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IfYou Lookl Us Over
You will agree that out, $3.00 Hats are the gmag
possible va[ u e in Quality, Style and Price.. .
A 117M~
htest 4'
444 4:.4 AA
aai*3.44a i33?E333333? 3 3333 !? si3aS13 ? 3?E3? 3s3F E 3 Fts1 s - 1 3 see r
Prof. om Beor: the Political Science Prof. Platner Talks on "The Roman AlriClcs
NIAGRA FLLS OUTE Pro. E.D. Tnesof tie Universiy of 151 Tit(stuenii lettre roum -s",wel U. of 11. ine50c to $1.00. Fn
THE SHORT N E- ' ns'n ae tatalk -before an sipentilOledtl etiocinaat te timeo all- Watch JRepai ig ia Specialty.
THESH01T INEtnuetogfthi fe Politieal Suen e club nonceittetdlfur roLfv. I 'lamer'((toe ol
last evening 0il the Paris Eposition. Ext-ttrtiomttsIn te I lnn orunn. . L CHAPMAN, JEWELER,
A NN AR BOR TO wt itheeal referene itte exhibits liutilg to (Ioelay il rtii, the 20 Main Suth.
OH ICAGO iii the sot-at scienee ptlentttt lettir-s-lit nt ti-ir until aTitutit30it.
Int iartcProf. Jones sittthat uwhithe i tt-totoniile Prof Srott etiloed ( { i H
BU FFAL1.0thenumberit(-tofiternattionmi (xlos- tetie ttt(-itflt l'tt ig'ttg ot l HAIN DIH $500
NE OR ions ha becoite so ret tht they 01 k it-tities o dertt 0-1ho01 3 pint size, pateni lamp, handles
NEW YORK e o oit, n atttg b oe, their katatge tiott is.Tet111 i ts a tbtttttittt ltton hot water pan, absolutely the
AND BOSTON u stitlugreat ts al ewtitt-tctg fot-ti. itleturetdtiveiredt-i ltst sinrtg. betitonfrhepc.
Itsihri t nt Paris Exptoitin t S-l'ot- Prof. uu-it tita thto- txf u-tle-et-- on o hepie
With tireet connectionss5Chicago for St. si-u(erittw ait dttithe nite~~d Siats --~i('<tte 5sot-i t. oriteitwille iven Wm i ~~r-, Arnold Jeweler
Louis, KansasCt, S. Paul and te west. Oartt ems aoe ain iltelsi1o.l'e~ i h epiUal~
Er information and through tickts call on tt it-tts.ts-~tt iiito ilt, i f i lktit t t ittittI
ore write to I. tW. HAYES, Agent Ann, Arbor. ttettLltt titttl. spe-ittal ttettttittttttrtis .tl ttutttttei tt-' eittit ,xe 1i tat,,i I t
A N E si ISl roitut,a ffi i i tit-p iti t s fil o le t : )t difclse ,tt nevet r ttibteforeA
aas-~ -m-ra~mww'-o- z-I vice(ofthel,,,o,,,, stini-itiea ttltie, ittt iii itadepbic.itrfI tstiiteINT- VA
TIME TABLE fitkts slliig t ifroin_tottiSi15,-i-itt-i- wot o f i-to iaitit ttvv t gltt ithei
Taking FEffect, Sun y, Say 21, 0899. l'irof. Jot iatti it ut t hattitttt t -(r I oi t 1t1t1tit hatwit "' nantth
Trains learn Ann Arbor by Central Sian d- ittioivttiso -dtltx de-itittin it cii-s i t a ii tiit-io . ad ' i I1it
. rd Tinte-
_____________________________________________ iteitofit titipiotttiti. sd eii - tto it , hI t t-I i-ii e-,lped 1Itoiti t i :ttttt
SOUTH NORTH a. to ltig oti-ottttttns ine ttntofotolih)glll' -iiI iiii ~h lisi4vr
No6-S725 .tON . _ A50_ a , tkenifroti-theii,- t lii t, 'at-1 II n - i ti,- itt--one it t hit I fi e tfttoitttoi te PHONE 106 - 515 E. LIBERTY S
N. 8,-1:35A. nI *No. 5-i2:30aoe . EXito it ioti g~t,,id il5 tit too.titilt i l" WAS the sritit-oit Vest, ant
No, a-8:35r, t . a- No. .- 4: . m.s ,,-,1 o}'ag-frttt Niet Yrkt-ti -to r i-. ittll itn-tis ft reds tiof te
'tan beteen snArbor and Toledo nty e v r1rt i oi iti et "itto. ti ottt - ti - toi l ei llode." l,-:s6-
W. T. WIVLLS, Agent. t ll toithe I - i'i f(on rf 'an rSo e h lts i- t
W i. REN',TifT.f. 1'. AI thigs. o thertu ft alittProtf. Jotnes ct- tints i in the i gi eatbtitms. tie --F
A o th e itpiri teit tf art, hotwetvti.- _________li-
The Railroad that takes the tttt tit) m~ ioer mtotbe ttgiei to te MtaitattanantiWilon Bros. Sirts I1 --- -
BuiesI n u u111it jilt Th iss thde sioigst forsle ait Watlhans, Ryani &teule il:.-6
Buiesgnadu-t tfthbIt iu lil -totile the falio- ---r ___
of Michigan. i~ttiiitt teau-ui tsn-theetke.r That's the naine---ALTLR'S JEW TSLD ETBL TAN rnc - --huh ha h a :R.-Y ' y 1
TOLEDO, COLIJM"BUJSi-iadtist upii (terai it thsatid Alit-ittClotks,- at HALEIR'SJEW-' -
and ATHENi1~S. "L tit e' ii.wich weritm'etiate- and .
W. H. Fisher, L. W. Ltndmtns oer hlif f wtri iItf-ild-fitiltr-ialI e linesrittono-grapha anti other Uic- AN EE OPENER.
G.i. ,. Tra. Art- mtt it - It I tit open your eyes asoo the cady situ-
Coslumbs, Oto thtc . h ttfotr l it,,itiltorisvter. tsreoty' fany letter paper lnd pads in atiost if you have never visitedHaik's. Irop
ot til tiito lit i t--it ilt,rtttt itt te ity All styles. Selaller's Book- iii there todty. Swpe one of our ciocoates
eeriYpiat nd Ann Ar- a O tolttta ir-tai-toittl rt-. OS.MaLs."Allegretto tye" we nmae and sell at at
Detroit, Ypsilnnti tielid n -c,11 .\fiLSt ets. Every vriey of ansyandosti the
blor Railway.-fits dIl 'otf European goo" illttti- M'iti llgt- __best yo'lltfind at lANSTEIt ERSt.2W E,
Gars leave fr Detroit ittts Ypshttla it ri,-ttim iitbi lhou l li- r tt -l,-,- - f utt tre uoottiofied witt ou Washicgtonittac ate toe.iSTen lyve
every htotr beginintg at -15 a. I n rt - I'i oo n o r ryu ihteea nay-tl.
til 9 t-s p iii.After tatiitoetroit at -i ttitt ii ioi it tlrltryuwotit x osyoye
11:15 p. no. Waiting rtoms cornt-r Anin- ______-- hes Wsere iti little less, go idow-i and g
mnd Main Ss-:f Itsoittl lGriswoli t. 'talk-itI- AattI 511LIItS At-nuIStAror OusieC. tf UIII ~UO
ars eserythalf htor Stturdayos att1i1
0F rtti rtn2itI i it titis ittritgs atGOODmetr egilation Se Tble,~nri Cstsn
oniteromit2-r1.5ttt: 7g:1Jaip..Ir.,flOo.deceEverything Nerwng andenr
ao ttatctibeo hiasondotE~,Wbaeels and LANDother thr I-_Bos.' _EvrythingNeWan
ona Property. offiteatresidence'1 . tBest $ lat made is thte Howard.tI itcties tar stdents' rooms at Strl t -o-at.
Liberty steet. Alttbusinesconfideittial -
ours s5> rito 38andortitoh4t WtithliihstORyan & Renle sole agents tit iii ,ro Booktoie, 116 SoAlain S.07N nie'-t v.' n ro
p m JOSEPHI CWATTS70 unvrtyA.AnAbo
P.oi a1e astand an dnd - 63 ast-hatitim Street
o athM asage otamsial- H } HEamer DretrJust ue baitfatlohwest
~ T IZ G T DY'5. r Pt4