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November 28, 1900 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-11-28

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_______pl____elf tntpl -1!A atIEngleuod high RA N UOR lSHINE
Jand i 5/.gin.
___-- ______CG. 1 unigan, left gaid, was sn-u TIhe1"00" $3.00 Shoe is the shoe
ibiihedDaly(Monday= sceprted)dtrlitti them.Yankt ,1S. iD., July 4, 1871,I.let to wear when the weather is ucer
Cotera year, at or tplert til with tile -Mankato \ tain. A ittle r n doesn't hurtit
TH NVRST 1MCHGN4t i t , -rtiiifak +a nitt 1 In -o while it afods penty of coisfot on
M~iOrt Bte h ni tguid o the Us aroty the warmest of days
Ar "iusiiit, Mttiiist.o e _r 6s st ae tI'sto m l ~m Uf. t~n-,a IHe is 28 crs olds5 ft But of course we have light shoes
xP'. t . 10 Inar 5. )~it -'hl and weighs 201 itudt for bright days and heavy shoes for
MANAGING EDITOR it i iil a rainy dy if youprf.
J.FSt S-i'n, quas. ackdaysprefer
o H. HN a-? ai ,,wa itIl, (kf. 51,1879. Ile -tx:\GLSSSHE TOE
lOUSItNESS ilANAGIIIC p1 t 5:battfi t eSt high LASS' HESOE
rV . ixinst, Sit t. schoelits186. i. e is 5ft. 7 in. in 1 Q ®r *0Ip ft 9t'
EDITORS: hight and welighs1'4pan .s. oe vnns w*1ix Ai4 fSrMici
w'.r1~lsrfs, r;D. Hfiror,''01EP F'* Fol, left end, 'was born don 57-restn, 8P t
~t.rilP~tS.Ia., MnS'aoii20, 880. anil first pltyemt
A.Hi. ICeionsttL, '5 P. A. Kennua,'55 feC ttl1l oSt Jeflearoit high schlol, Cthi'
ixi iL, K. OSaiNit'03 eCuss. DVORAK ofas g ndinIiz19. le wIghs 185 lpounds n f.f ODOu ,P Rxv'ILadi l.1 n.1 illt ~ p o t nt
______ - X. 5.ich, odkd, was hbirt July l16,
1879 in (shie-g). Ile afirst playd f toat- oriiintc-ne ou htte a noe
iball wisl he i t;. atndTrainig Sielo l Orian atue lzdla te aff11or
-- in 'll 5. ~ weighs 12 atntts and :is prodtictioni of fleeceditied underwear, which we
-tbicaimn ni-Tesay fr. ili~{~S' n iheight, bought at a low figure, anddue will pult ott sae
Wih itbInssue 'the fDaly sspnd A. pritsgad, wt ert (Pw- t ncttiig N('Nt INONPAiY.
pil'li~vio unil uesdy, vc.1. ee ityNeb., tDect. 11, 1877. Ito liesi
Mit-higanaototbaieatothed Pavis iti hgh 50 Suts, Rgular $1.00 Garmnts at 85c.uotil cIusd,izs 30 to 46
meet agaiit tnoareow to treitew hosti- hitgitidtteighs 1315 Paunds t 5jj y3' -u/f i ttis(7p)Otmdlt5. Every li
ts aind S ttle old soes . lltb, AI. ti,eu, end, boenslamnittClese- siaatet i ornass-btit as
th'pas-ta i etatpisi1his tltt, t. LHe ii 20yess olt, weigh,-
-t it yet there is stbt tsiet'by e-tiht, 153 its saitplayedt ottnlttgewto)d t
side to dfet-itt ilteotter list tieansis l igit tv-itaramin '94i-.
niuch to old gras t httttihe brutetit' 1 'Atteoos, left tackle , tas bo 21 S Man
wee t for flcpit' ~titttt. teois ni t tMoertt Park. IleIs 20 yersod, (211 SH A arborSt
ti-tm lit tie thit-MIllilgasiwititi' is I(,tfool: tall aid wights180 tsoinds. & A 1~D'
eather defeat titan Ciicago, atiut0I ~s'lefiesit:ainaed tn tlsie (Itawit(Ktansaus) _________________________________________
slabt, le asi tlattenttighit'eAiadenmy rttin
cit' do fr iie IIaroons about us. It is IF. 0.lHortot, rigWhalifbak ias -OODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
othis ies-ntut that e gami of i- ben aft Lunsent u, 5t. li is 2 3 *a The Only Burlesque Show This Season.
tiorraw will be stat 1 si with iteret od wlIs12 t-gadi-Sft,1
by et-ry Mchigan studtienl t ndgatl- in tl. He fist Ptayed on :Morgn i 1E TllEA s
a-e, Out of eight Cotsts with Sagg"s iIlk Aadensy t-s,a
men we Save cteaunt 1victorroul in . C, aey, guard, 'tts boat a R ID A r ER
ive, and we siitcerli' hpe and retalty Muaplettn, Muu. He is 22 years old, 6 j
beli'eve that when terkey is being ft. I in,-ill, andi first llay ed at Ma-
served at ti o'clock tsoinokiot Miehtgaal ~a-igtschol. - 365 DFIYS FHFF'ID OF THEM tLL
men will Abe tlinig h-owut-liii,'ares-itsJ . Ilcni, tieke, w s ~boansat Cot-
have sncittiu l s again sai W 'ilveritt a, ille, ie -is )l yeitissold, weighs s *q u r
DEERIEDT WN 171 psaidsanti s ? It, 10% 1,ltl., wn aetc uls u r
t sthi-at i'yest aMorgan Park Ir n's M j k
DETRMIEDTo IN Academity.
S\"i11. lrtltgt, 'lalftbiclk tas' brn-
a r Ittv , It H is 22'LI-ars oI, Direct from Irwin's Theatre, Chicago.
Xottinasi from iit itt as teight 170 pousttsand s 61NTt..Y EIA)HT4'UL
seyn "totattemp t oatlht a'Mkiciganist, evlshiyd asiIyear itt the 'Var'Pr.TIEICI EVR CEIGHTFNL.
li v'ttg een ios eieite htt-earicaoiesC1. ,Wsleise25,yas old, 1~at CEVRCOIANSJECSUMS j
h-ing pre itxpt t li e ns tail , 1ewW. Ies-nd,"0-as 'oast atghs EAUTIFU. SCENERY, C
itt' titi coleg e. 144 roundtts, inds first played olteA SCORE OF' IEAU ITII}SSlt LFBEA
Ned 'C, Iegle, 1901, pluytyii ii -al's Wist Aturorti ight sholNmi.t AND SHAPELY MAIDENS.
en his class taenti isfoet'ryii tte li IliesII5. lou-if afbaek, is 22 easTWO 1BIURLESQU ES,
' VarsiT 'this yea. 5He-is ai turvy Aa %v(tt-IgliS 14 lioundiitt , s SN tOLO OF H51101-CLASS
play5es'kinailnucever onet, his chief andI iiifalt,.at e it hai at Ht l's u 1~ol ISPE CIAL'TIES
rulitig sin og tta1-den styt fiuttbte.>[ettotit. l. , 'iis 'as. C e 0 1 T
t-urat- as Sss'el-'y.li"is notittelo
flest ¢atanis "tan-ty"b act":. ce-ihittg bttD10-'s'GO .AST2RAY, lBUTY S1SORRSotsSalt 0pens Thus Mrnn'
1) posat autls ati saisrti> 5Ifeteli Itoya-l Tigers, l10e; Tigrtte, 5e._____________________________________
inches-thigh. Ii ' has tii-'i tlsiiyed _______________________at__ - 'I O O
hi it half and iusfslriek.TT1 I
tony,"talt'itoir itinis adli ta jJ(3(3H! I HHEJEIITII111OWD___O__
11p H t itlthhnUecad ~a { ~ ut soc ky. Iett ss-iht1135ppuids an IV iit IUlIU TO
15 5 fet 7 uchus taill. H ires-it- The ,f tiItLCicgor y~3
feet-uuct ssgains-h at tie Atstit ppulrfout to * ag,
ight stabs-s-IChituigs-.Cl is 1t fist tutu- St. Louis, Kanstis City, Sprin)g-R O I y
no in ts a literdtds otiufolhows field, Decatur, Datnitille, tand all UA E *A
Aitts-t'et 1iii,t'trelt. ahu isi tai' mitipoitts Southtwest. ItB I. LI.. 1tpl II....s hn rs ritii I I"i 66f P R LO ~R S
ontlh t1i'- i-iilei int.tii- ii Conuitltiket Agents.
WEnit 55VShiat, KItLiauss iheld Immiediate Coilnection at Mlutti lltitNSsWICBIt,si-,('tiLiAittit'f kniisteq-tippesh with thut'latest atd
theta-i at'3itstitiof irt it -sits's i lItwih Contintetal Limtited. isaeNtriasko'noth-litii Vvii--
gi tktlarl ricettit , eli1c ti- 1. S. (iRPNt'OOt, M. I . . ,Tll ONLYI NiA DCH C H ~104IONSkIO NT
haeit it-i iveti i t hu: :oikuilis GP~hN I YI I f I [-j II I CIT
'VasiotyIfisstowig1 sin -t hardg'lii e dmod. err&DONOT liE DECE[VED-lIby ImitatoIrho adveriacettferior articles
iuckes t uti it reniusitets u' a e iu rBANKERS is deceive you, Try Us And Be Yuriwn(lustJdgi.
It uhsao inut ptllt strongi+ '1 1,as 41 Wall Street, New York YOU WILL MEET ALL PLAYERS OF THlE GENTLI~IAN'S GAME HERE
yea- et' ne ali ins-tI i 1tt cvats-i, auth
Is-eloist o llaitsItoig u-tcllgepktid Thust atgiens-rrobankitng buiir -e- C I',AND wt rt 1soa-s OUTH
wseth -it, Kans's-s City 'hitghi schiool.I tt' ueeti ots lsetter draft. itendsRt a toN
nditre sit s subl et tdAt of iuJderdr- T312
sehigait)101psi latid ttis 1 fise7 ~z alros- ,Ag-ns oc ad addregotteolethe issu of E1I ,L
Sctesil ogh, cc anhids'gas ropnies, e- ,f'I )TAET
titlis tal. Seritirsouhtad otd on coirsuwionm.TR E
The Chicagon M StrrNew Toni eange- _________ _____
Ke-llog-, ' I-, cuptattiti utiad itsti- , - iEL IN r SCHIU SANITARY PLUMBING.
1879, asd first played football sat IList ofcournisarr r napjpirnito, JI -F ' UW 9 SE ADl WTRbETI,
pan P ark Actidenty, in '9(.Il e 1s 5 f.Pa'HLADE'LPHIA 0ORlREt'ON NETS. 207 E. Washington Street. ARTiS5uC GA AND EtLECTRIC FaXTUEass
9 in, In 'Hight anth teighis 87 p)ontid. GRAHAM, KERR & CO. 51I1GH GRADE MAN TS AD RATES.

Heois a senior. _ - '--
James Itnusid Iies'y3, lt~t'hilfbai-k,.
va b - :'itinCl~i ag ,11., 'l 5}.24,1'76.
Ile fis played fcobhaLllaiiih eunge- .
wighdhigh [tl~ool, and Is a member THEShoesA
thb ,clans, f '42. IAs5ft.S8i in. InUt.UgIC1 41 SlEoesOEia
hegtuad wi s163lponds. 21 3 S.MAIN ST.
A. B. Sni r, full-bak, ao br-i ii
Sl~IS'sIll~e, Or tI, 5 t 2 :0, 1873. H ' a i t ''i'i ii' Ci

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