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February 17, 1901 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-02-17

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the other. The expert economist con JDAINJ O 5 1INE
a feentenaprcat herre rkbu RANto the studento such ectures re liable tc 3 0Sicisteso
to reult in confusion isteard of a sys- Te"1"$.0So steso
Pubished 0aiy (Modays excpted) dring tntiogopn o nwede )wear when t e eath r tuce
College seasr"tese coniecial and ]political tm \ltt mO S t hur t- I' ~
TSHE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN courses re new. ,pecialy do ttey whle it affo ds plenty of comfort on
MAtN F0IEtc BRACHOFFICE tack precedent, and the Study' of the the warmest of days
Argotfltdgait O. 335S. Stat OStret production of wealth hsos eceived too Rut of course we hae lght shoes
Both_'Phones_13._ NewState_'Phoner____ scant attentiot. Studets asd-teach for 1 rint days and hevy shoes for
_ MANAGING EDITOR. er,,aike re puthing forwa7rd as po rany (lay s if you p-er.f
0. H. HAS,'1l ticrs in a new field, ad the tman
RINSSMAAGR, tittgs to ofer the facilities of one GLASS'S SHOE STORE,.i,
BU.IESS ANAGER o,'t utteritirstt~s ' tttlHRD0 L ca o ttlic so ttt they r 09So. Main Street.8
ai e used to the tutot leavttng JEIOS pat-ob odfe8n mpoe sOe eeig n
EDIOR: ttsto ' ttotied t~l iitrovct~ Oentvet~~s ~titANN ARBOR, MICH
ATtLETCS, - G.. rsacr c, 'it tE E xperielte itates." 8 P. M
A.H.Mc~oGLrstL,'OtE. W. A.Katcs,'0ILtudnk asdTri oB w
Student Caused Train Toi. DvBe Two1Whether yon ce to boy.)now, or
H. t. voneow,'a IV. P. CtANE, 'at L ourls Late./
W~ ,A n axs a , '3 E. . ttrsTs, '3- cotte terely itt search of sugges-
s trait: No:.e2 ws two hours late tions, 0 visit tor'e will repay you.
gee si:ertav 5tany petpte estnderedt We will ellI on a Sit or Over-
"wwwihthiler there was mthter lgasov
Theshbsription price ci the DAtLmI.v to ncs I em ta nw l a ota
for ecnlen eath a oteo. uxoxitrteley ttw iSr ot csets ottifur TrecaiPrce
bfeerte collechgear, si reser delivera- trhaotrers toa hdthis tini.ghtcat T TM1 rice that will ae it the best investment
titem, atnd ther oatter inttoaded for phlica-
tion mut bhehanded in at the DAILY office Dteroit unttil (t'he pressmll, who was ian ou ever made
Snfore p. i., or omaled to the editor betorod aecud tthmwt .]teAi '
which they'ate expected to appear c ot:sigililit otCtaiolitot Br iglts (igim:r All Utderwear and Shits at COST.
subtcriptions may e letaat tie DI~LYv f- ecte, wnhrittii Itettiat Stdettit
cce, Meyers, or St ucrilet s eottantlcolr withia inArohaoded btlg2p tt \ Housecoats atd Sweaters at Low
favor by reprtingtpromptly at this office any coil iopt traini No 72 stre. 1 Prices.
failure op criers to deliver paper,
Allchangex is adertisng.mtter mott te I~
in the office y :3p.o: Ott tieday reviaussto Iet ourPrcsBfeBung ThNwSte
that stlewhicht they are, to appar. Foley Guild Lectue
EDUCATIONAL REVOLUTION hl ist oftthIle soies opiarties GuildeiT AB E N E
tnder the Ittpics of the Guoleytid
liefoie Len:t wilt be give:: t (ran:ger's
tContinutedlfrom tirsit Ia":' .t'sAcisv. "Mntday eetingTue samtle
i::::,Andthu (ee e aic ti stvosaty' manic: siltle futrished as utpotttfori-
teei tli':' l llttgike giving a 1 l::y r in teAT ENStT EATR
cierattiot:firstad thent stiling 'I. Sf11.1 VAN, lees, AT EN _T EA R
to his equtm t c ertallil trateties of 1b
teclittirtktiowslctdge. The leaders of Republicans Nottte 'WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20,
educahoi. are thost otiheminnwho A11 membeirs of t h'iTniserilvSe Return atd Farewell Etgagenet of
astlistudetltdied o ltlgoaiculicg clbesirig to attendtithte DAVI~TD BELASCO'S
matt the]'yhave tytno ide f tigiiniannumial banqutet ofte Sttteicotii tatcatd Realutbli-a't
suchimsttidies orali' oter.l ::ri lte ct egue',gisve':mint:r)toit SFe. 2,R'atcan0'litcDrm
branchofiteoltcg'essok ltoy mit- i utitshdthito ieirtamtos to P'esicemt
tettmtptig illtt to t'tspoitttlaafit tt t-n oti atr tlattWedne~sdty, Ft'b. AUAAt
ttdnlot' i-ctIhet'univertsities tote tmnly INDOOR-l MET OFtFICIALTIME.
tes, The:tractrs itt ttssimss reo'ntot The oheiail timle tore the eventst at the PRESENTED) BY
Sit largely self-ttllem'tiitent the otd indosor met, teld at the gymnstttiumt
191eoosouits aagt'even'tg.itmt a oake'Ityeoneuofg;David Belasc's Own Company
mir ei ti'onof olleg e smctm iol they I'ues. ie' Je ee) so
tit'uiup'of'o' ttelmenea'd thearvelce)fstop.PRICES: 25, 35, 50, 75e $1.00. Seat sale Monday.
-askigtIhat tie uniive'rsities shamll gr'omup___ ____
icto ourseslios:' stttcit etthihsitlTHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21
mlost fully' indo ohiety tetait:fougo~i- THE Et(STttAIDONDEt I S
mes. Shoal Tigers, dOe; Tigerette, 5e. Te Original New York Production of..
'Fhte plihOalit inn: : lmg hine e dsicct
to slecialize, but thSli'broader -a.uanh Se Wtchans, yatt.t& Reute are soe"A I O"
is thie better specillist tesil e. The agents for Ypilanti underwear,
well routtiedl tiattshotldhe itis twide ________________________BY AUSecs THOMAS
edge. Chef d'oeuvre deg Seat Sale Tuesday, February 19~t, I9a I.
"ltnteachintg a c'snmiitco u e~rse' weI'Eposition Universelle
nret tprovec'to juttl o:: oagerlyatheB
foreigin tradeni til ths''ase ftllowsiit Walto, agil, and Chaiper EVERYTHING NEW EXCEPT THE NAME
(erinatstoses, tod thtey lead shere ADSDHESS, 30f2 SOUTH STATE STREET
use to'lit tieed o gu. (Germtanty as Te pubihterts of thits wr eevedetyn he A
to dependto ort tigit conttries, tftr thin Gand Prie ad Gold Medal at the Peit Ex A
host SarS.,tfor l:r trineo. Het'nce iter poition fr ito excelece. Ai worhe sood on -
youn niii uar tobe euc tedto hatstthscription ony.
'nd1th EteSlitttitedt Stts imm'' sitvrst EUROPE
tatnd 010angli el ds areiths il fo't rttebus- Codce va tinp r5- no,
mitts thiet thtere is ntt hit'samenedc'to 0 Sotbihc 'eiit si-.eco
e'ducate Ameicac~ns intheucforeign ltrtde l'aris,fv0.szIuatd, the Rtine.-YiiOY
at there is so totaint Georman:s. 'Thiere tidys,q'$00,. Dr. DraerItk, (it.N. Y. 1 soeslni hnto(Gt r
grsadntcisthotsgh the1t:'horuttghntessoRedmond, Kerr o ,, O DIP A R L3 R
sithi siirhteitie trhtitthISe GeBNES a nvriymnwohs takn 41AllSret DwYr
Ettglixt is able to spettk itto English 4 alSreNwYr HIGH GRADE CIGARS, TOBACCO AND CIGARETTES
butsinestinnt. Hwmay Ane rlesit Transact a generhatenkig husins.
gradutes cratlt Germ u1~ to (w1ertissRetcev depoitx suhjetto draft. Dividends ElD A D SUCCESORSOUT
"I-r gnerite'ustot ( iehonerdineesuette cohetaed osnd onremittd c s'o r EY N RsHnk 3 2
Ftisaere( la Agento for and negotiate the ss ofp TO TATE
teslerairoad, street raiwayn. gs cotspnes, etc. R E N )DS BBNTAE TREE
of grat uathee',it e a rsleosdMemmbers Ness Yoh Exchange.____ _________________________
ittg niate as great labor generti, atiolDEAL IN -'S NIA Y L MBN
fhelikie are valuale, tbat thecy should 1161GAEIVSMN EUIIS . NHI kcECCsrcCtNADSPLE,
cotie itttidditioni to tatdl never tio ftie Lit-fc NeESTMENTeea SoCURopITIS.nSCH I U HV ELECTEAMCNSRAIND ALESUPIE SJ.
whxeuhorsea reesi''bletP AEIHAOOH5ONET. 207 E. Wsington Sreet. ARiSIGtGAS AND EGRTEC FSXTIJREE
ire tdifficlt to tmaitait: instia egtlr
feature of college work. The tnorer

vatuable a mt he 510mtore likleylin is to bi- -
be t't<tet a,&~timeittstliatn tttommercil t You. Cati Buy the..
ci: ':' too t muchi occupted to sisit a-0d H E
tttttv --yeair afte r yeait Secotidly Moac a p ete abeocosd teTH H t"A
r- . -of (teir lectutes fromi...That t : tttFreak Through T218 S, MINH ST
dlli. .: - :fviewortotfaito 28LmINS s
l1ilt tlte , -,::.*-oing to one stde or

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