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February 17, 1901 - Image 4

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1901-02-17

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Bin in our old ntoand letu .make .,you
SI~i:,an offe.
Steady Emnploymneni edqatesforhaeiMnnegn
The Superior M'f'g. Co.,
329S. Man St., near William.
Gareen Black Me an Soe n THE WABASH RAILROAD
1ca S e t M N ad w m n C. Goodrich, Mgr[ ;: the only line operating
5c a le# fomChicago tollotSprings
Over First National Bank via St. Louis, Mo. Leaves
AT -__________________________ Chicago daily at 11:00 a.m.
" All ticket agents will sell
Meeh n Co Oy ter ockt ils you via this popular route.
Shehn& C.C~ ytrCctis Write
KIIU~G. S. CRANE, G P & T A, St. Louis.
IOUIi F. -A. PALMER, A G P A, Chicago
32 .SAE TET L LLLIL For that hungry feeling R. S. GR.FwcoD, M P A, Chicago
You can get a ________ _____________
ATi entschtet, the PIhotorapher. 4 Cr an and Huo stareets.
JCapital, 50000, SrplusX35,00. Tranactlo
91 jir~ 141? S general bnking bsns
_______________________________________ ____I__ ,10KaxsF, Prs. C. E. Onaun, Vit-Prs
FREDo. HBSusoc, Cashier.
38 South State St. Thos. L.. Greetie. mtaniager of the New There ksill die a pracstce of AXI idolila _____________________
York Atudit Co., swill sooii start iIitilr. IRoom 21TU.H., iMond, -Feb. i1TNIOABNKfAnAro
series of lectures iii the higher confuter- 18. at 7 . t.1'V. Brooke I cirer FRTNA.lIBNKoganArbora
diliicourses 011liihe "Financein Iti . - _-Capital, $0,00. Surplus ad Profits, 0330,00
Printed lectures for all depart- titstriallorganizationi"Ilie wao form
mel fteUiest.Tp-il idtro h ialitaiTutSTOP GRIOWLINGt AND SMOKE Trnatsugeneral banking business. Foreign
writng and Mimeographing. Co. of New York andh is well kiown ~ to crTgr. ~;Tgroto t- ediagtbuh.odsl.Fuue etes
Mielihigtist as the athtlor ofeolloilt EN. D. KINNE, Pces- HARRISON SOULS,P
w WRSBO sritings. Mi. anrd MrS. (Granger have an- S. W. CLAKSO Csir
- Over Shehan ) State Stree __'_____ountitstcedut-etlntire Chequamegoni or-
RIDE AM cI'tF-hitTME stestra for the eve of Washngto'ssTI l frorSin an
RIDE N 1' lhsr oficial time for the events at (ile irthaday, et Thurdy lnigh, 8:0 to Capital Stock. .500oo. Snrplus $15,000
11(Rf B6C isdoss meetheldI at the gymnasitum 11:45 o'clok. Cards will be $1. H so cee.1.500o
M. CTYE LER' NIEEPRU, ls Orgnsed undr he CenealBnigL~
119 W. Warlngton St. Gore khillers (Jewee)stop Bot $ hat made is the Howard. excan ntmt hediniplces of heenitedn
witbes. Woadhams, Ryan & Rele, sole agents. Safety deposit oes to ent.
THlE SCHOOL OF _____________ _______blackOrPresn;:W. H.Hasri
man, VicePres t hs 1 H es k Cshecc 95
D A N C N G5L RNT io fronti rooms over sti s ltmtitldlstJ. Frit, Assistant ta se
D ~ C IN S trsied s stars, ~40 S. State t., for goss ili-ror itthe medihari
Private and class lssons in dani IMsr. c~i555 scss tor liulri- l tis stmiorningsgoalthe vioi. w es,
sod Ar. RosGranger-simple dress irfe-of I.5 c iltrilt. ,__OD_______________,p ^
able for lass9 eortise. Trm begins when _______V___ dout. as. o Asieahis e U(~
Miaynard treet, bisek rest of Stte street Li si ody swho esijys se einigoo aiiatti n ilo Bo. hrt CV.S .0 dViep
tore. Strictly s schooisiaoX visiors dring for sle at WdimRa Rue
Insst hoirs. play, ins hitkhuitmor anti sntimlent BAhnnRynjEe{(
a______________________ ri- cleftly tominilgled, illwhichi there -BtenK
art siedesss tat mve ue tpiyLunsceons and dhners 'at moderate Trnatagerh
,~hHI~I~ asdol siers that thirihl shouhld see ",ri ptrices furnished for spreads, parties Banking Buiness
Stann u iegra ewYrldaa iad alls Good service, refined table
BOUGHT FOR CASH ssictess, wheni it is hpresetee) here. appontmentn and dainty cookng, mul-
Lookup oti ol folefi~t an i-b. 21, it is tinderstood, bs be-n a- sic. THiE CA(MPUS, 427 Thompson st.
turn it into ready money. Prompt ransgedh for its alpearancle. Wlra rLuhi 'uhi
Cash and Good Prices. aemno LuglnFnti
THlE MICHIGAN STAMP COMPANY )ltIC IANENStAN BOAtRD Pens, $i each, at Schallers Bookstore
Eoom 3.h46 Woodward Ave. Detroit NOTiCL++.' )
Theres1still bet mieetinig of the ithi- FOtR RENT-btoom; nice large suite,
WRY BOICT YQU - gslisaiBoar Momlday frloe s irst floor. 321 SotuthsDvsionlst
Get Your Meals anid Lunches at ti . L ADD AMlsssager. Calendar
PoqTLWili a lotNhit l ~cprchiase at hodis & Iey- Thuisrday to Sday, Fetb. 21-2-1-
nols of Carolitsas rights Cigrtttes. l. C. . A. slate covetio. Meet-
P O PNALL N 94PE the justly-famed Tierettes. sr Ngitigs iii McMllan Hall.
URON o'r Twa Scrs wtontsICcok Hos.awe Iok tooked Itavalih-tiltd Cigars-I Wedneday, Feb. 20-DtualThack
111M MATI. .tig 500 Casslinhta Bi-ihets i-ar- Friday, Feb. 22--Wasinton's Brh
FUNERAiL ttt (Dcly celebration by law classes iss Uni- "
vrsiy hIf sl, 2 p. mn.
DIRECTOR TUES DAY AT tiANthEt'S. Friday. Maris1 -,Isx ~iiirich,
hmalmiuga specialty. No 209 S. th 1\jst before Ltit proram wihl e Neberry Hlall.
Avs. Ambiasnsenght aid day. ts danced 'Tiuesday e elills-8:30 to 11' Wtihiie ay. MarthiG-r . Maude
dne o302 Fifthaeve. oclock. Advanedtlclass"isessbership lslihston Boothsin S. . A. Cotrse. .a
oilds wailt be recognized. Others 50e~ Thisrsday, MIarths 7 -Factlty Cocrt
pe'~1....hts touple (Granger's Aademyo51tir. hms tProgram). .
Tr h- ( If ndsssstreet. Friday, March -Pennlsylvanlia- £
NOR RT H SiD0E IhMicilati debi.te i Univerity Hall.
r!yArt itures for student' rooms, at Friday, Marchi 1-David Bispham
LAUNORY 1Sehiallr's Booksore, 110 So. Main t (Choral Unost Series), tUiversity Hall.
THOSROWJI ropr - __ - --- -- _____ _ - -
' ma Detrot St iti ll? one Every Colored Stiff BosomSadigsOfclLageBl
1 Maker of A l Shirt in the house /1 Is the8 Offiiah Ball of the National
+ 4 COLEIATErAPSLeague, the leadig minor
CLGoan IATECAS league and all the college
CAPS OWNSs1.50Days Notice si.ooand athleticasoitn.
Ia Base Ball and all Athletic
H SPElQ4LT. -0 Sporta maled free to any
CLLSSCILAS, TO GET OUT- address. Spading's Official Base
,yCOLLEGE PINGS Shirts irs]
Henry Chadwick, ready march 30,
CLASS adIW Ne he o 1901; price 10 centa;

Iw CKeRv&IhWAGNER & CO.York Chleago Denver
r .. .- - 1 5I'....I i..:. . B M a A& 17 c- us tur ean'T *. U..

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