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February 17, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-02-17

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jog 41k> jo


*....Our Special Line of....
Foreign and Domestic
has arrived and is ar-
ranged for inspection.
We have the largest as-
sortment in the city,
6.e H. WILD CO.
io8 E. Washington St.
YOU KNOW where to get..
it. E. Jolly, 308 S. State Street.
Chocolate Chips
40 Cents per lb.

Made by Track Men in Indoor Meet
Last Night - Excellent. Records
Made for Short Time of
The first indoor meet of the year was
held last night !and the records 'made
warrant the helter that Michigan will
this year he represented by a first-
class track team. The sprints were
espiecially well represented and many
of promise were entered. In the shot-
put Robinson made a better record
then any oise for several years past.
tHis lowest mark was over 37 feet and
most of his throws were over 38 feet.
The contests in the other hield events
disclosed good material. Considering
the short time the contestants have
hioU for traininig their pierformansces are
highly satisfactory and the regniar
' Varsity indoor ineet in Mfarceli oulglit
to show marked iniprovemeint.
The tabulated records "fellow:
tirst lieat-Siccelcy seen, Bliss see-
(1101; tiime, 5 see.
Second heat-ttatiu ewen, tLevis sec-
end; tine, 5 sec.
Third iieat--ttasinisvon, lDilloway
second; time, v sec.
Fourtshtieat-Nsifer even, tRuesee-
oinid;timiie, 4 4-5 sec.
Fiftli ieat-Kiieip svon, iRobinsoni
s(-sissltimie, P ee.
Sixts th atHunst lotS, Ha yes seconid-
Sevenutuhlieatt11ev evonfRoctue see-
onit tiniiC5 sc.
Etighitti'beat-Breitenbach \eon, See-
tie second; timse, 5 see.
Firstleat-LBliss eson, Itahnisseconid;
tulle, 5 see.
Secosud heat-it ist in woni, Swveeley
secosud; time, 4 4-5 sec.
Thurd heat -eufei even, ttayes see-
sild tinme, 4 4-5.
Fourth theat-Breiteisbach seen,
Beebe second; time, 4 4-5.
Finals-Nufer wvoii, Brietesubachiaiid
ttaisiu tied for secoiid; timue, 4 4-P sec.
40-1: J111)ttUtRDLES-S RMIl-FtNALS.
F~irst heat ttobiiusoui sson, Pustisam
secoiid; time, Ui sec.
Secoind Beat-tlasm sean, T'ucker
second; tiiue, P 4-P sec.
f'inal-Rbisoniaiid Itfashuintied,
Tl'cker third; tinie, ti 1-P sec.
P-LAt' tUN.
First hieat-tHayes soin, Buckley see-
end: time, 4th P-P sec.
Seconit heat-Long esoni; 48u'-P sec.
't'iirud heat-Stiirgeoii s'ou:t;nie,
49 4-5 sec.

The fraternity relays are a distinct
insnovation, and through the number
of sceleties represented was small, the
re-sults were encouraging.
The D. K. E. Awon from the Delta
Slima Delta; time, 50 1-5 sec.
The Pil Kappa Psi svois froum the Psi
tpsiloii; time, 59t see. flat.
This closed the fraternity relays.
Tie class relays were the muost spir-
ited of the evening.
The 'OP Lits son froni the '02 -Med-
ics; tiime, 55 4-5 sec. This was the best
tiime iuade in this event. The '04 Mled-
is wvoii froii the '02 Life; time, 58 3-5
'The-'01tLasswons froimi the 02
D~eiits; time, 57 4-5 see.
D~eiits; tinie, 57- 4-5 sec. Time '02 lass
defaulted to tae'01 lits.
H. V. Birdsell '89 Presents a Wagon
to Athletic Association
'lie :athletic Associatioiulhas just re-
ceivedil -bruid siesw Biidsellswagoii,
ewhiihii meall charges taut, lie a
p~resi'it froiii Mr. Htorace V. Birdsell,
78'), ofSth Bseniid, lmit. The ewagons is
-a bi-sutvy ;and a product of the tBirdsell
Miii'Co.,iiakr oif closer ihulers,
wzi'S (s -iid carriages. The cloe- hul-
lerci dp utiuct of tth- inissense ws-rks
is tlalrgest If-ctory of its kind illi.the
Mr. irdussell ewhilei-tIfthe University
seas a mieiier of the tsi Upsiloii tea
iirinity lull sue of tihe test knownseiniiei
aihouiid teclii' tiiit0. Siince leasing
Ann Artier lie has beenall arsdent tel-
leswer of our attiletli-teas andt is al-
ways5 iii ev-idteince at the Notrie iDiime
and C'hiiigoi gasn(es. tHearinug of the
nees Iof iesagen to fiillowes' Iitg straft
horse whlichi liii-Athletic association
esill purchase, Its'. tBirdseill decided
that there couililbe' honii bsi'ter th'an
Aus enter to this effieit ii'it to the
suiperiiiteindeiit of liihevworks aiid the
nagoni is hiere ready for use.
M1r. Birdsell sircehasvlng the iniser-
sity has tieluli-cinecteil eithli the big"
vehicle plant iii iihe aiarity of treas-
iirer. Htis biusinissaffairs are iies-er so
pr-ssiiig, Iiiiev vii' that hei- -anuet take
in a Mishigali gone' ant folliiisthe
wvork of our teamis.
The thsans iffitestiiuit body are
idie liei donor. -Mr. Birdsell has set ain
swell to follosw.
Washington's Birthday Party for Girls

Classics to be Supplanted. L y Comnmer-
cial, Economic and (ioverniental
Studies-Prof. E. D. Jones
tf Wisconsin on tie
Aul educational revolutioni is imnmi-
nent. Fronts in txtreme of Classics
and so-called cultuire studies, the pen-
dulunsr is swiinging the oilier wvay. The
treiii of the twentieth cirs ai'ay edu ca-
tionis letoward ai b -iso o f indus-
try, commiserialiighsts. .,tics,,anti
government.Ithstio; years to
hi-gthe Ansersemn mis .- .s round
tii a tbroadeninmg oh psi.,: h ut now
iiist of the leadin i !.:ifions of
learhiiigiire ofierinug -ii" u. rees in
umoideris studies teerisle, uais.
trof. E,.C). Joiies otfVW seeiisiiiUni-
versity, representfative of thle United
states af the Paris expositioni, detyart-
meiit of inidustry, aiid lecturer iii 'In-
idistrialh tesousrces of *tie Ciiited
States" Oftfthie-University, is our of the
foreiistsf expoeneits of thle un-w
regimse. ftc gsrinted the felloinlgiii-
teei-ses ilu:
tHese tar shioiilitthe trevailinig
policy tffia eounierciiol suntpolitical
eduiicatioe li-carried ?'
fhie genesral technuicail courses such as,
priiiarily, lihi study of the production
of \ueafle ,coisuumercial lass, idminietra-
flollti an t siofstis . This shehot be
baioiishosoit goiistfraiinug ini history,
elsemeits of econics, literature,
phylsicsaniii iiafhieinafit-s.
i.v itti such it feuudatieti the youiig
i11111aii(srung tiiward iiitusti"A t aishpo-
litical lifi' is reaidy to rond (.:aniu-
caon itoi suit his piroposetd c :eer. For
thie imiaiuuthiug to a life in ',lii iteid
Stafes courseseshiouldtbe u uvitheti oi
comminercial georgraphy, advanced em-
um-rc ial geograpehy, ladvansied coauier-
cial law,-.publuic servict', insdustry- in the
Usnitied Stares.,oind higher studties in
admsinistration osnd statistics. To eqnuils
thi- setntupilannsisng a eareer in f or-
eigni coninierue sirtiolitical life fliers
sthullii'essisnercial geographly, conu-
sular sirs sc., theory aiud smethiods of
foe'ii trade', ands a thieriiigh traiimugi
iii SivaiitishlI. say Staiash, because. this
fustraul audsi StlmAmnericani countries
offer Tire-riniireuthy 015 oteiniig for
yoiungli4 1n. Juset as se has-sthur'Mess-
roe doiieinipolifics so ss' shiousld
haveiita'Monro-e toctrine" in iilutls-.
tSpts51 is time hmiguauge(if these' ceui-
trii-s. '11t'hferor esay Shpaish firsf.
luld ln ermalnlianIsi 'ellh iniidet-
usinding orutr. ruii cisen-ti are fhe
pioorest colounizers" so theiirus fuhe'ast

N ew
SSecond -


8S0-1:-U1) tRUN. This'-J. tHou (iini has goeld heed misruttithaustoll uue.
13luise se-n, Spuleting secondi; timse, uugluim thei'eu-e-du iiuy ise t-le se- "'usthu fathus' senudinug a hey 10 oc(
2_uiun. 12 sec. N esuge or shoes' surrey as shuewill. legs' theure is thus questieuu: 'Ituus
t MILE tIUN. ~Whaltevr'the uIshuuiitioi of(ithe U. 11ss1101 Iiluushouldit he giveni to us course
Mauil seem,"IKellogg seclit. luster uot A. gilisoyrhut'.sheu' uillhh iu1uegilli ii i igohuur i-umsieeuiliisl" Olebey
4. i(hu : luils. 4 iuimm. 53 st-c. i f!10 jolhlielutious sue-st -'ridhoy eu-si-sig. goe h oll-e'ge-. 1h'u etihis--sii(ulee'
tHItGH JUMIP. i~thuet stitl-byutuhusioftwoisv eiks go intos uies the thi'fme ths- ussu
Cnrunstrmig ewoin, P ft. 11 iii.; Barrettutots-es-lwuiosofiuutuirs oluuil th1ium- auuimsts hu ette eseh. hsi
I ecesutP f. Siii; Carkthist,~ stu ii hu shmutess f tussuuuuu ymumni uliueili. NuowsCliumthis'collegs maim
seod-- t 8il;Gay hrof.siuuss to gluze'weistfullhy upon Mueighits,"lforIh fifth 0u-sr to tauekepsituusiahl
r. 11.deiedlthieni. seuslk !itsrseill thaut ue giv-inig the inon-
SHOT-PUT. Thme plity tos he givens unext- Friday college mess too great si head istart?
'fliere esere- but fosur entries in flue evensing promsisee smusch iii fle wsofsi The msatter stepends on circusmstancres.
.shout-ut-Roebisoni. Swseeley, Ilerrns- socil enjoymnit. Plasehave lieerimThe swell-trainedun uiiversity-usanus ibhe-f
stris i asd Weber. Thur uistansces were discussed, amid defisite arreangemsenmts for fittedl to hadvanuce thans Isis fellos.
ase folows of the thre-e that qualified: uill seems hi completed. A detailed ac- And euro ho has caught up to thes ue
oihbiussos, P39 ft. 9 is.; Seseely, PP3 ft. countu of the psarty wiliuappe'ar lsater. easily outfstrips. them, prov'iutsg sit
7 is, amid HIlrsstein 32 ft. 7 in. course lie be able (and faithful.I
Ihehiusonss record surpasses ithat of 8ol o agu teeidsra
huset years inner by 5 feet. Women Enjoy Swedish Folk Dances shudntagop heeiutrl
courses too high, holiwever. Imstead
POLE VAULT. they should hbe placed -oms a level wvith
the pole vault, namely, Fishleigh. and w'hich ire being participatedt in ear'ls take :theum and coninmue cn ithviitime
Divl-es. Dv-orak, time 'v-arsity. chain- ev-esinig at time Baruour (y lymmaslusm, ws-rkin i their sesnior 3-ear.
plosm, did nist compete because re- are, provinsg a gmeat sucess. Timent- "At this point see come to timemines-
strainmed by Director Fitzpatrick on ac- tenduhance 'his been good and conisider- lion of .the classical studies. They are
count of nn injured heel. able pleasure and ainusensesit cams-. beautiful sod round off a mam well.
-Fisblighm cleared the bar at 10 "ft. -ioned. All college women are invited M'1any great men' in polities and buzst-
while Davies succeeded in cleating 9 to partieipate. Gamges will begin prom- nes 'have received' a classical- educa-

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