* Oening Day'
SpigSye fK O A Swl erayfri*e
onteaoedt.Yur*nvtdt ok. . . .
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ichian +0++0+002° 1"+0+0O'3+CI+0++0++0++0+0e0++0++0+The JOSEPH 13011 MANN
l+ R~IIUI UUIIU I ~ \r ~ A II ~ D eceivedt First Premeinm at thle Saris Expspe
ae+ tion, 1900. They* are for.,o,'ISOS
NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE, 0 u n O I IVI. IlA IL O R S hyai etst attihe
THlE SHORT LINE- SP IGIPO TTO S aea Schaeber1e Music Store,
SPRIN IMPRTATINS hve ar116 IVi . Liberty St., Ann Arbor, Mich
ANN ARBOR TO rived and are ready for inspection +
NEW YORK H N R D R S 1 3 pint size, paterni lamtp, Handles
AND OST N L I~ II I U I '.J '4 on hot water pan, absolutely the
AND OST N 10+00+00+0++0++0++0++0++0+00+00+00+0rl~~o$best ini town for the price.
Withdirct onnetios a ChiagoforSt.Wm, Arnold, Jeweler
Lauis, Kansas City, St. Paul end the west. Jt1rLwHp01Fbur22 heslofeasorDvdllso'
Eor iafermiation and through icets callen Jnirwoa n Fbuay22 'ii' sal' startof is dI ii ist1co ___________________
owriie in H. W. HATES, AreatAnn Arbor.- graat iay. Floig h"Tceetetalsewl pn tomorwat Jo'cl.Thed
A N N ARB OR tss. toeasagao. the 'Junior Laws hli lt rAlnAroSLfaortE tre
dtined toadt hettir ainnail ihop.tutu. Ariaotia,*"will opTa ueltasay -t Tr~ VW4
~~ W t'~ iishitionais Ilirtiiatyhats bereia ho- a) a. 1at. iothi at'these altractioni sa j e,
UL..5111511 sill a'.Ia suitabiledaytalydsil(rangeros iltwithstteiniormtous ota' t
RAI LROA uces ndar
Acadtinitits barn securedl for tie faioablly lkiiawitoliitliatheatld oeis
.sTM'n ta HTI ,zrTiEH; funtioin. Tielt'rtalite iii rltu~re hats of this 'tcity-,ad shoualdlplay t o larte
TIME TABLE greati asliratioinaltos'shatt it will hatisatiss. IN THE CITiY AT
Taking Effect, Sunday, tMay 2n, 1899. otoayap lrrviouts attmts tatdtihake
Trainlease Ann Arbor by Central Staad- li'atratloltgsitea lto'-\'1)01-'. I+MEET' OFIItAL. TIME. 1
ned Tine. Teofca iefrteeet t h
- __________________________ iate 'd'coratiios aletoitt tat'fe'stoone'd 'ii'ttilaltoi.fa lt'tsaii1l i
SOUTH NORTH a haat ii all swillth lrilliatteffect ilail' miet. heildl at liaegyimnatsiuiim Hoflmes Livery
*No. 6.- hat5 A. M. No. r.- 550 A. S. tttGatllgt a''ailalylg aet ("i'ti'itt e's a(Jewielar) attic' PAHONE 106, 515 E. LIBERTY S
Na. .-11:al5 A. M. *'Na. s.-12:30Or. . (Oiei exet'iionll aal 'aaa<iiaia'which ttli' Ilata'1.assal'a io
No. 4.- 8:35 P. M. Ne. 3.- da56 P. 5M. ritaasaiosse iu ou'siil till s "
________________ tald ral itily ala at dratwitng 'aralto the
*Runabetween Ann Arbor and Toledo saly. <taftir. is lhauta'he'. if MIara'etassrai If you tire not satisfied withiyou
Alt tratns dailyexeapt sandae. ro n or ryuws h x S
Y. T. WaLLS, Agent. wh'iic'a aill furn'ishathe alit' c.is iota iitt iaarbtidoryuih1h
wH. BENNETT, 0. P. A'"taascdIeail t'ofjailir lai«,'. 'ri.Thuglih ittnses ware a itels, go down and it sw
heretliiioaet ha:y Haieti'raaaiitst'l talkh sitha AtnArbor Music Co. t
aiflhIIlP .1.,~,stia inii i tthe 'k1g;ro+intiti attaticail
HO KNa'LE Y irc.les tt'eJ. Laiws ails' tll accomn- STUDENTS NOTICEl
U~I~IIIUVI~L ~IfI ilishiel iiattsiriaiias anal laig hu' itiusic The best laundry Is then Toletlo Laun
The Railroad that takes -the for ilaninghis is taut of tiatir speriatities. dry. isy rat. W~ork called for and de- '
BuiesT adOt 'hc'party is ho itt'g~ienixtlusively livered. Leave your order at 121 S. r;as
ofMihga. foaiwiss, n taath'rs tttitig aamisibile. AMain at.
of Michigan. The commaittet'hela'imiitedl thte tttn _________-ote tni
£ LD VSTIULETRANS lir of tickets tat50 to sat to iavidt a T.he finest monograph andpohrU-
DAILY BETWEEN 4 rowd'aed floor. A majority of tis titinI versity fancy letter paper land pads in i
TOLEDO,9 COLU1IBUS bter havt' alreasdy bteeni spoketntfotr. If the city. All Styles. Sr'hallea."a Book-
and ATHENS. theaty ita S paatridal a iriely te- store, 116 Sa. AMain at.
W. H. Fisher. L. Wt. Ladman, thoase if friiat'r yeatrs its ultiate' sa'-I
e.P.A. G. Tray. Agt. 'iss ,is asueanid a s till juiorsalook It # 1 you see the wsork of the Taledk AN EYE OPENER.
olubnbus, ,Ohio. Oetroit. Mich. forwss'arid t tieattnatit''tiv.en it. 11all tiadry Co. you will he conv'inced It Wl pnytitata otecnysitu-
it til ht' intiaa taylaiai yo sstn nooter.Agecyl~tS.ation ifloeni'yea has's never vsated Hantes. Deep
DeriYpsilafltiand XAnn Ax- r- iitt t wl etebs - t ixtyu1 itn te.Aec 2 .in there todajy. Stripe ane af oar ciiocelates
Detritgivn b th clss tis e~loll Th \lin."Allegretto tStyle" we msake and seat at 10
bor Railway. fogin-tyihlaissits atiio'nt'.Man.cents. srysidanely aGtErnyaEnlS 2W
Cars lease far Detroit and Ypsilanti fitlltstitglalts 1st-ill insr ate it.itOTIE'iiWh itonida, 5Ae~ih'BS
every hour beginning at 7 :15 a. im.un- '5' Msft t.iaitii.Ms.I' OiE i-laplaen tow1toe.at o.5.Te onlyve
tto 9:1 p. m.;a After that to Detroit at I:. MA1cltti. Srs-. i.IT'hiompiisoni, All irsl-yt'asr wenithto twash is In any style.
11:15 p. m. Waiting room corner Ann SrePI'Aico1'tatSt'.H.c.khal hittBiymsaiksetoiiititrd ~s
mdMain Sin.; lietroitili riswold at.idard. terat atthat' a'yiili'siiiioffice,>c i - ikikPllir aDen
",alrCars every half hour Saturdays and 'fickets ita1ya' esecurtdfandif il itaia- KEENE FITZPAtR [HIt IIIUU U~
on Fridays from 2:15 to a:4 ,__.hesoft__________Reultinoarhusios
_____________ IIOST't-_. blaick catiton N. Statie till
MONEY LOANED mdPocket- algh.ertylettheienetniNew a"
on watchet, itiaaieads, Wheels and ether Per- iLadaies and entlemnt's fiTuesday ity Evereything retur
Bona] Praperty. Office at residence '3I E. 'boorat(Oue -Tird Off tisMntthi. to AitIat hIteltai Pihhissiaue acd re- .Str~ict p-tflshe
Liberty street. All beeineas ceafideatial.ith
Houres. 8to 113 a. nm. and 1lto330and 7to 9 LLI1tPi.ES JEWELRY STORE. ''iverewssard. 707 N. University Ave. Ann Arbor
ii Is unequaled at any price. Our styles ate New and Exclusive.
U. M Bar e crsteamnag and CH DEELEmbalmer and Unvesty u East Wiliam Etreet
Funra Bath~a a" law©b( ats bulsf ding. All kinds 1u11irJ!II
0he an B th das. Bltnih'hne Sho Sh pfairiL neatly does. 5 4 , B
Roo 'i na S TAT saris x91. 212 S fourth Aye,BtThm S o o ofrEabet a nPos
WE F .4wr-4-, fi 0N IZ 0, G "-R, DR1. TOft