvisedf ithemintin return to te
mte nlass. Thfetde-n sidturhat he on-
sinnred than't they hadmm inoninam vitry,
and madsisd iiithem tim1beccntent with
wnhiat thny hftginui T- hfu strikei e-
umaineidoburlnatelonevertunti yeste-
mlay in ming ihnmti the eme uhfdessed
by Ifr. fHoff, eneay onuthte depat-
menmt.Annondiing to a stmtenment made
biy a membder of lte lass. fnHi-off told
theumrthat fDrLomnhardfhaul amitted
before thte dentafanutfy that iiisate-
ments wireeinirneet. Thue studenti
were giv-umn tnunderstmaund tat tie dents
would he putttinto a setionn by tenm-
relies and gvru a sepanmrte intrmuton
next ynar. This instrucrnt wmsiff, mmm-
eve, mittnder te autioriy of fD.
-The sudentssere mloigis-en te as-
iurane that no sttemns tom shint they
couldftake exneptinuirulf furmade iur-
lug the rmaindr fi rttie couse. Dr.
Hoff toldf lhe stuents thmmatte mmmlion
pratinally a11 that they iere contenting
fon andm advied henmtr return to the
class At there fmnemn his talk the nmm-
hens of the nlassr feld a meeing an de-
cidedf to atteundf tii' uphysiolorg- lecture
Mnfmager fCmark tnt the CGfee anf Man-
dolii inclummli ha almost dfefiey deidetd
to ahmandonr all plmans of having an eas-
ernrtrip ton te mutsirculforngniations
fhis year. It mmal beent hofedf tatthin
ndubis oul go to Pitsurig dining th
vaation, ini response to the initation
of the enthsiastic gadfuates who liv
there But the guanauteer. hametnot eeni
satisfantory, fenefle aandonment of
the plan
The -iinereay uwouldf ave inluded
Clev-elaun, Cininnati amd Buffalo, mak-
ing mm ourn to whinch tie minial mnr
lookedi forward with pleasure
Althroughm no easternntrip was taken
last srimnig, it ha Ibeen more or less of
an esabliihedf nusomno 10take suh mm
tour, Intl the ventue In.srnot always
leent a financial succers, andi this year's
mnamger exhibiits a crditale cation inn
refusing to undetake mm trip this eaout
It is fri lie desiredl that evetually a tif
to Pitturg i ccmplmihfiton Mich-
gait lar nomornoe loymmalmtrnri in te
ountry thanr those w-Io are attaining
sucness in the Smoky CityTie egin-
eer whim visitedi thee last sning cnm
testify 1o the agreeahe hospitality anti
thre general good time experiened out
eery side
eI'The senior lifi will hold mm dance at
eBarbour gym on the en'ening nit Marnch
if1. Granger's ornchesnrar.s eentse-
n urned to furnish tie muii. Refresh-
I mnts will e erved. If this ifane is
I. a success, it will e followed by a series
sof these parties An admission of sev-
enty-ine cents will e chaged.
Invtuitni mm mumin n~rpa-if (fir , BNo.itt
lfrrrrn - ml run Ch fumo- -Op.If , No. 3.
lhiiitnii :sinei rstiue=Op. sq
Si mu i Imlcli lip 31.
# X untilhar.-1emnrmcei vedlthat Ann-in
Iih ilim mrmu thn'sixty-mimiddashinthu
' turin t mC uncithu.. Sa~turdayif' night.
mnuri mwas r'reenting .thne XMilwsatukee
Atleticelcumhninthme nchampiounship niert
rut thencecrinal section of the A. A.U.
fLiriirn of Chicagoi Atletic chum, mar
mm chore second.