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February 14, 1901 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-02-14

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U. a n, on-Conference Colleges Having -Their lC NEXT N UM BELR
Published Daily (Modays eotcptddirioe Thi ultiatunil of the nos-conterenceI IN TIHE
Colegesear, at cll ea N tnerntCstr of the 1o. I. 1 A. C O U R S
lIE UNIVERSITY OF MICIIGAN was swhedloted to be st out rester-j S L / ~~ u II~5
dybyterrepesetatives In (h-' s L . A
Argus Bldg, Mai St. 36 S. Stats Steet. cge ccrdn t IQP.Mupy7t
Boh 'Phones 13. Nw Stats Pitoito12. Nttre i1taine, it joint letter Signed by j^ '
hnd boi y W. J. Pringle (f Grmnol
MFA~nAGIN EDITOR, ttd by Wendell Huston of Drake will
. 'ii r. Hass, itbit Iiailed to tite athletic hoards of coln- H O N .9
BUSINESS MANAG >ER, i-tro o i e otference colleges,-
r'. -as~et'atL 'a1 1ointll05otsP'!ty oettof ~Mntto e t b U
BOIT'ORS: pIntLit-tritibh a e ter ill stattethe
ATHLEtTIC.", - G.. 1ui tai ar.'~t1t o l,:(t teiit Ow -otfe elet itpieople"
____ _i t is' it itt-(l ore tifthe bit i e n
A. H. itloAIb~itL .5. W. A. Krttr i..it L j till :l aciftor tttetie tieilnents to (Chicago Alumni Numbe)
_______ ntohe b ml vt Friday, February 15
aI. Aitt' titit-titiPca s-,'o L ll ti lts: :110]111 t1" acetiforiill deal
W.A lsittTa, 'o; . I Hitis.IO ttlit ittit tiaittradittliSitn tf theA. I sot .-
l1thc Ithelit' liitetgilgsiiittee The letuie by Rev. D. A iliseis Indefinitey a0ostptloned0o1 c
The subscrpion tricesat t b AIsi 1 3-i0t itieit e ret tt Ilwi lit equltlrepre-
los the college year. witha regotr aar vryN v lis
elts nionach ashyi. Noties, sotiLt~ilca- sett- nI)11theli tiiagitig ce11ttlee Art Noveltiestnefil~bfa-,nlil.t ha h liilltyo l A in utb aaudina h, (~ ole
befores3 p. 1., 5ta s a eti 11huit-ik- tL- frars ' i t titit it it tiltant ilistie' ifereitee.
SeMyro rmy. it a, tt t iat t t sili-t-reinitii'ti .th er is .Decorations,
favor by repiorting promptly at t lis tth canty 11t01t1th st'tiitita liedlstseeik.
tailors01criert todti-ore got turs. beH I).'P.lturpthv of Notre Dametiald Frames, Poster Mounts
All chtangesn a itisrugma.
laths offis by 3 i t.o theitsday : tI ,os t oattt it styy trtity .
thitOt wic iis ia 5 lHhtas hll t K ruitititte.ioot Don't e deceived, anid all Art Supplies
Lyttih uurkdte tgiiiii l O it itttinsfti thhiuirantittioti its Trade mark stamped
nsteLat fulls srl u t titoil t grihth i rlroit. utbe i i ti atSit'ttthe ,a edd istatitisure elesctattiotion sole of every shoe.
startilons tooear ly. Slull.hoyittlg ts thits n oafitsces tolleg(,' lonthis We are sole agens DFRIES' ART STOR,
last yeaiewa snttwh t w ttli like eitittitit e e s hais tipl'heit.itgetlt 14 AIYI AN ARBO
tofot'lsSi.ttt tiiil r l tiiiinnualteet Iniehitige, iipwn Geo. H* . ill~er, 27 S 4h AVE., ANARO
dtea Inext ear ut. tanty peisswill itit ite atit ~stIS sthii tae tsat ., 0
bid t h pa Il st p astItIIo beit oll lWi edt tih lintg he hane liirel' r.titt'tls
onl lt' tir erdiuti.iichi io remem'ube. uuittluiteoste cat h toiiiis- ltt-iWEDN.ESD AY, FEBRUARY 2,
h~ts-s- sl tt tt-'tit'uttti win real iateiiii t gaitst. It wellts 1t iltme.
srs t taet-ietheI i e ui gshltitdnly vwavyld thittheliicon feitetici rollagas tie' itlitht Retturit and Fat-eitel I Ft p t of
atd itiiitt is ihis ime 'to bigidn st toI'is hure. Accorditng to the oigiinal AM -s4 C '
ftll is this time t qarle c oun is olti.so tec o 'iiie 1 it-thgI
iitiy ilithly as foobiall plytirshoul shitll lit' tetettmitied ity t iiiit u-aof Rlalhi. LS ite Drm
lo itytit dati ndli' woiirkaih y tht h e h hi f wnnsutititlu hlltie 1 t atid
it-ttui nexat ta ull sill lit'vety ft'ioAli' colliges hit litti1 th0 'llt'gt. Ion
shouItentl atill Otitiashi tititsme ttchi "All q titetitas xtotten ti ihiletis111V11
the rdliethitila.d fit-citittiof th t'eltf int arI' hanutitati a-iieart-ofti-ar -, V
Ittitit' 5 ( ilttihigof hattwngilht o 31 tilgti
.liiiia ofilutthesthieldlldiltii(i Belasco's O n ) oBy
oeii ahu'itt irte -icli tderth-rlitisofWi' stateoi't 1 lnt-it-Ill"ti a' David eaC 'Ow Co p n
utti« e, tid erilshti- u cy lt o
li) tt uii' sh li'ih llitil t 6 lPRCES: 25, 35, 50, 75C $.00. Seat sale Mondy.
tO t oobllshol hiatvr' they maty iiit-i-l~e We shaull_______________
- __ ask __ ttecfrne le ptt oif lentitsit h atndTHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21
It ttill tdtittleicis eta nyiutiyait- Itlilatomitittee t'of thrst'haltll latesthis The Original New York Production of...
featt 'iitirothiutftt. Wilhli t. Sal liii e to ultetntts heiteligibility
~ ~~" R Z N"1t'. Lii le cuad er iof the ( h'lieg o oig e tity if hy etite tautilpritets td liy a ly
of Etdhitual CUR lt, will Spea1k t the i-uittiliilitt 1tiititi .'
Unilltaitn church nest Sutndauy 1mo1-1 BY AtaUSTUs THOMAS All ofthiod 1vrie
tng. dl. Salter is wiadely aild favor- Fraternity Houses on thsFebruaryatut
whbly knuis a t writer oii social andalMdion Seat Sale Tuesday, Febua 1 kth,9. 1.
hilosohical Subiiiits. It' Is taso a- ____________________
elauttiitg speakeur. His themte still Ite: .bill tuts iitrou cedtti-sit he n legislt-
'The Scohe of Moality." tre f lisconsintbyiu~Sslrtoitr 1Miller of
Olliisuiti Monday proiditig that this EVERYTHING NEVV5 EXCEPT THE NAME
Oil Painting of Dr. Kiefer (r eielulette fraterities of this sttte___ AT --
-' uttiisv rtsit e i cii' pttotions o if(thi-i
veasity ctmuilhts eiri uhuehito ial tiit
Tuesoduaytres tacied oii shi- fruitenity botitss Thtulll sso tproi
litii iiint ury'S are stres swiduow ided that Itit Oeilty ,shah st'x'rist
letritttilt till ahititing of lDt. Ilet'- e rvit5'tsini tier stililfrtethnitits as5
itiarvealhuslily acurate liketiess tuu ld auhtityuiti itiraofi hit'fruteniitiis I0E'
motdi tistic work..Bhtlt hisfacti that __________,__I_
thie wva: it that of Dr, it el'-son it Chf 'oeure de
IErhs-, tow- I lro1iiliearftitnt P U -o Uiesel IL I
lt111x, ho ofquite as muele 1litehise.a I'~ ~ iinUivrei
thise picture itsel. nY
hueritearhy 00 years Dr Kiefe luas Walton, Sagli, and Champier IHGAECGRTBCOADCGRTE
besitlcloelsy identiirtd with this oti'te- .AhIIOESSJ(30;OUTH STATES 5TREET titGAECOAS T1A)OADCGRTE
E.StSof th Univrsity of "3[Cli T et re pobhethes- ofthit tortrcived the pSIt
'tSIOit Pe Is andtud utSMdal ual the Ptars Ex- EI AN EeRS . p OUTH
As regetnt of thut intitutio, he,,i a pOstiOn ewe its ealenises Alt sorhts old on ] uI, O TATE
iteh hiswentirs time all attention to saistriertes only. R ®
its welfare. Last pitig the msedical _ ~ ~Ros htfrHAtttuTREE
fuitulty decided that theinsintitution .Redmtfond, K~erro&C. , _- _-________
shsou aei0 astdigmemory of IBallSreNERS l r OlillUl SANITARY PLUMBING-AKR
Dter Tletdertmet heydand ttentisntitdt o 41 Wal Sreet, New York r ER~ LECRI CowlCONU tiJCTON AND SU>weLIS,'
thlaerthepatrktmetutheyade oisoed o* U UI~ Se fASIND 1KWATERII EAIN,
hise h wr ituslaudrfrou eTaoivedt dita geesrali baknh t-.t 207 E. WashigtnStreet. 9 AhIiitSIC GAt AND ELCTRIC FXT-oURSi
well-huhoeti muthdcsmpetent artist. Reesadpsisshijetto drut' -ends .HIGHos 0102GRADE MANTELS AND OGRATES.
_____ ati interest coleotd and rOhi,.. Aol as
Fiseuuh Agnts oetnS negotiatetoe itsseof- _ ____
>OSI ('1! +eihroas, street rilwas, gt companis, t. Weaehdqrtstrevytin itelneofuihngfr
ecuriies 1bought attd sold on commsion Warheduresfreeyti~ntelneofrihngfr
tlll .ruittertof uuututitttu't(ttfthu ; Membtersa Nata York.Eachage. -students' rooms,

c Lls t itetrary EI~t hav iuiig LAMPS, OIL SANS, PTIOTO RACKS, SHADES
rhiu t oflt 11111i1' 'h'ulio~a t., lu It t tEALIN t! I WASTE OPAPER BASKETS, t L'IJS :iOiS.
it itheli S. t. I,. hiuuis t hiy 'awu HIlGH-GRAD[ INVESTMENT SEA -: " '[S. (Out Prtces You Will Always Find thes Lowset.
tug, tit ho. 0 - m ~ 5h Luistt currettofSrimrso ns t 5oi-=anionI I R H I IS B Z A
I. 11. .' -t\ lcOtrt,l l. (ii it j HILADELPHIA 001112SPONDENTS. 1"!K T ' s A A R

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