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November 28, 1900 - Image 3

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1900-11-28

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S ~before y, o o hme-
y'ou'll need a nice looking. at --
- You can't imagine what a difference
it snaes in a man's; general! appearane--
The " VARSITY"' is te pro pear hat-
The demaand proves. its worth-
I ~$3TO$
117 MAIN ST. S
The'Ntagara Falls Route." }j R o sefyouB l7Xin-ore l tIC I It inferior ones.
eRNTI L"STADA R 14ut 1 Now on the flooriat
faking cclSeptember ,1001
... Yox} ar .709- N. UNIVERSITY .PAVENUE Sheherle Music Store,
Detroit R iht tre ......5 55 AM. X. We hae on or tables an Entir- t- New Line nbW. Liberty St. Ann Arbia
Atsetckpe .. t45*'Gand ita ado ExIll . .... .... ......t1115 1"of Fall and 'Winter Suitings
Mail aad Varel.. . 7r«M.twi a Ynt seU. o' o !home fgor
N. Y. $tttean l ... 'I ilp Yut e s 45 t a5 ........ .....z:: t. THANKSGIVING
BataN RYY E flcfI ........$ " 0without one of Our
F.a.t andst ren...... 3 .X U. of M. PINS
Chicago aiExiaeee ... 9S45" ARTISTIC TAILORS,"
......... ..I .M. '4 M+3++. - - i, Arnold.) Jeweler,
1tawhp 7i ete.all it C on tianit frim
=" 3 I-ate at loest ra te. FullInfor- ------------.__- -_____
oal n an tppltati(0i.
o, w. HUGGLF-. . 0 a, . igsv , Last Practice Gocd. Biif "Le May Leave T
Q- F. ATAg~t, t Clii 0 Ae't AnuArbor.__
It1xPea -le e rtlrtihy it 5.5 tonsil, tlist' 11. i's itltkciy that i f" L Ie i awill NEW
. vnt Yr VO1 z i-atan i l ay 11'before, anti whets toCzrn .<>c l 'ri Miei gan uPlT40' i5 Yt STI .4... 31,...,5.+l, ..,.Y. 72..} h, .,n-ti Kh i } l fl I FNhI


1Caking OffaisWt, ~Oan, tay 'l, 1899,
'fralas irnwe Ano Arborieby ' entral Stand.
ad# Tinte.
*No. f4- 7:'21:1A. MIt No. 1.- 8Silo A. il.
No. ti.-t13:3 1r . t. ONO. .-I2:30 1P. M.
No. i.--- r: r . . : No. S- ttittir. a.
*'tin booe no; a kuu Arbore and Toledo only.
All trainoldily except Sunday.
W. T. WILLS. Agent.
W to. ItNNFTT. t4.1P. A

ste'tl it' i c fudetics'.iti siro' ~ti'gatt.wit t n4e N l T tei .'1 k . ii i I. (itO sAL ,
ting b; lit'for i'ill l ipot)sgain ts ls oI Saitrhday h id ottioi 1.1-N, 1te'big ~ t
loor;t. it.' ,t'tttri oo""iffy" 1&a'5 "fell, you l-o itws ou t;to 1, ii toegae beatti' prepared than ever
eiaredt, -tid l ii' tecrtos.'t io ter satis!letI yin 'tt' cotosig btt."havirtg added iwosrubber tired
than: for' 0111' 10.tll it'S11'itiiii tlkworki tis i le ie'tii"3tttt fs'ilott's ass
coaches to oirstotck.
of his puptiils. (*a. anti Knighit sits- uOl ttlt'Isleis toll.'t'lieiN' as5
eink0.1st their lsfornyo s a' eiiialo'~tt to 'to sotilog boil.Ho m sL v r
tilottg lbs e 5ilv'line tol0 i. the ' 'Vaisit An), stc, "toy f t ttr is ge'iliijg I lis..iey
go It for R+lseifr, brtitt .~l le1i e" Ed t p~att nstI niusi tllrt'lti ba tbe ttotIiie's 'PHONE 106, 515E. LIBERTY ST.
r5"srtis tloll ledi..t u s gcst is sanitl 111511e.lIt is a105115tilethalilt I ,quti _______
look as tslaeii' ll thie' t.'iiiiilint'e s l'e ltthe l5'Iyilllg, '11191111. 1f course, I1i111113
t~oili tiuliltit lird .stfttr' Mtks atdii 11l il) fromi Sirgisilstt.o is-ill 4 ti's''oo
eottlAist ideritailli -=eh l lIa5 j lit' lfoll' Nveek or' 00 t~i'lt sf is i, 005. 11151)a,
iioi'e labortlI hit' ~aitle t'l 'tit betni-w 950 olil"Ittlt t ai'sea OIsonIS5's ~t k.ItI, .'
before'. Siteeyvcotoirived to rest, bit i i ttiii gt's spll tiltd I 1 will 5s' t'
t'1er3'n- stlte b' Wis keItairti aicit, Ac-B ttIwisiie'siWnit Iia a o t'tii.'
(iottris being lrit' rt-i igil s ,t. baitck Inll I iii I n i1i o-10 iI stillto 11(11a itts' o
wbs're i' 111' Id be uSetil It(w ' ls e'0 i n" a . nryef i te gc x ( l_ l oi-Lll i re # I 'A"~t 1)ti~i~rt'iib

heRasl coad that takes 'the lit ubowevt'r, will itrobil'b. Itjr.e~v t u ii rg t 1.'Alf siP' r
Business In and Out tti'asthOlt . galli.sii ls V'iit ,'treti' i theg sa i r l 6'o7
o M ih "an. Io.sitl(,easit'ititoof ltiht u1tif,;n'iit'rt' i$,3,tti f( ti' tt o ri ttlS' '-ork, its t-. : I - , : . -,' ;
S SOLID VESTIBUJLE TRAINS We.bt'r iiay lii i ' bltI . (u S nOtow"-'s ss'.rti i.'. 'Il1o're is 1501 kisle itg 011it itzit
4 aI LY BETWeEEN 4 toltlO~'tl'oil tliil ?prtdlt It'' isy itt' 'ikent oi tuis l 'stitiftl l 10113', t'XI.'t by
TOLEDO, OI.IIU stb'''isttcssa'ottitfs' 11"1i)',('lilt "help kuloek. 'iets'" '.r
W. Ht Fistoet'. L.. 0I andotaIti, tt'if'r.lcl'tst-111 iip 'tov'ed :ss' -utl . t ho ll'i5t'et5td 111} is'shuiof hlilsi , ' '111tittiItl)t r() 'i'' 13 101H1U
(. P. A 0G a. AMic.t a; )l'11y Iea eyBtS{C(5i
Columbus, Ottusa. Detroit. Micli. .sl' t1s11 150lt''tVtt'eintsssft 'ter of attraction is stilti n4
1F1.BEST MtONEY AN BUY 'ttii'il si~ t'15 0Oi tllH-ink's fort' ll late and fresh
Detrot,'Ysilati'ad An A' cantdle's antI oys5tr,'curvetdin any
DerotYsani n An r lTtyirigers, 101c; Tlgerettes, . 'hit- olic11 artOltof t' M llhiilyeatethretr'
lbor railway. r syeaeihrtr.
Came leave for Detroit and Yoilnnti t'li11 15 gauille for i'th'ps' ra tsiurlbit 0 R. l'tashittgtoii. ill toSo. State.
every haf our , oeginnleg at 7:15 a . n.L St' -A. 0111111 cottts toct.4tttok stitli Jt ills t1"ill Its'reitoisti W11tishsits'(sts f
untib 7:45 p. in.";After that to Detroit 'ill's and olulsei-sls, jwist outido Gt'O Slt. IIlAT1iIl'5 fild si sei's.n tit84p.1,9:,..ad1:.5.m )fRleit'16d.Flerplhs. e- Y tY BlirdPlo,,
Waiting room, corner Ann and Main , itron't li a.1 l 5 iiion aatanrteioo' tadhlatiis, yan &Rueaesi t. eri,11Giwods revrf ,3a~nsfrYsln'i i Pickwick ulaio i aru Parlors
MONEY LOANED Everythig____1 urn1 s tlns,
on Watches, DamondsWhieels and other PI' $VX'lvet Clasfrr , i iak-'fs et otlsl iih0 tt vrtigNew and
snar Property. Office at residence, 31 ' oltilt: 1111 hak- -E t\ ole i inll stt
Liberty street. All business confidential. gtivintg Day. Glent, the Tailor; 25 per proper c'apelr for landriy -work. Fios It Strictly up-to-oate,
P~r. St JOa~S. aEPH CWATTS n i-oo3 1'.ty(sr .Wgnr 2 . at 1 707 N. Untl ersili Ave.., Ann Arbor
t~t'5'5.T5"5 S ' P s 1C"sts"rssss'tt,,~jes. 3 05t.ssj.
SMade by VIJRITAN S11OB Co. They do not, crack like patent -ether. You'll need a pair if you go hotine.-

U. ot ! Barber ace Mnonage a
pelaity. Fleat ENOU
StieD and Bath CMans Workanod t53

jE Elmer ani l~rU~n45 atWli~ nn w~
Yf I~tTR ., FUb jstan-half Stask West
~1I1I~tR Puara D~selsaJ a1w b dlg Anl kinds
2,. 3'fourth Ares; Both PboruShOOShope0'E. ~rtPhotos

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