..Our Special Line of.... A CLOSE CONTEST Debate with Pennsy Friday Night.
Foreign and Donmestic Delta Sima Delta Wins by One Halef'ets eai ellcms s
Vw Point, Sigma Chi Second-Nufer slat. Thi I II tlte hird nunS iius
PA BRI CI and Snow the Stars debatetibttween tllese twro Ilttto
snui Mirtiinii 'til strive to niske this
IFO SP ING A ervexctin 'ad iterstig Metthe tbirdt slcceive iciiitory over our
ISi])(,I( st ing i lthe es Ct er iii t r otvas. Messrs. vesIse3% -Mete.
Ivan to-hii oot eigto te NV ter i radoth. the repjresentatives (if
has arrived and is ar- itsfigt t for the uttm hi iiits trust- for thery(desire to taike
ranged for ins cl~~~iff reitees II thtetics. ii llte It heluee fvitriiolewihte
ragdfrinspection. v <Itvii ws inteinse imucht good I eli-' thstiiie.sivcoytoii vtite
We have the largest as- andial iiteeiily spirit iv-so n.Iitoiest. ityiru -uu ttiesirse
sortment in the city,' Thuienceiii iiseemet t otloi tieii ottilnrr-reedb osoi
slv eyiii iiiiit. ictii iili iwhe ii i f 30 t ristdents. Mtctitgai
s oilseitl-tiiiers tritio , sowiibow tti sol r s t >1ti Ya n lr
W ILD COiO outtesii tt lforce for tte tetbate. Ttie
Ii it i ti iii iit iof hegelits b ht o ii u rcigeit
Total Number of Students for Year
Will Aggrigate This--Names Re-
gistered To Date 3700
Ttie toitat registratton to tdate at ttie
Unirersttyiif Nit ctitgstifor ttie curreut
iottege yeair is 5.38. Tir registration
iii etih of ttie severalitetpartmients is
aso fiiltiisr:
Literairydetirtmutit .....l1,373
Law d iepaitiment......... 843
Mlefitii-stdepasrtitent...... 334
liigiiieeriiig depatmienit.. 362
Homeiiioathiicdeptmtiint.... 76
Itthirttis-euiticst odepartmient . . .. 71
SIthriti iii-tiiio thst thii-uiiy iattetnt the 't'otal. . . . .333
IO8 E. W~ashington St. tii ii lnil were alioweid tio iiol - tt.eii ouieOti os -n'3 t ' 'ltiiti$orte se
______________________________________ vierr seriious icciietiii ccursired iit-it iiti resiide. NMicignsrro-i-coutoed il two or mciie- tepartmeuts
* tie itidliof thiii-41-nr(d olsh hnli ttve olii1-ii. D wyI nd adll h r-srali fo h
Siieity is loat dIsit- sti lefts-ittt-s itilneeMiots ttaIt ui ilig tt- teiteuloi oi°t
A FRESH SUPPLY titi i tsr i t-itt1 11"toory ie!i lli out -vinean (ititier. stitiier sessironlof 1t0ti0i tie total en-
of wiittnot tptevenit 11ii11i riiiii utiuji tI Senior Laws Nontinate (lass Day niigthtorhodotif ,70)0.
CHCOL~,ATES c' Ttrlaitoaosts vrOfficers. ngRepuiblican Clutb Elect Officers
isppattiistlti Iettun this ne i ito 1S 'evitiiyReu lcn lbwl
AT sthoii oul i gulititt - t -i elta toi-nl hS a xe ii-ss.'Ili(,tisuttltsois ci-tss ndit ept-entitpolitics. rue
liii Slit Roth ~ dint thiren- -itlthei-a.i-coti-stfur olcltty iuti miets test Satttctuuvfiortit oiclu-
A R A C niianieasiltyIfrusotm uut iiiti'tiii its ciiof tot heis- r the tiiitheitiiitiiiiO t ot -tlos vstrot-etio fitin ltIs
PHARM C I nit ii tiiititsi 5qsii a(nttrot i Iap i it~ ol'ig.r h ouluin hl fl er or the i-fitthisatta
oil_____he__se___ond______p______de:___rhietori-i -ieietialc tetison
YOU KNOWV where to get.. Nf rof h le Mg (is i,t-isi tr eas.cte-tiiii if this kindi
A GOOD LUNCH yatdiClash.ti -t )ihihrtietiand thie Histuoin -. l-Dtbriutge. Sos oig
AND h1,11 i-it-i. si ow n 510l i n t vt i h litti A.Xi2)t, iiousa. _ o__ ing
pli pnts.a d Iysws ttt thi t 'ii r h d t til -tu -tith 5 'll i tin StI. I. Sit--rwoodi. >I i t he th-ti- bssou-iitiuui Lis tc
S M K Eintuts.Ii lihe- si-citfirltst lt-eitc-ioiuns Miihitii . N.M- iiti5 t-t-t i r-i-ug nottu is fo-
R. i' epits(ndpaetrepit, TeE. Jolly, 308 S. State Stheet, i iutts s--uu liiiitiii- iiut l tiss orutoir tiitlt ie ti-titi-t414(4 u o l iuitiitlsii utoci i
tit ho ii pitt li-tity ttst -t a i-hisscoteist titi e tihtd utlue tilt m rch'':. Ituis guset itmusitcil ouguitut-
____________________coun______ tedi-L ite o- iits uhllo jt s Mu)-l _A a u-u-uir ntotiu i tu presitt oliii ai ,ju stilt-te o-i t o ila uirist
THE DEMAND) FOR .. ihreeti n iots. '- h--sti-uin fi-hioisiuig uttiu-irs touuitiuutiiins uiI ctu iiiitut m sitoi
ihef~-1tr In-isa Mitt-u 1Stii- 5 -orii1 1 i u i-- stts -ross te t ontit is t. hdis- eth:ti
Chocolate Chps but - lhuui tuciti t thu it tut finnybelilade byiuttru t i)- otih h aft crioc- l - us tt-stuist a
T lE OrIG L ) ei M tvents:i with thitraorditayscese-r lc
ii iii Sitdi h- Nufttiii I",iht l 41tiiti l t rituoughut llt titthetouti Phtfetidaysst
oU IIuil; h i lottitti 1st ut i tuui ientt ew C niiot f dpe T-iuIhits uulttiil fiSoiutsaii-ibando sit
TI17AE OF - ~ hti tuu ci tfu. it ( I .11 WC i tll Take1 f fet.117ii 11Ii No:\tuit(lautuss ttuct
titIP AT S iii Ilutcco tutp(hitii-inI t s-tutu1h14 Ti i -s iis-it tisi ad i niiti (i hi
{ }i sii Lii Ohiht ii lii tal eto prei et:ot h e (lasc uiou-u i esi reu tou heartit. I ltt is ii ti
CSG E T1TAMP S RJO ST Ro t I-,tu fulh itwi1ht1tt111 )uoiiui5 tih) ciutifuttitt u Oil tlit) h- ih utigutei 'it-s hu
L U C fi eltutu ils t at- paut I 's~ii. i (I H i 50 -t-u itis-ut-t fttuuutu.vie.t c i t u t li p iugs. oll -ctP-i sat-t
uutot I i: tuuiits tuu 1hi-ill I h en - 1thetNt w C- it Ol~ httuiiihttion, idopeditd ital( )fisi-i .t;5 1 si utuot <it0(
CH1 FO R 4 tutu s, Mutul l ho t-h i-u isec ttitnd ht;it t1,ifl-i.ich11c uii ho-u i-s Shut- luis -tis - crta h
Crc uthu -Sui: N O D lt'lI 'hi: tic- h tIM u iT'h i1u-u tiul a e as ed auu Ii tu vsutotl sxruuh iaistu-t tui -.Bolli At l luttt th
t it-u fuic thu-i tt i-i-s hiuuti stuitier t id csit iS tuti itpoitignin tu.h-u ttl t) lce ftih on -
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~le hel gerfbowfect.Miti- iit uuul t-hu ul-ii Istcs uhvit fuuc tuee ttu-c thu- ii- t oed t I su i sstuoadhto t [ti
hadldsonud wih t hitt lu-hut lilt a Shu ti-t fu 55I -iit IlotolltiuiillIe aot rnl our SItls ui ii full-itins e 11cth
red cord ie.14'tpergn pDltirsc ---$300 4 thuirutr aopion po d-_as__fth_____________tIva bil
and pom el34:n ncu )3ft. 7;iii tt-icui Slt i fctoluteseod 11'a o h llu\siu theholiuu uuisliii uof uuuuiu1-osutu
F OR ign boebuc I.(ltiy ,Si-u i-L ti 1,-tuuoc tsoui ign l.i_11! t)1,wtlttefrhe rf i hotititititititmusittuuilith ti Meouotu-
FE C R ll ap Pesi andSls Iso Ihtta Del <th. sconutie kio11e willeid ngbltle emlun thneleko-ruimaouy-,trough
ti,!fo ear~i and fare guardarpsiin ud'I u (uos"uns ornalyto ek
hea ILy adS vhhin h i Ixtitituti tot s--silS; 1Itul e (,Iii n ti-iutisneii1euillbe e (the band 't4 y a ______
gaunleteac - $ 25 37 1.i ti-n-snolotmoretho a oorei unie S8 Muiitiu0 1em i p or e of
34 n.Cuau ide vn. i tu 1;In. Dhit P lota 12;Pi sei eud n e is Silohe tuc esore h1e sg- b u g itle -wh se (11111ls :181o Isie 1h111e
bellI cadibpoi seco . t1ge, eata a Ph, IOll it tletued. ofsp [hyi(,m(afrkulerfetit e onle [ olst s nr hi me on te
g tPhiBelt.P-hia 'T' elta I oi l n 5;allysaid -eure1bo1of"enra
hade on St igm h 31igaApa -lo, Aam ocksatt ALtS.tionreerur. Ig.ls lltfor ~ th ucky lman.