i HE t t:v t Sill OF MICHIGAN DAIL Y3
W Are You Thinking AbuaSpigDe
We've done our thiniling and have some stunning thoughts to showe
knnv- Hiiwtq find "n~v i
r:.; a.garesrr ca- r.c a:. : :.
a av a, s. oVr r V .4 1 a V 441A: 2I kRAI
rYou Can't afford to miss seeing them before buying.. Call today.
." !4t
' M A12 ST
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Michigan The Action of Board of Regenito Meeto i llli "'ell fOtted for gcinerail 11)111- The JOSEPH IJOHMANNE
enirat With Disapproval il i it ieiti tiiisi; MANDOLIN,56c GUITARS
Sl~il~c orof 1iklo1 }', lnd S liecived First Prcenium nat tie Pai Exps
kNIAGARA FALLS ROUTE P1heirecen (-Ii si iiiiofthe Board of , souldhe to nto ill tha t no -radsilo They Ate fItsoenit;itthe
THlE SHORT lLIME- d e.hsc lii llichc11et114ilreri o o-rs. 'TIhat ili'lie lije h11gj j RcSt Y
soll ispro a. ie olovll'ed liii. Ni 1 s b1le ss, dii 1111' ii ll Lbel t
A NN ARFlBO R) lTO iioiril tll'ii liithii'Nt'iv r Yiitl . T i o the i,. "i- 11iiy iligiL~Ec i t ii io iiy .Ann As ho,'
i-i Cina e f'intrit:leiii iceil\itlii classicail stiitie's so aenl-.,j-
CHICAGO~~~~~in t ri 111k1 'IitI .l E I iEGR~ElI. rlls lid soin ltspraibly thatull 15 CAIN > H 5
BUIF FA4LOh.\i iiiiieiiofthiolljistctaklco e i catethecoertionaof. CAIG fS 5O
by he 'llvelslt of iihiat cnel'l- ustis ertinl ;I lI 3pint size, paten;t lamp, handles
N pWY RK/' iiIii--aa -al l'g''' slst mliii ilntionfrom course on hot water pan,, absolutely the_
A N DBOSTO N ap p iii iii ef(ithef'Hiihr tlccc PI'inst ittion Vlill Ill(i anciii ' belilievt'sdlsi- hest in town forthe price.
With idircconctftiins as Chicago for St. -caiccillite courises at study co- t 1ii i'ti ha ii . t I Win, ArnIold, Jeweler Th
Los , KanssCity, f1. Pal andifli t ewes. .n .r"ii'. ThsIlc I 1liIii h ltrue t'il tthAt li. _______._______de-______________
Etc informa tonsanithrcoughatickets tall o icihciprized______than_____ot____rs,__
or wrietoisH.iW.HAYES, Agent, Anii Arbor. sic g ae d tcl atsini ciatedl ncitioily 0Ial nals cihilcll y that teil s icial
that tiiii ' rciiien lie iia hauls l t - gosh 1 -s i iiiiy tlonehasle oi , i d5s rG H
('~~ra~u~i- I E ; I ots i ii i t herl enlive ii ul ll fills lii li"ccVicoragJ"ly eselid th l
TIME ABLEls i t.lc ciisl einiiiitees lwatgithat th cure l-e ciii dudhe(,he ag dgc a- ulA
Train sariAnn Abor b tecural S a lllk-c rt filArts leo cailltil lii iiihe' ilouver c itlrte.
TIME TABEllcill :willc' cliicccii-lit cnlii liiiilii cc~liiirtll ot siher111(1ioii uli stiroMes ITV AT~
SOUTH NORTH il~ii ic'lli'stc-_theylici i-tc' e, i-i e nd'l iiiii'ii liii-- ic 'ice lli]l litc'cii cii' 1 Hi / ll e L v r
*N. 6.- list A. 3J. No. 1-- 8c50 A. 31. i llsi lb 5111s iii icii cill i t tl i PHONE I fl15 LIER-
No. 8.-11:35 A. M. *Nt. 5-12:30lP. . illrItit ct-c- cl se t o'S' lii b'iiiii 10151 - . i liidlfoi tic'ltipuposeic es' li i s- t 1 5.11IB RT
No. a.- 8:35c. . No. I-4:56tP.r. n itwhilresosicit alilit a rc- )iitiil.cissi cliii'os' ciiier liltrss ilty ho
____________ _________________________ It__ is i curt .1 quesition o tcit l illiii 's'fic t etii'll l c toii the li t her~ii's it1 I llci' ilIi
'Ran between Ann Arbor and Tnledo only iii' c-cccrs to bes icc- lit or of"n teeil(Ie c hlsti i igc i; itt. Neverthieless. , -A 1
All trains daily e IeV . TWILLS. Agenn.vi eo tcasc. T oematr'ciiy wheioe feulrank11 lrieIi I
W H. BENNETT. 0G . .A- ccc- otliii sclhc'c i l ches'eIst cl eItl's , t, 1 usls ili -uc a i iind -hisnishincgt
- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~IIs lii atetic-iNlletra (isgi (' E I ntIdnlu-sc<ii alhey-alihdntb st lvl slelil" rlohi-s.cle ~y h a1enti a To ive use III/
HOCKING VALLEY RYN ' ll( ihtelf sod ac i occshsg uuuuIll ut is>e outcc iisls~ In
'The IRailr-oad that takes the t heiii' gu ac ha c-ii el-l lili icredcufth asc 111 liloh y, oist lr i-eccclsi t- u'(110ccet
Buies In and Outt r lili-cus studiihes. Just las surcc-'Is il;-11end colll i il-cIal dur-hti-i'.i-ill hise iito
of IMsichigan. lith (I -lis's (U--i'e lhss icclill l ii' cii '111 lcii ulthel st uh ul
£ SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS a stu e cut huhs iirofit oniical Stsudie's ccicc-io-i t s ;nine. I+
4I DAILY BETWEEN 4 tics-1scsi -gesclisti-sscoo lc. iWe dlii(__o___not_
TLDCOLUI1BRJS tduii)()! ' 1illitidi' a-ciccWriosynt d1 nlllii's iis OASN StiOiCtK l
a dATH ENS. c'shashlisiciscg liclifrillcu dcliitor" Tils 121c ' it id-si us i's I tlcc -slltos a s
cis'gc-u' ti' till 5c'ichcsiccul lild(ui"a ccl of che irissis Si t-k iii_ ., r1c. li ° --Z
W. H. Fisher, L. W.Landmean,0 F. A U Tcns-. et- ucusi h .t "sUh - ii'ii~iil lsscgi """ sc, s5 155sdsilsTO TRlt-NEXT!'"
CaaibnOio leent So, 515.is ditll sshi s isop i s 1111 Iii('Ios-(s cii''i I mos tisu c s k ci i s i s Ifetiot h lwys il tfres tlsnd hisseo
Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- oteic-iu i ilfIuhioo iitorio iuihirt hstIcus- sic\ithathel l(' i tt lestho mbits-is-srhi -tinaadet
bor Rnilway. iuu's'uloat(list iccc-llcilu dcoatesl for' t heiu;'esf I(rentus--cu i ' t hlili gct this lust th-ee eenuicishcesand
Cars lenve far Detroit stud Tpsilanti vaiouls proftessionscsa 5 ilSa So it 1cutsl-h s tcsuus ccs toa i tliF'nii-' 1111filled os-il teis or o'thc elite-,-t bouthstores-
tilr 0:1 p en nftrthtnog l i a t7:5- . un tilmtoli 1 its l i ilr liillis'I'(. N ict -i ltl iithue uicucs'. Icit s li- 2566It. NV, slilulgtou:l 3i6 So.Shate.
h1:15 p. mn. SWaiting room coiner Ann tih l" Iii tino ut ps lite s's-i de-i sic - hrci lt ;'is \\g-els id a rare eilljlilt
and Main Sts.; ljetroit,ilhtGrisworld otlt ' cissiri ;Iliitccri-tail) the sisinCcie l e dciiiii iitul ^(s' ihici is nett 5 Intel' ikw c ilird pr~r
Cars every half hoor Saturdays and I cce ulicri-ucuc- sitgatiius fcut ls' Vs Ic sickPicckwickt' iiithu'iarditicicc'St PIUI ,
on nridays from 2:1-5 to 5:15 P. in.. uria cls-de-rcd~ac urtist'. icclicuc(- cl htiuisi hls-- tguaiosSt als
- ~ itsis cue uscic' assparcerirgi'uRhgulatioilli'e Tablesr tsin
--- Its.se rea aeage thtteMONEY LOANED _,.. lsclshu ctAt lt'scitic Cciis at leiicic's tsho-~anarhCelloi
on watches, IianisndsWhees end other icc- d>r o ii ~ iro r"zosnt n Lde'adGnleteis1ole- EverythiNwOR
sonal Property. Office at rsiece,31 eIl ilirni srer cc c-lissicl uci hlic'.btsis 1hois t leT idOTt s !mnh'
Liberty streers All buasinessa n ie n ia.iistii-1iclo hs csiii Strictly up-tlo.Dgi
Hfoucs. 8its11:30 a. m, and i to 3:30and ;toO9 11,b-ThYatpIihlletoiialily iother(-r. te, tll 1ItS I JEWELRY STORE.-
pM.JOSEPH C. WATTS 707 N. University Avr. Ann Arbor
1 uia Shoes for Sprig arriving daily
WeRepair Shoes First-class11 MAIN T.*
U. of M Barber Er isxna NiHDEEL Embalmer and Uivri 613 Eant William .Street --
Shp, ndBath 212SdFonrhbAyvsBtths'hone tlaw building. Allhindas Fn
R*O8182SA.J.R. Trojan-owskl SoeS , .amb ,a lPu~