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February 14, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-02-14

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.....Our Special ine of....I FOR BETTER FOOT BALL Prelimtary'rack Met SEC'Y. WADE NAILS A LIE
Foreign and Domestic Meeting Held Last Night at the Gym The matoageiuentt mutilia gei Uiest uhrte tAkn
-Evening Practice to Start Next reaatosorheiekIttt.tt For a Special Appropriation For
FA3 RIC1 Wednesday -More Team dtyigtt nlherfot hnitt Science Building - Medical
Work and Less Star rerddbitireccohi( il Department in Need of
SPRINGeveolig. Thre oiiite quite an bio-
FO P I GPaigt ete vatioti this yer it slpc o genii More Buildings
Watchwordap e it which500 iithen n dd- "-herillhoo -owrote tht simply
has arrived and is ar- =1 second session of the U. of .11. fot- saigeiei c50;ce niliied," wooi Secretry Wlades comment
ranged for ispectionl. baii teoat was itlh in the Waterman tLoon tthere tyii s-he 1)bout to0or nore on o loonsing secatillinthe Free Press,
We have the largest as- Gym. iast night. dozen ettoSis pirt ot the floor ot tiitst wehich stated hac the Universiyre
soriment in the city' Aul or theM" men were on hand, ea- who are not Itin tioliet pliaces tin 0(ents were asing for tottitropriatin
ept Catit Sotw. The tReseri-es and ittte crete sets. ic $250000 tttbuildta sciece hal.
cldoetin ewmen,iiniing erry Utley, ~c~UThe re etartsiretttsking for any
~ ot Out it veryiii teon. tiset iooiitisictaof w i irottiai ot t i st ra iiyie ,onnect-
IIN h tciktatrn e outti also. Utic h iitiscncii tit ie iitc s ttk for on
~~J. RI. VVLL4 ut o~~~lf il right aiutitht it t i e t e ivai- iit. ti ttto ie iatw h te
H " 1 Il~~~~epet iiitry ticrtuartertiack.ra '1cIat aethtw h te
io8 E. W shingtonSt. (titt ittiti White i~rector ttiri totas tolii.tiotiit i o eitildotr 1 piti oil riitIn tte stdient body, and
I~ as i gt nS i tI tittiet muttesitirsect audm eett-s. liii judtges ill te lie. fti- ti t eat ofiieitt "iticeur-tities ih
tle hei tig tiroti- il,. Nit-viiic e t. ie0lt1meio. M. i-ii S ftIt ir'iiii'beliees stitttd te tuitght at
er1 i - - -l po-it silmui.at on P it u ti- Uniesity if tie ahoati- needs
t uiie i s tin ll (l)Il tetuutve-i-i- it. i-- -stooktt be hi t it iwouuld tke $400,001)
C LOR tfrlib u vilenei rmo
[15uwho il-r moeuilou-t-tte i-sg-ii tt -iiii i iu i ttre it th oiversity atithorities
litg iiti-ii titi1it ati.'otiel d. Siti U itterit - tiriatioitu arsttO o o tig so ha
I ti tlst oenxtti il itu ei tot-liittiisWiiiigeti tlt liy tnyctiiott tte t-o t heinn
to r i icii iheliialongt tenteit utur ithu tost ie P of.Ti1i Sicicy 1 -illto-liter ieu otnit traiottlse
ii tn ~fcli- -trt ttsesetADir etor ite i-itt it id g ,coutri of t isit anttout ra-nI teings isotht
th t ieds tooe limn Iti~ t i tl e l llee ttu- St tr h y - otl si-i li-sitotneyittiont ri ng i
XVI L D I~~Sto vo nst Oos tes his i-ri tec-etone t stiolici att ttot irin at Cit x atsitoiiiiri lda u n mew b tidi tg iT
p ~ ~ ~ ~ lmerupte.i I t tegieth m it -i iuynt tls m , eet o ee anditit orieit 1t~hii iiriigiyaleuttvbt
A lrn t g tit--- iuteit- i tt titt i ati iebe-fiittti. onyprlret o i tt-I y ititistatiProm st e, ti
YOU K OW werc o get ti iilit-magii i-ery firsite -it tti.t1Tt- the artieten Wte- teico-l itt e ommitii t iler
1 pointte towaridi iticit- tu eeetsi t to diiicusivbti-ti aipitt iati on i- i-tea
51 E.] Jollya3l8oSe otateletchiet e ruses of Asithe metat(i tit Cit o acttestt f
___________tit( 1 lieu ut-tutu - oili ' u s it t ol af a eeti uttayrNig tur uiytutuould isee ielis ttuitin uuand iim itt it
uHR A Y Co 0 tltnd ollio isi h veu- ,eniiioul beoaflin_ at tth- i utu tiut ue-ibte
st lit ;uiii-uth n it. T e-itt tilt pi - ia f O b ilig i
Iwork. t -- tueili. tt uuuurlidtii uist itit- tutu t I- S chto tit-tittuit -iitake itimu-tu e o-ft
t '+h- iubiiyga o pt ftsit titt-lSitu tir
WIitt-it -uelu-euleu-thug iitttioilti totiiutitDEC
YOU KiWtt,4 ioiet...i1hi )1t -ictsih-r c. uui A u ti te<t , ^at S-jt t oiiuyutitm
Chocolae Chips Tool ti citil.utifnsiieniti-ten- it
oso ussuureitu i iutuihu eeu t sutit-hho teh-iiiur ome oters
isihi I < ofutum ttrits ii ie fali utehtst toi u-tgcethei i-eu t o beit- itlrt it nregtiltsnoriiihooid ettf
(T~lE ORI INAL) Po t i0 te Il-u -tite- ite ie ii cuti ittes tm ec h euttoit tutu uiutt suiN etht tii et l l wh
ANu11 1V 0e wl 0 eutuhe i Ibe Ut i i tut u iii-L t el it0 ei-u eitmi ite ul urt itt ii- Iii u 0nt hti e nDica,
tiu -- ttili Is ii1u)tttiiiii iioiit tut tlt
40 M O KEts ertlb. iihii t1(.t1uu1i t-ui o l lutlit - i- t 1eittu i iii Ii tut tut ciiont0c t i tte]es 1 - Q(~+ em
Siui c. titue Vti.it-icii t ii l eul it~t tututi tl-uteicsiuim. Tiu tut utiti i ut
- - tle~tli Mon ay Nght li it tu-laiot tutu idm in uti - of
CA P S DRE T RE te it-t. itiiuu.K-hy tt tucu umgot titlrty te te )c tit- ptestuiuwh ie litet ttle-
y tt, u t"<ues fuitie aic titei tit utu die p cilcutiom by Iit t i ito1 thuvergemouut itt . ftu h e nihht e tut i tu-in c t tuut
- _____ ___________ii lit ,irtuii pt - -- ml, a uti comc mmuu hertot l itiu t t t motud0 is uto it-m etuuitit tit hem.iutiiit i
.5. .~ Cooetlasent si laol, ati cal Crcom'n t outs t ll ote iegr } et- y teui t i tutuimhptutti-t aleit iuit is forute
y, . 1 lia( :ti~ tdarr o tlui t in l n l tu ls day-tin t he istor y ftur icumn the usinte i ullteuh i l - t hitu re-sit tue
T r w ri g: p tc o't te" rean r ls lt isl ur t , ins u teuution g101 i ilui uu, Cmnoi, tttii eiiei-thi ouctl tiustiomuti tuttit
(, Unvershatl _ _eacni r , oct( llarrwii t w ulig
Ch c la e Ch p 1 lls esi.wo' olehr a onrssmlutuion tit rass held i nnto uludtot ulttl-it I"ls ltlgsauecms-oters
I -iii A, hd- xx Sit- oou te fit altistelime d et thei-uuutt men- uitttt- t--i u fCt eiii
(eTEO IIA ) Psilylewl eebfoeteo ahlrofat. ter lou ion t tutua t it tic-ilkeif t tic wiI
xt i-h~t-t h) futumeyeuuro iteutoric ii timenewtit-resity
I--iprintg tuttts.emest ttirrends. cuu-sall i t e tilul te eett i it ut-i ct i-to ti g idh) te iii ft u r i t-u
t tutiihutiumt uutututc liii-In iansfulutiteimimig IIr lteocc-ssiu
1, OlJe-., n S IIhatioeim.bi te old Am ntit citonhsehi. ot utoricll'Lu d
<r1oitotfacu t eutrohih myup o b e rul Iitm t - tedassutry T u ieg;sirtltm
TnhTi llbf h rt ac tluuS ni to ii sigtitt l i bi~ eit h litfeit stiiliuefth ii ut hsuieto
Q Un totN0 y Sietuto - t'etu 5-" W o ot, I idedae iliiet cl wue t ead nmiinisoni st ittun ieowtutv
~ xtu, t-u oorul B . o ton, ime cegres t t dsussin.S Ti isIor iars isii rtuem .rbr cuinl
~CMP S 1RU SOR itx, Ielt.hlti, U. W B elly,Gbip A . taedonood___________te it
Sitl -iitt ah ll. Itin n teti ie utulo etlu i tir e sif ofatRfs llhIlItce
- it Sloi eiJ aCdospmulirii (.tt onm byoi e fS'aultym tiue itit be i-
---utii i-Mmh- -ty Its-ctueu Up hti-hwrl holmoem ltpe o i hll htt-rteitrimt- tt- onie vto r i tt
- - w iltrail IuI tt 1h itti.I x. ii uitoni e up efe1hi11 b tttoar of 1 2'flitole m-e0y1 thwrsn jye it h e
± ixoCo tetants Uti C ys (l it-t ltuuttattttti atii-llvtms i t eiui-st1mtu uui x~ mirItiii-l te l tmto lt
ts,+ S i tout IS ii+(tres Cyhi S -e r-uim t me s i cim m C is C rll- i s :ls lutouo mmi rutuiramle hefid remulm i- u
T e x t pinLNe\\ el I, . oKie IA.moon titty ttite, th u- deg r rp leer t-to m ae r omm i t u-totim emnum es h p int e nd 0I
F 02re-4;ml 1ih - ti S. Selmmmouittearitt-i-mm retlieiteci . curi y m gh te- tu avedlime A th eA rh b y-

!La tters --am-i-just line, ;too.tlsowever, 0 mmigit
.at Atsr Selotterb el,,tiother of Prof'. m~en~tiononm e ftlilinl. I noteced tli
VOepter services witl he resutnmed to- Juliuo 0. -Shlotterheek of tile uliar- boy-s diiillnot smtoke thme!best tobacco,
.1. II .MirsGee E. Hatreiter -nill sinth Imlctt l epartllet d cie dTuesday nighnt such 10 Ctlirolillt tl ihts Cigmarettes,
i solofrmut luick anti with tile chorus iln titillhlti. Mrs. Sclotterheclc-bat hwihmritsweet tandtipure,-(butt mi tead
VVS L&H R t 1s Thly Mercy, Lord'" by Barn- Iived in Ain -arbor-ainy years and smnokeut+is-ortbles tratsi' Tii is ami
''' i0 1 by Everyone is invited to attend. only recenily noVed to Cincinnati. i-dxertisement.

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