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March 03, 1901 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-03-03

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U fi1~I~Q I*I Communication IRAIN OR SH-INEF
____________________________To the Editor of the U. of 11. Dily: TIhe "00" $3 00 Shoe is the shoe
Potihe 0 I (od e etoid-og We hste Jsst see ii the UF. ol tA. to wear when te weather is uncer-
Coo r at DlyiiOn dirn tic~iis' ti0M1r. Murton ta,. A littie rain doesn't hrt it N'
TIE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN statestie inst nlit iid flter state while it affods plenty o comfort on
Mose Orete no'en Orrie . t t gt the Porto ic Rtsolethwsretotsy
ano llt ~ButIlfl, thelight f ay
Argeis bidg, MooStci .,366Stt Sre. t eru e eer nt le ,ti ter utof course we hve lg tshot '
BothPone 3 e i " so Se'o ee182 efor brigh asadhayshoes for\
c______________ (11o rtbeor tii' e cij ith io n iilk htdys and seavy
MANAGING EDITOR, iniSoe i l.liiiie rainy days if you prefer./
BUIESMANAG~ER, do (ioi iser ytbiiga-isuntitre '. GAS'S.O TQ
17. E . i 1.0 55 55 iof Aiirlt excpt ll( , ii t sies of New 1 0 9So. Main Street. NV
y flintTwest]] iiii Ario. Opa evein S until AN AIO ,MC
Ariite ~nTe. xa. yx~: iR~ f ive(Ol' ' -iogiiC pci'dii ind leiedto 8 P M
A III Ill Cte. D os s 1± t sourIns 'ilgrMltheishol. ad reiey
G. 5. Hnoes so 55,0A.H.McDorlai~.,'015 fn ftaeig n iigs ert
Mis L, K.Ca s '03 35. A. Stissis'0l1 0thi11sI ii byihs ag u las' i cerso the711
is .Io owi4Nv .CAL,' Whehe' youa care to buy now, or
'.A. Bi.SC55055, '03 E. I. 5omesse '3 irlY ns iisd 13 h m h
'111tol( 0 ill la~iia fateseens'iiit one merely in search of sugges-
ills' lttlerl'itll rx5 tillt ie Wliti alve y ' ' tions, o visit here will repay you.
I ta si'hwe's th is (ts l y155 so'3 that w(ullIl
--________________ - (ilo 1slo t tiret li iltIC' h is3ciiul\e wll ellyou a Ssit or Over-
'T'esu±I frlp.io piles(slthe DObicitS'1U (illo u 0 1 st stlctig Ortis' (tie 1 ofa a
il.51,clltil e '5rt silO' trdeii d r'y saoatuut itattiill-
Sets is ems. oo(11 lin,._I eiditsl, sioloandi1'' i is''
tin istsi e hnded i n at t h iesfI to e TUE -i" olftsalsystlsitsws0~ j. Prces that will mae ft the est inestent
tifor aisin.,lie niiisd to a t lsOisY r: sstcptlo h u in te a h
} li cl the cdoy pist 0io nslotatday o ill 1n01111 .sti ior115 lace t111 1' tll' tlre(U AO ry you ter (ade
which ilu3 air spot'sed ioppens"
Suiocii] Ioe setamy bhefItat theso iLai f- ill11 lil ' 11 i ent (ltlritf t eit l n ew a n hrsa O T
li. MeSiy .or Sonlet's oOwstniorl with b Ps± l ogtox l l 1111 11ltilie.AlUn ew a ad Sh ts tCO T
itaies Maaoe' Sbsiberos(ill csnilt
acn b e por1illting; 5proplylat tis lse e o ay Iit i'1'rylnaturl lt e may ll 'seabout 11 Housecoats and Sweaers at Low
failurse orriersoto d0liverr paper. :nnimit , nd.re11111'.el o
Au changst ill d'te -inmatterms tt (b1111 ''teriices.g~i l
ti0100i sotilesby;;101p 11Ill. ie day tpr'e'ious 10 til nts i ty1111 hrel c'. IC(lst'it tid e ±11- Prc s
toit oswchith they 1re to appear. I'I'llol 11s teity111'in whic'there±111 ~ a ~~A'Everyting New The New Store
lit' tl'tstll'lt f 11'lihi~il' il Ilii isk te'I'lllofltheet u ivrsti s T
nyIefoin k Es~lhire at (li.Oer11two 111n 1III' tillel'Siates ich(ll' ilsi±epreL- ND W VERTH
te in taIlil lit il flwerttig 1 I ll' 11111' 1111'iendil. Ai. ittr ,hlili Justil. til 1 i-
lien s Ilead hh t illosur ff istball tts't' th is' t a poiush 1. he11iltnot1nosf
hoti ofme tIn 'sesimtiwillotth nhft''tiieo 'sidtrill'rsf:itrliufe it s' ONI~E SOL1) eVWEEK COMMENCIN4G
sp dIli, times'(isuuig tt t~ll y' ht- uafd hlhets oads . 50.s1tais t I ll's' /
s'i'itis'titers'sand i:lof 1('gitig'this' ccssf. Stdsiscan'llsit lt niuiis'tit Monday, March 4,1901 .
WI'tais' li of urat liht'asilty r tihsaf fu.'ti5 Src0addany
ipowe . st'. b e i rs' ( te r noth l'' i ntllg c'ookiing. 'T E'2 1 'ft' 4 27 T'ih lifs- 77
defiief;19y illh don1111 Drell son__(reef._D av d son Sto ck Co.
"feas t ch"has nt11(11issuugiliillu. 510 t t~WhtN it II~II a r~ isttHo LS s o
fer i'Ill h eadlf tiolf (theliii' ent'5 Oi'l (Iii 'Monday- 'Se Cold't MatyThe.
td, w"( shtll hn0 molt to13' faier onCol tttS~ETtt dty- 'Moths of 5Sci~ty" Thre
oni. Jis e t hcc' u e ~lstin ottf 1 prised eda -''ares-usi
iii sist'n~ h iiss il( f t 'i tol t'ri riltisut Chef d'oeuvre de E-Thuesitsdtiy-'' arst Rnne''
ofll'nsif iii bas' rillti ttiiei i l i T'T m d y - atL n e
)III,)- 5 his ut htilyIli favor oftue i e f hsio Uit' le i is y-The ''Sstats ~asghter.'
prosed changessi atftsu itlusilod Wln Sgi, andeChnier Satday-''Dtange's of a Great City"
Thiusd fshcolsteitifl'priniti'iii uteAstody WtnSailourt ataerSIiETPSaturday Mtitee- Cinderrella "
Thesl anul ws ii'first aiii' 0 fdill s u ADD'EtollSS he3'SOUtHiil'STAEe lSTREEllT/e
ieo~ ll nulels's tiofCminise ilfll'hi'l ,Therau Pelsofiotircie ie-p~aaPfen d 1115 atethsi ais E 0(x- PR ICES:IOC, 20C ad30. Seats now selin
netlli .luetcstht t isatac~dto poitioti Cu irleselisce. All ols out 00te and 3to0C.sdet silerhwssuscipionoly
tillsth lhhfll as Ie isisi _the_____approv-_____________ One lady free with each 30 cent ticket oti Monday night.
t1o uh et t n hnith[ ali(___ _____________.. ___________-- , _ _ _ - ______ _____________
t oli lit'ohuth 1i ilihiut tlsiti ft'i ii at tshro ipen5 I'l "NEW ENGLAND" COMING! Frank Daniels in the "Ameer"
tsor fliiteem e-tsin s i ;11-1 -htl 408 . WASHINGTON ST.
sl Ingel'. ul't Lesu than I nels aweeki5c, EVERYTHING NEW EXCEPT THE NAME
fh'ilI 11K)C'.N'.Collections Saturday noons __ AT
lii0i 1t al s isi Stis-o ( 'silml ifsity- --
Ii ( I u'se-,b ae l ii-itintifis (i-h'EUROPE
tomorroeru 's-'i t uug. 'e'11 c i lti I 'inuictd'vaca tionpa t'y-tLoudofin
t tm ee", wa'l'uiis-thsitifwill"shus' I- gsiotumlihu Pris, Scwitzerandthtie tRfiue-til E0E
poutiery' I'llpm'es''.''sc~i-plsth( a hi' nauli mys, $2t00. Drs. Diatiess lion. N. Y. OEI
ehi( ( ti-c "ths' ushucis tofuof iu]t-t' 41 WaltStreet, New York 'B ILLII ~ I ~ F ~ F
C lissliespipeuur."Im thur ihiitituhy aaiiht Trunsotatgeerof bamuting bofeso. IHIGtH GRADEhCIG~AtRS, TOBiAC'CO AND CIGARETTES
nll's. itlt Itheut' tist um illhh ifli'iri' eet depoits aiendrutO.Diideds -]dA T
illih l ( du Eid hl~rn ba urtis'ss acilIer Aeta leetesd andre mitd Ata L icl fradngotiate lie isensot LTAT
cc't i m i~t I n huh. ti2111s l i -miI1. 1u raiulroaduus, street ruiucys-s coinhftvuis, e0t. TDNo
she l ei li'hh e tlshe 111ftimi e uuuste'Securitieso ught aududolad su comiitona. 1 / l JRoTI LEaf At.5:T A T
f3, utti's ti-l'ss'he-icts-is v Membertsect YorklExcangeo. R 1 ,
tIthIll 1111 \t ( 1N .. LstofcuCs-asit olen 5 ",' o sstphuto, S''AtA D Co WsatItAs30
.1th l'iuithliarcsi'ortil lu- 'iidhos-issfl t LADELO'HIA CORRElSPONDENTS.TAMADH207T EAIG
Sr~~~~~~isu ~~~~0 eEumfi iios o uisu su uh RHM ER&~. Washington Stree. ATISrIC GAS AND ELltt5tRc FuX.TUsuES
wcifthe0 c'uum'iy' sluuha i . p msuaicy
is the' gy'nuiuusttmmos

MIs t 1 114,\ You Can Buy the...
Coimpltecline "Adler"' suits ont o0er1
0 It 'itWadi-mus Ry'ss &enleTHlE JHIOEMIAN
Bs$3htmeinteoarThat Won't Brea Through 218 S. MAIN ST
Wtacilama, Ryan & Reute, sote ageuts.a

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