4 The Michigan Daily AXNN ARBOR, \HEC EI i-isi reservedisratrfror theturn''nafun'rt err u'.nnfri iwaifromgmtleirmuslitu iill go miiisile rumirentrn ninn's rffcer forbiddernini exfeptir forI thoser menCriwhorru I'hc trainifu l tilifis fmff fJ \R f 1 F IS T 'f1 1LT toi the generalf opfnionrn.ilium' is turn uxtra 1Nu 1Au nnfn i iiili N X'X XIPtm .A\If C'f'rhuf.-nfr fir re'se'rve-r-ef trrf hefricerine-u- ftcr tis vam.miIurn(urn eizolmfsritiiifiisf ton fur 'ins- rhalilast ighmrim tinfiT'mkigiii runasimiatirdnubnghr- nef Iouriufd Ii tf()1fo tlmtes, ssb unIuti fr 1rrfrnf XXiin fmu in u'i nnun m nu u u mum um m u i'iiui mlii liii tr udnundnun ainn '' in- iiii ra hr mm inhenreimnitnunhe rem ruin If uhur mwil i laa fur to d w:t -tit eq ib ing rri pri ce:mi nul fn mmi n Ii' ui-i-'iiirn u n-ii unnnung li' mf ur I mrn' m nihar. Th lls n-i i ll i i not he l-iii s noi lecure.m r mi ufin red runic Wrd.mndfia ina nn unext if t ruaingfun hmii bfu n m i at le e -i unil l fn ' faifed to apper hemaii-nagm enmuofuneamumrunnfinnsthenhanf-ile. Owing I I iium rim r mrmu m u nn i ifni urui-mniaflrm' pirrisfibits--ufihurl in mainteun-ilnm- f in ''il-in eii rnlun rtfrm iib u ffth finuseif ou n il nt ofnferia I n te n han fm i i tfurtioni summill bemmiitniin this lkill have ln r fmemliatMmii gan.iii i o n s inhrn iasnotum amurmrf rn r .'' n lyu m an'r ini tis evn t. in C rn unt will f Til inrem ining r in inw i:nd aum frfignn in .ini iemaag r fi n thnerunceum he i in ef rnyina If turh; t mmdger-inn. finruiny fiii nfmrrbm reauii mp flth ur'irdithaihe r uin ldin otfu Gaftrels.t - i -is mu-Pnhfit'eiii hur fSnt umr mmiiy th11eiireg uln XXernc m~rc i im s d ine.herelasi tt ig h int Xunt (j nt u n ini h um ihe'ole vauti:ii my me'id rtte h rls n o l tmay havei ])cellthurf hii m isingrunt iandf S umh n the q ur r o n dn-' inn iin ilii' trmin s s r-racetne temi i t-i r- i.o lns.o afdzn ohe n h ie a e. G own r le wil ii ii pte be t1 Ilii' r ~Isunnu -nr mis qXl itXym"nr inAn n ofse i-inthe n ftre-lah r enlay. i ihr' th .pr0 fu ae ofal ole e re Abr i last unih f- nd tirre r eiin olrtiiit (,fI-fr- ofirms r irn'u m e r n otfh in thin fi nr f i i iii irinin mliii unitatot wi l iii tken iiifew ueoplewf run stillr on erun iungruf wh in'a i'imt li nr w ich noldnn uinile othe fstren ul th mmii r un iing l alteelc ft hehTh iycemmifers M . Ware fo amOfurn mm lu ffin unitcatins titrui ruf n ilirrclrce ii iI Cdaeif n X he1 ec1 re1asocf t iff21 I Xas'-riiau mr ino r ef f t ife ft u nnchrifrr ItIS ipraiticahis ceraini il at I nin iti rii ll in )an a 1 XIII 1rIgard ing mIe hl. au lt a- mnd rnt equallymfoodff rkf ')ifl alnun emmiifin x trmnefy funlhuinksl -liithatiiuffi sobatiniilli i lii ii lrnnmr tunl b ae.P O .C .R Fi unt nu r'fi"'i sitf agtgStuue fsg imttinasGare ulfi oodwin.fSchenk - te. A mi tteo trfw s hs itsinishr nuthe uine r I of iol mieistudents tfuay i nowma-mni mtis firShnk n di last apper arrumm eporn i mmift'iit-h'r cof-s aytradentheXtollowimmin ilatmiii tibforetur hei ltrs tint. nunurn irst ni o m r .fri s Sam sn oflfniil nu ImmliamiI'rminiAX G.Smithinf oi runionthefimoriaIlton iio fleimilt iuntil ec ny hri ii the mmiiunirs firm h s ofi Iminim ot orr f wnl hoimlare i ex-ifootballiii iiveriuh fis-bfunt-riemfftl u risd sine nevrm f r eavrsfitt itiam.iIlfe isnar mis. nn of ' . l urn-in 1mmni -un multe itiroucntltin oru lti cs f n tthe n trimdif hfinn i nti fla in muerit I lie is 7,oruru°tudntine."tnexceeigl-f-strrongiuretrFitzpiatri trff.iColeyf furtheiitr l nidthat itwnuty tlnrruuu'fnt esl to snutchfim tui t h tiairr - XIi:R ( Xftf I 0 INI IftNAXN'f'Off\If fears "mmfretur-nl furtfl i tsweren niltfr.inhere fie frtinirnma i'frilloni f'f NJI-f fs N11 1' 1 IfI If I f1NO.0 rcommn occi unnrnre m r innce o thecamp s, nId I ie-mist phno umr a nrmlptuovnnirIt Studieint -i nti miiinun is itterm atm- i caunugun -fihe n n he de n Iof iniefIn liparin tthtin f M lioneyf .neIotlhetniterimind te a ant the - Xl -nrrrnn offIiis nt-inn s-ni- afon unriblii i nmmitierffr nietabilihtinintis- i i'h a] fillni 104, ferhai n l everm- iia h ~ ivriyo hcg ila-odrtetintmiii if thesie'bratls.i Ir'n.tdonmeuannun ifirminu r unnitngcntfininug min hei- ucrm in datnnu inis mp inp ile Insy fComliyfaiso saidtht m uitiWas fits irinpini n tit nflfintht o 10 a'mur21 0,o nt Wi I le fn the' ret-iiiii fnnunlir-rl rc nfertnence. Itrom ts an sociolo insf, thti olifegneathletics furl "good mwork. IIe idnoftint ett Ir t- finenmtstudefntsiItnkf fhinnagumisas giverrnrritud eirismake ~tfir anthll int 'ood.ulintins fistiyeinlimitu tnithn thereons fll ideal lml]fie if r mll fitruinably ap-f mmiiintryi t i inn e fill rtof o5 inrtfur' pilltino intthe u n rsitfy seniate ang thnatiAnil thefle nin eeur ngnu"Initiit hunt Marc ift mniti IhndmnIicapflrrace'ft'liew ntfirst plaie' fun'e in mmmlles ibe modiffied. 2l 1. II I Iunfttn, umJr. nutofDetroit, sill fruit rest Ins